Are you guys allowed to tell us how long the timeskip was? How old will Clem and AJ be? I understand that this is a direct question and feel free to ignore it if you cannot answer.
Clementine and AJ's relationship is central to the story. The team is going to great lengths to show you the bond that Clem has with AJ, and to help you understand him as a real character you can relate to and grow to care about. We're putting a lot of work into making him sympathetic and likable. He's not a normal child; he's a capable survivor. He's a kid who was raised in the apocalypse -- never knew the world before. Plus, the relationship between Clem and AJ is fluid and something you'll be able to shape over the season. - James
I feel like past Seasons have done a poor job on building a connection between the player and AJ. He obviously means the world to Clem, but … moreI can't say that myself, as the player, could ever relate to that. How much of the Season's plot is reliant on that bond? Is there versatility on what type of relationship Clem can have with AJ, or is their relationship pretty much already set in stone?
We're still in active development on later episodes, but it's unlikely the Garcias will appear in The Final Season. We're really focused on telling Clementine's story. -James
Hey guys, Caroline here. We have to wrap up because we're moving backstage before the show! Keep posting questions here and if we have free time throughout E3, we'll try and revisit and answer some... no promises though! We have a packed schedule!!
Are you guys allowed to tell us how long the timeskip was? How old will Clem and AJ be? I understand that this is a direct question and feel free to ignore it if you cannot answer.
Man.... there goes my hopes of my questions being answered..... I should have asked shorter and more to the point questions.... anyways I look forward to watching all of the streams! And thanks for holding a Q&A
Hey guys, Caroline here. We have to wrap up because we're moving backstage before the show! Keep posting questions here and if we have free time throughout E3, we'll try and revisit and answer some... no promises though! We have a packed schedule!!
Will there be any sort of collectors edition for the final season? I have never really thought about getting one before but I do want to for this!
Have potential DLCs been ruled out? even if not part of the main story like Michonne, which was great! Even if just a "nothing has been ruled out" would be fine for me!
Also after the trailer can we expect to see a nursery rhymes with Clementine album released? < 3
This is to Melissa or James ?
Out of the 3 seasons we have all come to know and love, if you had the opportunity to go back and change just ONE thing, what would it be? Or would you leave the story as is? ❤
We're still in active development on later episodes, but it's unlikely the Garcias will appear in The Final Season. We're really focused on telling Clementine's story. -James
Really Telltale? You promised us the ANF endings would matter and NOT get thrown away for the second time... great thanks a lot I guess I played both season 2 and ANF for absolutely nothing then
We're still in active development on later episodes, but it's unlikely the Garcias will appear in The Final Season. We're really focused on telling Clementine's story. -James
1) No Garcias doesn't mean Clem's choices from ANF aren't likely to matter, or that the events of ANF didn't leave an impact on her
2) Didn't people previously come to the agreement that they wanted S4 to focus on Clem instead of the Garcias?
[Moderators are community volunteers; we are not Telltale staff and our opinions are our own]
Really Telltale? You promised us the ANF endings would matter and NOT get thrown away for the second time... great thanks a lot I guess I played both season 2 and ANF for absolutely nothing then
I'm actually very happy to hear the Garcia's likely won't be returning. I'd rather we completely forget ANF existed and focus on what's actually important; Clementine.
Yes because I would totally love to see Gabe’s potato face in my game because I wasn’t able to get rid of him in ANF. I’d rather not have the Garcias return and trigger my ANF PTSD, thank you very much.
I played both season 2 and ANF for absolutely nothing then
It’s not S4’s falt that ANF ruined S2’s choices/legacy. It’s also not S4’s falt for not wanting to waste development time or ruin the story by returning horribly written determinant characters that a decent portion of the community despise.
Really Telltale? You promised us the ANF endings would matter and NOT get thrown away for the second time... great thanks a lot I guess I played both season 2 and ANF for absolutely nothing then
Is there any hope for us to be able to talk to AJ about our season 2 endings and who helped take care of him?
If the Garcia's aren't going to return, then what was with the final choice of Javier telling Clem to being AJ back to Richmond or not? Why is Clem trying to find a safe place to live if she already had that waiting in Richmond?
I really enjoyed the gameplay footage from the stream and I love the look of this game so far. I liked how Clem was wearing a backpack in that one scene, little details like that really expand upon the immersion. However, I did find it rather immersion breaking when Clem's backpack magically disappeared from her back as it transitioned into gameplay.
I imagine this is a result of the game still being in development. You guys do plan on smoothing over those details before the game is released right? I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to this question but it would be nice to get some confirmation.
Are you guys allowed to tell us how long the timeskip was? How old will Clem and AJ be? I understand that this is a direct question and feel free to ignore it if you cannot answer.
Could you bring back Rewind ?
Will there be more female characters? Seems like we only have Clementine and Violet
Clementine and AJ's relationship is central to the story. The team is going to great lengths to show you the bond that Clem has with AJ, and to help you understand him as a real character you can relate to and grow to care about. We're putting a lot of work into making him sympathetic and likable. He's not a normal child; he's a capable survivor. He's a kid who was raised in the apocalypse -- never knew the world before. Plus, the relationship between Clem and AJ is fluid and something you'll be able to shape over the season. - James
I really wanted to see them again. Please make them have a cameo at least. Please...
Are there any flashbacks planned for the final season?
Any chance you could reconsider AJ’s voice-acting and/or lines?
Hey guys, Caroline here. We have to wrap up because we're moving backstage before the show! Keep posting questions here and if we have free time throughout E3, we'll try and revisit and answer some... no promises though! We have a packed schedule!!
Will Joan/Clint choice impact The Final Season? @mostlypoptarts
AJ's age?
(Caroline again. YES there are more than Clem and Violet!)
It's the same timeskip as the comics. It's been a number of years. - Caroline
We need Kenny in this,And Lilly and Christa.u know this right Telltale? hi Melissa
are we going to see Arvo or Mike again? And...did you kill clemy?
Since when was the final season of the walking dead in development?
Man.... there goes my hopes of my questions being answered..... I should have asked shorter and more to the point questions....
anyways I look forward to watching all of the streams! And thanks for holding a Q&A 
James, how long have you been working on the walking dead the final season now?
Hmph, that is a bit odd. A character in the comics was pregnant before the time-skip, and after the time-skip her baby is only a toddler.
Could clem have a romance in season 4 like how u did in season 3
Will previous Season choices effect The Final Season?
Please bring Rewind back
A Couple from me!
Will there be any sort of collectors edition for the final season? I have never really thought about getting one before but I do want to for this!
Have potential DLCs been ruled out? even if not part of the main story like Michonne, which was great! Even if just a "nothing has been ruled out" would be fine for me!
Also after the trailer can we expect to see a nursery rhymes with Clementine album released? < 3
Will Clementine ever get the chance to experience teenage flirting and/or an awkward teenage relationship? Bc if so lmao sign me up
This is to Melissa or James ?
Out of the 3 seasons we have all come to know and love, if you had the opportunity to go back and change just ONE thing, what would it be? Or would you leave the story as is? ❤
Loved seeing you again in Nashville Melissa ❤
Gonna need Melissa to convince y'all to give me some Rhys socks thank u Melissa lov u
Ohhh Poogs...they covered that in a part that was deleted because some folks got a little wild....they said no.
Really Telltale? You promised us the ANF endings would matter and NOT get thrown away for the second time... great thanks a lot I guess I played both season 2 and ANF for absolutely nothing then
1) No Garcias doesn't mean Clem's choices from ANF aren't likely to matter, or that the events of ANF didn't leave an impact on her
2) Didn't people previously come to the agreement that they wanted S4 to focus on Clem instead of the Garcias?
[Moderators are community volunteers; we are not Telltale staff and our opinions are our own]
Any chances on features from the old engine coming back?
Please bring back rewind, Crowd Play is not a suitable replacement
I'm actually very happy to hear the Garcia's likely won't be returning. I'd rather we completely forget ANF existed and focus on what's actually important; Clementine.
You've spoken a bit about the updated combat but I also want to ask if we can we expect more 'elaborate' hubs/freewalks?
Yes because I would totally love to see Gabe’s potato face in my game because I wasn’t able to get rid of him in ANF. I’d rather not have the Garcias return and trigger my ANF PTSD, thank you very much.
It’s not S4’s falt that ANF ruined S2’s choices/legacy. It’s also not S4’s falt for not wanting to waste development time or ruin the story by returning horribly written determinant characters that a decent portion of the community despise.
So I guess these are thrown out the window
The "long term consequences" only change your emo cousin's fanfiction, not the game. Enjoy your 2 altered lines of dialogue!
Poor Alyssa
Is there any hope for us to be able to talk to AJ about our season 2 endings and who helped take care of him?
If the Garcia's aren't going to return, then what was with the final choice of Javier telling Clem to being AJ back to Richmond or not? Why is Clem trying to find a safe place to live if she already had that waiting in Richmond?
Where did Kate disappear to in my ending?
bring back my boy javi
you dont understand im having a mental breakdown
Will Kenny's hat make an appearance for AJ to wear... or just at all? It would be nice to have Kenny with us in spirit if we took the hat.
I really enjoyed the gameplay footage from the stream and I love the look of this game so far. I liked how Clem was wearing a backpack in that one scene, little details like that really expand upon the immersion. However, I did find it rather immersion breaking when Clem's backpack magically disappeared from her back as it transitioned into gameplay.
I imagine this is a result of the game still being in development. You guys do plan on smoothing over those details before the game is released right? I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to this question but it would be nice to get some confirmation.