So, to pass some time and look back at the good ol' days, what are your guys' favorite Walking Dead Telltale episodes?
My favorite episod… moree was 400 Days - I really dug the experimental story structure of smaller vignettes that interconnected around the same location, and it was also one of the last episodes that captured the Season 1 vibes of more realistic and grounded character writing/interactions. Wyatt and Eddie's scenes were comedic gold, and I also enjoyed the brief appearance of Nate as a villain. (Speaking of which, I'm boycotting Telltale if Nate doesn't somehow cameo in Season 4!)
Well honestly I love all Episodes of The Walking Dead But I will list my the Episodes that stuck with me and why they mean a lot to me. I won't list all of my top Episodes otherwise people will be spending the entirety of the day trying to scroll past my comment. I will also be listing what happened in my playthrough and what I had the pleasure of witnessing/experiencing
Season One Episode 1: This is where it all began...... Meeting Clementine I loved the scene where Lee introduced himself to Clementine while speaking to her on the radio. I also loved getting to meet Kenny, Katjaa and Duck
Season One Episode 5: Playing this was truly a memorable experience that I will hold dearly for the rest of my life. It broke my heart to see Clementine and Lee exchange their final words before Lee sadly passed away. RIP Lee
Season Two Episode 5: I thoroughly enjoyed playing this Episode! It was filled to the brim with shocking and intense moments. I chose to stay with Kenny as I considered him family
A New Frontier Episode 5: This will probably be scoffed at but I really enjoyed Episode 5 of A New Frontier. Clementine decided to follow Javier's lead and she helped Javier save Gabe and David. I really felt that the scene where Javier beats down all of the Walkers surrounding Badger's car was absolutely badass. I also really enjoyed the "I love you Brother" as it reminded me of my brothers and how much I love them. And finally I enjoyed the scene where Javier tells Clementine to bring AJ back and the goodbyes they shared at the Gates of Richmond.
Fair enough! But that's the thing with these sort of games everyone gets through them at their own pace. Saying stuff like "how did you get through it in 9-10hrs?!" is pretty rude, and vice versa for me. Just something to consider.
Well I wouldnt really consider that something you can count towards episode run time, Telltale games are way more interactive movies and TV shows than an actual game. I wouldnt say "I was watching The Walking Dead, and then I paused it and read a walking dead comic book for background info, then resumed the show" and then say the episode length was longer. For an option thats basically reading a menu (considering you can read the codex and news papers at any time on the main menu while not in an episode at all) I really wouldnt consider stopping to read the bat computer as something to make an episode thats 100 mins long to 120 minutes.
Maybe, but that is part of the gameplay experience and something they put in to make the universe, and game, have more depth to it, so I view it as a necessary. And I did say I looked at EVERYTHING, and I meant it.
Great logic! If Life is Strange is making 2-3 hours long episodes, that means that TTG will make longer episodes in the final season. Never thought about it that way...
I see it differently. I expect the worst and in return im rarely dissapointed. If I were to expect golden mountains, flying pigs across the sky and rivers full of strawberry ice creams, I not be happy at least half the time.
You could always sit and relax. Not sure why anyone would feel obligated to finish something that will take several hours in one sitting. If… more they released Season 4 all on the same day. You wouldn't feel like you had the play for 4 hours would you?
Ironically the short runtimes of modern Telltalle has THAT affect on me. I figure well I might as well just finish this because its not going to be much fun after playing an hour to get prepared for another go at this only to have 20 minutes of content left. As opposed to season 1 where I recall sometimes playing them in large chunks.
Gotcha! This confirms my suspicions about your speedruns.
I was just as engulfed into this game as you when I decided to finally play it. Immediately after finishing S1 I literally ran out to buy S2 & S3 discs.
Either way, I don't recall finishing any of them within 90 minutes, as I was 1) interested in replaying most scenes for additional dialog branches like I assume most others do here and 2) I wasn't rushing to finish as I knew I'd want more. I need TFS asap, like, yesterday! "Stat!"
You don't understand and its fine but when I play episodic games, I always have to finish one episode in a single run. After all its like pl… moreaying a video game TV show. You don't start watching your favourit tv series episode and then leave it just before the end or in the middle of it, do you?
That's why I think that 90 minutes episodes are one of the best things they could do. I can literally just sit, start playing it in the morning for example and finish it just in the right moment to start working on my dinnner. That's one of the reason (not the only one!) why I haven't finished Life is Strange, ever. 3 hours per episode is too long for me. Its not fun for me.
Finally, I knew it! Just confirms it that those who report "longer playthroughs" in reality just played those episodes multiple times. Im so amazed that you consider playing the episode once a "speedrun".
Oh and btw. you and I? Not the same. I played Season 1 when it first came out and always waited for the next episodes, same with every season. I never rush my games. I explore every bit of location I can, I just dont replay those episodes, not immediately at least. So I'll repeat myself. Not my fault that TT makes short 90-100 minutes episode. I don't remember finishing any of Season 2 episodes within 90 minutes as well. Usually they took me (according to my stats) from 94 minutes to 107 minutes. Again, no rushing.
Gotcha! This confirms my suspicions about your speedruns.
I was just as engulfed into this game as you when I decided to finally play it.… more Immediately after finishing S1 I literally ran out to buy S2 & S3 discs.
Either way, I don't recall finishing any of them within 90 minutes, as I was 1) interested in replaying most scenes for additional dialog branches like I assume most others do here and 2) I wasn't rushing to finish as I knew I'd want more. I need TFS asap, like, yesterday! "Stat!"
Hm... I don't recall using ?! in my post. Please, don't spread any lies about my person. This is supposed to be a place for a friendly discussion and I'm not keen to talk with people trying to say stuff that's not true. Thank you.
Fair enough! But that's the thing with these sort of games everyone gets through them at their own pace. Saying stuff like "how did you get through it in 9-10hrs?!" is pretty rude, and vice versa for me. Just something to consider.
When you REALLY think about it, the whole purpose of pre-ordering this game is to allow TTGs to take your money before you have a chance to see the reviews. In this case, the whole "get all 19 episodes when you pre-order TFS" gives the majority of the returning players, who have already bought every episode up to this point, the same exact games they already own. This best suits the people who have never played any of TWD games before, more than those who already have. Returning players would only benefit from this by being able to just skip having to individually purchase every episode of TFS , and just go straight to downloading them. Some people don't even realize that they don't get every episode as the game comes out if they pre-ordered it. They still have to wait like those who didn't.
Except for people who actually want to jump into the series or just want to play the games again, but this time on PS4 (me). Its a fantastic deal and 20 for the whole season is still a great price even without the collection.
Hm... I don't recall using ?! in my post. Please, don't spread any lies about my person. This is supposed to be a place for a friendly discussion and I'm not keen to talk with people trying to say stuff that's not true. Thank you.
Is that not the case with all companies who use incentives to attract buyers? They aren't exactly the same either... in terms of story yes but when it comes to appearance and how smoothly the game performs then that is different. I also don't understand how people wouldn't know they are receiving the Collection as it says up at the top of the description "Preorder The Walking Dead The Final Season to receive The Walking Dead Collection". Well now that I think of it players could just jump in and not pay much attention to the description as they may be super excited to preorder. Returning players also have the benefit of playing Season One, Season Two and A New Frontier in updated graphics and an improved engine.
I apologise if my approach comes off as very aggressive as that is not my intention
When you REALLY think about it, the whole purpose of pre-ordering this game is to allow TTGs to take your money before you have a chance to … moresee the reviews. In this case, the whole "get all 19 episodes when you pre-order TFS" gives the majority of the returning players, who have already bought every episode up to this point, the same exact games they already own. This best suits the people who have never played any of TWD games before, more than those who already have. Returning players would only benefit from this by being able to just skip having to individually purchase every episode of TFS , and just go straight to downloading them. Some people don't even realize that they don't get every episode as the game comes out if they pre-ordered it. They still have to wait like those who didn't.
I apologise if my approach comes off as very aggressive as that is not my intention
No offense taken lol
Is that not the case with all companies who use incentives to attract buyers? They aren't exactly the same either
Most definitely.
when it comes to appearance and how smoothly the game performs then that is different
Returning players also have the benefit of playing Season One, Season Two and A New Frontier in updated graphics and an improved engine
The perks that come with pre-ordering are usually more than just a polished copy of everything you've previously bought already, along with the convenience of not having to type in credit card information to purchase an episode every time a new episode is released.
I also don't understand how people wouldn't know they are receiving the Collection
When I said "Some people don't even realize that they don't get every episode as the game comes out if they pre-ordered it. They still have to wait like those who didn't" I was referring to the episodes of TFS
Is that not the case with all companies who use incentives to attract buyers? They aren't exactly the same either... in terms of story yes b… moreut when it comes to appearance and how smoothly the game performs then that is different. I also don't understand how people wouldn't know they are receiving the Collection as it says up at the top of the description "Preorder The Walking Dead The Final Season to receive The Walking Dead Collection". Well now that I think of it players could just jump in and not pay much attention to the description as they may be super excited to preorder. Returning players also have the benefit of playing Season One, Season Two and A New Frontier in updated graphics and an improved engine.
I apologise if my approach comes off as very aggressive as that is not my intention
My bad that was my own mistake for misinterpreting what you were saying. Sorry for jumping across discussions to reply to your comments. I will leave it at that. But thank you for sharing your view
I apologise if my approach comes off as very aggressive as that is not my intention
No offense taken lol
Is that not the case … morewith all companies who use incentives to attract buyers? They aren't exactly the same either
Most definitely.
when it comes to appearance and how smoothly the game performs then that is different
Returning players also have the benefit of playing Season One, Season Two and A New Frontier in updated graphics and an improved engine
The perks that come with pre-ordering are usually more than just a polished copy of everything you've previously bought already, along with the convenience of not having to type in credit card information to purchase an episode every time a new episode is released.
I also don't understand how people wouldn't know they are receiving the Collection
When I said "Some people don't even realize that they don't get every episode as the game comes … [view original content]
My bad that was my own mistake for misinterpreting what you were saying. Sorry for jumping across discussions to reply to your comments. I will leave it at that. But thank you for sharing your view
Telltale bring back the Garcias if you wish. With the writers fully focused on working on The Final Season bringing them back could be a good thing. Do what you believe will benefit the plot. That can range from excluding the Garcias or bringing them back but you guys do what you think will be of benefit to the story. But please do take other accounts of feedback into consideration
Patrick a lot of the users who said they do not want to see the Garcias are different people with the same opinion. The dates in which they joined are all different. Not trying to cause or stir anything my friend but they are not one person behind a screen
Patrick a lot of the users who said they do not want to see the Garcias are different people with the same opinion. The dates in which they … morejoined are all different. Not trying to cause or stir anything my friend but they are not one person behind a screen
No Time Left. Why you may ask? Just play the last 10 minutes and you'll know why. That episode still fucks me up.
Well honestly I love all Episodes of The Walking Dead
But I will list my the Episodes that stuck with me and why they mean a lot to me. I won't list all of my top Episodes otherwise people will be spending the entirety of the day trying to scroll past my comment. I will also be listing what happened in my playthrough and what I had the pleasure of witnessing/experiencing
Season One Episode 1: This is where it all began...... Meeting Clementine
I loved the scene where Lee introduced himself to Clementine while speaking to her on the radio. I also loved getting to meet Kenny, Katjaa and Duck 
Season One Episode 5: Playing this was truly a memorable experience that I will hold dearly for the rest of my life. It broke my heart to see Clementine and Lee exchange their final words before Lee sadly passed away. RIP Lee
Season Two Episode 5: I thoroughly enjoyed playing this Episode! It was filled to the brim with shocking and intense moments. I chose to stay with Kenny as I considered him family
A New Frontier Episode 5: This will probably be scoffed at but I really enjoyed Episode 5 of A New Frontier. Clementine decided to follow Javier's lead and she helped Javier save Gabe and David. I really felt that the scene where Javier beats down all of the Walkers surrounding Badger's car was absolutely badass. I also really enjoyed the "I love you Brother" as it reminded me of my brothers and how much I love them. And finally I enjoyed the scene where Javier tells Clementine to bring AJ back and the goodbyes they shared at the Gates of Richmond.
Fair enough! But that's the thing with these sort of games everyone gets through them at their own pace. Saying stuff like "how did you get through it in 9-10hrs?!" is pretty rude, and vice versa for me. Just something to consider.
Well I wouldnt really consider that something you can count towards episode run time, Telltale games are way more interactive movies and TV shows than an actual game. I wouldnt say "I was watching The Walking Dead, and then I paused it and read a walking dead comic book for background info, then resumed the show" and then say the episode length was longer. For an option thats basically reading a menu (considering you can read the codex and news papers at any time on the main menu while not in an episode at all) I really wouldnt consider stopping to read the bat computer as something to make an episode thats 100 mins long to 120 minutes.
Yes, I'm new as a member but have been lurking on this forum for months. So happy you noticed! ?
Not logic, just basing it on statistical data.
See for yourself.
Batman The Enemy Within:
Linking this as a reference for the new engine;
Check the Main+, 100%, & averages column.
Not everyone does speedruns.
Someone has to lighten the mood around here.
I admit, my expectations are moderately low for TFS, but I've also made room to be impressed for what the story may tell.
IKR. All us walkerheads are aware of the additional walker releases in 2019. Let's instead focus on the one actually releasing this year.
Gotcha! This confirms my suspicions about your speedruns.
I was just as engulfed into this game as you when I decided to finally play it. Immediately after finishing S1 I literally ran out to buy S2 & S3 discs.
Either way, I don't recall finishing any of them within 90 minutes, as I was 1) interested in replaying most scenes for additional dialog branches like I assume most others do here and 2) I wasn't rushing to finish as I knew I'd want more. I need TFS asap, like, yesterday! "Stat!"
Is it just me, or do the players reporting short play throughs seem to be a minority?
Finally, I knew it!
Just confirms it that those who report "longer playthroughs" in reality just played those episodes multiple times. Im so amazed that you consider playing the episode once a "speedrun".
Oh and btw. you and I? Not the same. I played Season 1 when it first came out and always waited for the next episodes, same with every season.
I never rush my games. I explore every bit of location I can, I just dont replay those episodes, not immediately at least. So I'll repeat myself. Not my fault that TT makes short 90-100 minutes episode. I don't remember finishing any of Season 2 episodes within 90 minutes as well. Usually they took me (according to my stats) from 94 minutes to 107 minutes. Again, no rushing.
Hm... I don't recall using ?! in my post. Please, don't spread any lies about my person. This is supposed to be a place for a friendly discussion and I'm not keen to talk with people trying to say stuff that's not true. Thank you.
Pre orders are out on ps4! Just pre order mine!
Have fun buying the same exact games you already own in the first place!
Oh yeah, pre-orders are up!
Aaaannnd... It's 27$! That's ok. I expected 30.
Still, there goes Sony pricing it just a few bucks higher than the original conversion rate. (25.91$)
Steam database and store page is up.
Ikr the pre order bonus was really bad.
When you REALLY think about it, the whole purpose of pre-ordering this game is to allow TTGs to take your money before you have a chance to see the reviews. In this case, the whole "get all 19 episodes when you pre-order TFS" gives the majority of the returning players, who have already bought every episode up to this point, the same exact games they already own. This best suits the people who have never played any of TWD games before, more than those who already have. Returning players would only benefit from this by being able to just skip having to individually purchase every episode of TFS , and just go straight to downloading them. Some people don't even realize that they don't get every episode as the game comes out if they pre-ordered it. They still have to wait like those who didn't.
What I want to know is whether our choices will carry over or not.. Is there any comment on that?
Except for people who actually want to jump into the series or just want to play the games again, but this time on PS4 (me). Its a fantastic deal and 20 for the whole season is still a great price even without the collection.
I mean being passive aggressive is all the same. Just interpreting from what I'm seeing is all.
Is that not the case with all companies who use incentives to attract buyers? They aren't exactly the same either... in terms of story yes but when it comes to appearance and how smoothly the game performs then that is different. I also don't understand how people wouldn't know they are receiving the Collection as it says up at the top of the description "Preorder The Walking Dead The Final Season to receive The Walking Dead Collection". Well now that I think of it players could just jump in and not pay much attention to the description as they may be super excited to preorder. Returning players also have the benefit of playing Season One, Season Two and A New Frontier in updated graphics and an improved engine.
I apologise if my approach comes off as very aggressive as that is not my intention
Fair enough although what I'm seeing is someone trying to pick a fight. I might be wrong but thats a feeling Im getting when reading your posts here.
No offense taken lol
Most definitely.
The perks that come with pre-ordering are usually more than just a polished copy of everything you've previously bought already, along with the convenience of not having to type in credit card information to purchase an episode every time a new episode is released.
When I said "Some people don't even realize that they don't get every episode as the game comes out if they pre-ordered it. They still have to wait like those who didn't" I was referring to the episodes of TFS
My bad that was my own mistake for misinterpreting what you were saying. Sorry for jumping across discussions to reply to your comments. I will leave it at that. But thank you for sharing your view
It's alright. I misinterpret things all the time lol
So is this the E3 teaser or a teaser for the actual trailer at E3? Mostlypoptarts made it seem like this is the only trailer we're getting.
Please don't bring back the Garcias
lol why did u delete MY comment?
Telltale bring back the Garcias if you wish. With the writers fully focused on working on The Final Season bringing them back could be a good thing. Do what you believe will benefit the plot. That can range from excluding the Garcias or bringing them back but you guys do what you think will be of benefit to the story. But please do take other accounts of feedback into consideration
Patrick a lot of the users who said they do not want to see the Garcias are different people with the same opinion. The dates in which they joined are all different. Not trying to cause or stir anything my friend but they are not one person behind a screen
Calm down Patrick
I restored your original comment as i deleted it by accident, now lets keep this thread on topic rather than spamming it with the same comments.
Why are all the garcias comments getting deleted? lol
Thanks mayne
Well, either way it still counts as spam according to the Mod. Sorry btw.