The zombie outbreak begins. There are hundreds of infected around your area. What is your plan?

Will you form a group? Will you go in alone?Where will you go? What steps are you going to take to survive? Are you willing to kill to survive? Can you handle an attacker, whether they are alive or undead? How would you handle bitten victims? Are you willing to sever a limb if it is bitten? Would be able to go days without food? Would you resort to cannibalism? How will you go about scavenging for food? Would you be able to trust strangers? What would you do to best handle an ambush/raid?
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I live in a super small town and my friend had his property inside electric fence so I guess to start out I would go there
Grab the nearest chest of supplies I can get and then get an epic gun for more lifespan...wait you aren't talking about fortnite!?
lol better hope there's a port-a-fort in that chest.
Gather up what weapons and supplies I can and try to head northwest, where the population density is really low so there'll be fewer zombies and there's a lot of good hunting areas so getting fresh food won't be too difficult.
If you can't beat them, join them. Spray myself in the most putrid disgusting stuff to mask my skin and become one of the zombies. Bite people in the hands but then run away so they think they are actually infected when they are not, maybe they cut off their hand and oh wait - they're not infected. Keep people up at night.
Sounds like a plan.
lmaoo, perfect plan??
I'd probably die.
[locks bedroom door and crawls back into bed]
Five more minutes zombies..
Pack as many things as possible and get in my car to go to my dad's place in the country side, try to avoid everyone and everything as I would probably get killed considering I'm a skinny guy.
If the roads are full I'd go on foot through the forest that separates the city from the country side as I know my way around there.
My dad's house is on a hill overlooking the village so with some fences it can easily be secured, live off the crops there and the animals.
I’d be a wanderer. I feel like I’d be better off by myself rather than with a group of people I don’t even know. Plus, you only got to worry about yourself. I’d also wear a mask to just hide my identity that way if anybody were to find me, they wouldn’t know who I am.
Honestly, I'm not sure. I probably wouldn't survive long considering I'm a very skinny and weak person. Seriously, I'm too skinny for someone my height.
Better than being crazy fat. You won't be able to last too awful long without food, no fat reserves, but you'll be able to run more than a block without falling over dead like us fatties lol.
i think its equally as bad. In the event he cant find food, and starves as a result, hz wont have any fat reserves like you said, so his body will resort to taking energy from his muscles.
I'd move away from the city and into the more rural or wooded areas (whichever I come across first where it seems safe). I'd start out in a car, but I'd bring a bike with me so when I needed to leave the car I could. I have no access to guns, and no way I'm gonna look for some (there's no use) so I'd just get like a baseball bat or something and put some nails in it. I'd probably bring my friends with me, and also my dog because I wouldn't be able to leave her behind haha.
I’m very imaginative, so nothing i’m about to say is going to be realistic(probably a few), so what i’d do is:
-Grow a beard ?? You’re not going to intimidate someone with a baby face
-Find an automobile, preferably an RV. Your shelter can be your transportation as well.
-Bulk up?? You’re gonna need the muscle to fight off all combatants at close range
-Find guns? Because you dont wanna bring a nife to a gun fight. YouWILL die. Nobody in real life is going to let you off, not unless they’re really nice?
-Get out of NYC. The amount of traffic will be _immeasurable _, and there will be zombies everywhere?♂️?♀️.
-Move somewhere there isn’t a lot people. The less people there are, the less raiders and zombies there will be.
-Form a small group of 4 or 5. The less people you have to worry about the better
-Never settle in one place. You’re easier to find that way. Live a nomadic lifestyle
-Keep track of my shit. Otherwise they’ll wind up lost, or worse, in someone else’s hands
Take care of my people- Treat orhers how tou want to be treated
NEVER join a settlement unless I absolutely have to. Becca and Shel saw what doing that can do to you twice.
Get to the Boat !
Get my family, grab the supplies and move to Siberia. The population there is small, the climate is harsh for walkers and locals might be able to help. We'd stay away from big cities and communities probably, because TWD taught me that trouble comes in there.
Didn't think about that lol.
Just find a massive lumber and steel yard that’s off of a major highway in florida near the Everglades. You get enough supplies for decades and the Everglades are filled with wildlife to eat, and lumber yards aren’t exactly a target place on big maps.
Scorched Earth. Burn the cities, torch the walkers along with them. Loot everything in sight. Trust no-one.
Edit: Shit I'm a Savage.
I live in a apartment complex so I guess it’s easy. Grab a weapon. Go into a house. With little to no zombies cause it’s just a apartment then search it. Rinse and repeat. What happens after? Well I don’t know but it’s gonna be a while. There’s a lot of apartments to search.
Play fallout until the electricity fails, for practice of course. Then, assuming everyone I know is dead, sadly wander around for eternity.
Collect all my numerous guns and supplies and fortify my home. If shit gets too bad I load up the truck and make a break for my dad's ranch.
As soon as I see my first zombie, I would get my knife and holster it to my belt, borrow my step-father's axe, and immediately head to work. My main goal would be to get as many non-perishable foods as I can. When I get there, it's definitely not a normal day. The parking lot is packed, tire tracks in the field out front the store where people didn't bother to take the intersection. People are frantically running into the store in panic, Items knocked off the shelves as they frantically snatch for anything they can grab. My coworkers in disbelief as they don't know how to control what is going on, some panicking and joining the crowd, others standing around like this is all completely normal.
Just because I would feel bad if I left them standing there, I would make sure they knew about what's going on and tell them they should get back to their families/prepare for what is happening before starting my looting spree. After I get enough for about a week and a half/two 2 weeks of food for my family, basically brushing all of the canned meat and veggies off of the shelf into a cart with my arm, and a few can openers, I'd chunk the cans into my car as fast as I can and book it out of there through the field. Deep down I wanted to stay and defend the store from any infected until the store was empty, but I couldn't risk my car being stolen.
Thankfully, my house gets water from the city, so our faucets still run with clean water even if the power goes out. I get back and park my car behind the house. And run back in with my axe in hand and tell anyone home that I have my car loaded with food. And from there we plan for what's to come. Thank god I kept my survival handbooks for all these years, I may want to start reading them...
gather food,water, and meds in my house and climb up in my water tank(yeah we have a water tank dedicated for my house) and just watch the city burn..
I'd be the first zombie, to tell the thruth.
id probably be able to barricade my house and hide away for quite a while but we have too many glass/doors so looters would evenually sneak in and kill me
The wildlife here is deadly enough to kill all the walkers so I'm safe