Scrapped and unused audio, dialogue, animations, scenes, etc...
Can people post all of the scrapped stuff from Season 1, Season 2 and Michonne Mini-Series only, thankyou.
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Can people post all of the scrapped stuff from Season 1, Season 2 and Michonne Mini-Series only, thankyou.
It would take a really long time to compile. If you're really interested about some of the stuff that didn't make it into Season 1 you should read this:
Here's some stuff off the top of my head:
Season 1
Season 2
They said season 1, 2 and Michonne only fyi
Shit, my bad.
When do Rebecca and Jane reference Tavia falling off a building and who tf are Rashid and Vanessa??
No, they reference the fact that everyone panicked during their walk through the woods. Which is funny considering Jane was the one who said to tell everyone to run, iirc.
Rashid and Vanessa are two friends of Michonne and Pete who were stationed in the Mobjack area, but they're never found and Michonne can ask Norma about their whereabouts. However, Rashid at the very least does have textures in the games files, so it's possible that they were supposed to show up after all.
Credit to @lilacsbloom
Credit to @Vivec and @JakeSt123
This isn't official concept art/animation. Telltale gives artists (that are applying for a job) audio from the beginning of Bonnie's story and asks them to recreate it. If you go to Youtube and type in 'telltale cinematic artist' you'll find a ton of these.
Fun facts courtesy of @Deltino: The (assumed) beta model of Bonnie is referred to as Stephanie in the game files (sk55_stephanie_#). The Stephanie we see in Shel's story is referred to as Annie within the files (sk55_annie_#). A bit confusing, I know. But that's how it is.

Furthermore, the beta Bonnie/"Stephanie" actually is used in the game, albeit as a small cameo; in Vince's story, you get that small scene of Shel and Becca running away from zombies. However, there's also a third person behind them that you see getting killed by a walker. That would be "Stephanie".
Credit to @zombiebonnie and @AGentlman
Wasn't there a Stephanie in Shel's story?
creepy o_O
I know, right?
Yes. However, she's apparently named "Annie" within the files.
She has the same tatto of shaundi from Saints Row
Oh my goodness, you're right!
What the fuck is that?
That's pretty awesome. I wish they left that in. Though maybe that is a sign they do want to use Mike and/or Arvo later like they did with Kenny Season 1.
Well that and they probably wanted choosing to shoot Kenny to be Clementine's first.
When you think about it, it's not even a excuse because the Stranger in season 1 can be killed by Clementine. She shoots him in the head if Lee fails to strangled him to death.
Wow. Were they trying to copy Kenny's powerful mustache from the first season?
Sorry telltale, but you failed.
Yeah, admittedly I realized that a bit after I posted. Aw well, Mr. Campman wasn't really a group member anyway.
Well Kenny was gonna be "Carver" himself in the earlier drafts, so possibly. However, it's also worth noting that that model was based on (I believe) Uncle Teardrop from Winter's Bone.
I see. They took away Teardrop's beard, and that's where they screwed up. From my experience, Beards can make people look more intimidating than without one. With carver being left with nothing but a door nob of a chin, it takes all the scare factor out of him and makes me think of the Ichabod Crane from AWAU, a weak old man.
I felt the same with Kenny, In the first season without a beard, he either felt like an asshole or a friend to me. I never felt the least bit intimidated by him. But things changed in season 2. And even before he started going off the bender, his frilly beard gave him an appearance that made me feel slightly uneasy in his presence, even through his heart-warming smile.
Chyeah, pretty much. Looks less disgusting and more pathetic now.
The different storyline with the teacher would've been cool, I always thought it was a miracle everyone escaped the motel despite Duck being bit
I think Lilly was also supposed to left behind as well, but I don't remember where I heard this from.
I was told by my friend's fiancee, who according to him, knows everything about the games, that Sarah was originally suppose to survive with Clementine. In her own words, "They completely rewrote all of episode 4 at the last minute just to get rid of Sarah." I was just wondering if that were true or not.
I'm not sure on that, but the later episodes do feel like they got tampered with a lot so I honestly wouldn't be surprised.
Really now?
I'm not saying I don't believe you, however, as the Season was rewritten several times between Sean Ainsworth's outlines and Pierre Shorette's shifts, and the way she was treated in that episode in particular just openly reeks of executive meddling and/or Creative Bias.
And really, there's a numerous other hints that make it pretty obvious that Sarah was clearly meant to be something of an iconic character for Season. It's just that some of context clues kinda hints she may have been considered to die(among other things beforehand) in Sarita's place at one point or another.
It was just something I was told. She absolutely adored Sarah, saying that she was the reason she looked forward to each episode. She didn't provide any source though, so I could only take her word.
We definitely know for sure though that Amid the Ruins was rewritten to some capacity, as the scene where Clem changes Kenny's bandages was previewed for that episode, but was later moved to No Going Back. Even though it's just speculation on my end, I wouldn't be surprised if the entire episode was rewritten, considering the change in writers & the misleading thumbnail.
The edit button is a thing. :P
Still, I can definitely sympathize with your friend. And while the realistic side of me kinda doubts they rewrote the entire episode just to get rid of Sarah, there is a fair amount of evidence suggesting that Sarah was supposed to get a lot of focus in IHW and AtR in a variety of ways and the latter in particular has a number of details that seem oddly/suspiciously relevant to her despite the raw deal she got in the final product, so I really do believe there is some truth to that.
Also, I recently learned that the Kenny thing is technically in the episode in some form, it's just a bit difficult to trigger and get's cut short.
If Sarah really was meant to get that much more focus & development than she actually ended up getting in the final game, I don't think her surviving sounds too far-fetched. But that's just me. It really is a shame just how much characters like Sarah, Alvin, Nick, Carlos, etc. potentially had going for them, but were just pushed to the side by the time Kenny arrived.
I hope they remaster the 1st two seasons with ANF's graphics, some of their original ideas, & more choices that actually matter. Admittedly, one thing to give ANF credit for is that it handles determinant characters far better than the previous seasons, and I would love to see how the earlier seasons would have played out if they were like that. We can only hope.