"Done Running" - Your Choices
Share your decisions and anything relating to them (reasoning, justifications, etc.) down below!
Major Choices:
- Killed the walker couple. vs Let AJ crawl through the window.
- Went fishing with Vi and Brody. vs Went hunting with Louis and Aasim.
- Let AJ stay on guard under the bed. vs Convinced AJ to sleep on the bed.
- Attacked Abel and kept the food. vs Surrendered the food to Abel.
- Turned to Vi for help against Marlon. vs Turned to Louis for help against Marlon.
Character Relationships (help me complete this!):
- AJ: Hardened vs Pragmatic vs Ruthless
- Vi: Guilty vs Horrified
- Louis: Heartbroken vs Lost
- Tenn: Helpless vs Bitter vs Powerless vs Resentful.
Minor Choices:
- Inside a new place... Check the windows. vs Look for a way out. vs Find a place to hide.
- Remember what we said... Never hesitate. vs Save the last bullet for yourself. vs Aim for the head.
- Let AJ swear. vs Told him to watch the swears.
- Pointed a knife at Tenn.
- Let AJ play the piano with Louis. vs Told AJ he didn't have to give the piano a try.
- Told AJ paying his respects to Tenn's sisters was a good idea. vs Told AJ it wasn't their place to pay respects.
- Let AJ keep reading Aasim's journal. vs Ordered him to give it back.
- AJ apologized to Ruby... With a joke. vs With the truth. vs With an aggressive tone.
- Checked on Mitch and Willy.
- Checked on Omar.
- During dinner... Told AJ to watch his manners./Told him to eat slowly. vs Burped along with AJ and Louis.
- Told AJ he should give the paintbox back. vs Let AJ keep the sister's paintbox.
- Let AJ keep Tenn's toy. vs Gave the toy back to Tenn.
- Let Marlon help you bond with Rosie. vs Kept your distance from Rosie.
- Resolved the conflict between Vi and Brody. vs ???
- Focused on hunting with Aasim. vs Joined Louis and AJ with the zombie piñatas.
- Killed the baby rabbit for food. vs Released it so it would get bigger.
- Supported Tenn's idea of an afterlife. vs Denied the existence of an afterlife.
- Let Tenn include both you and AJ in the drawing. vs Refused to let Tenn draw you, but let AJ be included in the drawing. vs Refused to let Tenn draw you and told him to scribble out AJ, resulting in Tenn scrapping the drawing.
- Disarmed Marlon during the confrontation. vs Marlon gave up his gun willingly.
- Told Marlon he couldn't leave and that he'd become a prisoner. vs Told Marlon to leave and never come back. vs Told Marlon he could stay as long as he stepped out as leader.
- Acquired the deer skull.
- Acquired the fake flowers.
- Acquired the real flowers.
- Acquired the broken skull.
- Acquired AJ's painting.
- Acquired Tenn's painting.
- Tickled AJ.
- Talked to everyone before dinner.
- Found out about Vi's relationship with Minerva.
- Speared all the fish.
- Shot all the rabbits.
- Hit all the piñata swings.
- Used all traps.
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AJ's other one's are Ruthless and P something..
Edit: Pragmatic
Wait, how do you do the relationship with Minerva one?
Go fishing with Vi and Brody. In the old shack, look for a carving on the wall (it's an heart with M + V written inside it). You then talk to AJ about it.
Ah, thanks.
That and when Violet comes to Clementines and AJs room she mentioned that she was close with Minerva.
Well, here are mine, I got all the collectibles in my first playthrough and went back to get all of the achievements in a second playthrough.

I manage to get all the collectibles on my first playthrough as well.

Major Choices:
* Let AJ crawl through the window.
* Went fishing with Vi and Brody
* Convinced AJ to sleep on the bed
* Surrendered the food to Abel
* Turned to Vi for help against Marlon
Character Relationships:
* AJ: Hardened
* Vi: Guilty
* Louis: Heartbroken
* Tenn: Resentful
Minor Choices:
* Inside a new place: Find a place to hide.
* Remember what we said: Aim for the head.
* Told AJ to watch the swears.
* Let AJ play the piano with Louis
* Told AJ paying his respects to Tenn's sisters was a good idea
* Ordered AJ to give Aasim's Journal back
* AJ apologized to Ruby: With the truth
* During dinner: Burped along with AJ and Louis.
* Told AJ he should give the paintbox back
* Gave the toy back to Tenn.
* Let Marlon help you bond with Rosie
* Resolved the conflict between Vi and Brody
* Supported Tenn's idea of an afterlife
* Let Tenn include both you and AJ in the drawing
* Marlon gave up his gun willingly.
* Told Marlon to leave and never come back
Hey @telltalegames remember this choice (link:
) m.youtube.com/watch?v=8D8bSp…
) m.youtube.com/watch?v=i5HkVG…
Why is it not in this season I just want this to be fixed in episode 2
And her scar
Can they just reply and tell me they see this
Major Choices:
Killed the walker couple.
Went fishing with Violet and Brody
Let AJ sleep under the bed
Pushed Abel out the window
Turned to Violet for help against Marlon
Character Relationships:
AJ: Pragmatic
Violet: Guilty
Louis: Heartbroken
Tenn: Bitter
Minor Choices:
Inside a new place: Look for another way out
Remember what we said: Never hesitate.
Told AJ to watch the swears.
AJ didn't play the piano.
Told AJ to give Aasim's Journal back
AJ apologized to Ruby: With the truth
Burped with AJ and Louis.
Told AJ he should give the paintbox back
Gave the toy back to Tenn.
Didn't bond with Rosie (hopefully we can cook that dog, and eat it).
Resolved the conflict between Violet and Brody
Denied the idea of an Afterlife
Let Tenn include only AJ in the drawing
Attacked Marlon for the gun and whooped his ass!
Told Marlon to leave and never come back
Main choices (relationships under the image):

I seem to be one of the only ones who turned to Louis at the end on this forum.
Violet - Horrified
AJ - Hardened
Tenn - Powerless
Louis - Lost
I did too, told him to grow a pair and step the fuck up lol xD
I mean, if I bothered playing it,:
Sounds about right
Here are my choices https://imgur.com/a/PipxcGa
They're working on a fix for it
Major Choices
* Killed the walker couple
* Went hunting with Louis and Aasim
* Convinced AJ to sleep on the bed
* Attacked Abel and kept the food
* Turned to Louis for help against Marlon
Character Relationships
* AJ - Hardened
* Violet - Horrified
* Louis - Lost
* Tenn - Hepless
Minor Choices
* Check the windows
* Aim for the head
* Told him to watch the swears
* Let AJ play the piano with Louis
* Told AJ paying his respects to Tenn's sisters was a good idea
* Told AJ to return Aasim's journal
* AJ apologized to Ruby with honesty
* Checked on everyone
* Told AJ to mind his manners
* Told AJ he should give the paintbox back
* Gave Tenn his toy back
* Trusted Marlon to help bond with Rosie
* Hunted with Aasim
* Released the baby rabbit
* Supported Tenn's ideology
* Asked to be in Tenn's drawing
* Marlon gave up willingly
* Tried to let Marlon stay
Hey guys, I’m back with another question, how do you get pragmatic aj? I’m trying to get that.
Major Choices:
Killed the walker couple.
Went fishing with Vi and Brody.
Let AJ stay on guard under the bed.
Attacked Abel and kept the food.
Turned to Vi for help against Marlon.
Character Relationships:
AJ: Hardened
Vi: Guilty
Louis: Heartbroken
Tenn: Bitter
Minor Choices:
Inside a new place... Find a place to hide.
Remember what we said... Aim for the head.
Let AJ swear.
Let AJ play the piano with Louis.
Told AJ paying his respects to Tenn's sisters was a good idea.
Told AJ to give the journal back.
AJ apologized to Ruby... With the truth.
Checked on Everyone
During dinner... Burped along with AJ and Louis.
Told AJ he should give the paintbox back.
AJ gives the toy back to Tenn.
Let Marlon help you bond with Rosie.
Resolved the conflict between Vi and Brody.
Supported Tenn's idea of an afterlife.
Let Tenn include both you and AJ in the drawing.
Disarmed Marlon during the confrontation.
Told Marlon he couldn't leave and that he'd become a prisoner.

I got pragmatic AJ. My decisions regarding him were.
When he says "I don't like goofball" I said "Oh, so you're all grown up now?" not sure if the little discussions matter but just in case.
I told him always check windows.
I didn't kill the walker couple and made him crawl through the hole
When they were taking him out of the car wreck I said, Please don't take him
I tickled him when given the option to (Also gives Achievement/Trophy)
I made him admit to biting Ruby and said no biting
I told him to try playing the Piano with Louis
I complimented Louis's song
I said he should pay respects to the twins grave
I told him to lower his gun against the bandit
I told him not all fights are worth fighting and he the bandit only wanted a little food when he complains about me letting the bandit take the food (big choice)
(I think the last 2 are imporant because the end says "AJ was upset you let the bandit take the food blah blah blah) So try letting the bandit take the food if you didn't.
I told him to give Tenn his toys back
I made him apologize to everyone at the courtyard and meet new friends with everyone.
I was in Tenn's Drawing with AJ
I didn't allow AJ to read homeboy's diary
I convinced him to sleep on the bed and not on the hard floor
I can't think of many other AJ Decisions. But those are what I did and got pragmatic on 2 playthroughs. .
Hope this helps.
Major Choices:
Killed the walker couple.
Went hunting with Louis and Aasim.
Let AJ stay on guard under the bed.
Surrendered the food to Abel.
Turned to Vi for help against Marlon
Character Relationships:
AJ: Hardened
Vi: Guilty
Louis: Heartbroken
Tenn: Helpless
Minor Choices:
Inside a new place... Look for a way out
Remember what we said... Aim for the head.
Let AJ swear.
Let AJ play the piano with Louis.
Told AJ paying his respects to Tenn's sisters was a good idea.
Ordered him to give it back. (The Journal)
AJ apologized to Ruby... With the truth.
Checked on Mitch and Willy. (I did)
Checked on Omar. (I did)
During dinner... Told AJ to watch his manners.
Told AJ he should give the paintbox back.
Gave the toy back to Tenn.
Let Marlon help you bond with Rosie.
Resolved the conflict between Vi and Brody. (I assume this was a fishing thing? - didn't go with them so don't remember this)
Focused on hunting with Aasim.
Released it so it would get bigger. (the rabbit)
Supported Tenn's idea of an afterlife.
Let Tenn include both you and AJ in the drawing.
Marlon gave up his gun willingly.
Told Marlon he could stay as long as he stepped out as leader.
Well, all I know is anyone who chose to push Abel is definitely going to be seeing him again, only next time he won't be so nice.

Look at that walker's mouth..
Don't worry, my Clem won't be so nice to him either
I got the same choices
oh fuck me
Dojo my boi how do you teach aj manners, and how do you get pragmatic aj
Killed the walker couple
Went fishing
Made AJ sleep on the bed
Attacked the thief
Asked violet
Didn't kill the couple
Went hunting and stayed with Louis
Let AJ sleep on the floor
Attacked Abel
Tried to appeal to Louis
Tenn: bitter
Voilet: horrified
Louis: lost
AJ: hardened
Clearly, you don't remember what happened at Prescott then.
Also, wrong thread?
Figured I'd post mine too.
Major Choices
Character Relationships
AJ: Hardened.
Vi: Guilty.
Louis: Heartbroken.
Tenn: Helpless.
Minor Choices
Inside a new place... Look for a way out.
Remember what we said... Aim for the head.
Told AJ to watch the swears.
Pointed a knife at Tenn.
Let AJ play the piano with Louis.
Told AJ it wasn't our place to pay respects.
Ordered AJ to give Aasim's book back.
AJ apologized to Ruby... With the truth.
Checked on Mitch and Willy.
Checked on Omar.
During dinner... Told AJ to watch his manners... he didn't obey.
Told AJ he should give the sister's paintbox back.
Gave the toy back to Tenn.
Let Marlon help Clem bond with Rosie.
Resolved the conflict between Vi and Brody.
Supported Tenn's idea of an afterlife.
Refused to let Tenn draw Clem and told him to scribble out AJ, resulting in Tenn scrapping the drawing.
Marlon gave up his gun willingly.
Told Marlon he could stay as long as he stepped out as leader.
Collectibles and achievements:
Got 3 out of the 6 collectibles (deer skull, AJ's drawing and the fake flowers).
Found the heart in the shack.
Talked to everyone before dinner.
Major choices:

AJ: Ruthless
Violet: Guilty
Louis: Heartbroken
Tenn: Bitter
Collectibles: 3 of 6

Did not hit a single rabbit.
Did not find the heart graffiti.
Minor choices:
I got
AJ: Hardened
Violet: Horrified
Louis: Lost
Tenn: Helpless
I got 2 collectibles
I turned to Louis too. At first he wasn’t having any of it because Marlon was his best friend but Clem said something along the lines of he’s suppose to be your best friend but doesn’t tell you the truth.......something like that.
AJ: Hardened
Violet: Guilty
Louis: Heartbroken
Tenn: Bitter
Also got all the collectibles.
So how to you get A.J to be ruthless
I would like to know too because I just finished a second save with that result and the only "ruthless" thing I did in front of AJ was push Abel out the window, while otherwise teaching him to be a normal kid who swears. I even did nicer things in the second save like trusting Marlon and letting Tenn put me in the picture and my first one was Hardened. The only other difference between the save files were the first had "Always aim for the head" while the second had "Always save one for yourself."
Ok I push Abel little ass off and let that little lad sleep on the floor,so just say “Always save one for yourself” then he will be a ruthless lad?
pushing abel and "save a bullet" are probably the choices that decide it, cause i had him use the bed both times.
Also, on the results page, hardened and ruthless both say the same thing for the bed and pushing abel.