"How It's Gotta Be" Episode Discussion
So after a mixed Season 8, we have the mid-season finale.
Last week, Negan and company freed themselves from the Sanctuary, and the filthy garbage people did...something? I don't uh really remember, or care, to be honest.
Anyway, hopefully this episode is a good one. I mean really explosive, burning up my criticisms of this half-season, like how "No Sanctuary" was. As a comic reader, I have high hopes, but those have been dashed many, oh so many, times before. But we'll see. We shall see...
As always, comment before, while, and after you watch.
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I think either Carl or Daryl will die tonight. Carl’s Death has been rumored for a while and they’ve been teasing a lot of Daryl to promote tonight’s episode.
TWD have also been hyping it up a lot, almost like it was a game changing episode. I’m sure nothing crazy will happen, but we’ll see. Also, this may sound crazy, but i think Clementine might show up towards the end. Telltale teased a little something on their Twitter not too long ago.
I highly doubt Clem will appear, it just doesn't seem very likely at all and would just feel like nothing more than fan service to those who play the game.
True, but I only said that because of this:
I think the only way they can do her right in the show is if they have her replace Carl’s role from the comics, if they actually kill him off. They won’t have her be in a relationship with Lydia either, maybe just have them be best friends.
Maybe they're talking about the fruit.
Responding to the Carl stuff, I cannot see him dying. I would be utterly shocked. Completely. I would applaud them for shocking me.
I agree. For once I’d be saddened again about a character death in this show. The last death that hit me hard was Hershel’s.
"Scorched earth, you dick!"
Oh so long have I been waiting for that, I only wish they had the extra curse for good measure like in the comics.
Maybe it's just my TV's brightness, but jeez I can barely see anything and it's terrible.
I have that same problem. I hate "dark" episodes. Like the one where they killed the Termites in the church.
I..... actually don't agree with what just happened
What...the...fuck? @MRSHYGUY45 was half right
Way to put Siddiq on the shit list immediately
-mouth gaping open-
-rewinded because wasn't entirely paying attention-
-successions of "oh my god"-
-comic book storylines gone-
It took 7 seasons, but him finally not staying in the house got him killed.
I'm in denial. That must be a human bite.
My goodness if they faked this people would lose their minds beyond the dumpster.
Denial is the first step in the grieving process my friend. Why would a human bite him there?
who got killed?
Wow. And now that Carl will be gone, I wonder what they'll have in store for Judith. I don't think Lydia will exist the TV show without Carl, unless she plays a different role. And Rick.... I think he may actually kill him.
Edit: I like Payton's line in TTD "I wanted him to jump back through the window. The Fight was too short!"
No one has actually said their name. Frankly, I think it's better if you just watch it, as much as I want to tell you.
Someone will tell ya, I'm sure.
Tell me damn it...I am at the start of a 16 hour shift...might as well have some enjoyment
I was only half right about my assumptions, but I still, overall, liked that episode. Let’s see where the show goes now that he’s gone. Who will replace him?
A part of me says Clementine might take his role for some reason. Or another character his age, maybe Enid?
Not so sure about Clem. I say Edith is a more plausible choice. Oh, Edith..... This is going to be rough on her.
Enid fucking died lol that guy shot her in the head
And Clementine wont come in the show
Did I miss something? I ended up falling asleep the last ten minutes so i don’t know what happened to her.
I’m sure they’ll think of something interesting. It’s weird that they killed him off considering he’s a major character in the comics but I understand why they did.
I thought that was enid in the backseat who got shot? idek i only watched the episode to see carl die
Wait.. She got shot? Damn, I missed that part!
Ohhh, that wasn’t her. It was some Hilltop guy named Neil.
Same, honestly.
Nah it was a redshirt named Neil. Enid was kidnapped by Oceanside with Aaron after shooting Natania.
Hopefully a trailer for The Final Season will be posted in February alongside the mid season premiere. I wouldn’t mind that, honestly.
OMFG, I'm so happy, I'm going to throw a party, thank god he/she is dead it's about time, such a waste of a character but oh well if this was the comic vision of the character, I'd be crying my eye out but anyway I don't even watch the show, i just see it on twitter who died and I was like thank god for answering my prays anyway I hope the best for this young actress/actor.
They did not do what I think they just did ? and that Alexandria situation just came right from the comics ? Would still go gay for negan tho. Also, is it just me or did anyone else hear Negan say the F-word?
It was some guy named Neil. He wasn’t a main character or anything but he was seen here and there in the Hilltop and was there when Rick first showed up and had that fight of his
*Blows party favour*
The way that bite was positioned though? No way he survives. It's now only a matter of how long does he have left and what will he do with that time?
Honestly with all the rumors about Carl dying, I wasn't shocked at all. Especially with his social media post and all the fan theories. Tonight's episode for me was just a "When, Where & How" type of thing. And we can't blame the writers at all, nor Chandler Riggs. He just wanted to move on in life and start his so to speak.
And did anyone else notice Enid saying she "drives" better than Carl?
I hope that wasn't a cheesy hint of announcing she'll be taking his place.
No chopping of the body parts ._.