Agreed so much. Just seeing how Luke treated him makes it hard to believe that they had a 20 year old friendship. Nick always tried his best… more for everyone and deserved so much better. And in episode 4 Luke is much sadder about Jane leaving - a woman he knew for like 2 days. Sarah just died and he didn't even care! I wanted to strangle him so bad in that episode...
Okay, so hypothetical gameplay scenario: Mariana has been shot but NOT killed by Badger, allowing Eleanor/Tripp to get her back to Prescott and successfully remove the bullet. What kind of gameplay options would this realistically enable in the rest of the episode?
Okay, so hypothetical gameplay scenario: Mariana has been shot but NOT killed by Badger, allowing Eleanor/Tripp to get her back to Prescott … moreand successfully remove the bullet. What kind of gameplay options would this realistically enable in the rest of the episode?
Actually, he first appears alongside Max, Lonnie, and this other guy when they find him outside the trailer. The only notability he had was hanging back for a few seconds in the background before leaving to help the others search.
Yeah, I know. That's what I meant. He doesn't even seem angry or aggressive, he's just there.
The guy with the most generic design just seemed like a generic henchman at first? How randy!
I know, I know. It just feels like there should have been more to him, design-wise and personality-wise.
Yeah, that definitely would've made sense. In fact, I should probably go back and edit that in....
Honestly it didn't seem like Max was the kind of guy who would you beat you up with his bare hands. I mean yes he looked like a thug, but it was clear there was more to him than that.
what's weird to me is how in episode 1 badger just appears without any fanfare after the argument and fight is already over, and has no intr… moreoduction nor dialogue.
Actually, he first appears alongside Max, Lonnie, and this other guy when they find him outside the trailer. The only notability he had was hanging back for a few seconds in the background before leaving to help the others search.
And those are both because he was originally the one driving Javier to Richmond instead of Rufus and thus was apart of the resulting choice.
This is the guy that kills Javier's niece, but he just seems like a generic henchman.
The guy with the most generic design just seemed like a generic henchman at first? How randy!
They should have at least had him be the one that knocks Javier out.
Yeah, that definitely would've made sense. In fact, I should probably go back and edit that in....
Yeah, I know. That's what I meant. He doesn't even seem angry or aggressive, he's just there.
I know, I know. It just feels like there should have been more to him, design-wise and personality-wise.
Yeah. Funny thing is he had shades originally.
Honestly it didn't seem like Max was the kind of guy who would you beat you up with his bare hands. I mean yes he looked like a thug, but it was clear there was more to him than that.
That was almost certainly a reflection of the original role for his character before the some of the later rewrites.
Actually, he first appears alongside Max, Lonnie, and this other guy when they find him outside the trailer. The only notability he had was … morehanging back for a few seconds in the background before leaving to help the others search.
Yeah, I know. That's what I meant. He doesn't even seem angry or aggressive, he's just there.
The guy with the most generic design just seemed like a generic henchman at first? How randy!
I know, I know. It just feels like there should have been more to him, design-wise and personality-wise.
Yeah, that definitely would've made sense. In fact, I should probably go back and edit that in....
Honestly it didn't seem like Max was the kind of guy who would you beat you up with his bare hands. I mean yes he looked like a thug, but it was clear there was more to him than that.
Eh, you know what, that may actually be part of the problem: it's based entirely on who you sided with. Which is nice and all, reciprocity ftw, but I can't help but feel it's a little too on the simple side.
The fact that they ended very much neglecting Kate despite making a point of her getting involved again and determinate declaration doesn't exactly help either.
However, the real reason I felt it should've been swapped has to do with the respective contexts of where the one you side against were.
I see. Would have been good to see Gabe coming to help despite not choosing to go to David's house. It would show that he loves his uncle and Kate and that he appreciates them. It also adds more to him than the blind adoration for his father. Good oppurtunity for character development wasted!
Eh, you know what, that may actually be part of the problem: it's based entirely on who you sided with. Which is nice and all, reciprocity f… moretw, but I can't help but feel it's a little too on the simple side.
The fact that they ended very much neglecting Kate despite making a point of her getting involved again and determinate declaration doesn't exactly help either.
However, the real reason I felt it should've been swapped has to do with the respective contexts of where the one you side against were.
I haven't thought it through yet myself(probably because I have a test in a few). I would definitely pick an additional color, but it should be one that adds to his palette without necessarily being jarring or redundant.
I haven't thought it through yet myself(probably because I have a test in a few). I would definitely pick an additional color, but it should be one that adds to his palette without necessarily being jarring or redundant.
During the wait for "Season 3," I personally threw around a good number of concepts involving Arvo in general and I think 3 of them detailed what happened/happens with at least Mike.
Generally speaking though, I think it's fairly safe to say that, wherever they ended up, their relationships with each other was damaged after Arvo let his anger get the best of him(again).
If Bonnie is dead, though? ...Well, that kinda goes into one of the more grisly ones, but for now, let's just say that there was a trust issue.
What do you think happened to Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo?
Hypothetically what would change for their journey if Bonnie were dead already vs alive and with them?
Pretty much. Though it'd be more of a solid demonstration than an outright confirmation.
It would also both speak for how much Kate cares for her family that she would personally come to bail him and David out despite her reservations and make a little more sense given she just got back up on her feet after a day or two of being shot.
I see. Would have been good to see Gabe coming to help despite not choosing to go to David's house. It would show that he loves his uncle an… mored Kate and that he appreciates them. It also adds more to him than the blind adoration for his father.
Good oppurtunity for character development wasted!
In Episode 2 of Season 1, if you kill Andy St. John by kicking him into the electric fence, would he be "dead" enough to not come back as a walker? In-game, he doesn't move again in the brief time after his death and the group leaving the farm, but as we know, reanimation time varies between people.
In Episode 2 of Season 1, if you kill Andy St. John by kicking him into the electric fence, would he be "dead" enough to not come back as a … morewalker? In-game, he doesn't move again in the brief time after his death and the group leaving the farm, but as we know, reanimation time varies between people.
The electric fence was apparently enough to zap the walker brains, so I would say he wouldn't reanimate. But then again he wasn't on the fence for long, so I'm not completely positive.
In Episode 2 of Season 1, if you kill Andy St. John by kicking him into the electric fence, would he be "dead" enough to not come back as a … morewalker? In-game, he doesn't move again in the brief time after his death and the group leaving the farm, but as we know, reanimation time varies between people.
In my game Bonnie was alive, and I always figured they made their way south as fast as possible. I thought that Bonnie and Mike would have a fling and that Arvo would end up betraying them somehow. Then I thought Bonnie would wind up fucking Mike over somehow because that's pretty much what she does with every group she ever encounters.
During the wait for "Season 3," I personally threw around a good number of concepts involving Arvo in general and I think 3 of them detailed… more what happened/happens with at least Mike.
Generally speaking though, I think it's fairly safe to say that, wherever they ended up, their relationships with each other was damaged after Arvo let his anger get the best of him(again).
If Bonnie is dead, though? ...Well, that kinda goes into one of the more grisly ones, but for now, let's just say that there was a trust issue.
Eeh, I'm still not entirely sure I should share that yet, but then again, I severely doubt Telltale would unlovingly rip offdo any/some of the stuff at this point--for more reasons than one. I guess can share [what I remember of] it in a bit.
In my game Bonnie was alive, and I always figured they made their way south as fast as possible.
Oh man, remember that piece of concept art showing an airport or something in Texas?
I thought that Bonnie and Mike would have a fling and that Arvo would end up betraying them somehow. Then I thought Bonnie would wind up fucking Mike over somehow because that's pretty much what she does with every group she ever encounters.
Would it really be a fling though? They were already [determinately] shipteased at one point and its not like Arvo was shacking up with one.
Although it does remind me of this one thread among....
What were your concepts?
In my game Bonnie was alive, and I always figured they made their way south as fast as possible. I thought that… more Bonnie and Mike would have a fling and that Arvo would end up betraying them somehow. Then I thought Bonnie would wind up fucking Mike over somehow because that's pretty much what she does with every group she ever encounters.
An initial concept art for Prescott had a sign for a town in Texas. It's possible it was actually in Texas, but probably more likely it was just a salvaged sign.
What were your concepts?
Eeh, I'm still not entirely sure I should share that yet, but then again, I severely doubt Telltale would u… morenlovingly rip offdo any/some of the stuff at this point--for more reasons than one. I guess can share [what I remember of] it in a bit.
In my game Bonnie was alive, and I always figured they made their way south as fast as possible.
Oh man, remember that piece of concept art showing an airport or something in Texas?
I thought that Bonnie and Mike would have a fling and that Arvo would end up betraying them somehow. Then I thought Bonnie would wind up fucking Mike over somehow because that's pretty much what she does with every group she ever encounters.
Would it really be a fling though? They were already [determinately] shipteased at one point and its not like Arvo was shacking up with one.
Although it does remind me of this one thread among....
An initial concept art for Prescott had a sign for a town in Texas. It's possible it was actually in Texas, but probably more likely it was just a salvaged sign.
Oh, so that's what it was!
Great, now I'm imagining Tripp/Conrad dragging that damn thing all the way to Virginia.
But yet, the "Saloon Town"(as I called it) vibe would definitely make sense if that was indeed the case originally. Wonder why they changed it, if it was ever a serious consideration?
And uh okay I guess share when you are ready :P
I don't mean to string ya'll long with dis shit, but I'm honestly pretty tired tonight for whatever reason. (Probably from constantly staying up til 1 watching videos on my phone for consecutive nights)
I did start a draft with a few of them up before you replied though, so I will post it early tomorrow.
Or tonight. Depends on how fast I fall asleep or if I just change my mind for whatever reason.
An initial concept art for Prescott had a sign for a town in Texas. It's possible it was actually in Texas, but probably more likely it was just a salvaged sign.
And uh okay I guess share when you are ready :P
They probably changed it (IF they actually changed it) because it would make little to no sense for Clem to be in Texas after every s2 ending considering that we left her in the opposite side of the country. Although it would probably make more sense for the Garcias to be in Texas as opposed to Maryland.
An initial concept art for Prescott had a sign for a town in Texas. It's possible it was actually in Texas, but probably more likely it was … morejust a salvaged sign.
Oh, so that's what it was!
Great, now I'm imagining Tripp/Conrad dragging that damn thing all the way to Virginia.
But yet, the "Saloon Town"(as I called it) vibe would definitely make sense if that was indeed the case originally. Wonder why they changed it, if it was ever a serious consideration?
And uh okay I guess share when you are ready :P
I don't mean to string ya'll long with dis shit, but I'm honestly pretty tired tonight for whatever reason.
(Probably from constantly staying up til 1 watching videos on my phone for consecutive nights)
I did start a draft with a few of them up before you replied though, so I will post it early tomorrow.
Or tonight. Depends on how fast I fall asleep or if I just change my mind for whatever reason.
Here it is, @VengefulKenny and anyone else who gives a shit
DabigRG's Season 3 Arvo concepts
*Portrayal:Arvo being a wild card and/or an antagonist was a very common role in most of these. Very rarely was he a straightforward villain, though, and definitely not the main one if so.
*Adrenaline Makeover:Arvo had at least one significant redesign in mind shortly after the teaser: it made him look more unsettling, rugged(?), and perhaps even a little feral
*Unlikely Ally of Convenience:Someone suggested a sequence where Arvo is encountered by Javier alone as a nebulous prisoner of the New Frontier, which involves a choice where he can free Arvo in exchange for his guidance around the place or simply leave him there. In my personal expansion, the former option would of course cause some minor drama when he links back up with Clementine during the mission due to their trust issues, but his help had some payoff. During the fallout of their operations, they end up spitting up(either outside or inside) and Arvo's location afterwards is left unknown.
*Heel-Face Doorslam:After traveling a bit for a decent amount of an episode or two, the changed for the better(?) Jane is shot through the heart and after a slow-mo realization before falling to the ground, the horrified Clementine spots the shooter--Arvo.
*Out of Context development:A platoon of Russians arrive in [a state Clementine is in at the time] with plans involving dealing with the excess walkers in America. This featured at least two distinct characters: an representative/interpretor who acted as a Foil to Arvo in his debut and possibly a woman who acted as an escort for Arvo. Arvo is relatively unconnected with the former's forces(obviously), but the possibility of him allying with them isn't exactly feasible.
*Grisly Fate/Origins:Lost in the snowy wilds with nowhere to reliable go, the trio/duo struggle their way through a fair amount of the blizzard environment and end up setting up "camp" in a higher altitude. Still harboring some lingering trauma(in more ways than one) and anger in addition to the damaged trust with his comrade(s), Arvo eventually starts getting seriously hungry...
*Possible Scenario:Javier and Clementine are scoping out a New Frontier setup where prisoners are being kept prisoner. Suddenly, both very precise and very brutal gunshots start ringing out in the camp and the New Frontier get thrown into a flurry as it's members either get severely injured, react in panic to seeing their brothers being sniped, and move to single out the source of their attackers. Javier and Clementine, needing to get into the camp in order to find what their looking for in one piece, move in from their position and start taking out New Frontier members where necessarily/beneficial while searching the area. Notably, the area where the prisoners are being kept is being avoided for the most part, although a bullet or two whizzes by on occasion. Eventually, they get an idea of what's happening: a small, but efficient group of survivors are neutralizing/killing any member they spot, while notably drawing most of the attention away from the prisoners and supply stores. Realizing their losing, the stationed Lieutenant gives his remaining men the order to retreat, causing them to make a break in the opposite direction while taking shots. Unfortunately for him, he earns up being shot in the ankle with a rifle and drops near the prisoners. It is then that the attackers start to make themselves visible: an eclectic/faux-uniformed gathering of roughly twenty people start moving into the camp, checking the supply stores, halting Clementine and Javier when they come across them to confirm they're not with the Marauders, and moving to free the prisoners. As the capped Lieutenant struggles to crawl away despite the pain, one of the Salvagers moves in on him with their rifle/knife drawn. The Lieutenant starts to beg for his life as the reaper takes aim, only for another with a familiar voice to order them to stop. Clementine is astonished(though not necessarily pleasantly) to realize that one of the more shot calling of these surprise liberators is in fact Lilly/Arvo.
I wanna say there was two or three other ones, but these are the ones I remember enough to put/combine into some context.
Oh, didn't see ya there, you sneaky little kunoichi.
Well that was far more blatantly part of a case of laziness, if you've seen "both versions" of the scene.
Okay, so hypothetical gameplay scenario: Mariana has been shot but NOT killed by Badger, allowing Eleanor/Tripp to get her back to Prescott and successfully remove the bullet. What kind of gameplay options would this realistically enable in the rest of the episode?
Do you think that voice actors already read the scripts for their role for Season 4 Episode 1?
Assuming that Kate has been shot as well, you could have the option of whose surgery to prioritize and who to help escape Prescott.
Uh, yeah! Pretty sure Melissa Hutchinson didn't walk into the studio to record dialogue for David.
Kate has not been shot. That would be redundant. coughcough
What scene was this picture of Gabe from?

I have a feeling it's from TTB Part 2 in front of Prescott.
I think it was when he grazed his hand in the truck in TTB pt 1???
Hm...perhaps. I'll see when I rewatch it.
Eh, I doubt it.
It’s probably another scrapped scene, just add it to the pile.
Yeah, I know. That's what I meant. He doesn't even seem angry or aggressive, he's just there.
I know, I know. It just feels like there should have been more to him, design-wise and personality-wise.
Honestly it didn't seem like Max was the kind of guy who would you beat you up with his bare hands. I mean yes he looked like a thug, but it was clear there was more to him than that.
Yeah. Funny thing is he had shades originally.
That was almost certainly a reflection of the original role for his character before the some of the later rewrites.
I know I've asked this in the past but did anyone else think that the stipulation for whoever comes to break you out should've been swapped?
What color do you think Alvin's scarf would've/should've been?

You mean that Gabe should have come if we tried to run away and Kate - if we go to David's house?
But why? It makes sense for Gabe to come since we decided to support his father.
Eh, you know what, that may actually be part of the problem: it's based entirely on who you sided with. Which is nice and all, reciprocity ftw, but I can't help but feel it's a little too on the simple side.
The fact that they ended very much neglecting Kate despite making a point of her getting involved again and determinate declaration doesn't exactly help either.
However, the real reason I felt it should've been swapped has to do with the respective contexts of where the one you side against were.
Ah, going for a significant complementary(or is it opposite) color, eh? I suppose it'd be decent, if potentially overstriking.
I see. Would have been good to see Gabe coming to help despite not choosing to go to David's house. It would show that he loves his uncle and Kate and that he appreciates them. It also adds more to him than the blind adoration for his father.
Good oppurtunity for character development wasted!
What do you suggest? I was thinking either this or yellow.
I haven't thought it through yet myself(probably because I have a test in a few). I would definitely pick an additional color, but it should be one that adds to his palette without necessarily being jarring or redundant.
Blue, light-cyan and gray are also good options, in my opinion.
Good luck on the test!
What do you think happened to Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo?
Hypothetically what would change for their journey if Bonnie were dead already vs alive and with them?
During the wait for "Season 3," I personally threw around a good number of concepts involving Arvo in general and I think 3 of them detailed what happened/happens with at least Mike.
Generally speaking though, I think it's fairly safe to say that, wherever they ended up, their relationships with each other was damaged after Arvo let his anger get the best of him(again).
If Bonnie is dead, though? ...Well, that kinda goes into one of the more grisly ones, but for now, let's just say that there was a trust issue.
Pretty much. Though it'd be more of a solid demonstration than an outright confirmation.
It would also both speak for how much Kate cares for her family that she would personally come to bail him and David out despite her reservations and make a little more sense given she just got back up on her feet after a day or two of being shot.
In Episode 2 of Season 1, if you kill Andy St. John by kicking him into the electric fence, would he be "dead" enough to not come back as a walker? In-game, he doesn't move again in the brief time after his death and the group leaving the farm, but as we know, reanimation time varies between people.
Well, I suppose that depends on whether the electrocution caused any notable brain damage.
The electric fence was apparently enough to zap the walker brains, so I would say he wouldn't reanimate. But then again he wasn't on the fence for long, so I'm not completely positive.
What were your concepts?
In my game Bonnie was alive, and I always figured they made their way south as fast as possible. I thought that Bonnie and Mike would have a fling and that Arvo would end up betraying them somehow. Then I thought Bonnie would wind up fucking Mike over somehow because that's pretty much what she does with every group she ever encounters.
Eeh, I'm still not entirely sure I should share that yet, but then again, I severely doubt Telltale would unlovingly rip offdo any/some of the stuff at this point--for more reasons than one. I guess can share [what I remember of] it in a bit.
Oh man, remember that piece of concept art showing an airport or something in Texas?
Would it really be a fling though? They were already [determinately] shipteased at one point and its not like Arvo was shacking up with one.
Although it does remind me of this one thread among....
An initial concept art for Prescott had a sign for a town in Texas. It's possible it was actually in Texas, but probably more likely it was just a salvaged sign.
And uh okay I guess share when you are ready :P
Oh, so that's what it was!
Great, now I'm imagining Tripp/Conrad dragging that damn thing all the way to Virginia.
But yet, the "Saloon Town"(as I called it) vibe would definitely make sense if that was indeed the case originally. Wonder why they changed it, if it was ever a serious consideration?
I don't mean to string ya'll long with dis shit, but I'm honestly pretty tired tonight for whatever reason.
(Probably from constantly staying up til 1 watching videos on my phone for consecutive nights)
I did start a draft with a few of them up before you replied though, so I will post it early tomorrow.
Or tonight. Depends on how fast I fall asleep or if I just change my mind for whatever reason.
They probably changed it (IF they actually changed it) because it would make little to no sense for Clem to be in Texas after every s2 ending considering that we left her in the opposite side of the country. Although it would probably make more sense for the Garcias to be in Texas as opposed to Maryland.
And no worries, we will see it when you're ready.
Here it is, @VengefulKenny and anyone else who gives a shit
I wanna say there was two or three other ones, but these are the ones I remember enough to put/combine into some context.
I just had a realization:Do you think Gabe's birthday [is what was schedule to have] happened during the story?
I doubt it, honestly.