FUck my life. I'm glad they're finishing TWD before this but TWAU2 got fucking canceled. This sucks so hard. I don't care for the rest and I'm somewhat relieved since this company was a bit of a huge mess nearing its end but it's really sad to see that they were kind of bouncing back but got cut short.
Caroline is gone, she was the one who talked with the Moderators and was active on the forums
Damn hope they don't just shut the forums down without warning
Fuck man. I wish i won the lottery and was a millionaire or something so i could just invest all my money into telltale to keep it alive and get back on track. This really fucking sucks.
Fucking hell. Just when they were starting to get back on their feet. Goodbye to wolfie season2 and GOT season 2. I can't believe it got into this point. Despite their recent fuck ups I didn't think it would end up like this. I'm kinda heartbroken to see them go after being with them for 8 years.
And fuck you Bruner. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
I'm gonna need time to process this.
I'll be back later to share my actual thoughts.
A part of my mind has just been broken by this. WTF. I love you guys and I don't want to go and where the FUCK did this come from when everything seemed perfectly normal and even AMAZING for Telltale's publishing branch yesterday.
This just hit me like a rocket-powered train from Hell.
Also, I'm sorry mods if this digital mental breakdown is against the rules but we're on a sinking ship and I'm still at the first stage of grief.
Well I guess all of those people on glass door were right. They were all saying that they expected telltale would shut down because they weren't making enough money. Workers would complain about constant changes to the writing, bad upper management, having to rush everything, the telltale tool being terrible, and having low wages. I wish microsoft would have picked them up. I was thinking about that lately, but it might be too late. This sucks
Why can't they finish it? 25 people sounds like it would be enough for one more game. I'm assuming they didn't even get far enough in production despite the delays.
Can they at least give us a full spoiler rundown on what it would've been about?
I’ve been a Telltale Fan since the Wallace & Gromit Games on the Xbox 360 & The Walking Dead was groundbreaking in terms of storytelling & emotion in Video Games, and along with Tales From The Borderlands, The Wolf Among Us, Minecraft Seasons 1 & 2, Batman Season 1 & 2, GoTG, and The Walking Dead from Season One up to now, I’ve loved Telltale & it would be awful to see so many great designers, developers, writers, etc lose their jobs & to see a great Studio shut down ?
The best of luck to those searching for new jobs & Thank You for all your years of hard work. Your legacies live on through our choices, replays of your games & this amazing community.
I think they're only finishing TWD because they already released an episode. I bet they would've cancelled TWD too if it wasn't already out to the public.
Why can't they finish it? 25 people sounds like it would be enough for one more game. I'm assuming they didn't even get far enough in production despite the delays.
Can they at least give us a full spoiler rundown on what it would've been about?
Horrible news. Saddened, not only for the people of telltale but the gamers. I was really looking forward to another Batman game. At least Telltale goes out with what started its rise.
Is there anyway to do like a gofundme or anything?? The Walking Dead was receiving overwhelming positive feedback on Steam, and we get hit with this news...
It really is a shame, as Batman TEW was excellent and Ep 1 of TWD was great too. I wonder how far along they got to finishing the entire series, because 25 people to finish the story seems way too much unless they are mostly done.
Mismanagement from the former CEO...the older engine he refused to replace. When you spew all these games out so fast and you screw the pooch with ANF...it begins to sap your money reserves.
Talented developers being laid off and not having a job in a field they wanted or enjoyed being in. Passionate fans who were looking forward for past tales to continue or new tales to experience.
I reckon we all probably should have seen this coming given what’s been going on, but it’s never fun to think about the worst case scenario.
There’s no doubt that these forums will most likely be shut down soon after TFS concludes, which really bums me out because I had such a great experience on these forums with so many great people talking about TFTB back in the day. Telltale’s forums are the only forums I’ve actually partaken in and it’s going to be sad to see it all get lost in the database.
But what makes me even sadder is what happens to the past? Are all of Telltale’s digital releases going to get pulled from PSN, Xbox Online, and Steam? I’m still clinging on to my digital releases of both Batman seasons as well as physical copies of Wolf and Tales. No doubt though, the physical releases might be tough to find in a few years if anyone is interested.
There’s a slight chance for Wolf and Batman to be saved by Warner Bros and DC, but I really wouldn’t expect another Tales or another GoT.
It really is a shame, as Batman TEW was excellent and Ep 1 of TWD was great too. I wonder how far along they got to finishing the entire ser… moreies, because 25 people to finish the story seems way too much unless they are mostly done.
I fear the final 2 episodes of TWD won't release.
I am gonna miss Telltale a Lot!! ??????????
FUck my life. I'm glad they're finishing TWD before this but TWAU2 got fucking canceled. This sucks so hard. I don't care for the rest and I'm somewhat relieved since this company was a bit of a huge mess nearing its end but it's really sad to see that they were kind of bouncing back but got cut short.
Any moderators or one of the telltale staff member to clarify us on the situation? it's really alarming.
I've only ever played one Telltale game in my life but I feel sympathetic for them and everyone in this community.
RIP Telltale, 2004-2018
? RIP Telltale ?
Caroline is gone, she was the one who talked with the Moderators and was active on the forums
Damn hope they don't just shut the forums down without warning
I doubt anyone who wasn't important for TFS is still working there, which means no community members.
Well, look at the bright side. At leaet we got Life is Strange still at its feet.
Yeah, this is heartbreaking.
Well, maybe, but the end of Telltale would mean another dark age for the adventure game genre.
Fuck man. I wish i won the lottery and was a millionaire or something so i could just invest all my money into telltale to keep it alive and get back on track. This really fucking sucks.
Fucking hell. Just when they were starting to get back on their feet. Goodbye to wolfie season2 and GOT season 2. I can't believe it got into this point. Despite their recent fuck ups I didn't think it would end up like this. I'm kinda heartbroken to see them go after being with them for 8 years.
And fuck you Bruner. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
NO. NO. NO....
I'm gonna need time to process this.
I'll be back later to share my actual thoughts.
A part of my mind has just been broken by this. WTF.
I love you guys and I don't want to go and where the FUCK did this come from when everything seemed perfectly normal and even AMAZING for Telltale's publishing branch yesterday.
This just hit me like a rocket-powered train from Hell.

Also, I'm sorry mods if this digital mental breakdown is against the rules but we're on a sinking ship and I'm still at the first stage of grief.
For now.
Well I guess all of those people on glass door were right. They were all saying that they expected telltale would shut down because they weren't making enough money. Workers would complain about constant changes to the writing, bad upper management, having to rush everything, the telltale tool being terrible, and having low wages. I wish microsoft would have picked them up. I was thinking about that lately, but it might be too late. This sucks
I'm in denial....how could this happen it was going good too....how life turns around huh :_:
And here I thought shipping threads were my nightmare.....I wish that was the only problem NOT THIS
So sudden, it's not like they weren't busy. The videogame industry can be shockingly volatile. I hope everyone finds new employment before long.
I hope they will release the script of TWAU2 to the public, with all the choices, concept art and all...that would still be Something i guess.
Has Pete Hawley said anything about this yet?
I can only assume he's way too busy to say anything just yet. Must be a pretty awful day for him & everyone at Telltale.
Update: below post
...I'm not ready for this.
Pete WHY
Why can't they finish it? 25 people sounds like it would be enough for one more game. I'm assuming they didn't even get far enough in production despite the delays.
Can they at least give us a full spoiler rundown on what it would've been about?
Absolutely gutted.
I’ve been a Telltale Fan since the Wallace & Gromit Games on the Xbox 360 & The Walking Dead was groundbreaking in terms of storytelling & emotion in Video Games, and along with Tales From The Borderlands, The Wolf Among Us, Minecraft Seasons 1 & 2, Batman Season 1 & 2, GoTG, and The Walking Dead from Season One up to now, I’ve loved Telltale & it would be awful to see so many great designers, developers, writers, etc lose their jobs & to see a great Studio shut down ?
The best of luck to those searching for new jobs & Thank You for all your years of hard work. Your legacies live on through our choices, replays of your games & this amazing community.
I think they're only finishing TWD because they already released an episode. I bet they would've cancelled TWD too if it wasn't already out to the public.
Horrible news. Saddened, not only for the people of telltale but the gamers. I was really looking forward to another Batman game. At least Telltale goes out with what started its rise.
Is there anyway to do like a gofundme or anything?? The Walking Dead was receiving overwhelming positive feedback on Steam, and we get hit with this news...
?We will remember you
Official statement via Twitter.
The end of an Era.
It really is a shame, as Batman TEW was excellent and Ep 1 of TWD was great too. I wonder how far along they got to finishing the entire series, because 25 people to finish the story seems way too much unless they are mostly done.
I fear the final 2 episodes of TWD won't release.
This is fucking depressing
Oh FUCK BRUNER...cocksucker ran this wonderful company into the ground. I cannot believe I am crying right now, but I am.
I feel so sorry for the 25 remaining employees.
Next week is going to feel like a ghost town, I'm sure.
Mismanagement from the former CEO...the older engine he refused to replace. When you spew all these games out so fast and you screw the pooch with ANF...it begins to sap your money reserves.
This is devastating news on all fronts.
Talented developers being laid off and not having a job in a field they wanted or enjoyed being in. Passionate fans who were looking forward for past tales to continue or new tales to experience.
I reckon we all probably should have seen this coming given what’s been going on, but it’s never fun to think about the worst case scenario.
There’s no doubt that these forums will most likely be shut down soon after TFS concludes, which really bums me out because I had such a great experience on these forums with so many great people talking about TFTB back in the day. Telltale’s forums are the only forums I’ve actually partaken in and it’s going to be sad to see it all get lost in the database.
But what makes me even sadder is what happens to the past? Are all of Telltale’s digital releases going to get pulled from PSN, Xbox Online, and Steam? I’m still clinging on to my digital releases of both Batman seasons as well as physical copies of Wolf and Tales. No doubt though, the physical releases might be tough to find in a few years if anyone is interested.
There’s a slight chance for Wolf and Batman to be saved by Warner Bros and DC, but I really wouldn’t expect another Tales or another GoT.
Official Tweet. I can't get it to embed properly.
Nah, i think they already did most of S4, they already did all the achievements.