The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • I guess... Also, everyone knows that Sarita isn't Kenny's wife. Don't ruin @Joe_Momma's meme! :angry:

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh yeah. They never really did much with them despite him being +80% of what Sarita talked about, ironically enough.

  • When Gabe is getting constant anger boners, Mari is dead, Kate is trying to ride your dick, an entire faction of people is trying to kill you for no reason, the edgelord girl you found is being emo and you're out of weed and pudding.

  • when you're sidelined into main character position when you're suppose to be a secondary character

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    When Gabe is getting constant anger boners, Mari is dead, Kate is trying to ride your dick, an entire faction of people is trying to kill you for no reason, the edgelord girl you found is being emo and you're out of weed and pudding.

  • It looks like Gabe is grabbing his nose from offscreen, like Jack Triumph or some shit.

    When Gabe is getting constant anger boners,
    When Kate is trying to ride your dick

    enter image description here

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    When Gabe is getting constant anger boners, Mari is dead, Kate is trying to ride your dick, an entire faction of people is trying to kill you for no reason, the edgelord girl you found is being emo and you're out of weed and pudding.

  • I actually have an Imgur album of various characters making stupid expressions, reaction faces or saying certain quotes for meme purposes (most of which I've stolen compiled from this thread). Here's a quick sample of some of our Javis offered:

    Come and see for yourself!
    And if anyone would like to donate their funny faces I'll gladly accept (@Poogers555, I know you've got some. Trade you for an IOU for some Rhys socks)

  • BuCkO I alReAdY SeE SoME oF mY mEmE FAcEs UP TheRe FuK R mY SoCkS At HomIE/!?!?

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    I actually have an Imgur album of various characters making stupid expressions, reaction faces or saying certain quotes for meme purposes (m

  • There you are: 1 IOU straight from TellTale themselves, redeemable at their HQ.

    (Quick side note: do you guys ever wonder if Pooge actually really does deeply care about having those socks, to the point where it affects his well-being? Like to the extent where he is legitimately suffering but we all laugh and think it's just an over-the-top joke and are oblivious to his pain?

    Well this took a dark turn. Love you Pooge! <3 )

    Poogers555 posted: »

    BuCkO I alReAdY SeE SoME oF mY mEmE FAcEs UP TheRe FuK R mY SoCkS At HomIE/!?!?

  • My pain of not having Rhys socks is real. You all laugh, and I make memes about it, but deep down behind my memes, it is the one thing I will never have to complete the void inside of me. All I ask is for a single pair of Rhys socks. I am haunted every second of my existence. I wake up thinking of Rhys socks, I fall asleep thinking of Rhys socks, I dream of Rhys socks, I live for Rhys socks, but Telltale will never give me the only thing that keeps me going ;(

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    There you are: 1 IOU straight from TellTale themselves, redeemable at their HQ. (Quick side note: do you guys ever wonder if Pooge actual

  • D10 could've made Rhys socks. But, alas, she's gone. So are the hopes of Rhys socks.

  • Not gonna lie I'm more hyped for the day Telltale finally delivers you those Rhys socks than I was when TT was dropping hints for TWAU S2

    It's not happening tho so sorry poogs :<

    Poogers555 posted: »

    My pain of not having Rhys socks is real. You all laugh, and I make memes about it, but deep down behind my memes, it is the one thing I wil

  • pls start a revolution with me as we make countless threads begging Telltale to send me socks, please its my dying wish ;(

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Not gonna lie I'm more hyped for the day Telltale finally delivers you those Rhys socks than I was when TT was dropping hints for TWAU S2 (Spoiler)

  • Why stop at the threads? If we want our voices to break through Tt's unacceptable indifference we need to go all the way! Let's march straight down to Telltale HQ and give them a piece of our minds until they hand deliver you those precious socks! >:C

    I already got my picket sign sorted out just for the occasion!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    pls start a revolution with me as we make countless threads begging Telltale to send me socks, please its my dying wish ;(

  • Good idea, buying a plane ticket to Cali RN and I will stand outside Telltale HQ day and night with a sign begging for socks! Its genius !

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Why stop at the threads? If we want our voices to break through Tt's unacceptable indifference we need to go all the way! Let's march straig

  • Dem gaudy ass boot-socks.

    r/TeamKenny forever and ever.

  • Yall enjoying that amazing "half-life" game?

  • I've been living under a rock for a bit. What Half-Life game?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yall enjoying that amazing "half-life" game?

  • edited March 2018

    "Hunt Down The Freeman" its a fan made game that was officially released on steam for money. Give it a search on youtube, its awful.

    Heres a fine example:

    bruzdaa posted: »

    I've been living under a rock for a bit. What Half-Life game?

  • When you're on your way to hell after hanging yourself but you and your baby hear such a nice Cumbia.

  • Mitch... Mitch please... Mitch... Mitch I can explain Mitch....

    That was so amazingly cringe. Let's get these VA's onboard for the final season.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    "Hunt Down The Freeman" its a fan made game that was officially released on steam for money. Give it a search on youtube, its awful. Heres a fine example:

  • This is why this thread is still here.

    Because what the shit?! :joy:

    Kaelthas posted: »

    When you're on your way to hell after hanging yourself but you and your baby hear such a nice Cumbia.

  • Wtf is this shit? Who wrote this stuff? And here I thought that Duke Nukem Forever was absolute cringefest... That voice acting tho... Thanks for explaining me this shit. Had a few laughs as well.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    "Hunt Down The Freeman" its a fan made game that was officially released on steam for money. Give it a search on youtube, its awful. Heres a fine example:

  • edited March 2018

    Have you watched the video where they got Keemstar to voice act in the game? They had him voice the president.

    Oh and I Hate Everything got sucked into this too.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Wtf is this shit? Who wrote this stuff? And here I thought that Duke Nukem Forever was absolute cringefest... That voice acting tho... Thanks for explaining me this shit. Had a few laughs as well.

  • You're fucking with me, right? They got Keemstar to do voice acting?

    Wow... If only he said his intro lines... That would be amazing.
    Damn, this game is shit

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Have you watched the video where they got Keemstar to voice act in the game? They had him voice the president. Oh and I Hate Everything got sucked into this too.

  • At least they said they're sorry.Most companies don't do that.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    You're fucking with me, right? They got Keemstar to do voice acting? Wow... If only he said his intro lines... That would be amazing. Damn, this game is shit

  • Feels good man.

    My dumbass finally figured out how to download Clipart off PicsArt since an update rearranged things, so the meme helper album has been updated with things, including the Clem showed here!

  • :joy:
    Mnmnm...that's a lot of Vitamin C!
    Gotta wonder what the C stands for?

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Feels good man. My dumbass finally figured out how to download Clipart off PicsArt since an update rearranged things, so the meme helper album has been updated with things, including the Clem showed here!

  • edited March 2018

    Hmm, my meme to plugging imgur albums ratio has been unbalanced as of late. Here's a dank one to even it out:

  • Candy, of course!

    DabigRG posted: »

    Mnmnm...that's a lot of Vitamin C! Gotta wonder what the C stands for?

  • When you are one of TNF's leaders but Clint and Joan don't consider your vote and kick Javier out of Richmond when you voted for him to stay:

  • Ch'yeah, I realized that a while back. :joy:

    It was one of the motivators for considering adding Alderman Mason to the story.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    When you are one of TNF's leaders but Clint and Joan don't consider your vote and kick Javier out of Richmond when you voted for him to stay:

  • edited March 2018

    Kinda late with this, buuut....

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yall enjoying that amazing "half-life" game?

  • Noooooo, I forgot about that he was going to be evil and now you reminded me! :sob:
    I am so glad he is good..

    DabigRG posted: »

    Ch'yeah, I realized that a while back. It was one of the motivators for considering adding Alderman Mason to the story.

  • :lol: I thought about doing something like that myself a few weeks ago.

    lol wut

  • Noooooo, I forgot about that he was going to be evil and now you reminded me! :sob:

    Or rather, his body would've been evil, but I'm starting to confuse myself at this point.

    And The Alderman would be a separate character under me direction.

    I am so glad he is good..

    Eh, he's technically more neutral/indifferent, but yes, I'm glad he still has room for some compassion in this broken heart.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Noooooo, I forgot about that he was going to be evil and now you reminded me! I am so glad he is good..

  • Can anyone Telltale me whats wrong with this picture?

  • edited March 2018

    Season THREE.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Can anyone Telltale me whats wrong with this picture?

  • Mount Rushmore has five heads.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Can anyone Telltale me whats wrong with this picture?

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