Did you grow up playing games ?
I'm wondering how many people grew up playing games. Did your parents let you or were they Against you playing them. Like me my parents hated games I wasn't able to play till I got out of my parents place. I want to know your story
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Yeah I kind of did even though I wasn’t too into them. I had this thing called a leapfrog as a kid I guess you could consider it a video game even though it was an educational system. I didn’t really get into them until the ps2 and then got a Wii like almost everyone did. My parents had this no video games during the weekdays (school days/nights) rule so I could only play on weekends.
My brother got me into gaming when I was younger. I was never really into actually playing them myself at first, mostly just watching him play. It wasn't until I saw him playing the Final Fantasy games that I started to really get interested in playing myself. They just looked so interesting and really piqued my interest. Final Fantasy VII was the first game I played by myself from beginning to end, I was around 8 or 9 at the time and have loved playing games ever since.
Yup! I got into gaming pretty early on. I even have early memories of trying game demos on my dad's PC, such as Worms Armageddon, Revolt, and Day of the Tentacle at a fairly young-ish age. That being said, I didn't really get into console gaming until around the Gamecube.
Yes I did! The first game console I remember playing was PlayStation 2. The games I loved playing was DBZ: Budokai 2, Smackdown: Just Bring It!, and GTA: San Andreas.
Yeah, I think I remember one of the three earliest games I played were the first three games of the Megaman Battle Network series. I loved those and still do, need to play the other three. I honestly didn't know this was a spin-off series until years later, like maybe 12 or 13.
Yeah, I remember one day just getting on the very original xbox and playing games, while I was failing and pressing the wrong buttons and etc, It was still exciting. I was 4 years old and ever since I have been gaming.
Yeah, I grew up with my first console ever, Playstation 2. I played games like a Street Fighter game, a Madagascar game, Bully, Hot Wheels: Beat That, Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith, a Mortal Kombat game, ICO, a Snoopy The Dog game etc.
I haven't finished most of them but I had so many good memories.
I seem to remember gaming from around 6-7 years old and starting with a Sega Master System with Sonic built into it, a year or two after that i got a Mega Drive/Genesis and also had access to a Sega Saturn (i guess i liked Sega at first
I wasn't restricted from playing any games so i really enjoyed things like Mortal Kombat or other shooters that existed at the time, i clearly remember playing Alien Trilogy on the Sega Saturn which i found creepy and slightly scary at times but i still enjoyed playing it.
Yeah. I grew up playing Cribbage, Gin Rummy, Monopoly, Checkers... Then we got a NES in the 90's where I played a lot of Mario 1 & 3, Duck Hunt, Batman(the Keaton movie game). Games were like $70-100 back then.. which is like $150-200 now... So parents didn't buy many of them and kids sure couldn't. I still played outside a lot and was enrolled in sports til high school.
Hell yeah ! Sonic, Super Mario, Half Life, CS 1.6, Mortal Kombat, Tetris, Street Fighter, Midtown Madness and lots of games like that. Those were really good days
Yes. I had an original Nintendo and played Super Mario and Duck Hunt. I eventually upgraded to the N64. Have to be honest, I got anything I asked for.
You'd be surprised, but my mom opened up my thirst to play games (fantasy rpgs sadly XD) years ago. We hardly could afford computers, and when we finally bought a second hand computer, my ex-brother-in-law gave us cds full of games (obviously pirated, because we didn't know nor find a store that sells gaming stuff). I couldn't play due to my fear of monsters (thanks Arx Fatalist and Morrowind). Mom, on other hand, played through them like a boss and I was impressed by how quickly she can adapt. Now we kinda chill together by playing games.
Pretty much. I used to play my cousin's Gameboy Colour whenever I got to see them and one day after kindergarten in 2000(?) my mom surprised me with one of my own. It was a yellow one and along with it she got me this bootleg Pokemon game called Pocket Monsters GO! GO! which was just a hack of Smurfs 3. Of course I didn't know that at the time and didn't really think much of it.
Sadly I've long since misplaced it but since then I've pretty much bought every single Nintendo handheld console released aside from the original DS and the Switch (which I plan to acquire when my apartment is ready).
For sure, the first game I played was Disney's Hercules! It was so fun.
OMG, same here. I used to play the shit out of it every single day. I dunno if it was my first game I've played though.
I guess. My brother and I played some children's PC games when we were really young, then I got my first console, a DS light, on Christmas Eve 2005, my brother as well. I was eight, he was six. I guess that counts as "growing up" with games, though before that I only played the occasional video game at my friends' places and eight might be a bit old for your definition. After that I became a full blown video game addict and gaming has ruined my life more than it has enhanced it if I'm being brutally honest. Thinking back on it, I had a great childhood up to that point and afterwards I just shut myself off from everyone, neglecting friends and family, pretty much living for video games and video games alone. Home from school? Turn on the PS3. Home after the holidays? PS4 time! It really sucked in hindsight, and to some extent it still does. I'm still addicted to video games, but I've learned to control myself better. I realize this probably sounds like a joke post, but it actually isn't, I'm dead serious. Being addicted to pixels is what my life has come to.
I honestly feel bad for my sister, who was born in 2005, and everyone else of her generation. I mean, I'm still young myself, but old enough to have played outside with friends a lot as a kid, rarely having to resort to sitting inside all day, shut up in my room, staring at a monitor. I have fond childhood memories of running around outside, watergun fights etc. Having a mobile phone was hot shit back in our primary school days. Nowadays it's standard, and all my sister and her friends do as far as I can tell from my visits now and then is either be on their smart phone or watch TV/play video games. Not that I'm much better.
I'm sorry about this weird ass comment. I'm still sobering up (don't judge me, university's on holiday) and got all motherfucking existential after my first cup of coffee. Forgive my little quarter life crisis.
Yes, actually. Thought I have never been a real hardcore gamer.
Yeah, first game i've ever played was the first ssx on the ps2
Yep, I had a shitload of games on my PS3, and then a couple years later I switched to PC and PlayStation 4.
My master system had a duck hunt clone and outrun built in
I had older siblings so I got to game from a young age but I wasn't very good until about 6 yrs. I think the first game I completed was pokemon red or re code veronica. I liked point and clicks from a young age and it took me about a year to complete grim fandango between about 7-8 years old. I liked playing worms with my brothers. Most of my best childhood memories are gaming ones.
There are definitely worse things to be addicted to
When I held a PlayStation One controller in my six-year-old hands, that was the end.
Well, since my father was playing games from my birth on, I grew up watching him playing, although my mother always dragged me out of the room because I was too young for them. When my father moved out, I often watched my brother and started playing myself at the age of nine or ten. My first game was Oblivion, but I never could play very long, because the computer and all the games belonged to him. Later I often played Minecraft and then also Skyrim, when my brother didn't play. (He played all day .-.) So all in all I didn't really play that much. We also had a Wii, but... well it's just a Wii, only games for little kids in my opinion. I'm more interested in games for the age 16 and 18. About two years ago I got my own Xbox One, so since then I started having more interest in games. It didn't take me long to become kinda nerd-ish. I also bought a Playstation 4 this year, because I wanted to play The Last of Us and other games for Ps4 so badly. Oh and about the question if my parents were against it, because of my father my mother doesn't have a high opinion on games. She thinks they only steal time and turn people into introverts... She doesn't forbid me it though. And I think her mind has changed a bit when we were together at the gamescom last week
. So yeah, that's all.
The only things I had growing up were my Nintendo 64, Nintendo DS, and Gameboy Advance. So yeah, technically. I didn't get my Xbox 360 until I was around maybe 12 or 13 so that's when I started playing current gen stuff.
I had a friend who had a game called Aled the kidd built into their Master System, that was pretty fun from what i can remember.
Just remembered it was hang on the motorbike version of outrun. Alex the kid was one people loved but I didn't get into it myself.
Do you reckon your Mom would be interested in The Last Of Us or would that be too brutal for her...?
But might I just add, what's wrong with introverts?
I understand that some people often confuse it with social anxiety, but they are different things.
In a nutshell:
An introvert prefers to spend time to themselves or a couple of close people rather than to go out partying.
An extrovert prefers to spend time with lots of people rather than to stay home all day and read a book.
Never had a console myself until around 16 (PS2). Always enjoyed playing SNES and PS1 at my friends' houses before that. I feel I got my fill. My parents had an Amiga 500, which had some great games on it too.
Yep. Used to watch my brother playing Nintendo most of the time but my era was the ps1 days and after that Gamecube. My mother seemed to have an intense hatred for gaming and would often hide our games consoles from us as form of punishment. By the time the Xbox 360 came around, she was done even trying though. Started getting bored of gaming around 2012/2013. Felt like I was playing graphical updates of the same shtick most of the time and started buying them less and less, until I found The Walking Dead series which felt so fresh and fun.
I'm only just getting an Xbox One now and the only reason is because my 360 has died it's last death. Don't know how much games i'm actually gonna play.
I don't think my mom would even take a controller in her hands, so she likely won't ever play The Last of Us. But not because It's too brutal. She's not really, how shall I say, a softie at such stuff. And I'm not saying that being an introvert is something bad since I'm one myself xD I think I used the wrong word at this point. Yeah, I think she meant social anxiety. But the most important reason why she hates games is because of my father, who spent more time on the computer than looking after his kids... But I don't really want to talk about that.
Yeah, I guess it was brought about because of my Dad. He wasn't a huge gamer necessarily, but he thought it would be good if we could play games together, which we eventually did (typically on a Sunday night). I started out with a PS1 where we mainly played Crash Bandicoot, Spider-Man (2000), Rollcage and Fighting force being the main ones I remember.
I then went on to have a Dreamcast for a while, (which I think was chipped), then I moved on to the PS2. I did play a decent amount of violent games like the first two God of War games and Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance when I was 8 or 9, so I was never really restricted to what I could play. It seems like most parents were strict about it, a few of my friends parents were when it came to games. I just think that my parents got it right away, in that I would be able to distinguish game from reality, and I was playing with my Dad most of the time back then. It may not have affected me back then, but I do think it has made me somewhat desensitized to violence. I don't think it would be ideal now, since games look far more realistic than they did 10-12 years ago.
I wouldn't say I've ever been addicted, but I have broadened my horizons by playing a lot of games in different genres, though there are times now when I don't play a game for a few weeks, just depends. I'm incredibly grateful to have been able to grow up playing games, because without it, I likely wouldn't have stuck with the industry (console-generations, new releases), which has evolved considerably. I guess you could say games and I grew up simultaneously.
True, true. It's more of a first world addiction. I guess it shows how good I have it when I can complain about shit like this.
Very few. The Sims, Pokémon Blue and Yellow, Age of Empires, Age of Mythology and Warcraft. I never had much money growing up, my father got a PC for working and my cousin, who got all the latest games and consoles, let me borrow his PC games and Game Boy Color since he preferred his Dreamcast and PS1. I eventually got Ragnarök Online from a cereal box (yes, really), I think I was around 12 years old or so. I could only buy my own games when I was around 14~15.
I really don't miss my childhood when it comes to gaming. I have a credit card now, this is life!
hell yea my boi. i fuckin loved video games growing up. i played hercules: the legendary journeys, final fantasy x-2, lord of the rings: the third age, spider-man 2, some weird superman game on ps2 i sucked at, etc. then when i turned 9 i got a wii and all i played day in and day out was wii sports and tony hawk's underground (gamecube). and while recently my love of video games have fallen a bit, i'll always have fond memories of playing these games.
edit: gonna be honest, looking at these comments and reliving my childhood and remembering what games i used to play has moved me to tears. fuck you OP for making me feel emotions and making me remember a time when life didn't suck i love this thread so much
fuckin lucky. i wasn't even allowed to watch power rangers until age 10 because there were swords in it. the first shooter game i played (with permission that is, NYEH HEH HEH HEH) was when i was 13.
My dad bought a PS1 and a few car games in the late '90s, I didn't really get into those so my cousins lent me other games like Tekken 3, Spyro 2 and Crash Bandicoot 3. I grew up playing them along with Pokèmon Blue for GameBoy Color and Monkey Island for PC that I had on a freaking floppy disk.
The first game I ever really played with all my attention behind it was the Curse of Monkey Island. Something about that game just resonated with me and it remains one of my favorite games to this day. When Telltale licensed Monkey Island that's actually how I got here.
I'm curious how old you are now. I thought you must have been an adult, but are you still in your early teens?
Anyway, other than playing the games that seem to make you depressed. Why not go for something with a lighter tone, let's say Assassin's Creed for example if you're looking for a mature story. Or GTA if you just wanna have some fun.
In this order is what you should play the AC games:
Skip AC1, go to youtube and search "Assassin's Creed 1 - Desmond's Story", thats all you have to know.
Assassin's Creed 2
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
AC Revelations
^These are all the desmond games (with a deep storyline, if you prefer). Ac2, brotherhood and revelations are interconnected with the ancestor Ezio.
Skip Blag Flag
Play Rogue
Unity (one of the best imo)
Syndicate (play this one first if you need something lighthearted)
^you can jump in anywhere for these games.
I grew up playing all the original (not 80s) Wii Super Mario Bros games and Super Smash Bros Brawl, as well as Lego games.
Now I play Minecraft, Roblox, Destiny (already preordered 2nd one), Brawlhalla, Paladins, Trackmania Turbo, and (obviously) MC:SM.