Site update discussion. NEW 11/30; Display first post on all pages + classic forum category layout

Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
edited November 2017 in General Chat


11/30 - New user settings added to Profile Preferences; you can optionally display first post on all pages and make "Recent Discussions" page display the old forum category layout in your Profile Preferences page
11/28 - New Dark Theme added
10/30 - Replying to a user now displays a Quote (and link to said post) automatically (and forums now have nifty banner art) + Page for classic Forum Listing style (all subforums display 5 recent threads):
10/20 - The ability to delete PMs straight from the Inbox page (without directly viewing a PM) will be added on Monday (You can still currently delete PMs by selecting "Leave Conversation" while viewing a PM)
10/19 - Reply Notifications and Like Counts on profile pages are back

New Site Update - October 18th 2017

Hey guys!

As you probably noticed, the forums got a new coat of paint! There are a lot of changes, but we'll try to give you guys a quick run down of the notable changes here:

Linear Comments

Comments are now displayed as linear. The main post of a discussion is now visible exclusively on the first page of a thread, so check Page 1 when you need to.

  • Posts with a Red line are comments
  • Posts with a Yellow line are replies to a comment
  • Posts with a Blue line are your own recent comments in a discussion.

As always, you can Flag comments to report them. The Flag button is relocated to the lower left-hand corner of a post now.

PM Inbox

The old profile feed system is gone. Your PMs are still around, and now are accessed via the Inbox. (Other notifications are not carried over...) Click the Envelope icon on the upper right hand corner.

You can now see who sent a Private Message before you open it, and pictures will not be displayed unless you directly open that PM. You can now leave/delete PM conversations.

New Feature - Inline Spoilers

You no longer need to mark an entire post as "Spoilers" - you have an option to only mark certain portions of your post as Spoilers. When typing a new thread or comment, you can find the spoiler feature in the new Formatting area (the button with the Paragraph icon).



This is what spoilers look like now. ;)

Other Improvements/Features:

  • Profile Pages now have a wall you can post on. Just like regular forum posts, you can also report wall posts by Flagging them.
  • Users can now apply Tags when posting or editing their own thread. (Ask a friendly neighborhood mod if you want a new tag created for people to use.)
  • User mentions are improved; you can now Mention users that have spaces in their usernames. Example: @Blind Sniper
  • You can now save "Drafts" of posts or threads and retrieve them later
  • You now have a notifications menu. You can customize what you do/do not get notifications for.

Discuss the new update and share any feedback, errors, questions, etc here in this thread!



  • edited October 2017

    A four year decision to conclude that, yeah, linear WAS better.

  • Meh, better late than never. ;)

    Johro posted: »

    A four year decision to conclude that, yeah, linear WAS better.

  • I guess it's all better organized now? I'm not sure about the linear comment system with the colors, feels a bit confusing but it's probably a matter of getting used to it. The background is still white... meh. Like count disappeared (I think) for better or worse. A search feature on the "My Comments" section is still missing : (.

    Anything on the "My choices" screen? It was incredibly buggy, sure, but was it removed permanently or are they making it better? Where can we check the extra choices now?

  • This feels pretty awful on my IPad looking at a topic I posted in earlier and it's a mess trying to figure out who's talking to who.

  • I think the blue is a bit superfluous. I mean, we have icons and names. We know who we are. It's just something that makes it more confusing. That's my only real constructive comment. The auto-save draft is a nice touch.


    MY 70K

  • I... uh, this is a lot different. This will take some time to get used to and looking at my thread, I really miss the old style already. At least when it comes to replying to specific comments and having a conversation in the threads, I think I preferred the previous system, that surely made for a lot less confusing discussions. Also, main post, another feature that will be dearly missed. I surely love the PM system though, that was a much needed improvement. And kudos, I have not encountered a single glitch so far, so that was at least a clean update. Given how previous updates have been very problematic, I am glad this big one went smoothly.

  • Yep. They didn't have them years ago, so not a huge loss. I gave you an "awesome" heart thing if that makes you feel better.


  • edited October 2017

    The colour system is really... confusing. At least give replies an indentation to make it easier to distinguish between the two.

  • Ok I have mixed feeling about this. The telltale chat is split up into 3 different sections which is prettty cool and allows for more neatness I guess. I don’t really like the way the comments look though, it just seems messy but this is how most other forums look.

  • I hate it already. For starters, the linear comments are back, wasn't that an old forum feature that was done away with? It was far easier in the old layout of replies, now we have to click on the "In reply to" button, I fail to see how that's an improvement. The inbox for private messaging is fine, it's definitely helpful, but I started out at like 35 notifications and the only way to get rid of them is to go through all of them 1 by 1, and since some of them are the Clem porn pictures, I really don't want to do that (for obvious reasons). I also liked having all of the sub forums on one page, I get that the new way probably makes it more organized and will help on days of releases to avoid potential spoilers for a particular game, but if you're in an area of weak internet access, you'd be constantly loading different web pages, not a big criticism, but still one I wanted to get off my chest.

    There are some cool features, such as the spoiler addition and the ability to save comment drafts is neat, not sure when I'd use it, but it could be useful. I also like the addition of a wall for people's profiles, I feel like that could be a lot of fun.

  • In 2014 I missed the 2013 update. In 2015 I missed the 2014 update. 2015 I missed '14, '16 I missed '15...

    Fucking Christ I miss how it was before. Not saying likes is all that matters but it was neat seeing my ratio and building 70 thousand over the last 5 years and no one disliked the likes concept.

    And the website is still white. Fuck.

    I... uh, this is a lot different. This will take some time to get used to and looking at my thread, I really miss the old style already. At

  • Just like always, this will take some time to get used to.

  • I do think there needs to be a tweak to replies. I enjoy linear, but just bring back quotes then. I may just start each one with "Replying to..." or something.

  • For everyone wondering about linear comments - the forums used to have linear comments, and a similarly abrupt change was made to Reddit style comments back then. People eventually got used to it, and I suspect the same will happen here.

    You'll see that, over time, discussion will actually be more organized as opposed to Reddit style comments.

  • Who the fuck is replying to who I can't even tell.

  • I'd prefer to do away with linear in general and just go back to the old format of replies.

    Oh yeah, in reply to Johro:

    I do think there needs to be a tweak to replies. I enjoy linear, but just bring back quotes then. I may just start each one with "Replying to..." or something.

    Johro posted: »

    I do think there needs to be a tweak to replies. I enjoy linear, but just bring back quotes then. I may just start each one with "Replying to..." or something.

  • It works like a traditional forum now. Replies will have an arrow indication the post you were replying to, and are also designated with a Yellow color.

    Who the fuck is replying to who I can't even tell.

  • In reply to Don't Look Back because the reply system is fucking stupid now


    MY 70K

    Yes, yes they did.


  • edited October 2017

    Works for me

    Oh yeah, in reply to Johro

  • Ew. Not a fan of the linear comments. This will take a lot to get used to.
    Also, I know that I didn't have as much likes compared to some , but I was strangely proud of my 25k of them. :( RIP likes, you'll be missed.

  • I also liked having all of the sub forums on one page, I get that the new way probably makes it more organized and will help on days of releases to avoid potential spoilers for a particular game, but if you're in an area of weak internet access, you'd be constantly loading different web pages, not a big criticism, but still one I wanted to get off my chest.

    I think the site organization will be changed to hide the sub forums and just have a forum take you directly to the main section. Telltale just held off on making any drastic changes to the forum organization while the update was rolling out.

    I hate it already. For starters, the linear comments are back, wasn't that an old forum feature that was done away with? It was far easier i

  • Yeah, that's dumb as hell. So if someone posts a reply to a comment towards the bottom of the page, and I click on the button to see the original comment its in reply to, which is at the very top of the page, I have to scroll all the way back down to get back to where I was and continue reading the thread. Or what if it's a long comment chain, I have to keep hitting the "In Reply to" button to see what the previous comment was, and even then it doesn't help if you want to read the original comment first and then work your way down.

    It works like a traditional forum now. Replies will have an arrow indication the post you were replying to, and are also designated with a Yellow color.

  • General rule of thumb; it will help if you use the Quote function when you reply to someone.

    You can also look in the lower right corner and click the "In Reply to [Username]" link

  • Also, even though I've commented on this thread, it's not showing up in my bookmarked discussions, why?

  • Discussions will eventually adapt to the new format, so that won't be a problem in the long run. Obviously, in the short run, the threaded comments will look a bit off in this format, but people will make discussions in the new format and adapt.

    However, I do agree that replies should show a quote excerpt and I asked if that could happen in a future update.

    Yeah, that's dumb as hell. So if someone posts a reply to a comment towards the bottom of the page, and I click on the button to see the ori

  • This constant scrolling up and down to see what comments are getting replied to is gonna be a massive pain in my ass. One reason I don't like other forums is because they look like this.

    It works like a traditional forum now. Replies will have an arrow indication the post you were replying to, and are also designated with a Yellow color.

  • In reply to Pipas

    Also, I know that I didn't have as much likes compared to some , but I was strangely proud of my 25k of them. :( RIP likes, you'll be missed.

    Me too, I liked having a like counter, I felt a strange sense of pride.

    Pipas posted: »

    Ew. Not a fan of the linear comments. This will take a lot to get used to. Also, I know that I didn't have as much likes compared to some , but I was strangely proud of my 25k of them. RIP likes, you'll be missed.

  • You have to manually bookmark threads now.

  • Sometimes, the original comment will be on a previous page, which is where actually quoting the post will be a good idea. It's better this way in the end. Replying to a comment on a previous page was near pointless prior to this update. No one but you and the poster saw it.

  • Blind, I don't seem to be getting notifications as well.

    I also liked having all of the sub forums on one page, I get that the new way probably makes it more organized and will help on days of rele

  • edited October 2017

    Testing this quoting thing...


    Edit: ok how did you make that big quote box. Sorry, bear with me.

  • Your profile page now has a Preferences section where you can customize what you do or do not get notifications for. You may need to update it. Likewise, notifications can sometimes be delayed by like a minute or so.

    Blind, I don't seem to be getting notifications as well.

  • Click the Paragraph mark and select quote. Or just type >

    Testing this quoting thing...

    Testing this quoting thing... "Testing..." Edit: ok how did you make that big quote box. Sorry, bear with me.

  • Johro said:
    Sometimes, the original comment will be on a previous page, which is where actually quoting the post will be a good idea. It's better this way in the end.

    I just want to iterate what Johro said here. I was a user on the forums both when linear and threaded comments are around, and in the long run, linear comments are more organized and promote better discussion.

    Discussions will obviously look a bit off in the short run when you are reading Reddit style comments in a linear thread, but the point is that you guys will adapt and get used to it as discussions are made that actually fit this linear style.

    Also, to iterate again - Click "In Reply to [Username]" in the lower right if you are confused who is replying to who

    Johro posted: »

    Sometimes, the original comment will be on a previous page, which is where actually quoting the post will be a good idea. It's better this

  • Your profile page now has a Preferences section where you can customize what you do or do not get notifications for. You may need to update it. Likewise, notifications can sometimes be delayed by like a minute or so.

    I saw that already and did that, still not getting them.

    Your profile page now has a Preferences section where you can customize what you do or do not get notifications for. You may need to update it. Likewise, notifications can sometimes be delayed by like a minute or so.

  • What I have been doing is, when I reply to someone, I will type a quote formatted like this:

    Username said:
    Blah blah blah this is a post

    I recommend you start formatting your replies like this. As I said, you guys will get used to it over time.

  • There is no longer notifications for replies.

    I saw that already and did that, still not getting them.

    Your profile page now has a Preferences section where you can customize what you do or do not get notifications for. You may need to update

  • Click the Paragraph mark and select quote. Or just type >

    Now whenever I reply I need to copy and paste every single comment? I already know half this forum isn't going to do that so coming here will be constant endless scrolling.

    Johro posted: »

    Click the Paragraph mark and select quote. Or just type > Testing this quoting thing...

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