Melissa Hutchison confirmed that Clem is 16 Years Old
I found Video on YouTube when someone name "GammaRay" showed "tutorial" (I don't know how to call it) where she showed how to draw Clementine with Melissa Hutchison. She confirmed that Clem is 16 years old and Aj is 5 years old in 4:42 minute.
Here You guys have a link to this Video:
I want to say sorry for my English, but I'm from Poland. Apologise for any mistakes !
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Who’s Melissa Hutchison? Is she related to Josh Hutchison from Bridge to Terabithia?
Umm.. She voices Clem...?
I know, I just like being stupid sometimes?
That was sarcasm brotha? xD
I was wondering whether you were joking. Well.. Nevermind.
That's a little weird when you think about it, because Aj seems way too mature to be five years old.
I think Melissa doesn't really know Clem's age, and that she just guesses it. I saw another video where she says that Clem is 17.
I think she said she had a mindset of a 17 year old when discussing Clem during Season Two.
Why do I have a feeling that not even Telltale knows how old she is lmao
I don't really think this proves anything. Melissa Hutchinson doesn't really know Clem's age. I don't think the writers know Clem's age. I don't even think Clem knows Clem's age.
It doesn't really matter if she's 16 or 17. She's either close to become 17 or just turned 17. It could be a matter of a few weeks difference.
Yeah probably
That's kinda weird. Considering Clem is 11 in Season Two.
I remember that movie. Easy to get depressed when you're 7.
Neat so can this community shut up about this topic now? Are u fulfilled?
just kiddin. ...
Well at least this takes everyone's doubts out of Clem's age, and ends the discussion.
She was trying to say how mature she was for someone her own age.
Ah I get it.
Well you also have to wonder if Clem even knows her age at this point.
Her being 16 makes a lot of posts that existed on here even more wrong.
Can we all agree that she’s 1,017 years old?
Anyway if you've ever made a post about wanting a Clem sex scene, please read the title and reflect on your choices.
Press Q to initiate.
Was gonna say a joke but remembered that blind will be like

Sooo better if we don’t go there hehehe
He may be blind, but he never misses