The Walking Dead: The Final Season at E3 2018 - LIVESTREAM SCHEDULE!

Hey guys,
I'm going to post this on our social channels tomorrow but wanted to give you a heads up! Here is our livestream schedule for E3. We'll also be doing written interviews and some filmed video segments, so keep an eye out for those. See you Sunday!
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Sounds neat! This is in Pacific Time right?
Why does everything have to be in McDonalds time? Wtf is a pm?
Yep, PT!
You mean you live in a place that uses 24 hour clocks as opposed to the am/pm cycle? In case that's the case and you're ever confused about what time it means, if it says am that's the same as your 24 hour clocks. 9 am = 09:00. If it says pm after the time, add 12 to it to get your 24 hour time. 9 pm = 21:00.
EDIT: Oh! except for the 12 oclock hours. 12 am is midnight, like 00:00 for you. 12 pm is noon.
I don't know what to do about E3. E3 is running at the same time Fear is doing it's mid season finale which I want to watch. Bethesda will be doing their own showcase at the same time the Fear mid season finale is going on. I guess I can watch the Bethesda stuff on youtube after it's done, right?
I want to give a special shoutout to @mostlypoptarts
The PR these past few weeks from her and Telltale as a whole has been PHONOMENAL. It’s great to have someone actively talking to us on the forums!
This may be a bit pointless to share but I typed out the links and times of each livestream that Telltale will be a part of so to save people the time of typing it themselves:
Telltale will be kicking off things at E3 on Sunday with a livestream that will take place at 12:35pm Pacific Time. This link will take you to the Livestream:
Then on Monday Telltale will appear on the PC Gaming Show at 3:00pm Pacific Time. This link will take you to that stream:
On Tuesday Telltale will be at their busiest. They will appear on Xbox Mixer: Live From E3 at 12:00pm Pacific Time. This link will take you to the stream:
Later Telltale will appear on Mixer LIVE at E3 at 1:30pm Pacific Time. Use this link to take you to the stream:
Telltale will then appear on Twitch Live at E3 2018 at 2:30pm Pacific Time. This link will take you to the Livestream:
Telltale will then appear on the YouTube Live at E3 with Rooster Teeth stream at 3:20pm Pacific Time. Follow this link to take you to the stream:
And finally on Wednesday Telltale will appear on the E3 Playstation Live Show at 1:00pm Pacific Time. This link will take you to the stream:
This link will also show you the current Pacific Time so you can always keep track of time and that you not miss a thing:
Credits to Moderators and Telltale Staff for sharing links and times
Why did I chose to take college classes around the time E3 takes place?!!
By the way, how long will the thing at Sunday be?
Will we be able to ask questions
Which one of these will show new gameplay?
Sorry to bump this discussion with a topic such as this but will Episode length be a topic that will be addressed at E3?
This is something that many players are curious and concerned about as we want to be able to spend as much time with Clementine, AJ and the Boarding School Group before the Final Season and Clementine's story comes to a close
I love super long Episodes that are full of content and there are many other people who think the same way. Of course it is a decision that can only be made by Telltale but the increase in Episode length may be beneficial to player experience and immersion... anyways I don't know what I am saying but hopefully I made some sense
I agree with everything I said.
And my opinion, I think 120-minute spies would be a good size, initially, since we have an episode less compared to Season 1.
Where is the livestream?
Right here

They are about to show new gameplay over at YouTube's E3 stream!
Oh man it's on right now! Gameplay in the background!
Phew, nearly missed this live.
Okay, I basically missed it. Good thing you can scroll back in the archive!
All episodes are planned to release this year.
That's it? Already over? I liked the unscripted combat but other than that didn't see much. They were talking over the gameplay so you couldn't hear any of the dialogue.
Not sure that went as intended because they barely showed us the footage they prepared and then went back to showing the trailer lol. But the school area looks interesting and I liked that brief combat scene.
Kinda wish we could’ve just saw the gameplay uninterrupted and properly instead of constant talking over it and cutting away. However the combat looked really cool I must say.
Uploading all that footage to youtube now
This year!? Niceeee. I thought it will be till next year february if there wont be delay for Christmas.
But i hope to play this game for Christmas for real tho.
Highly appreciated! I missed over 3/4 of the interview
Uploaded. Sucks that my OBS glitched and didn't get audio
Loved what I saw. I loved the one-take camera feel and the combat. All 4 episodes released this year is a little sad to know. That means we'll be done by December.
From what I've seen of Marlon so far he looks fine. But his look still screams obnoxious to me. So let's see if he is. I want to love these characters this season.
tfw you told clem to come back to richmond with aj but the lead writer says clem and aj have been on the road for a while now
You can rewind the live youtube video to see the parts you missed.
With audio must I mention
sorry guys
So you missed 3 of 4 minutes lol
Where is her hat?
I too, would have the same reaction as AJ after seeing a walker.

I think that the hat is optional to use, its up to you whether or not to use it.
Footage here.
Interviewer: "Whats the story branching like"?
James: "Its what you except from a Telltale game"
Seems like almost nothing is going to matter once again.