So Lincoln is leaving. What is the best route going forward for the show?
I've read that they've thrown a boatload of money at Reedus for him to take over the starring role. However, I'm against this. I don't think they should go in this direction. I would rather see a) storeis surrounding the different characters or b) another Rick.
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I would rather Maggie or Michonne be the leader after Rick goes. Not Daryl.
I agree clem.
If Rick leaves the show is going to die. There's no if it will period. This major collapse of no return started when they killed off Carl. It doesn't help that in recent seasons they've shoved characters who don't add anything to the story down our throats (looking at you Morgan and Jadis). Not to mention they've delegated Daryl to a mumbling background character that hasn't done much of anything the last 2 seasons. The best thing for it is to be cancelled
End the show. That or recast the role, which is what they should have done with Carl. I still hear conflicting reports about what happened to Chandler Riggs but one way I hear it is he wanted to go to college and couldn't do the show anymore so they killed him.
The show will absolutely die without Rick carrying it. Everything revolves around him.
IF this is really the truth I guarantee you my balls that the viewers will be cut to half if even more after dayrl starts his saga where it don't belong.
Continue with Michonne
Even though Rick does stupid things sometimes, he is still the main reason I've kept watching the show. As much as I like Maggie and Carol, without Rick, there won't be any reason for me to continue watching the show.
Ending is honestly the best option
Nuke the show and forget that the last 4 seasons ever happened
As I said it another thread, grab your gun, take the show out back, and blow it's brains out to end it's suffering. In other words, just end it.
If it's true just end it,yeah.
IF it's true.
I’ve heard that this whole “Lincoln is leaving” thing was blown out of proportion and a bunch of news articles are just basing it of of what other news sites are saying and it all comes from some “reliable source” that we don’t even know of.
If it’s not true, then why the silent treatment from AMC? Seems like something they would want to refute right away...
Many people seem to agree that the quality of the show has declined in recent seasons. Andrew Lincoln was at the helm during this why can’t the show survive without him? It’s clearly in need of a shakeup
I agree, if they are giving Daryl 20 Million... they would totally give Lincoln more. Who would turn that kind of pay check down?
That's the deal with actors that are live acting they change in appearances and can desire more or something else. Voice actors are a bit easier to keep around and cheaper maybe. At this rate the comic will have been around long before and long after both the show and the video games series.
Yeah I don’t think this is about money...9 years is a long time for an actor to stay in the same role. If he wants a new challenge, I’m sure he can make more money in movies or another tv show....
It's the writing that's crap, not the acting. I like Andrew Lincoln as Rick and, as annoyed as I get with Rick, I like Rick. I think a lot of viewers feel the same way. The character earned a lot of good will those first few seasons and I think we the viewers are clinging on to hope that this one good guy will find a way to establish a decent society. Or, at least, that's my hope.
If his acting doesn’t compensate for the bad writing, he’s expendable like all the rest. I’m just saying...let’s see what direction the new show runner takes it before we overreact and say the show should die with him.
Fear the Walking Dead lacks a strong lead and continues to shed cast regulars, yet I think its’ fourth season is the best yet. It’s the result of a new show runner and new (more interesting) characters.
I like Darryl, I really do. But let's just end it before it spirals even further. Some of the decisions made last season were questionable enough, if this seasons going to see Maggie and Rick leave, with Michonne questionable in the future, don't drag it out. I didn't mind some of the shakeups, but Carls death did enough damage, and it was completely unnecessary. Losing Rick the next season is a bit much.
Might as well just cancel Season 9. No Rick, no reason to keep the show going.
Honestly to end the rest of the cast doesn’t have the acting skills to hold the show
Maggie is already leaving
For those who think the show should end and think the end began with Carl, did you like Carl? Personally, I've never been a fan. I thought Riggs' acting was serviceable, but his character was too namby-pamby, not anything like the comic book. In a word, blah. I'm glad they killed him off.
Is this 100% official about Andrew Lincoln? I know its in all the tabloids but ive not seen him or AMC confirm it yet?
Looking back they could have ended the walking dead for good after the “Too Far Gone” episode. That was the last time for me that the show was at it’s best. We could have been left with Rick and everyone escaping the prison and never finding out what happened to them all.
From what I've read, the only thing confirmed at this point is that Maggie will appear in a limited number of episodes in the first half of the season. Her involvement in the second half is an open question. I didn't take that to mean she is leaving the show for good. I'm guessing that her new contract stipulates her availability may change, and thus needs to be negotiated on an ongoing basis, which makes sense considering the pilot for Whiskey Cavalier was picked up.
Actually, this scene made it look like a great finale for the series.

Wow, I couldn't disagree more. This scene was a perfect example of the show jumping the shark....zombies were no longer to be feared. People can just walk into a horde and fight them off without getting bit!
Welp. I never much cared for the show too much anyway. All I really care about is the games tbh.
Damn was really hoping this wasn’t true but now i am certain it is after Norman Reedus posted a picture of them together with hearts
END the show before it gets CANCELED by the network, go out in a blaze of glory with Lincoln ,not letting it run on and on losing viewers and respect
Considering the show is in a rapid decline with/without Lincoln might as well end it with some grace remaining.
End it.
It's in decline and there's no poitn dragging it. Quit while you're ahead(ish) and not when all the views and network left you behind.
Here is my opinion on if Andrew Lincoln leaves the show. First off if they kill off Rick there is no point for me to watch the show because he is my favorite character and the show is Rick's so to kill him off is completely pointless. I do not think that any of the other characters are as well developed as Rick and I knew something like this was coming since the moment the episode that Rick did not appear in at all in Season 3. I feel like the show is running out of ideas and is just trying to create more poorly made storylines to put shock into the audience.
However, is it confirmed that Rick will die? No it is not, it could mean that Rick is going to leave the group for a while like Michonne does in the comics.
Will never understand why people say that the show can't survive without Rick/Lincoln. As people on this forum will obviously know, there have been other successful Walking Dead related media that have done great without him. Especially Telltale's TWD season 1 and 2 (and 400 days). Isn't there some kind of spin off show that has gathered some attention as well? Hell even in the main show itself, there have been fantastic episodes in which Rick is absent or his contribution is minimal lol, which makes the notion that the show can't survive without him even more bizarre.
The show is clearly on it's way out regardless though. I'd give it a go for a season or 2 without him. You'll have to get someone in up to scratch to take over though. None of the current characters are interesting enough.
The point isn't if it will still be good after Rick leaves, it's that the show won't have a point anymore. It started with Rick, it was Rick's story over anyone else's. The only way they can pull this off well is if they end the show.
Sure it was Rick's story in the beginning but c'mon...the show has evolved over time and the Walking Dead universe continues to expand. There are plenty of characters (and possibly new ones) who can pick up the slack if given more airtime.
If we agree that the show has been going downhill, then why be opposed to a cast and crew shakeup? A true fan of the Walking Dead should want to give the show another opportunity to be successful. Let the new show runner take it in a different direction and give it a chance! People overreact so quickly...
Have Darkseid make a guest appearance and enslave everyone

Well in my opinion there is no character that could've carried the series like Rick, the only possible character that would've been able to, would've been Shane. Also Rick is the heart of the show, many people stop watching the episodes if Rick is not the focus of them because he has become the lead character and one that people have invested in the most. I do not think Norman Reedus can carry the show the way Andrew Lincoln has.