Does TFS' Clementine Look Any Different from ANF's Clementine To You?

would you agree that she looks different? You can't tell from the lighting in both pictures, but her skin tone has brightened a few shades since ANF, and her nose has widened a bit, resembling Clementine from Season 2 more, although looking much older. It's almost as if Season 2's Clementine would've directly transitioned into this newer model, as their faces resemble each other much more than ANF's Clementine. Maybe they incorporated elements from both Season 2 and ANF models to make TFS' Clementine?
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Don't know why but in the new trailer she seems to have grey hair sometimes.
Stress can cause graying and living in a ZA will definitely stress people out, especially someone like Clem who has lost so much. That said, I don't think she has gray hair. It's just the difference in shading.
She definitely looks like a blend of season 2 and ANF to me. I so far really enjoy the models of season 4 (Clem and AJ look so great, love the texture of AJ's hair) but hope they return to the nice use of colors from season 2 (ANF was a bit... "muddier" sometimes? While season 2 often had really beautiful skies and more colorful, lively looking clothes, etc)
Yeah, she somehow looks blander.
I don't get why the insist on using the comic outlines, it doesn't really work with new more realistic art style.

If anything, they would look way better without them.. For example: look at this thing a fan did. It's Mariana's game model with the outlines removed, and some basic textures slapped on, I think.
Now compare that to the game itself
See what I'm getting at here?
someone did the same for clementine as well.

Holy shit, that is a major different.
Damn, that headband is pretty. If a tad jarring.
Oh yeah, the real doll.
Right, I forgot, the game has that color filter over it, too. Making it look really dull.
That one looks kinda creepy...
Did they do any other ones? Like, some male characters?
Yeah, seriously. Looks dusty.
The mole, scarbrow, and to an extent her eyes look better in the game, though.
How do/would her clothes look?
Clem looks...tired. Worn out. The ZA has taken its toll on her.
Oh shit, I just realized two things
1. She's more or less legal now
2. She looks like a Last of Us character
To my knowledge, no.
Hmmm... I wonder why
Uh, I have no idea, and now that you pointed it out, the artist somehow changed her clothing... and I have no idea how
Well yeah, characters from The Walking Dead and The Last of Us are bound to have similarities when it comes to clothing and what not. Both games take place in post-apocalyptic United States where people are scavenging clothes wherever they can be found and years of running around under harsh conditions would bring wear and tear to the clothing. This is nothing new.
It has more to do with her face looking disgusting and really dirty just like everyone in the last of us. But yeah, her clothes too. There are stains all over her hat and jacket. She looks like a worn-out, sleepy box car bum. Also, her hat looks really bad, she should just throw it out. Looks like it smells like 6 years of shit??
I’ll just assume you meant something else and that you didn’t have some shady attraction to Clem before hand, despite the fact that she is still 16 and pretty much illegal still ?
Yeah, he's been making comments like this for a while now. ?
Didn't you imply that it was...not exactly a clothed model?
No and yes, respectively.

Try not to take everything I say too literally/seriously, btw. You'll get by easier.
Because facial hair is rather awkward to render?
She hasn’t been confirmed sixteen and I doubt aj is 4 years old
Well that and the facial structure looks pretty similar to a character from that game's modeling/rending style.
Though ironically, I think those characters might actually be rounder, brighter/cleaner looking with very slightly more visible eyes.
Yeah, it probably does.-
I think you’re being serious ?
It was said somewhere that she is 16
I agree
From the trailer, Clementine looks like she is 16 going on 17. And judging by that, AJ would be 5.
...Okay, I can see where the blurred lines are.
Let me be clearer: Yes, she's technically old enough to do almost anything she please; No, I'm not actually interested in her, nevermind that way.
let's just drop it. She's a fictional character, and she's not real. She is nothing more than a mere computer animation.?
Agreed. All we can do is learn from this in the future. Right, @DabigRG ??
Hey, what's everyone talking abo...
just a bit too rich!
Yes they highly likely fused (like DBZ fusion) both models of season two and three giving rise to this version of Clementine albeit a lot more weary and tired looking. Which is perfect because she would be over stressed dealing with puberty, zombies and watching over a toddler that's somehow nearly jumped to her age over the span of a couple years. New Frontier Clem looked atleast 13-14 ish now 16 ish at best in the final season and AJ was about 2 years in S3 now he suddenly resembles that of a 7 year old in This Final Season. They must of said "well fuck you comics" and skipped even beyond the comic by a year or two. Though I'm not caught up completely on the comic I figured A New Frontier took place between ALL OUT WAR and The New Beginning whisperer conflict. You'll also notice that no season Telltale did was free of massive time jumps.
I don't like making promises. But we shall see.
That's why you draw it on
Yeah, that's probably the same thing, but again I have no idea how any of that works.
She looks thin...I hope she's eating enough.
And I know it's the apocalypse but who here thinks that just because it's the apocalypse people stop washing their faces. "Oops, got mud on my face again. Well, seems quiet enough right now but better not wash it off, just in case."