Batman EW Episode 5 Waiting Thread - Releasing March 27th, Both Trailers Out Now



  • I do have a simillar strategy when playing - I am not changing may 'canon' playtrough, but sometimes I am checking what would happen if I would have made another choice (or watch these alternative paths on YT).

    Villain route definitively looks like playing with fire (which can make it also more interesting), but at least in this case we know from the begining whom we are facing. In the vigilante route we can not be sure how John will react if at some point Bruce will have to stand against him (and I believe he will) - this is a great unknown at this moment and I would even risk to say that it may turn out that in the end this will be the more dangerous outcome of ep4.

    Yeah all my stakes are in the vigilante route because that's my actual canon game. I'm not trying to see which is better and stick to that o

  • Episode 5 trailer has leaked!

  • Wait... So there might be one or two cameos IF we play our cards right....

    Any idea what this could be? Choosing to send someone to Arkham could mean seeing Harvey again? Going to the Stacked Deck meaning we see Frank? What are you guys expecting? I would hate to miss out on cameos.

  • Sadly I dont think Frank will appear.

    My guess for a cameo, would be that it will be Two-Face or Penguin. Or both maybe.

    Wait... So there might be one or two cameos IF we play our cards right.... Any idea what this could be? Choosing to send someone to Arkha

  • I mean, Telltale did tease the possibility before and mostlypoptarts would neither confirm nor deny the chance of seeing him.

    But ultimately it probably won't happen and there are much more significant characters to give a cameo to. Do you think we will see Two Face or Penguin depending on whether we send John to Arkham or Blackgate, or do you think they'll get out somehow and we will just run into them?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Sadly I dont think Frank will appear. My guess for a cameo, would be that it will be Two-Face or Penguin. Or both maybe.

  • Well, maybe if we choose to send Joker to black gate or Arkham we see Penguin at Blackgate, or Harvey and Penguin. Or if you bring him to Arkham you see Harvey if you sent him there.

    To be honest though, if Telltale is planning a season 3, I can see Oz being released from prison as a post credit thing. Mostly because Oz is always beaten up and has his leg broken in season 1.

    I mean, Telltale did tease the possibility before and mostlypoptarts would neither confirm nor deny the chance of seeing him. But ultimat

  • Yeah that's what I'm thinking too. Harvey being burned or not WAS a choice in the story generator after all so i would expect to see him at some point.

    That's also true about Penguin, although I felt like he was the much weaker villain compared to Two Face.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, maybe if we choose to send Joker to black gate or Arkham we see Penguin at Blackgate, or Harvey and Penguin. Or if you bring him to Ar

  • I hope we get a S3

  • If we're getting a season 3 the ending might be the same, but would happen in a different way. Batman would probably forcefully put Villain John into Arkham while in the Vigilante ending Bruce might gently convince John to willingly go there. Not because Bruce thinks John is a bad person but because he clearly still needs some professional help. And then Bruce can visit him in Arkham as a friend and check if John is being treated right etc (maybe bring him a present, play cards with him etc).

    However, if there is no season 3 planned, then they can go crazy with endings.

  • edited March 2018

    :'( Oh my please tell me we would be able to set Harley free from Waller bitch :'( , and that there is still a chanche to romance Harley after we free her! :'(

    It really hurts to see an enslaved Harley :( :'(

  • I have a hunch that John will be the one to have "the last laugh", and most likely He won't end up in prison/Arkham, at least not this season. All this build up for just one episode with the real Joker in action? Highly unlikely, if You ask me.

  • Yeah but what's going to happen for Vigilante Joker ? Could he die or maybe he'll help us next season against another big enemy.I seriously hope he doesn't go in Arkham no matter what.

    JmoooX posted: »

    I have a hunch that John will be the one to have "the last laugh", and most likely He won't end up in prison/Arkham, at least not this season. All this build up for just one episode with the real Joker in action? Highly unlikely, if You ask me.

  • i feel it will be your choice , if its branchy as they are saying then there should be an outcome with staying friends with john and possibly having selina live with you

  • maybe even helping harley but then john will snap cause harley will only be in the suicide squad in the vigilante joker path

  • I'm never been so hype for a telltale episode

  • I think that some people are forgetting that John's character, behaviour and sanity does not depend only on His relationship with Bruce, He might still be a crazy psychopath underneath, even if He considers Bruce His best friend...

    i feel it will be your choice , if its branchy as they are saying then there should be an outcome with staying friends with john and possibly having selina live with you

  • edited March 2018

    I think everyone is aware of that,i think what people really want is to still let John remain as an ally and not forced you to put him in Arkham just so everyone have the same ending.

    JmoooX posted: »

    I think that some people are forgetting that John's character, behaviour and sanity does not depend only on His relationship with Bruce, He might still be a crazy psychopath underneath, even if He considers Bruce His best friend...

  • My point here is - Would You really want a psychopath muderer to be Your ally? No matter what?

    iFoRias posted: »

    I think everyone is aware of that,i think what people really want is to still let John remain as an ally and not forced you to put him in Arkham just so everyone have the same ending.

  • Yes.

    JmoooX posted: »

    My point here is - Would You really want a psychopath muderer to be Your ally? No matter what?

  • not no matter what put we should have the option to and not that is the point of having the choose between villain and vigilante friend or foe.

  • edited March 2018

    I am just saying, that in real life, what You want to have is not always what You get. You can want someone to be Your friend, but it takes a lot more than just Your good will to achieve it.

    not no matter what put we should have the option to and not that is the point of having the choose between villain and vigilante friend or foe.

  • yeah i understand that but this is a choice based game

  • edited March 2018

    btw, Waller can totally use Selina and Harley against Bruce and John in vigilante's path. Selina is optional, because Bruce can have a horrific relationship with her, but John still cares about Harley. This might cause big problems.

    maybe even helping harley but then john will snap cause harley will only be in the suicide squad in the vigilante joker path

  • Absolutely

    JmoooX posted: »

    My point here is - Would You really want a psychopath muderer to be Your ally? No matter what?

  • Bravo. I fell for it ?? That was very clever ? :smiley:

    Episode 5 trailer has leaked! Link

  • It is amazing to see these sort of images! Is it possible if you were to share more?

    The "42 points" for ANF was misunderstood - they meant that the Story Generator resulted in 42 different permutations of Clementine's person

  • Listening to this over and over again waiting for episode 5 to came out

  • Well, we technically saw him already. In episode 1, there is a photo of him in Avesta´s tablet, and the game acknolewdges if he is maimed or not.

    Yeah that's what I'm thinking too. Harvey being burned or not WAS a choice in the story generator after all so i would expect to see him at

  • Yeah, Episode 1 was kind of its own self contained story.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I dont think Eli would really matter, but Im disappointed Mori seemingly disappeared after ep 1. Like we stole his usb and he was all "I DONT FORGET WAYNE! ILL GET YOU!" I guess he forgot ;'(

  • A person whose having an insider, and never was accused of lying is saying that there will be 3 trailers:
    One, if you choose Good John
    Another, if you choose Evil Joker
    And a third is a Season trailer!

  • Wow thats nice!

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    They likely got this information from this forum as @mostlypoptarts confirmed it yesterday.

    There's going to be a season overview trailer, I'd say that will be the only thing you'll want to watch if you want to go in totally unspoiled.

    But, in addition, there will be episode-specific trailers... those will be the ones you'll want to dodge if you want to go totally spoiler-free!

    max_pain943 posted: »

    A person whose having an insider, and never was accused of lying is saying that there will be 3 trailers: One, if you choose Good John Another, if you choose Evil Joker And a third is a Season trailer!

  • With this information i'm pretty sure there is going to be a trailer next week

    OzzyUK posted: »

    They likely got this information from this forum as @mostlypoptarts confirmed it yesterday. There's going to be a season overview trai

  • Judging by how frequently people are commenting on this thread this comment may not be seen by the team but anyways....... Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to provide us fans with a good game. I am excited for Episode 5 of Batman!!! And The large amount of effort put in by Telltale has given me high hopes for my favourite series: The Walking Dead's Final Season. I look forward to seeing The Walking Dead's Final Season and playing the game itself. I love that game so much

  • Holy crap! I love so much what they did with vigilante John! He looks like these guys in Frank Miller's batman!

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Screenshots on the news post.

  • So....

    Vigilante Path:

    • John working with Batman.
    • Has his own Batarang (Or Jokerang).
    • Face paints his eyes to emulate Batman's mask.
    • Ends up driving in the Batmobile with Batman.
    • Presumably the main antagonist will be Waller's Suicide Squad of Bane, Harley, and Catwoman (Freeze determinant?).

    Villain Path:

    • Joker has his own gang of thugs.
    • Joker will probably be the main antagonist along with Harley.
    • Minimal Agency presence?
    • Bruce and Selina ending up in Joker/Harley's Funhouse?

    Same in both paths:

    • Selina ends up drafted into the Agency with a bomb collar.
  • I wonder how John gets a gang of thugs that use clown masks in such little time.

    Frontier246 posted: »

    So.... Vigilante Path: * John working with Batman. * Has his own Batarang (Or Jokerang). * Face paints his eyes to emulate Batman'

  • Can't wait for "Joker will remember that" line replacing the usual "John will"

    AnimalBoy posted: »


  • Probably re-branded the old Pact thugs.

    Kaelthas posted: »

    I wonder how John gets a gang of thugs that use clown masks in such little time.

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