Your Sketchfab renderings seem different from how they appear in game. Like, they seem more detailed/life-like/something. I can't put my finger on it. Can you tell me?
If you meant importing the model to sketchfab and then importing the pose, then no.
What I do is pose the models in XNA then export it as .obj then compile it into a .zip with the textures then I upload.
Lol, that was kinda the point. Their models really look alike. The jacket, the scarred eyebrow. Even their hairstyle looks kinda the same. I swaped Ellie's hair into this one.
Lol, that was kinda the point. Their models really look alike. The jacket, the scarred eyebrow. Even their hairstyle looks kinda the same. I swaped Ellie's hair into this one.
I just said that I wasn't trying to make it original. If I wanted, I would have. And this is me trying. I have put a lot of time and effort into this since I am still new to this model posing thing. Don't judge too quickly.
Sure have a cookie
The dynamic duo strikes again! Hehe, I had so much fun making this xD
The mean step mom means business.
Credit to @Megami_Kizukanai
Nice dynamic poses there mate, love it!
Aaaaw, thanks. Considering this is my 4th model posing stuf I am really proud of the progress I'm making. ^_^
Javi got a new bat! ^_^
Yeah, Javi used his charming skills on Negan and was rewarded with a Lucille sexual pun intended here xD
Does sketchfab accept poses from xna? getting the light and shading right in that is just a disaster.
If you meant importing the model to sketchfab and then importing the pose, then no.
What I do is pose the models in XNA then export it as .obj then compile it into a .zip with the textures then I upload.
Like Superjohn702 has pointed out, I used the PBR (Physically-based rendering) method in rendering to bring out the realism effect.
Some games actually use this method, one example is Star Wars: Battlefront II.
Hey thanks, gonna give that a try, sure I like my work but it never quite looks like the ingame stuff.
Is this based off that road to survival poster?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yeaah, somewhat, I think that poster is amazing!
What Mariana could have been. I'm really sad she didn't survive...
This isn't original at all, copying from TLoU
Lol, that was kinda the point. Their models really look alike. The jacket, the scarred eyebrow. Even their hairstyle looks kinda the same. I swaped Ellie's hair into this one.
Unoriginal, please try at least! 1/5
Yeah, well I tried an angry face but I guess I still suck at facial expressions xD
Nah im joking you done a good job
I just said that I wasn't trying to make it original. If I wanted, I would have. And this is me trying. I have put a lot of time and effort into this since I am still new to this model posing thing. Don't judge too quickly.
37 Poses later..
100% Non-canon, made it up as I went along.

Let me know whatcha think.
Uploaded here
This must have took you forever to make. It's really good. Keep it up, I am getting invested.
Wow, this is very good! I already want to read it... new favourite web comic! Keep going!
At first I thought Kenny was naked
I do like that the very mildly intrigued expression she gets there.
Then again, that little scene was one of my favorite moments of the episode.
For the Javus shippers...
(I know it's not much just give it time)
Hey, whatever floats your boat mate xD
This is amazing, I want more!
You got me hooked, more please.
Damn, that looks really good!
And so it begins...
by torbjornkin on tumblr
and for feels:

by jubbery on tumblr Q~Q
Luke and Javi? Nono, only Jesus and Javi. Luke can have Nick.
Jesus wants his children to learn to share :^)
Also RIP Nick you got worse treatment than Sarah.