The only log in problem I am having is when I go to click on password on the IPad and it takes me back to the create account screen, and sometimes when I click log in it doesn’t work on the first-second tap cos the stupid typer thingy isn’t in the box and is bang on the sign in button
Ok, for one I've found that the way the sub sections are now displayed and organized is completely uneffective to the supposed promotion of less frequented sections. It may be more egalitarian, but egalitarian as in it's equally obstructive for every one of the sections, at least to users who frequent more than one section. It's promoting even more back and forth between pages, as if the reply system wasn't doing enough of that. If someone like me who likes to check which threads are active in each one of the sub sections I'm interested in; Thrones, TWD, Telltale Talk, Guardians, Batman and occasionally Minecraft and Tales; that ammounts to... what? Around 10 page swaps? Something which usually was done with one scroll down. I understand that perhaps this design helps newcommers to the forums figure out more easily where everything's at, whereas usually they'd just be presented with Telltale Talk and probably think that's it. So, a solution would be to perhaps have an option to expand/collapse sections, and preferably have the website memorize which sections a user has expanded/collpsed. An even better feature would be to also give the user the ability to decide which section is above/below each. It doesn't sound like something impossible to concieve, honestly, and giving users the options to chose how they want things is bound to make evryone happy, at least in this aspect.
I'd also like to point out another flaw in the reply system that is that the "In reply to..." link which has been said to be the thing that fizes everything. Well, it doesn't. It might help, sure, but the more you use it the more you see one big flaw it has: it makes you read discussions backwards. It's literally impossible to effectively have more specific discussions within a thread. That's not a good thing when it comes to a forum where there's a lot of different topics and different people discussing them at once. Linear is used in DMs or group chats because everyone is meant to be on the same page and honestly, those are the places you expect shitposting and constant deviation of topic to exist, something you certainly want avoided in a forum. In a forum not everyone will want to be discussing the same thing at once. One layout is better than the other when it comes to handling forum discussions, and the fact that other forums haven't made the upgrade to threaded yet doesn't make it any less true.
I want the old layout back or I simply can't see myself contributing to these forums much anymore. It's way too confusing to navigate, every visit is pure irritation.
I honestly have no idea where you get this thesis from.
The threaded style obviously makes discussion not only more varied, but more focused and organized. There's never going to be just one thing to talk about in a certain topic/thread. There are always going to be a lot of different ideas, topics and arguments. You had that all organized with threaded, whereas with this you're just going to have everything stepping over everything and be forced to go back and forth, breaking "discussion immersion" so to say.
So what you're proposing when you say the solution is to start making threads around this linear style is really saying were going to have to start discussing things in an extremely general and non-specific way so that there is no diversion to more specific sides of the topic which would cause discussion overlaying? I'd say that's (extremely) lowering the quality of discussion, no?
That is true; linear threads carry less posts than Reddit-style threads usually had. Though the fact that you most likely will have to jump between pages to read the discussion is counter-productive in that sense.
Here are some points that I think were a skipped over that I think were pretty valid as to the conversation, and I would like to see what everyone else thinks. I think both @IronWoodLover and @BetterToSleep made some good remarks that weren't addressed directly, and I for one want to see the rebuttal to them are.
Yes, and the linear comments help promote longer, more thought out posts. Threaded comments previously promoted shorter, quicker discussions… more.
I honestly have no idea where you get this thesis from.
The threaded style obviously makes discussion not only more varied, but more focused and organized. There's never going to be just one thing to talk about in a certain topic/thread. There are always going to be a lot of different ideas, topics and arguments. You had that all organized with threaded, whereas with this you're just going to have everything stepping over everything and be forced to go back and forth, breaking "discussion immersion" so to say.
So what you're proposing when you say the solution is to start making threads around this linear style is really saying were going to have to start discussing things in an extremely general and non-specific way so that there is no diversion to more specific sides of the topic which w… [view original content]
I honestly have no idea where you get this thesis from.
The threaded style obviously makes discussion not only more varied, but more … morefocused and organized. There's never going to be just one thing to talk about in a certain topic/thread. There are always going to be a lot of different ideas, topics and arguments. You had that all organized with threaded, whereas with this you're just going to have everything stepping over everything and be forced to go back and forth, breaking "discussion immersion" so to say.
So what you're proposing when you say the solution is to start making threads around this linear style is really saying were going to have to start discussing things in an extremely general and non-specific way so that there is no diversion to more specific sides of the topic which would cause discussion overlaying? I'd say that's (extremely) lowering the quality of discussion, no?
That is true; linear threads carry… [view original content]
I want the old layout back or I simply can't see myself contributing to these forums much anymore. It's way too confusing to navigate, every visit is pure irritation.
I thought at least by now it would be a little less of a pain in the ass to use but honestly it's still the same. I have absolutely no desire to click in reply to to see who is talking to who, and no desire to read every single quote in order to find out who they're talking to, because it becomes an endless cycle of me rereading shit I have already read 3 pages back, or me having to load so many pages to read the entire discussion.
I'm only here on the slight chance that they might return to the old style even though it probably wont happen.
I want the old layout back or I simply can't see myself contributing to these forums much anymore. It's way too confusing to navigate, every visit is pure irritation.
The last paragraph in the quote was supposed to be it's own separate quote, but I've yet to completely figure out these new changes with the update.
This update uses the same forum software as before (vanilla) and uses markdown like before so you will need to add the markdown code < br > (but without the spaces) between the seperate quotes you want to add to make them separate.
Bounden said:
Here are some points that I think were a skipped over that I think were pretty valid as to the conversation, and I would like to see what everyone else thinks. I think both IronWoodLover and BetterToSleep made some good remarks that weren't addressed directly, and I for one want to see the rebuttal to them are.
Awesome! Thanks for highlighting this.
OzzyUK said:
This update uses the same forum software as before (vanilla) and uses markdown like before so you will need to add the markdown code < br > (but without the spaces) between the seperate quotes you want to add to make them separate.
LOL, thanks, Ozzy. I had no idea this was possible.
The last paragraph in the quote was supposed to be it's own separate quote, but I've yet to completely figure out these new changes with the… more update.
This update uses the same forum software as before (vanilla) and uses markdown like before so you will need to add the markdown code < br > (but without the spaces) between the seperate quotes you want to add to make them separate.
I honestly have no idea where you get this thesis from.
The rationale for the site update at the time was meant to elicit "smaller, more casual conversation" similar to comments you would see on Reddit or website comment sections/social media, since those sites were popular at the time of the update (and still are).
The threaded style obviously makes discussion not only more varied, but more focused and organized. There's never going to be just one thing to talk about in a certain topic/thread. There are always going to be a lot of different ideas, topics and arguments. You had that all organized with threaded, whereas with this you're just going to have everything stepping over everything and be forced to go back and forth, breaking "discussion immersion" so to say.
So what you're proposing when you say the solution is to start making threads around this linear style is really saying were going to have to start discussing things in an extremely general and non-specific way so that there is no diversion to more specific sides of the topic which would cause discussion overlaying? I'd say that's (extremely) lowering the quality of discussion, no?
Longer form discussions happened in spite of threaded comments, not because of them.
You're not going to have to make "extremely general threads that don't promote side discussion" - actually, quite the opposite. You can make more specific threads, but even general threads are fine. The point is - discussion will be focused on more particular topics at one point in time.
As I've mentioned several times, linear discussions encourage more discussion on a fewer, more particular topics. Threaded discusssion, by and large, promoted smaller and more passing side conversations.
Having lurked/lightly posted on the forums during the previous iteration of linear comments and modded the forums for a few months short of the entire duration of threaded comments, I observed that the discussions were more thoughtful and organized when comments were linear, as the threaded comments encouraged more of a "social media" style of posting - comments were shorter, more oriented around particular cliques in a few instances, etc.
That is true; linear threads carry less posts than Reddit-style threads usually had. Though the fact that you most likely will have to jump between pages to read the discussion is counter-productive in that sense.
Jumping "pages" back won't be a problem - linear threads won't work like how you guys think they will. Discussions will not be that fast paced.
Since you guys are used to the threaded comments, you are obviously used to thinking in terms of making threads that encourage or otherwise accommodate smaller discussions, but linear forum layout encourages more focus and honed discussion on a few topics. Some will see this as a perk, others will see this as a loss. But, either way, it's a change. The pros and cons of linear discussion will be more apparent over time once threads are made to accommodate this format, but yes - old discussions will obviously look "off" and feel different in the short term.
The point is that the switch to linear is meant to encourage topics to be more honed on a particular topic.
You can still have smaller side conversations, but now you will need to get in the habit of replying to posts. (I will say, for now, you should probably quote posts too, but the web team can eventually fix that I think - that is a problem with this current update and not a linear forum format in general).
Because I brought up Discord, social media, etc, some people are latching onto that as a "hah, GOTCHA!" argument, but my point was that Discord, social media, etc are only one of many types of websites that use linear - not the main kinds of websites, and certainly not the most prominent implementation.
Most prominent and traditional forums out there also use linear comments and have a forum environment where threads are primarily encouraged to follow one topic with more thoughtful comments.
Social media, Discord, etc all promote smaller side discussions, despite being linear, but not all linear sites/comments promote smaller side discussions. The forum environment with threaded comments was meant to elicit similar types of discussions at the time, whereas linear forums - with the right culture, moderation style, fostered community, etc - promote more longer and thought out comments.
For everyone saying that "people replying to threaded conversations from pages back wasn't a problem", you will eventually find that - because linear posts encourage a smaller amount of more focused topics - you won't need to reply from pages back.
Yes, reading threaded comments from old threads in this format will occasionally feel "off" for a while, but the point is that linear discussion is meant to change the dynamic of discussions.
Is it possible to switch to the old website layout? I honestly don't like this new one because it makes all the comments super unorganized and I liked the last one because it was so much easier to see who replied to who and stuff, so is there a way?
Is it possible to switch to the old website layout?
There is no way to switch to the old layout as the changes were more than just cosmetic. Telltale does not intend to switch back to threaded comments.
To see who replied to comments, click "In Reply to [Username]" in the lower right corner. This will admittedly not be particularly organized in the short term for when you read older threads but discussion format will adapt in the long run.
Thread: New Website Layout
Is it possible to switch to the old website layout? I honestly don't like this new one because it makes all … morethe comments super unorganized and I liked the last one because it was so much easier to see who replied to who and stuff, so is there a way?
Can we get some kind of different heart that appears after we liked something? Sometimes I cant tell if I already liked something or not.
This is a good idea. The previous threaded forums also had this problem. I know it keeps track of whether you already liked something or not, to keep you from liking it over and over and over again, so it might as well change the indicator to reflect this.
Does someone have troubles logging in?
I had a similar issue where it let me log in, the "activity" part just said loading and I couldn't post. Closing chrome and deleting my cookies/data worked. Try that.
The new site update is atrocious to look at and ridiculous to use. Is there any chance of getting the old layout or at least a different update? I just cant do this new site.
The old layout is not coming back but the web team is genuinely taking steps to act on constructive feedback aimed towards improving this current iteration of the site.
The new site update is atrocious to look at and ridiculous to use. Is there any chance of getting the old layout or at least a different update? I just cant do this new site.
Yep, with this new update it's gonna take a while for people to get used to. Eventually, we will either suck it up and accept the forums for how they are. Or leave and never return. The regular updates may help to speed up the process in us deciding whether we want to stay or not, but it will still take some time.
Yep, with this new update it's gonna take a while for people to get used to. Eventually, we will either suck it up and accept the forums for… more how they are. Or leave and never return. The regular updates may help to speed up the process in us deciding whether we want to stay or not, but it will still take some time.
The only log in problem I am having is when I go to click on password on the IPad and it takes me back to the create account screen, and sometimes when I click log in it doesn’t work on the first-second tap cos the stupid typer thingy isn’t in the box and is bang on the sign in button
Ok, for one I've found that the way the sub sections are now displayed and organized is completely uneffective to the supposed promotion of less frequented sections. It may be more egalitarian, but egalitarian as in it's equally obstructive for every one of the sections, at least to users who frequent more than one section. It's promoting even more back and forth between pages, as if the reply system wasn't doing enough of that. If someone like me who likes to check which threads are active in each one of the sub sections I'm interested in; Thrones, TWD, Telltale Talk, Guardians, Batman and occasionally Minecraft and Tales; that ammounts to... what? Around 10 page swaps? Something which usually was done with one scroll down. I understand that perhaps this design helps newcommers to the forums figure out more easily where everything's at, whereas usually they'd just be presented with Telltale Talk and probably think that's it. So, a solution would be to perhaps have an option to expand/collapse sections, and preferably have the website memorize which sections a user has expanded/collpsed. An even better feature would be to also give the user the ability to decide which section is above/below each. It doesn't sound like something impossible to concieve, honestly, and giving users the options to chose how they want things is bound to make evryone happy, at least in this aspect.
I'd also like to point out another flaw in the reply system that is that the "In reply to..." link which has been said to be the thing that fizes everything. Well, it doesn't. It might help, sure, but the more you use it the more you see one big flaw it has: it makes you read discussions backwards. It's literally impossible to effectively have more specific discussions within a thread. That's not a good thing when it comes to a forum where there's a lot of different topics and different people discussing them at once. Linear is used in DMs or group chats because everyone is meant to be on the same page and honestly, those are the places you expect shitposting and constant deviation of topic to exist, something you certainly want avoided in a forum. In a forum not everyone will want to be discussing the same thing at once. One layout is better than the other when it comes to handling forum discussions, and the fact that other forums haven't made the upgrade to threaded yet doesn't make it any less true.
My brain can not comprehend the dialect of which you are speaking, as well as the length of said dialect. (ded)
I want the old layout back or I simply can't see myself contributing to these forums much anymore. It's way too confusing to navigate, every visit is pure irritation.
Here are some points that I think were a skipped over that I think were pretty valid as to the conversation, and I would like to see what everyone else thinks. I think both @IronWoodLover and @BetterToSleep made some good remarks that weren't addressed directly, and I for one want to see the rebuttal to them are.
The last paragraph in the quote was supposed to be it's own separate quote, but I've yet to completely figure out these new changes with the update.
I thought at least by now it would be a little less of a pain in the ass to use but honestly it's still the same. I have absolutely no desire to click in reply to to see who is talking to who, and no desire to read every single quote in order to find out who they're talking to, because it becomes an endless cycle of me rereading shit I have already read 3 pages back, or me having to load so many pages to read the entire discussion.
I'm only here on the slight chance that they might return to the old style even though it probably wont happen.
This update uses the same forum software as before (vanilla) and uses markdown like before so you will need to add the markdown code < br > (but without the spaces) between the seperate quotes you want to add to make them separate.
Awesome! Thanks for highlighting this.
LOL, thanks, Ozzy. I had no idea this was possible.
After some improvements, I still hate the linear threads. That's why I don't visit those type of communities.
we get it fam, you hate linear threads
Why do u still visit this 1? ༼ʘ̚ل͜ʘ̚༽
I dunno exactly. I wish it had more reasons not to visit it.
Well I don’t have much of a problem with you most of the time so idc if you stay
The rationale for the site update at the time was meant to elicit "smaller, more casual conversation" similar to comments you would see on Reddit or website comment sections/social media, since those sites were popular at the time of the update (and still are).
Longer form discussions happened in spite of threaded comments, not because of them.
You're not going to have to make "extremely general threads that don't promote side discussion" - actually, quite the opposite. You can make more specific threads, but even general threads are fine. The point is - discussion will be focused on more particular topics at one point in time.
As I've mentioned several times, linear discussions encourage more discussion on a fewer, more particular topics. Threaded discusssion, by and large, promoted smaller and more passing side conversations.
Having lurked/lightly posted on the forums during the previous iteration of linear comments and modded the forums for a few months short of the entire duration of threaded comments, I observed that the discussions were more thoughtful and organized when comments were linear, as the threaded comments encouraged more of a "social media" style of posting - comments were shorter, more oriented around particular cliques in a few instances, etc.
Jumping "pages" back won't be a problem - linear threads won't work like how you guys think they will. Discussions will not be that fast paced.
Since you guys are used to the threaded comments, you are obviously used to thinking in terms of making threads that encourage or otherwise accommodate smaller discussions, but linear forum layout encourages more focus and honed discussion on a few topics. Some will see this as a perk, others will see this as a loss. But, either way, it's a change. The pros and cons of linear discussion will be more apparent over time once threads are made to accommodate this format, but yes - old discussions will obviously look "off" and feel different in the short term.
The point is that the switch to linear is meant to encourage topics to be more honed on a particular topic.
You can still have smaller side conversations, but now you will need to get in the habit of replying to posts. (I will say, for now, you should probably quote posts too, but the web team can eventually fix that I think - that is a problem with this current update and not a linear forum format in general).
Because I brought up Discord, social media, etc, some people are latching onto that as a "hah, GOTCHA!" argument, but my point was that Discord, social media, etc are only one of many types of websites that use linear - not the main kinds of websites, and certainly not the most prominent implementation.
Most prominent and traditional forums out there also use linear comments and have a forum environment where threads are primarily encouraged to follow one topic with more thoughtful comments.
Social media, Discord, etc all promote smaller side discussions, despite being linear, but not all linear sites/comments promote smaller side discussions. The forum environment with threaded comments was meant to elicit similar types of discussions at the time, whereas linear forums - with the right culture, moderation style, fostered community, etc - promote more longer and thought out comments.
For everyone saying that "people replying to threaded conversations from pages back wasn't a problem", you will eventually find that - because linear posts encourage a smaller amount of more focused topics - you won't need to reply from pages back.
Yes, reading threaded comments from old threads in this format will occasionally feel "off" for a while, but the point is that linear discussion is meant to change the dynamic of discussions.
Thread: New Website Layout
Is it possible to switch to the old website layout? I honestly don't like this new one because it makes all the comments super unorganized and I liked the last one because it was so much easier to see who replied to who and stuff, so is there a way?
There is no way to switch to the old layout as the changes were more than just cosmetic. Telltale does not intend to switch back to threaded comments.
To see who replied to comments, click "In Reply to [Username]" in the lower right corner. This will admittedly not be particularly organized in the short term for when you read older threads but discussion format will adapt in the long run.
Can we get some kind of different heart that appears after we liked something? Sometimes I cant tell if I already liked something or not.
I'm not sure if this is a new feature or not, (if it's not, feel free to shame me, I deserve it.) but I'm happy we can dismiss sticky threads.
Click it and see if the number goes up or down
Everything about this update is good except for the look. The reply’s are just messed up. This look has sadly made me visit the forums not as often.
This is a good idea. The previous threaded forums also had this problem. I know it keeps track of whether you already liked something or not, to keep you from liking it over and over and over again, so it might as well change the indicator to reflect this.
Didn't help, but thanks anyway. Changing the browser somehow worked.
Riddle me this:
How many users are visiting this community now?
I don't know, 4 maybe? 5 including me.
Shit, I meant community, not thread.
The same amount as last time if I am right, give or take the frequency in their visits which is lower than it was before the update
Then including me that would be, I think, 10-13 people. But as @Melton23 said it depends on frequency in their visits.
You mentioned me but I didn’t get the notification despite it being active on my preferences. Another bug in this site change that needs to be fixed
A new small update is out;
Now when's the reply system getting fixed?
(an indentation or automatically quote the message)
You can do this manually in the meantime!
This site layout is terrible for a desktop computer. I no longer have clear at glance visual indication who replies to what.
Don't worry it sucks on mobile too
And PS4 as well.
The new site update is atrocious to look at and ridiculous to use. Is there any chance of getting the old layout or at least a different update? I just cant do this new site.
The old layout is not coming back but the web team is genuinely taking steps to act on constructive feedback aimed towards improving this current iteration of the site.
Yep, with this new update it's gonna take a while for people to get used to. Eventually, we will either suck it up and accept the forums for how they are. Or leave and never return. The regular updates may help to speed up the process in us deciding whether we want to stay or not, but it will still take some time.
I’ve already gotten used to it