That's just ... beyond incorrect, in the nicest way possible.
People who suffer severe physical trauma - e.g. someone smashing their head in with a radio - are very likely to suffer damage to the brain. Damage to the brain does not just leave you with paralysis. Louis Theroux did a simply fantastic documentary called 'A Different Brain', which I can't seem to find on the internet. But if you do see it, give it a watch, it completely contradicts your idea of how the human brain works.
The fallacy that people either have 'functional' brains, so can 'do things', or 'damaged' and so they're systematically paralysed, is a really flawed and is - in a sense - a kind of insensitive argument. People can and have had their entire lives changed through brain damage, some forgetting everything about themselves. The most famous example of this is from a man called Phineas Gage, who had a railroad spike go through his eye and through his brain. His personality completely changed. And was he paralysed? No.
So ... yeah, that idea of yours about how the brain works is a little skew-wiff, as they say in good ol' Britain ^^
Good for you're, cause I got decent look at some New Frontier dude's vaguely shiny d@ck...just below another private message from Shoula (aka @kennyshouladiedins1).
The most interesting thing about that spam, I assure you.
Javier having more development beyond being a Supporting Protagonist with Informed Flaws
Clementine and "jesus" having a little more to them beyond obligatory fan service, with the former having more appropriate and/or consistent characterization(s) throughout
Mariana either surviving Badger's sting operation, actually mattering in death, or never existing
Gabe's depth/potential being tapped more before the finale(yes, I'm still kinda mad--wanna fight about it?)
Actual backstory exposition, particularly where Kate and especially Tripp are concerned
Hub areas where you can actually have meaningful interactions beyond the one immediate topic(again, looking at you Tripp)
Far less rushed/dropped subplots and copouts--nuff said
A more cohesive story, rewrites or not
Determinate factors mattering or being handled better universally
More handwaving when necessary
Joan being a more unified/complex antagonist instead of dramatically shifting characterization between episodes(one of her 3+ copouts)
Tripp being more defined, consistent, and actually being worthy of the invisible importance he's given
Less aborted arcs and missing mice(Max, Joan/Clint)
Why wasn't there an option for Lee to shoot himself instead of Clementine doing it/turning? It would have been in between the two impact wise as she would still have to get the gun back from him. Was it just that he was too weak? I've just been wondering about this.
Yes I didn't care if she lived or died and that is all down to Telltale's utter crap writing. The fact they lied saying we would have 42 different Clementines or whatever bullshit they said really pissed me off. The main issue was that once again our choices don't really matter or felt like they do like they at least didn in Season 1. Our Season 2 ending choice were shit on through 5 minutes of flashback when they could have done so much more. Why not incorporate Kenny, Jane or even Enid into the S3 story? Have them survive a few episodes before killing them off? So many things they could have done. I could write better shit than them
What happened in A New Frontier again? I forgot...
I wanna say a bunch of dumb shit happened, but perhaps it was slightly-less-than-the-national-average-shit. Either way, as a second part to my question, when a once prestigious temple is demolished from the inside throughout an extended period of time and no one is around to hear it, does it continue to turn a profit?
What happened in A New Frontier again? I forgot...
Your S2 endings are invalidated, you are introduced to a new family... from which your dad dies, kills your mom and uncle, then your niece gets shot, then your sister-in-law also gets shot, then your nephew continues to suck, then some town gets destroyed and then you're on the road and meet Jesus then a bald black guy gets pissed and holds a character hostage then you find your brother and then you go into a new town then almost immediately get kicked out then you go to a factory then you meet your brother again then you kill some angry bald guy then you go back to the new town to expose psycho grandma then you get thrown in jail and break out then your nephew begins blowing ass again then menstruation and then you steal a truck and then betrayal and you have to choose between a viking and a bald lady then death and destruction and then the truck you stole is rammed into a tanker and boom and chaos and then you go inside a building and a character arc comes to a screeching halt while another character screeches literally because your brother breaks her arm and then you're on a roof then on an overpass then sudden deaths and then cuckoldry occurs and a fight breaks out then post-apocalyptic child abduction then major choice then more death and zombies getting fucked up then more family members die then you timeskip and its all good then you flirt with jesus then you give out a haircut and then figure out you went horribly wrong with it and then the story everyone wanted is revealed to be continued the end until later
What happened in A New Frontier again? I forgot...
I wanna say a bunch of dumb shit happened, but perhaps it was slightly-less-than-the-n… moreational-average-shit. Either way, as a second part to my question, when a once prestigious temple is demolished from the inside throughout an extended period of time and no one is around to hear it, does it continue to turn a profit?
I need answers ASAP.
I sometimes had subtitles off during the game when i played but from memory:
Lee's was white
Kenny's was green
Clem in season 1 was pink
Lilly's was a darker green
Larry's was red
Carley's was purple
Doug's was a blue-ish purple
Katjaa's was orange
Duck's was yellow
Ben's was light blue
Mark's was white but slightly grey i think
Other characters texts i think shared others but I don't remember everyone's
Yes, I agree completely. For one, I found her appearance quite revolting, she's """13""" but looks 15, has her bra strap showing (tight white shirt for what survival purpose?), doesn't have yellow-green eyes anymore, in general doesn't look like a two year older Clem, and looks like she was composed of paint. In regards to her character, she behaves nothing like my seasons 1 and 2 moral Clementine, hell, she even murders Eli over her own impulses (despite having no evidence he intentionally provided her with faulty cartridges, and he was even willing to return her offer back to her, he was noticeably scared and Clementine contradicts her own season 2 gun advice). Not to mention with this Gabentine cringe garbage, it makes it even worse. I also didn't like the period scene much, I thought it was unnecessary (we don't need to know about people taking shits or some dude's morning wood, so we don't need to know about her period, we already comprehended that Clem was going through puberty). Clem's goal in season 3 was completely unfulfilled, proving they shoehorned Clementine into this season for advertising and money, it wasn't resolved at all in her regards.
I'll try to keep this a bit short, but I could rant for hours with the first two episodes alone.
Yes I didn't care if she lived or died and that is all down to Telltale's utter crap writing. The fact they lied saying we would have 42 dif… moreferent Clementines or whatever bullshit they said really pissed me off. The main issue was that once again our choices don't really matter or felt like they do like they at least didn in Season 1. Our Season 2 ending choice were shit on through 5 minutes of flashback when they could have done so much more. Why not incorporate Kenny, Jane or even Enid into the S3 story? Have them survive a few episodes before killing them off? So many things they could have done. I could write better shit than them
What happened in A New Frontier again? I forgot...
Your S2 endings are invalidated, you are introduced to a new family... from which… more your dad dies, kills your mom and uncle, then your niece gets shot, then your sister-in-law also gets shot, then your nephew continues to suck, then some town gets destroyed and then you're on the road and meet Jesus then a bald black guy gets pissed and holds a character hostage then you find your brother and then you go into a new town then almost immediately get kicked out then you go to a factory then you meet your brother again then you kill some angry bald guy then you go back to the new town to expose psycho grandma then you get thrown in jail and break out then your nephew begins blowing ass again then menstruation and then you steal a truck and then betrayal and you have to choose between a viking and a bald lady then death and destruction and then the truck you stole is rammed into a tanker and… [view original content]
Well, some people disagree with killing themselves, and I'm sure if Lee killed himself, Clem would have to look and grab the gun right near his corpse, compared to a slight look to make sure he's dead, and exit the building. Lee was also very weak at the time (as you've suggested), he couldn't even get up, so chances are he couldn't support the weight of the firearm (which appeared to have a metal frame and slide, not even polymer to be lighter). So there could've been a lot of variables in this, but I'm inclined to believe that Lee couldn't support the weight of the gun, as he couldn't even point his finger to objects, Lee just told Clem what to do verbally if you recall.
Why wasn't there an option for Lee to shoot himself instead of Clementine doing it/turning? It would have been in between the two impact wi… morese as she would still have to get the gun back from him. Was it just that he was too weak? I've just been wondering about this.
I sometimes had subtitles off during the game when i played but from memory:
Lee's was white
Kenny's was green
Clem in season 1 was pin… morek
Lilly's was a darker green
Larry's was red
Carley's was purple
Doug's was a blue-ish purple
Katjaa's was orange
Duck's was yellow
Ben's was light blue
Mark's was white but slightly grey i think
Other characters texts i think shared others but I don't remember everyone's
I sometimes had subtitles off during the game when i played but from memory:
Lee's was white
Kenny's was green
Clem in season 1 was pin… morek
Lilly's was a darker green
Larry's was red
Carley's was purple
Doug's was a blue-ish purple
Katjaa's was orange
Duck's was yellow
Ben's was light blue
Mark's was white but slightly grey i think
Other characters texts i think shared others but I don't remember everyone's
I sometimes had subtitles off during the game when i played but from memory:
Lee's was white
Kenny's was green
Clem in season 1 was pin… morek
Lilly's was a darker green
Larry's was red
Carley's was purple
Doug's was a blue-ish purple
Katjaa's was orange
Duck's was yellow
Ben's was light blue
Mark's was white but slightly grey i think
Other characters texts i think shared others but I don't remember everyone's
The protagonist had quite a feast and sexual intercoursing loves pudding and gets pistol whipped by a redneck like a female dog onto a truck before it crashes and you meet the fan service character that Telltale promised
I vaguely remember something with pudding... I'm drawing a blank everywhere else.
Could be cause of the huge run-on sentence damn near short-circuiting my brain.
They just randomize all of your choices. I tried one save where I did alternate choices for Season 2 but I deleted Season 1 to make room on my computer and they generated them for me. Such as in the previously on the walking dead for the first episode showing Lee killing the stranger as opposed to Clem shooting him when I failed to do so previously.
What is the difference between a One-note character, a consistent character, and a driven/directed/whatever character?
I believe a common complaint with recent games is the deficit of hub areas. What are areas in the game where you think we could've had hubs areas and what characters would you have liked to be available in them?
Does anyone have any interesting production trivia regarding Jane to share, such as concept art(which I can't seem to find) and what not?
What type of pony would each character be? Who would be a non-pony?
What type of gem would each character be?
How do you think Mariana felt about David?
In the event Eleanor didn't get into contact into Joan beforehand, what exactly was Javier, Gabe, and Clementine's plan if they were literally just gonna walk up to the damn stage where Joan can pick them out?
Did anyone ever mention Wellington around Arvo?
What type of Singer do you think each character is?
What are Mark, The St. Johns, Jolene, Vernon, Brie, the Stranger, the 400 Days Characters, Michelle, the Ski Lodge Group, Troy, and the Russian Group's Temperaments?
What character fits which part of the Freudian Trio(Ego, Superego, Id)?
What characters would choose to believe in either Romanticism or Enlightment? (For those who understandably don't know what the fuck I'm talking about even with a google search, here's some generalizations:
Romanism= Chaos, Emotions, Nature, Magic, Harmony, Good/Evi, Play, Strength;
Enlightment= Order, Logic, Nurture, Science, Discipline, Gray/Grey, Work, Skill.)
Has anyone ever asked about what influenced the handling of Clementine and the player character in ANF?
. @Deltino (Hopefully, you won't have to get used to that any time soon) Concerning your post about the Four Temperaments, any particular reason you listed Molly and Jane the way you did rather than the other way around?
A point I raised in reference to the flashbacks themselves, but I'll ask it regarding the endings: Do you think it would've made sense if there was an alternate Jane ending similar to the leave with Kenny one?
What/who do you think "Jake" the Bandit Leader and Linda look like under their masks?
Who is/are the smartest character(s)?
What MTG Color Combo would each character be?
What are the age ranges by decades(00,10,20,etc.)?
Does Shades-Chick shoot at Javier if you tried to sneak away with Kate?
Do you think the writers of ANF were overly concerned about focusing on certain things because they felt they were too obvious?
Do toilets still work in the apocalypse?
For modelswappers and gamedelvers, do you think that Vitali was originally supposed to be [re-]named Buricko?
Though this might become dated, which Diamond would the Richmond Council Members be?
Maybe this should be it's own thread but: Now that ANF is over, what exactly did everyone not like about Ties that Bind in particular?
If the infection and the turning process is based on the brain, doesn't the brain technically rot as well? Doesn't that mean the walkers will just cut off after an extended period of time?
They just randomize all of your choices. I tried one save where I did alternate choices for Season 2 but I deleted Season 1 to make room on … moremy computer and they generated them for me. Such as in the previously on the walking dead for the first episode showing Lee killing the stranger as opposed to Clem shooting him when I failed to do so previously.
This part was skipped over:
The protagonist had quite a feast and sexual intercoursing loves pudding and gets pistol whipped by a redneck… more like a female dog onto a truck before it crashes and you meet the fan service character that Telltale promised
How exactly did Ben "get redeemed" if you saved him? Mostly on Tumblr I hear them talk about how when he yelled at Kenny (the whole "give me a fucking break!" scene) that's him... redeeming himself? Standing up for himself, sure, definitely, but that's not gonna bring Kenny's family and Carley/Doug back and it's certainly not him doing some sort of heroic deed to help the group.
Personally, I don't think he redeemed himself and I like it better that way. Not everyone gets a chance to redeem themselves. It's realistic that way.
I think it's because that's the moment where he stopped being too afraid to do anything and started getting active as a team player, while also calling out Kenny for being a selfish asshole who's too focused on being mad about his own problems.
How exactly did Ben "get redeemed" if you saved him? Mostly on Tumblr I hear them talk about how when he yelled at Kenny (the whole "give me… more a fucking break!" scene) that's him... redeeming himself? Standing up for himself, sure, definitely, but that's not gonna bring Kenny's family and Carley/Doug back and it's certainly not him doing some sort of heroic deed to help the group.
Personally, I don't think he redeemed himself and I like it better that way. Not everyone gets a chance to redeem themselves. It's realistic that way.
How exactly did Ben "get redeemed" if you saved him? Mostly on Tumblr I hear them talk about how when he yelled at Kenny (the whole "give me… more a fucking break!" scene) that's him... redeeming himself? Standing up for himself, sure, definitely, but that's not gonna bring Kenny's family and Carley/Doug back and it's certainly not him doing some sort of heroic deed to help the group.
Personally, I don't think he redeemed himself and I like it better that way. Not everyone gets a chance to redeem themselves. It's realistic that way.
He didn't, but he did stand up for himself and that was amazing. Also I find the fact that Kenny 'dies' trying to save Ben, whom he wanted to drop from the bell tower, is pretty amazing too, even though I prefer the Christa sacrifice
How exactly did Ben "get redeemed" if you saved him? Mostly on Tumblr I hear them talk about how when he yelled at Kenny (the whole "give me… more a fucking break!" scene) that's him... redeeming himself? Standing up for himself, sure, definitely, but that's not gonna bring Kenny's family and Carley/Doug back and it's certainly not him doing some sort of heroic deed to help the group.
Personally, I don't think he redeemed himself and I like it better that way. Not everyone gets a chance to redeem themselves. It's realistic that way.
Did you also really detest Clementine this season? I believe Clementine in season 3 is one of the primary reasons I resent this season so much.
Nah, even as the little shit he is, Gaby is way better than Ron.
That's just ... beyond incorrect, in the nicest way possible.
People who suffer severe physical trauma - e.g. someone smashing their head in with a radio - are very likely to suffer damage to the brain. Damage to the brain does not just leave you with paralysis. Louis Theroux did a simply fantastic documentary called 'A Different Brain', which I can't seem to find on the internet. But if you do see it, give it a watch, it completely contradicts your idea of how the human brain works.
The fallacy that people either have 'functional' brains, so can 'do things', or 'damaged' and so they're systematically paralysed, is a really flawed and is - in a sense - a kind of insensitive argument. People can and have had their entire lives changed through brain damage, some forgetting everything about themselves. The most famous example of this is from a man called Phineas Gage, who had a railroad spike go through his eye and through his brain. His personality completely changed. And was he paralysed? No.
So ... yeah, that idea of yours about how the brain works is a little skew-wiff, as they say in good ol' Britain ^^
Yeah, good point. Well that and I have little to no reason to look at his pants anyway, particularly since his design is pretty dull in general.
Good for you're, cause I got decent look at some New Frontier dude's vaguely shiny d@ck...just below another private message from Shoula (aka @kennyshouladiedins1).

The most interesting thing about that spam, I assure you.
The colors of each character's text, of course. You seem to have an avid collection of quotes after all.
What could have made A New Frontier much better than what is?
Had it not been made
Expect things like
Why wasn't there an option for Lee to shoot himself instead of Clementine doing it/turning? It would have been in between the two impact wise as she would still have to get the gun back from him. Was it just that he was too weak? I've just been wondering about this.
Yes I didn't care if she lived or died and that is all down to Telltale's utter crap writing. The fact they lied saying we would have 42 different Clementines or whatever bullshit they said really pissed me off. The main issue was that once again our choices don't really matter or felt like they do like they at least didn in Season 1. Our Season 2 ending choice were shit on through 5 minutes of flashback when they could have done so much more. Why not incorporate Kenny, Jane or even Enid into the S3 story? Have them survive a few episodes before killing them off? So many things they could have done. I could write better shit than them
Is there any context behind s3's end music(Grim Ranger)?
What happened in A New Frontier again? I forgot...
I wanna say a bunch of dumb shit happened, but perhaps it was slightly-less-than-the-national-average-shit. Either way, as a second part to my question, when a once prestigious temple is demolished from the inside throughout an extended period of time and no one is around to hear it, does it continue to turn a profit?
I need answers ASAP.
Your S2 endings are invalidated, you are introduced to a new family... from which your dad dies, kills your mom and uncle, then your niece gets shot, then your sister-in-law also gets shot, then your nephew continues to suck, then some town gets destroyed and then you're on the road and meet Jesus then a bald black guy gets pissed and holds a character hostage then you find your brother and then you go into a new town then almost immediately get kicked out then you go to a factory then you meet your brother again then you kill some angry bald guy then you go back to the new town to expose psycho grandma then you get thrown in jail and break out then your nephew begins blowing ass again then menstruation and then you steal a truck and then betrayal and you have to choose between a viking and a bald lady then death and destruction and then the truck you stole is rammed into a tanker and boom and chaos and then you go inside a building and a character arc comes to a screeching halt while another character screeches literally because your brother breaks her arm and then you're on a roof then on an overpass then sudden deaths and then cuckoldry occurs and a fight breaks out then post-apocalyptic child abduction then major choice then more death and zombies getting fucked up then more family members die then you timeskip and its all good then you flirt with jesus then you give out a haircut and then figure out you went horribly wrong with it and then the story everyone wanted is revealed to be continued the end until later
also some stuff about pudding
I sometimes had subtitles off during the game when i played but from memory:
Lee's was white
Kenny's was green
Clem in season 1 was pink
Lilly's was a darker green
Larry's was red
Carley's was purple
Doug's was a blue-ish purple
Katjaa's was orange
Duck's was yellow
Ben's was light blue
Mark's was white but slightly grey i think
Other characters texts i think shared others but I don't remember everyone's
Yes, I agree completely. For one, I found her appearance quite revolting, she's """13""" but looks 15, has her bra strap showing (tight white shirt for what survival purpose?), doesn't have yellow-green eyes anymore, in general doesn't look like a two year older Clem, and looks like she was composed of paint. In regards to her character, she behaves nothing like my seasons 1 and 2 moral Clementine, hell, she even murders Eli over her own impulses (despite having no evidence he intentionally provided her with faulty cartridges, and he was even willing to return her offer back to her, he was noticeably scared and Clementine contradicts her own season 2 gun advice). Not to mention with this Gabentine cringe garbage, it makes it even worse. I also didn't like the period scene much, I thought it was unnecessary (we don't need to know about people taking shits or some dude's morning wood, so we don't need to know about her period, we already comprehended that Clem was going through puberty). Clem's goal in season 3 was completely unfulfilled, proving they shoehorned Clementine into this season for advertising and money, it wasn't resolved at all in her regards.
I'll try to keep this a bit short, but I could rant for hours with the first two episodes alone.
I vaguely remember something with pudding... I'm drawing a blank everywhere else.
Could be cause of the huge run-on sentence damn near short-circuiting my brain.
Well, some people disagree with killing themselves, and I'm sure if Lee killed himself, Clem would have to look and grab the gun right near his corpse, compared to a slight look to make sure he's dead, and exit the building. Lee was also very weak at the time (as you've suggested), he couldn't even get up, so chances are he couldn't support the weight of the firearm (which appeared to have a metal frame and slide, not even polymer to be lighter). So there could've been a lot of variables in this, but I'm inclined to believe that Lee couldn't support the weight of the gun, as he couldn't even point his finger to objects, Lee just told Clem what to do verbally if you recall.
I'm actually going to agree with DLB.
(also that's an extremely long list)
What happens if you start/play Season 2 without Season One saves?
Finding love or finding the one you love. If you go too far you may die.
Okay, thanks! I knew you'd be able to give some!
Seems a bit redundant
Okay, thanks! I knew you'd be able to give some!
Seems a bit redundant
This part was skipped over:
The protagonist had quite a feast and sexual intercoursing loves pudding and gets pistol whipped by a redneck like a female dog onto a truck before it crashes and you meet the fan service character that Telltale promised
They just randomize all of your choices. I tried one save where I did alternate choices for Season 2 but I deleted Season 1 to make room on my computer and they generated them for me. Such as in the previously on the walking dead for the first episode showing Lee killing the stranger as opposed to Clem shooting him when I failed to do so previously.
It's been a while, so why not doing some
Who is THE Kenny of ANF?
What is the difference between a One-note character, a consistent character, and a driven/directed/whatever character?
I believe a common complaint with recent games is the deficit of hub areas. What are areas in the game where you think we could've had hubs areas and what characters would you have liked to be available in them?
Does anyone have any interesting production trivia regarding Jane to share, such as concept art(which I can't seem to find) and what not?
What type of pony would each character be? Who would be a non-pony?
What type of gem would each character be?
How do you think Mariana felt about David?
In the event Eleanor didn't get into contact into Joan beforehand, what exactly was Javier, Gabe, and Clementine's plan if they were literally just gonna walk up to the damn stage where Joan can pick them out?
Did anyone ever mention Wellington around Arvo?
What type of Singer do you think each character is?
What are Mark, The St. Johns, Jolene, Vernon, Brie, the Stranger, the 400 Days Characters, Michelle, the Ski Lodge Group, Troy, and the Russian Group's Temperaments?
What character fits which part of the Freudian Trio(Ego, Superego, Id)?
What characters would choose to believe in either Romanticism or Enlightment? (For those who understandably don't know what the fuck I'm talking about even with a google search, here's some generalizations:
Romanism= Chaos, Emotions, Nature, Magic, Harmony, Good/Evi, Play, Strength;
Enlightment= Order, Logic, Nurture, Science, Discipline, Gray/Grey, Work, Skill.)
Has anyone ever asked about what influenced the handling of Clementine and the player character in ANF?
. @Deltino (Hopefully, you won't have to get used to that any time soon) Concerning your post about the Four Temperaments, any particular reason you listed Molly and Jane the way you did rather than the other way around?
A point I raised in reference to the flashbacks themselves, but I'll ask it regarding the endings: Do you think it would've made sense if there was an alternate Jane ending similar to the leave with Kenny one?
What/who do you think "Jake" the Bandit Leader and Linda look like under their masks?
Who is/are the smartest character(s)?
What MTG Color Combo would each character be?
What are the age ranges by decades(00,10,20,etc.)?
Does Shades-Chick shoot at Javier if you tried to sneak away with Kate?
Do you think the writers of ANF were overly concerned about focusing on certain things because they felt they were too obvious?
Do toilets still work in the apocalypse?
For modelswappers and gamedelvers, do you think that Vitali was originally supposed to be [re-]named Buricko?
Though this might become dated, which Diamond would the Richmond Council Members be?
Maybe this should be it's own thread but: Now that ANF is over, what exactly did everyone not like about Ties that Bind in particular?
If the infection and the turning process is based on the brain, doesn't the brain technically rot as well? Doesn't that mean the walkers will just cut off after an extended period of time?
Okay, thanks! Was curious about that.
The mental image this generates...
How exactly did Ben "get redeemed" if you saved him? Mostly on Tumblr I hear them talk about how when he yelled at Kenny (the whole "give me a fucking break!" scene) that's him... redeeming himself? Standing up for himself, sure, definitely, but that's not gonna bring Kenny's family and Carley/Doug back and it's certainly not him doing some sort of heroic deed to help the group.
Personally, I don't think he redeemed himself and I like it better that way. Not everyone gets a chance to redeem themselves. It's realistic that way.
Ignore. This was a double post.
I think it's because that's the moment where he stopped being too afraid to do anything and started getting active as a team player, while also calling out Kenny for being a selfish asshole who's too focused on being mad about his own problems.
He redeemed himself in my game by letting himself be dropped
He didn't, but he did stand up for himself and that was amazing. Also I find the fact that Kenny 'dies' trying to save Ben, whom he wanted to drop from the bell tower, is pretty amazing too, even though I prefer the Christa sacrifice
heh yeah, but I'm going to bring up the filter whenever I can.
Like my own running joke.
I'm just asking for speculation here