The Vent/Help Thread



  • I've seen some people cope by converting things into funny stories on social media. "No, you can't pay for your groceries with a movie theater gift card, sorry." If it drives you nuts, though, it's probably best to say you've discovered that the new position isn't a good fit for you, and ask to transfer back.

    Yesterday, I got the most angry I have been in years. So, I was at customer service getting alot of people lottery tickets for people and

  • edited September 2018

    Woah. Our store hasn't had any customers like that, though we did have a fight break out in our parking lot less than a year ago.

    I did try to let it go, and usually I'm successful. But, it had to have been from lack of sleep. My friend has been coming over every day to play games and we stay up pretty late. A few missed hours of sleep is enough to make me more irritable and weakens my awareness of many things, including how my actions affect others but I'm still able to control it and not have people notice. But compiled over a few days -- I wasn't able to see where it was going to lead.

    I'm not sure if that guy will come back or not. He'll at least stay away from me. He wasn't even that bad of a customer, I was just too drowsy to notice that he would've walked off, found out that he didn't have the card stamped right, and everything would've been fine. Just a simple misunderstanding that leads to a cascade of emotions that lead to a mess that could've been easily avoided.

    the best thing you cand do is just let it go ive had customers like that whilst on my own at night threatening to come back once we have ope

  • yeah mainly at night we get customers who are drunk or high and can be a real pain and usually try to start a fight we almost had a fight break out when some dude looked at someone elses car and said something about it i know how you feel when feeling tired i do that alot and then being stuck stood behind a till days in a row can get annoying and at leastbhe will stay away from you i get annoyed with people who dont understand how things work as the place i wirk is also franchised by another store name but we dont accept their gift cards and customers will come in buy tons of stuff they dont need then complain that they cant use the gift card in the store then moan about the price of fuel

    Woah. Our store hasn't had any customers like that, though we did have a fight break out in our parking lot less than a year ago. I did t

  • Even though this guy didn't technically do anything against you, you could sense his irritation with you, which I'm guessing that it probably felt unjustified for him to be angry with you since it was over something out of your control. If you've been going through a hard time lately, or have been getting a lack of sleep, the threshold to endure aggravations becomes smaller, and the capacity to shrug things off is reduced, so it's understandable that you felt angry.

    I feel like there's more going on that caused you to feel this much anger, and Mr. Lottery Guy was just the tipping point. Have you been having a stressful day or week?

    I.. I didn't have much control over myself.

    I think you can give yourself some credit. You were angry and you let it show through your facial expression and an audible growl, but you didn't become abusive; you didn't shout out and swear, and you didn't attack the guy. You did have control.

    Is it that you're disappointed that you let your emotions show? There's nothing wrong with expressing your emotions; you have every right to feel angry, and in my opinion, you didn't act unreasonable.

    I should tell them what happened and step down from my position before this has a chance of happening again.

    Is there something you're afraid that might happen?

    People have bad days; it's a part of life. It's okay to feel angry; perhaps it's unhealthy to let it get to a point where you feel overwhelmed by it, but that's something that can be learned.

    Yesterday, I got the most angry I have been in years. So, I was at customer service getting alot of people lottery tickets for people and

  • My mom had several horror stories working customer service for a while. I feel that it's a position where you have to sort out and rationalize your emotions on the fly as you're dealing with the customer since customer service is where they're pointed to when they have grievances with the store and they're not always going be smart enough to know you don't personally represent their policies. That and 'service' implies a sense of entitlement which doesn't go well if you're dealing with the conceited and ill-tempered.

    Even if you have to deal with them in a friendly manner, it's still a business transaction. Their feelings only matter when it's essential to business going smoothly. They may have the right to complain all they want but you still have the right to internally belittle their feelings when they test your friendly demeanor and they're irrelevant to the business at hand, especially when they're the ones mistaken and store policy won't let you satisfy their demands. His irritation towards you was completely misplaced and he should've gotten over himself. At that point I think it's best to inwardly deny giving him hospitality because he's a customer and more because he's an obstacle to getting paid.

    Yesterday, I got the most angry I have been in years. So, I was at customer service getting alot of people lottery tickets for people and

  • Perception can be a curse sometimes, if not a lot of the time. You know who you are, how your faults impact the world, how others see you or will see you, but they're all just ripples created by your character, something you can't reject outright because it's the center of your identity. It's not that you're powerless to control your own choices, even with the parts of your mind that you can't control they're still you. Instead you want to make those leaps out of necessity, or in defense of your own values, but the weight of the repercussions it will bring and how it will influence your standing and character in the future don't elude you, and you still go down those roads anyways because those are the ones your values have paved.

    People can tell you that you have the power to change your own destiny for the better, and that's true, but the change has to start at your core. Your values are never wrong until someone convinces you, and if they believe that entails disrespecting you and you react poorly then they have failed to convince you, and you can't accept a new path Until you're sure it's worth the journey, and you have every right to be the judge on that. Until then you're not truthfully questioning your values you're just guilty of the damage they cause to yourself and others, and sooner or later your values will overrule your guilt and you'll be back on the same path again, only more fearful of the destination and resentful of how you've been molded.

    Thank you for reading~

  • @pandoranwanderer, @Ruger_556, @WarpSpeed, @Psychokinesis, @Cocoa2736 Thank you guys for your opinions on the situation. It's true that customers should have a bit more patience for those who are trying to do their job and serve them as far as they can, but ultimately, I didn't do well enough to prepare myself do deal with things like this. Normally, I would continue to try to improve where things are, But I came so close to losing it, this could've been the least of my problems if I just slipped a bit further. Leaving customer service seems like a surefire way to prevent this from happening again. I may come back to it again when I feel I'm ready and the situation is different.

  • no problem happy to help :) if youre ever thinking about doing customer services again thats great that you will be ready that time

    @pandoranwanderer, @Ruger_556, @WarpSpeed, @Psychokinesis, @Cocoa2736 Thank you guys for your opinions on the situation. It's true that cus

  • Glad I could help I guess; didn't think what I said could be of much help but it's nice to feel helpful for once. I've known a family member who has had their life threatened behind the counter at a fast food chain. It's sad but it's the world we live in.

    @pandoranwanderer, @Ruger_556, @WarpSpeed, @Psychokinesis, @Cocoa2736 Thank you guys for your opinions on the situation. It's true that cus

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited September 2018

    I wouldn’t normally share any of my actual life here(except for that one time I told about my first time smoking bud), but I want to know if there’s anyone who’s been in the same situation as me. So, back when I was in HS, there were these two girls named Melody. Exact same initials, height, and interests. Both had dyed their hair red around the same time too. One of them I had a huge crush on and the other I was CRAZY over, and saw her as my “soul mate”. Long story short, I talked to one of them for a while but things didn’t work out, and I never even got chance to hold the other ones hand or anything, and the experience just left me feeling void of romantic interests. Not gonna lie, I was broken for quite some time??. To this day I still feel this way, like all the “love” I had was wasted on trying to make it work with them. I don’t feel sad about this or anything anymore. Has anyone ever had anything like that?

  • edited September 2018

    nvm ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    I'm glad you're comfortable sharing personal stuff like that here though and yes I felt something like that before

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    I wouldn’t normally share any of my actual life here(except for that one time I told about my first time smoking bud), but I want to know if

  • sounds liek they were in some kinda cult ? maybe initiation is changing your name to melody and dying your hair.
    but yah a similar thing happened to me a while ago when i bleached tf outta my hair then like a week later this girl i dont even know but pass by all the time did it too and i was like wtf stop copying me

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    I wouldn’t normally share any of my actual life here(except for that one time I told about my first time smoking bud), but I want to know if

  • you should go to the doctor! maybe you have adhd like me. they have medicine for it. i used to be a distracted and annoying person all the time too now im just annoying. or maybe you have something like bpd which is hella common i think. there's all kinds of treatments for stuff like that.

    My happiness is not happiness... it's mania. It makes me oblivious to every other emotion. It makes me unreceptive of other people's emotion

  • sounds liek they were in some kinda cult ? maybe initiation is changing your name to melody and dying your hair

    And playing for the school’s soccer team?Crazy part is, they didn’t really acknowledge eachother. They knew of eachother, but didn’t socialize at all.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    sounds liek they were in some kinda cult ? maybe initiation is changing your name to melody and dying your hair. but yah a similar thing ha

  • they didn't acknowledge each other in public. only on the weekends when they get together and sacrifice a small goat with other melodies.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    sounds liek they were in some kinda cult ? maybe initiation is changing your name to melody and dying your hair And playing for the

  • I'm glad you're comfortable sharing personal stuff like that here though

    I never intended to get personal here, but seeing as how I'm always on the forum and pass by this thread all the time, I thought i'd share something.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    nvm ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I'm glad you're comfortable sharing personal stuff like that here though and yes I felt something like that before

  • edited September 2018

    It's always nice to see this thread live up to it's purpose. Personal stuff can be hard to vent without fear of being judged for what you have to say, or feeling like no one else should have to deal with your own problems. I struggle with that all the time and It's uplifting to know people feel safe enough to contribute to this little support group, and that so many responders care enough to be thoughtful and empathetic with their replies. I want to trust that it will stay that way when I become inactive.

    But yeah feel free to be as personal here as you're comfortable to. No one who takes this thread seriously will have a problem with it. You can also ask for PMs in this thread if you'd rather discuss what's on your mind privately.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    I'm glad you're comfortable sharing personal stuff like that here though I never intended to get personal here, but seeing as how I'm always on the forum and pass by this thread all the time, I thought i'd share something.

  • Man I know exactly how that is: I know I'm not a good person overall but I can't really change it. I have days where I'm a bit less "bad" but other than that I go straight back to my original self, which is really hateful and selfish. I try to be "good" but it only lasts a little while before I go back to my bad side.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Perception can be a curse sometimes, if not a lot of the time. You know who you are, how your faults impact the world, how others see you or

  • I never expect anyone to respond to those posts. Part of the reason why I share them is so other's can feel like their thoughts aren't too fantastical or self-indulgent to be shared here (though I know I've gotten too comfortable with it at times). It's actually refreshing to get a reply to one though :smile:

    I try to be "good" but it only lasts a little while before I go back to my bad side

    Just the fact that you place value on goodness means you have potential to feel like a good person. Evil isn't the failure to achieve virtue, or even being ignorant of the pain you cause other people, that's just being human. Evil (or being bad) is just the refusal to strive for virtue. it's like playing the piano or any other skill, it just takes perseverance and accepting that youre not going to be good with it at first. Ultimately only our conscience can determine what is right or wrong. Like I said in the OP your values are never wrong until someone convinces you otherwise. Go by what you feel is right and if someone convinces you otherwise consider what they say but you've done all you could to be righteous and no one worth being in your life is demanding perfection. We need as many good people on this earth as we can get so I hope you'll keep trying.

    Man I know exactly how that is: I know I'm not a good person overall but I can't really change it. I have days where I'm a bit less "bad" bu

  • Thanks for your suggestion. Will keep trying

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I never expect anyone to respond to those posts. Part of the reason why I share them is so other's can feel like their thoughts aren't too f

  • I am thorougly pissed off had a crap day at work then go online and play some siege then my "friends" decided to vote to kick me then remove me from the party assholes

  • "Friends". Who needs 'em, amirite? Nah I'm just kiddin', it's good to have one or two close friends here and there.

    I am thorougly pissed off had a crap day at work then go online and play some siege then my "friends" decided to vote to kick me then remove me from the party assholes

  • when I become inactive.

    Why would you become inactive? Are you planning on leavin' the forum soon?

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    It's always nice to see this thread live up to it's purpose. Personal stuff can be hard to vent without fear of being judged for what you ha

  • If I do it wouldn't be forever. There's some things going on that have been pretty serious for me and it's gotten a bit difficult to stay upbeat at times. It might not happen but I don't want to have to force myself to be lighthearted here if I don't really feel that way is all. Thank you for asking tho I appreciate it

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    when I become inactive. Why would you become inactive? Are you planning on leavin' the forum soon?

  • I don't want to have to force myself to be lighthearted here if I don't really feel that way is all.

    Then don't.
    Screw pleasantries.
    If you want to speak your mind, speak it. Don't put on a mask if doesn't fit who you are.

    The Vent thread is the perfect place to get anything big or small off your chest or out of your brain.
    You don't have to hide from us.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    If I do it wouldn't be forever. There's some things going on that have been pretty serious for me and it's gotten a bit difficult to stay up

  • I've showen my lows on here. It doesn't make you a bad person. You've done plenty of things on here to prove yourself not to be. Even if you have to vent a certain frustration you've been holding, you deserve our respect. You've been there so mush for us, that it's only right that we are there for you.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    If I do it wouldn't be forever. There's some things going on that have been pretty serious for me and it's gotten a bit difficult to stay up

  • Okay here I go

    I don't degrade the value of this thread, and especially not your support, you guys are great and I appreciate all the advice you all have given here. It's just that I don't want to overestimate it either, not if my reason can control it, and that doesn't mean I think you guys are beneath my problems in the slightest.

    I've gotten the "don't wear a mask" advice before. I don't blame you and I'm not annoyed at you, but it's insulting. I use my common sense to the best of my ability and put myself in your shoes. That is why I wear the mask, and eventually when my feelings overwhelm me and I buy into those promises, even if it's not as intense as my worst fears put it, it still goes in that direction. I don't blame anyone but myself for that.

    Everyone has the right to decide when sharing their feelings would help, and that doesn't mean those that they feel wouldn't help are beneath them. That was the point of that quote, I don't want to wear a mask. To be lighthearted you have to disregard the pain in the world to some degree, it doesn't make it any less genuine. If I can't disregard it then it's not true joy, and you're right I could go "screw your feelings I'll say what's on my mind", but even if you tell me to think that we're all still human; our moods are all influenced by each other and our words, no matter if we personally ask for them or not. I'm not going to let go of that just because others accuse me of hiding behind a mask, not as long as my emotional state doesn't blind me to it.

    You're a good friend and I have great respect for you, if I have anything on my mind that I feel someone could help me with I won't hesitate to ask.

    Now if you'll excuse me~

    AChicken posted: »

    I don't want to have to force myself to be lighthearted here if I don't really feel that way is all. Then don't. Screw pleasantrie

  • :smile: Thanks ZK despite what I just wrote I will consider what you said and vent here when I think it will help. It's nice to know you'll help out though, you too @AChicken

    yeah I could've edited the above post but I already hit the reply button shut up

    I've showen my lows on here. It doesn't make you a bad person. You've done plenty of things on here to prove yourself not to be. Even if you

  • i kinda noticed even if you're having a bad day and you're upset about something, if you smile and act cheerful it makes you a bit happier. maybe its just me. or maybe its because it makes ppl around u happier and seeing that cheers me up.

  • When I feel so mad I go for a walk around the house to get some air with my headphones listening to some 1990-80-70s underrated songs around, then go to the market and buy myself a chocolate ice cream, a cocoa cola and a lays forno chips black pepper flavored (good shit man ?)
    Then eat it by yourself alone.

    Buy your favorite snack when feeling sad, angry confused etc.. :P

    Yesterday, I got the most angry I have been in years. So, I was at customer service getting alot of people lottery tickets for people and

  • I was wrestling with my little bro when I was a kid and somehow picked him up high and droped him on his back.. he then started gagging and looking up to the sky and having crossed eyes, he was unconscious and then fall asleep after puking and getting a headache.. I thought he was paralyzed XD damn what a scary night it was, thought I lost him for ever :(

    Ruger_556 posted: »

    A good way to release stress and have fun is to get two pairs of boxing gloves, and challenge your friends to a fight. Keep in mind it's not

  • Nah, I never had a “broken heart” experience over someone, never even felt in love X3.. maybe because I’m still young? Perhaps. But I appreciate you getting over it fast and not feeling down about anymore!

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    I wouldn’t normally share any of my actual life here(except for that one time I told about my first time smoking bud), but I want to know if

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited September 2018

    But I appreciate you getting over it fast

    It took me years....YEARS to get over these girls? I had a crush on one of them since 2013 that ended early this year, and the other I had a crush on since 2015 that ended early last year.

    Hersani posted: »

    Nah, I never had a “broken heart” experience over someone, never even felt in love X3.. maybe because I’m still young? Perhaps. But I appreciate you getting over it fast and not feeling down about anymore!

  • You should’ve pointed that too hehehe.. Now I feel bad for you but hey you got over it at the end, yes it took some time but here you are

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    But I appreciate you getting over it fast It took me years....YEARS to get over these girls? I had a crush on one of them since 2013 that ended early this year, and the other I had a crush on since 2015 that ended early last year.

  • do you still stalk them on facebook like every other well adjusted person who gets over their crush?

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    But I appreciate you getting over it fast It took me years....YEARS to get over these girls? I had a crush on one of them since 2013 that ended early this year, and the other I had a crush on since 2015 that ended early last year.

  • One of them doesn’t have fb, not that I’d add her if she did. The other sent me a friend request that I didn’t accept. Not trying to be cold or anything but I don’t need any unpleasant memories lingering around in my mind. They are part of a soon-to-be forgotten past.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    do you still stalk them on facebook like every other well adjusted person who gets over their crush?

  • i've never been a big fan of totally cutting ppl off. if you can't even talk to them maybe you're not as over your feelings as you think. ?

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    One of them doesn’t have fb, not that I’d add her if she did. The other sent me a friend request that I didn’t accept. Not trying to be cold

  • i've never been a big fan of totally cutting ppl of

    No lie, I’ve basically done that with all my friends. Two of them recently texted me but I kept it short.

    if you can't even talk to them maybe you're not as over your feelings as you think. ?

    Believe me, I’m over them? I just don’t see the point in being friends with girls who don’t feel the same way about me as I feel about them. It wouldn’t better anything so why do it?

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    i've never been a big fan of totally cutting ppl off. if you can't even talk to them maybe you're not as over your feelings as you think. ?

  • u mean girls who don't feel the same way about u as you used to feel about them, riiiight? i mean if all u rly wanted from them was some kinda romantic relationship and didn't care much about them as friends, then yah it's prob best to not hang on em. when i was a freshmen i had a friend who crushed on me and i didn't know it until later they told me after they got a gf and no longer cared about me like that but we were always friends and now its just something for us to look back and laugh at.
    but yeh if you're also cutting off all your other friends too then maybe you've got bigger things to deal with ?

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    i've never been a big fan of totally cutting ppl of No lie, I’ve basically done that with all my friends. Two of them recently texte

  • but yeh if you're also cutting off all your other friends too then maybe you've got bigger things to deal with

    They were good friends, but that was in HS. And since that chapter of my life ended, I just wanna move on from all of that.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    u mean girls who don't feel the same way about u as you used to feel about them, riiiight? i mean if all u rly wanted from them was some kin

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