Batman EW Episode 5 Waiting Thread - Releasing March 27th, Both Trailers Out Now



  • You are right. If you turn on the subtitles on the trailer, the man speaking is named Pastor.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    That could be possible, but there also just isnt a lot of people at the Church. Telltale maybe removed things like Gordon's family if he ind

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    I see you guys found Frank...!

  • So any idea on who this is? Vigilante trailer seemed to focus on him but I dont remember him from any other episodes. At first I thought it was Eli but I think its just a reused model.

    By the looks of the facepaint and level of the badassness in general, I hope it's Harley's dad, raised from the dead to kick both Joker's and Batman asses for messing with his little girl.
    But realistically, by the looks of the very same facepaint, I guess it's just a random vigilante's Joker goon. It seems Joker likes to put Harley's facepaint everywhere, and the coloring matches his others goons facepainting.
    So I'm afraid it's not Harley's dad, and not a new villain. Just Frank 2.0.

    Also, new villain at 1:40 in the vigilante trailer?

  • edited March 2018

    Did you plan to put Frank in from the beginning or was it after we made a joke about his absence you decided to? Either way, thank you for all your hard work you put into this game!

    I see you guys found Frank...!

  • I've got Villain Joker first but I'm excited for both set ups too! What's interesting about the Villain Joker path is how it seems to be Telltale's take on the Killing Joke storyline... hope that's not too ominous... especially if Selina or Avesta is the Barbara in this set up... :#

    Same here! My first and canon playthrough is with Vigilante Joker. I can't wait for that, but I'm also looking forward to playing Villain Joker afterward!

  • Guess frank got corrupted

  • I am curious to see given he's in neither trailer the fate of Freeze. Granted he's likely not in a great state in either situation to join the Squad but I want that choice in Episode 4 to mean something. I elected to cryo him in both runs as I like Freeze too much to betray him.

    And I'm also interested to see how Tiffany being Heroine or Agency affects both runs.

  • Yes, that was him! I was worried it was just a reused model. Good to have my boi Frank back in action.

    I see you guys found Frank...!

  • it looks like Bruce at the end of the villain trailer is getting his ass whooped by John . :D
    But that just shows were in store for a great and emotional fight I love you Telltale <3
    I'm going to play the vigilante route first and then the villain route because it makes me sad that i'm going to fight John. :'(

  • Dear, the Villian pathway was portrayed very graphically! Not that Vigilante John won't inflict loss or damage, but Bullock, Gordon, the innocents at Wayne Tower - some sadistic images!

    I know this episode will be drowning in emotion, no matter your choices. Gordon, Selina, I can't help but feel I've left them trapped. Those who have been kind to and protected Selina, all the while supporting John have placed her in a precarious place - though I believe whole-heartedly she's there for Bruce.

    This series is my spiritual sustenance! I believe this will be a very impactful episode!


  • edited March 2018

    What is with you wanting people to regret their decisions? They do now, but no need to gloat by saying "Hah I knew this from the start, you just backed yourself into a corner." Mind your own choices.
    Not all of us have the Vigilante Joker because we adore John, want to be his best bud, and nothing will separate us apart, OhYeahHeDidNothingWrong :love: :p

    In my case, I trusted him out of necessity. Yes, I'd like to be on good terms, and I'd be even more grateful to get him the help he needs, but I trusted him to take down the unhinged Harley, and Waller betrayed his trust for her in the situation, so yeah now he's out for vengeance. I didn't do it because "he's my sidekick." I know he's a lethal character, and I can clearly see him getting out of hand. But, I think it's better to have a John who's on your side than one who's completely against you. (I just hope I have the option to be opposed to his methods.) I like him, but I don't want to work with him in the mindset he is now. It'd cost too much for Gotham and for Batman's allies. He's either got to shape up, un-lethalise himself, or get taken down. I know what I'm getting into, I can handle my own consequences. You just focus on yours.

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    So Vigilante John is still Joker, loves cruelty and kills people? Who could have thought, huh? Seriously if only I could see people regret

  • I hope Alfred , Bruce, Selina, Tiffany go on a long vacation after we stop joker or Waller.

  • I admire John
    Want to be his best vud
    Nothing will separe us
    He does nothing wrong.

    AChicken posted: »

    What is with you wanting people to regret their decisions? They do now, but no need to gloat by saying "Hah I knew this from the start, you

  • I can't tell if you're shitposting or if you genuinely have this much of a hateboner for people who play the game differently than you do. Either way, here's your (You) I guess.

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    What`s with the salt? Just pointing out the obvious facts that John is a maniac. It is not my problem people choose to go blind to that fact and start to butthurt everytime it is mentioned.

  • edited March 2018

    I've decided I don't think I'm going to watch either trailer.
    I could just watch the Villain one, as that's my alt file, but, still, ...I don't want Telltale's version of the iconic Joker to be spoiled either.
    I don't want to leave this section or discussion until Tuesday either, but, I think as long as I only read about the trailer through small fan impressions here, I still won't have a clear picture of what to expect, and will still be able to go in slightly blind. I'll just have a vague notion of what might happen, and that's better than something concrete -- like a trailer.

    @mostlypoptarts said:
    I see you guys found Frank...!

    Wait, that pic of the red-bearded Joker goon is really Frank? Like, he's actually in the game as a recognisable quasi-character, and not a random extra at the bar?
    "My buddy -- Frank -- what has happened to you?"

  • Gotta say, I'm really impressed what Telltale has done with their Joker. I loved every second of Vigilante trailer. They give us choices to make our own Joker and not have him be the cliche villain like every other Batman universes. Can't wait to watch the episode.

  • I'm not at all thrilled to go the vigilante route now. It seems so out of place, out of character.

    Yeah I think I'm going to stick to the canon on this one.

  • Right move Brucebrothers. Join the Villian side.

    I'm not at all thrilled to go the vigilante route now. It seems so out of place, out of character. Yeah I think I'm going to stick to the canon on this one.

  • Wow awesome trailers, villain John looks so good! And I love vigilante John's gadgets. He's so happy about being in the Batmobile haha.. glad the trailers didn't really spoil anything much about the stories, also glad to see Gordon's back, I missed him. When vigilante John says that thing about the violence, I hope that's determinant because my Bruce has always taken the non-violent route when given the choice, so that's a bit weird.. and I still keep calling him John instead of Joker, wonder if he will still use both names.

    I can't fucking wait!!

  • playing both cuz why not.

  • Yep same. I was gonna watch the Villain route but I think I'll pass. Better to go mostly blind in my book.

    AChicken posted: »

    I've decided I don't think I'm going to watch either trailer. I could just watch the Villain one, as that's my alt file, but, still, ...I

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    Yeah, it's really him! He won't be in every playthrough, so I'm excited to see which forum members see him in theirs :)

    AChicken posted: »

    I've decided I don't think I'm going to watch either trailer. I could just watch the Villain one, as that's my alt file, but, still, ...I

  • You all made a awesome season.

    Yeah, it's really him! He won't be in every playthrough, so I'm excited to see which forum members see him in theirs

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    When vigilante John says that thing about the violence, I hope that's determinant because my Bruce has always taken the non-violent route when given the choice, so that's a bit weird

    I mean, in all fairness, Batman tends to thoroughly kick the asses of the criminals he comes across. Throwing goons into each other, chucking batarangs at people, shocking people, anchoring people to ceilings and walls, bodyslamming people, suplexing people through stuff, knocking people out in increasingly creative ways...

    And John giggles at pretty much anything remotely resembling violence. There's a good chance some of that has uh... 'inspired' him.

    lilsnek posted: »

    Wow awesome trailers, villain John looks so good! And I love vigilante John's gadgets. He's so happy about being in the Batmobile haha.. gla

  • edited March 2018

    Yeah of course, I'd just also like to see choices where you've chosen to use your words instead of violence to have some impact on how John handles things, since there have been those "John will remember that" moments.

    And also I kinda agree with some that judging by the trailer vigilante John seems very different than before, he's pretty manic in each scene seen here, but maybe that's just the way the trailer's been cut. Even the villain trailer has calmer scenes.

    Deltino posted: »

    When vigilante John says that thing about the violence, I hope that's determinant because my Bruce has always taken the non-violent route wh

  • I am trying to get on this frank meme thing but i forgot witch episode he appears in and what scence can someone please tell me thanks.

  • Season 1 episode 2 in the bar where you are supposed to meet Selina.

    collboy600 posted: »

    I am trying to get on this frank meme thing but i forgot witch episode he appears in and what scence can someone please tell me thanks.

  • Thanks!

    Season 1 episode 2 in the bar where you are supposed to meet Selina.

  • Dude, you aren't tired of the same story DC has been doing for decades?

    I'm not at all thrilled to go the vigilante route now. It seems so out of place, out of character. Yeah I think I'm going to stick to the canon on this one.

  • Do whatever you want but it's pretty clear that the vigilante route is the Telltale spin on the canon that they've been gearing up for all season.

    I'm not at all thrilled to go the vigilante route now. It seems so out of place, out of character. Yeah I think I'm going to stick to the canon on this one.

  • I think it's great that Telltale have opted to do the best of both worlds - a tribute to the classic clown prince of crime with some wonderfully dark plans and a worryingly healthy doze of Killing Joke vibes on one hand, and a totally original yet terrifyingly believable Elseworld where trying to form Joker into a hero might cost Bruce everyone else. I can't wait to see both!

  • One of the reasons why I went with vigilante John. Amongst others of course.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Dude, you aren't tired of the same story DC has been doing for decades?

  • Did Villain Joker uncover a part of his past? Because it seems the players that chose not to trust John are going to Ace Chemicals.

    Would Vigilante Joker see himself and Harley as star crossed lovers, despite being the one who put her in the Agency's custody?

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    TT's actually been pretty clear that the main thing they wanted to do with John this season was develop what path he goes on depending on the choices you make. So that lines up with having two different versions of the final episode.

    Do whatever you want but it's pretty clear that the vigilante route is the Telltale spin on the canon that they've been gearing up for all season.

  • TFW the forums have been shitposting about the return of Frank but then Telltale actually brings him back as a clown that is working for Joker

  • Ace Chemicals appears in both plays apparently, since there's that screenshot of Vigilante Joker there. I suspect there will be still be revelations and aspects which occur in both runs which might shed light on John's past, of course.

    matteso586 posted: »

    Did Villain Joker uncover a part of his past? Because it seems the players that chose not to trust John are going to Ace Chemicals. Would

  • edited March 2018

    Me when this whole thread cares more about this Frank character than the new episode.

  • He'd better use both names! He got to be our friend as "John", a person, not a stage persona that he wants to develop to put fear into people! We get to be more personal than that with him, come on!

    lilsnek posted: »

    Wow awesome trailers, villain John looks so good! And I love vigilante John's gadgets. He's so happy about being in the Batmobile haha.. gla

  • Frank is life.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Me when this whole thread cares more about this Frank character than the new episode.

  • I regret nothing.

    Tiefling posted: »

    Frank is life.

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