I just finished the episode. Took me about 4 hours, but I was a bit too thorough with exploring I think. That wasted a good chunk of the tim… moree.
I liked it. I´m not in love with the game just yet, but that can still happen in the episodes to come.
A bit too soon to start posting spoilers, so I´ll shut up now.
Yep just played episode 1 of season 2. It was garbage. The story so far isn't really coherent. So many things could have been avoided. It didn't make sense. It actually had me yelling at my screen at some points.
Yep just played episode 1 of season 2. It was garbage. The story so far isn't really coherent. So many things could have been avoided. It didn't make sense. It actually had me yelling at my screen at some points.
I didn't steal anything. And the character I was playing escalated the situation like he stole something. Like the guy was like come back inside so we can see if you payed for this stuff. And I was fine with it. I was ready to prove I didn't steal anything. But the older brother just freaks out for no reason, causing the guy to knock him out. All of that could have been avoided. Also I thought it was stupid for him to run away, eventhough he really didn't do anything wrong. It was totally a leap in logic.
Old guy did probably know, they had newspapers in front of their gas station, after all. The way Sean acted when the guy confronted him was dumb, though.
No before the guy even said anything about the seattle incident and was strictly focused on rather or not a stole from the store, the older brother was flipping out. Even when I chose discuss, instead of attack or run. Besides that the entire main premise still does not make any sense. There is really no reason he should have ran away. Their entire block was blown up by his little brother causing the officer death. there would have been no way logically authorities could have concluded he had anything to do with the mayhem. The only thing that could have been evident was the cop shot the dad, by forensics recovering the bullet from the fathers chest. The neighbors death could have been chalked up as an accident from the little brother powers as well. There was no reason he needed to run away to mexico.It's just ridiculous.
Overall it was a good episode and I'm curious to see where this will go. Due to the nature of the story, it's definitely feels like several vignettes strung together by the plot, but that's fine with me. I think the gas station bit was fine for the most part, aside from how Sean handled being confronted about stealing, when in my save I did not steal anything, felt like it would have been better to have Sean claim he stole nothing, because it makes the scene feel dumb, even if the old man's only harassing them to turn them in, maybe even have an extra option where if you didn't steal you can go inside to prove to the man you stole nothing and that's how you get bagged. The Arcadia Bay cameo was neat, I'm curious what it would look like with a destroyed Bay area. The scene at the end where Daniel learns about his Dad's fate was very well done, I'm curious to see how they'll develop these powers. The next time on clip shows we're entering Winter next episode, which means we'll probably be encountering Chris either next episode or the episode afterwards. As for choices, I was surprised looking over that you can get Daniel to steal from Brody, I wonder when that could occur? Didn't even see any opportunity. Speaking of Brody, he was a cool dude, and I'm glad we'll probably be able to follow his blog throughout the series, to bad he couldn't stick around due to his mother having cancer. Now as for the puppy, I'm not sure how they'll handle it, they'll need for her, and it'd be weird if the game glossed over that, interesting to note that she didn't seem to be with the brothers in Captain Spirit, but there could be a reason for that. Overall, I am interested in seeing where this goes.
Sean Diaz. The new protagonist. Sensitive, creative, protective, and also a bit of a dork. :P But hey, Max Caulfield was also a bit of a nerd, so... anyways, this episode was a good start for this long road trip we find ourselves in. I also like how his spirit animal appears to be a wolf. That's my favorite power animal.
The intro of a normal life was nice. Lyla is a cool girl. Though, not as cool as Chloe in my book. After making the judgement call of the Chock-O-Crisp bar, I spent time reading through all the texts and reading the journal, just to get a better understanding of the life of Sean Diaz. Works at a grocery store, is part of a track team and has a talent for sketch drawing. I think its cool he's got an art talent of his own, just like Max with photography. Speaking of which, I like how we get to do those short segments of observing and then drawing the scenes. Packed up some chips, soda, got a blanket and $40 from Esteban. And who says honesty doesn't pay off?
And then, shit hits the fan. The racist next door neighbor Brett starts trouble with Daniel and then its one shit show after another. Got into a fist fight with him (something Max wouldn't do since she's a pacifist), A coward with a badge jumps to conclusions while waving a gun around, shot poor Esteban and Daniel unknowingly unleashed his telekinetic power. And thus the road trip begins. Hell of an intro, this one. And then it time-skips to two days later. Didn't expect that. While on the road with Daniel, I came up with priorities to remember; Be a good role model, always keep him close, fed, and never resort to stealing. There may be times where we'll get be desperate, but I won't let him become a thief. Daniel's too innocent for that, and should understand right from wrong. Oh, and since I pre-ordered the game, I was able to customize Sean's pack with Arcadia Bay patches, and yes, even allowed the Hawt Dawg Man keychain to be included.
Being in the woods with Daniel was a nice start of how life on the road with the little brother was going to be in this game. Though, I don't really approve of Sean keeping what happened to their dad a secret. It even shows a new feature where you can have interactions with certain things with Daniel.
Another feature is that money is an issue now. Gotta make sure I have enough to buy food and drinks whenever we can on this road trip. At the gas station, with $30.30, I bought a Chock-O-Crisp just like I promised, a 2 liter soda bottle, two hot dogs, a little pack of Mac-n-cheese and got some free water from the sink in the bathroom. I wanted to have plenty to eat but still have enough money for later. We even got to meet a real weirdo named Brody, who at first, I saw him as a peeving tom since he was "researching adult stuff" on his laptop.
Just when we finished eating and were making plans with the free map, Hank the racist hillbilly tries to play sheriff and kidnaps Sean. It's racist shit like this that really pisses me off. With assistance from Daniel, and his telekinetic power to knock out Hank, we were able to make our escape and met Brody again, who didn't even think twice to bail us out in his station wagon. Now I officially trust this weirdo. And of course, Daniel got it in his innocent mind to "rescue" the free puppy from Hank and bring her on the road with us. He even named her Mushroom. So cute.
Sean got to see Arcadia Bay from the distance, which is destroyed in my playthrough. There's barely anything left of it. I could still see the lighthouse, but it wasn't even on. There was even a plague nearby to honor the people who were consumed by the storm. Damn. This is probably the closest we will get to seeing anything from the first game in this sequel. Can you imagine what would be like if the Partners in Time met the Diaz Brothers?
I really like how supportive Brody has been to us with our road trip while he was on one of his own, to Utah to be with his mom. The new backpack he gave me looks cool. Definitely can carry a lot more than his school bag. Hopefully we'll meet up with him again. Sean had mentioned that their mother is "out of the picture"? Wonder what happened? Did she die and he's having trouble letting go, or did she and Esteban divorce and he doesn't want anything to do with her?
The damn TV news broadcast showed Daniel the truth about their dad just when I was about to. Damn it. That was when Sean witnessed Daniel fully using his power. It actually reminded me of El from " Stranger Things". It was so emotional when Sean was trying to comfort his little brother at that moment. Also, I did say before that since we already played as someone with powers, the next main protagonist in season 2 will be someone who hangs out and supports their friend with powers. Turns out, I was right. Based on the small preview of Ep. 2, Sean will be supporting Daniel with his power in learning how to control it rather than blowing everything away in stressful situations. There's a good chance that that's when we will see Chris (AKA Captain Spirit) again.
I confronted Brett. He started it, so I was gonna finish it.
I tried to discuss with Hank. I was thinking, "You know what? Fine. Let's go inside so I can show you my receipt and your monitors to show that I ain't no thief."
I ran away with Daniel. What Hank did was bullshit, but I didn't wanna steal out of spite. He already got his ass knocked out from Daniel's power.
I called Lyla back. Hopefully this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass, but I wanted to let her know I'm okay. For the most part.
I gave the Chock-O-Crisp to Daniel. If I'm gonna be a good example to Daniel, might as well start out early.
I told the truth to Esteban. I thought about saying I wasn't going to buy alcohol, but I figured he'd be too smart for that. It paid off though. Literally. Got $40 for honesty.
I hugged Esteban. Ain't nothing wrong with giving your hard-working parent a hug.
I didn't steal money from the jar. Like I was actually gonna steal from the family money jar.
I didn't steal in the parking lot. How do I know some random hiker wasn't going to show up and get pissy at me for stealing his candy?
I didn't beg for food. Seemed like a bad idea to me. That, and I was planning on paying for our own food.
I didn't steal from the gas station. All part of being a good role model. We had plenty of money anyways.
I promised Daniel I won't lie to him again. Hopefully, that's a promise I can keep.
He learned about trail blazing. Good trick to learn when out in the woods.
He didn't fall in the woods. Always looking out for him.
He built a "fort" in the forest. And what a mighty for it was.
He didn't do the wood race. Too busy with making the fort.
He learned to skip stones. Took him a bunch of tries, but he did it.
He didn't get mad at me. Guess I'm doing right by him so far.
He was afraid of my stories and had a nightmare. And now I feel like an ass.
He didn't have to beg for food. We had enough money to buy food.
He didn't distract Doris. I didn't wanna use him for bad purposes.
He didn't eat enough? Hmm, maybe I should've bought one more piece of food.
He didn't get a Power Bear toy. I thought about it, but the crane game is nearly impossible to win and I had to maintain my currency.
He didn't steal from Brody. Guess he learned from me about not resorting to stealing.
I really liked it. I came out not expecting a whole lot but wow I'm impressed. I think that watching it though is a real discredit because the level of interaction this time is pretty insane. There's a hell of lot more exploring than the past seasons, and its rewarding finding all those secret interactions and such. Took me almost 4 hours too, but you can easily speed through it in 2. Just goes to show how much optional shit there is to do.
I wasn't planning on getting the rest of the season but now...gah I kind of have too; eventually anyways. This was the appropriate step in the right direction for dontnod, so fuck it looking forward to seeing where it goes.
Yeah, I'll admit that Sean sounding so sketchy when he asks if he took anything was kinda dumb, but also dude was creepy from the get go. I mean either way shit was gonna go down especially how the clerk knew that prick. Couldn't see that situation ever going clean.
I really liked it. I came out not expecting a whole lot but wow I'm impressed. I think that watching it though is a real discredit because t… morehe level of interaction this time is pretty insane. There's a hell of lot more exploring than the past seasons, and its rewarding finding all those secret interactions and such. Took me almost 4 hours too, but you can easily speed through it in 2. Just goes to show how much optional shit there is to do.
I wasn't planning on getting the rest of the season but now...gah I kind of have too; eventually anyways. This was the appropriate step in the right direction for dontnod, so fuck it looking forward to seeing where it goes.
haven't got around to playing it yet, and if it rly takes 4 hrs to finish then it'd probably be a while.
does it use any of the older save files from the first season or BTS?
haven't got around to playing it yet, and if it rly takes 4 hrs to finish then it'd probably be a while.
does it use any of the older save files from the first season or BTS?
I fucking LOVED episode 1. Here on my thoughts on it
Lyla kinda gave me Chloe vibes. She seems like a really cool friend. That dickhead who brought up Daniel and Sean's mom was really out of line. The cop who shot first was even worse. He was racist, just like that nasty old bitch that abducted Sean. At first I thought Brody was a bit of a creep for watching naked people in a public space, but he explained himself well, so I let it go. The boys really went on an incredibly long trek before camping and taking off again. I don't think I could've done that. What else........oh yeah! When I went into the store, I realised I only had $30, but added way too much to my shopping cart. I wanted to steal the raccoon hoodie and t shirt, the mac & cheese...If Sean could've picked it up, I tried to steal it . Brody was a really nice and generous guy. Not too many people would've done what he did for the brothers. Lots of respect for him. Also, when I got Lyla's texts, I wanted to answer, but didn't risk the possibility of getting tracked.I think Lyla would be a great gf for Sean.
Episode 1 was pretty good, I loved the exploration aspect but one thing I really didn't like was how I felt like I couldn't make certain choices when they counted, like with the confrontation at the gas station, telling Daniel the truth earlier or keeping the phone instead of being forced to toss it. I don't think it did a good job with consequences if actions at all.>! >!
At first I thought ok I'll get to decide what we eat right now but nah! Let's eat everything! Like I did actually buy hot dogs to avoid suspicion but stole everything else.
How??? I thought it wasn't released for another 9 hours
I'm from Europe and own a Playstation. It got released at midnight for us.
Yep. That's pretty usual for a LiS game due to the huge emphasis on exploring.
This is the first Life Is Strange game to focus on exploring, the others were only up to about 3 hours I believe?
Yeah, seems about right.
Reminder to keep any and all spoilers in spoiler tags for the first 24 hours.
Yep just played episode 1 of season 2. It was garbage. The story so far isn't really coherent. So many things could have been avoided. It didn't make sense. It actually had me yelling at my screen at some points.
The most annoying thing for me was the stealing:
I stole as much as I could then the game forces me to eat all the stolen food right next to the shop I stole it from! Like damn...
The thing I hated was...
I didn't steal anything. And the character I was playing escalated the situation like he stole something. Like the guy was like come back inside so we can see if you payed for this stuff. And I was fine with it. I was ready to prove I didn't steal anything. But the older brother just freaks out for no reason, causing the guy to knock him out. All of that could have been avoided. Also I thought it was stupid for him to run away, eventhough he really didn't do anything wrong. It was totally a leap in logic.
I don’t think it was because of that because he did know about what happend in Seattle and they were wanted
Old guy did probably know, they had newspapers in front of their gas station, after all. The way Sean acted when the guy confronted him was dumb, though.
No before the guy even said anything about the seattle incident and was strictly focused on rather or not a stole from the store, the older brother was flipping out. Even when I chose discuss, instead of attack or run. Besides that the entire main premise still does not make any sense. There is really no reason he should have ran away. Their entire block was blown up by his little brother causing the officer death. there would have been no way logically authorities could have concluded he had anything to do with the mayhem. The only thing that could have been evident was the cop shot the dad, by forensics recovering the bullet from the fathers chest. The neighbors death could have been chalked up as an accident from the little brother powers as well. There was no reason he needed to run away to mexico.It's just ridiculous.
Alright, my choices.
My thoughts.
Overall it was a good episode and I'm curious to see where this will go. Due to the nature of the story, it's definitely feels like several vignettes strung together by the plot, but that's fine with me. I think the gas station bit was fine for the most part, aside from how Sean handled being confronted about stealing, when in my save I did not steal anything, felt like it would have been better to have Sean claim he stole nothing, because it makes the scene feel dumb, even if the old man's only harassing them to turn them in, maybe even have an extra option where if you didn't steal you can go inside to prove to the man you stole nothing and that's how you get bagged. The Arcadia Bay cameo was neat, I'm curious what it would look like with a destroyed Bay area. The scene at the end where Daniel learns about his Dad's fate was very well done, I'm curious to see how they'll develop these powers. The next time on clip shows we're entering Winter next episode, which means we'll probably be encountering Chris either next episode or the episode afterwards. As for choices, I was surprised looking over that you can get Daniel to steal from Brody, I wonder when that could occur? Didn't even see any opportunity. Speaking of Brody, he was a cool dude, and I'm glad we'll probably be able to follow his blog throughout the series, to bad he couldn't stick around due to his mother having cancer. Now as for the puppy, I'm not sure how they'll handle it, they'll need for her, and it'd be weird if the game glossed over that, interesting to note that she didn't seem to be with the brothers in Captain Spirit, but there could be a reason for that. Overall, I am interested in seeing where this goes.
I didn't look, but how tf are you playing it already???
It's out right now, check the global release schedule I posted near the top of this comment page.
Yeah, it's available on the XBOX ONE store. I thought it released the 27th though
As per usual they tend to give the latest release date, it generally comes out the day before that.
Waitin' for it to download! Eeeeek!!!
Finished the first episode of the sequel.
Sean Diaz. The new protagonist. Sensitive, creative, protective, and also a bit of a dork. :P But hey, Max Caulfield was also a bit of a nerd, so... anyways, this episode was a good start for this long road trip we find ourselves in. I also like how his spirit animal appears to be a wolf. That's my favorite power animal.
The intro of a normal life was nice. Lyla is a cool girl. Though, not as cool as Chloe in my book. After making the judgement call of the Chock-O-Crisp bar, I spent time reading through all the texts and reading the journal, just to get a better understanding of the life of Sean Diaz. Works at a grocery store, is part of a track team and has a talent for sketch drawing. I think its cool he's got an art talent of his own, just like Max with photography. Speaking of which, I like how we get to do those short segments of observing and then drawing the scenes. Packed up some chips, soda, got a blanket and $40 from Esteban. And who says honesty doesn't pay off?
And then, shit hits the fan. The racist next door neighbor Brett starts trouble with Daniel and then its one shit show after another. Got into a fist fight with him (something Max wouldn't do since she's a pacifist), A coward with a badge jumps to conclusions while waving a gun around, shot poor Esteban and Daniel unknowingly unleashed his telekinetic power. And thus the road trip begins. Hell of an intro, this one. And then it time-skips to two days later. Didn't expect that. While on the road with Daniel, I came up with priorities to remember; Be a good role model, always keep him close, fed, and never resort to stealing. There may be times where we'll get be desperate, but I won't let him become a thief. Daniel's too innocent for that, and should understand right from wrong. Oh, and since I pre-ordered the game, I was able to customize Sean's pack with Arcadia Bay patches, and yes, even allowed the Hawt Dawg Man keychain to be included.
Being in the woods with Daniel was a nice start of how life on the road with the little brother was going to be in this game. Though, I don't really approve of Sean keeping what happened to their dad a secret. It even shows a new feature where you can have interactions with certain things with Daniel.
Another feature is that money is an issue now. Gotta make sure I have enough to buy food and drinks whenever we can on this road trip. At the gas station, with $30.30, I bought a Chock-O-Crisp just like I promised, a 2 liter soda bottle, two hot dogs, a little pack of Mac-n-cheese and got some free water from the sink in the bathroom. I wanted to have plenty to eat but still have enough money for later. We even got to meet a real weirdo named Brody, who at first, I saw him as a peeving tom since he was "researching adult stuff" on his laptop.
Just when we finished eating and were making plans with the free map, Hank the racist hillbilly tries to play sheriff and kidnaps Sean. It's racist shit like this that really pisses me off. With assistance from Daniel, and his telekinetic power to knock out Hank, we were able to make our escape and met Brody again, who didn't even think twice to bail us out in his station wagon. Now I officially trust this weirdo. And of course, Daniel got it in his innocent mind to "rescue" the free puppy from Hank and bring her on the road with us. He even named her Mushroom. So cute.
Sean got to see Arcadia Bay from the distance, which is destroyed in my playthrough. There's barely anything left of it. I could still see the lighthouse, but it wasn't even on. There was even a plague nearby to honor the people who were consumed by the storm. Damn. This is probably the closest we will get to seeing anything from the first game in this sequel. Can you imagine what would be like if the Partners in Time met the Diaz Brothers?
I really like how supportive Brody has been to us with our road trip while he was on one of his own, to Utah to be with his mom. The new backpack he gave me looks cool. Definitely can carry a lot more than his school bag. Hopefully we'll meet up with him again. Sean had mentioned that their mother is "out of the picture"? Wonder what happened? Did she die and he's having trouble letting go, or did she and Esteban divorce and he doesn't want anything to do with her?
The damn TV news broadcast showed Daniel the truth about their dad just when I was about to. Damn it. That was when Sean witnessed Daniel fully using his power. It actually reminded me of El from " Stranger Things". It was so emotional when Sean was trying to comfort his little brother at that moment. Also, I did say before that since we already played as someone with powers, the next main protagonist in season 2 will be someone who hangs out and supports their friend with powers. Turns out, I was right. Based on the small preview of Ep. 2, Sean will be supporting Daniel with his power in learning how to control it rather than blowing everything away in stressful situations. There's a good chance that that's when we will see Chris (AKA Captain Spirit) again.
I called Lyla back. Hopefully this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass, but I wanted to let her know I'm okay. For the most part.
I gave the Chock-O-Crisp to Daniel. If I'm gonna be a good example to Daniel, might as well start out early.

I really liked it. I came out not expecting a whole lot but wow I'm impressed. I think that watching it though is a real discredit because the level of interaction this time is pretty insane. There's a hell of lot more exploring than the past seasons, and its rewarding finding all those secret interactions and such. Took me almost 4 hours too, but you can easily speed through it in 2. Just goes to show how much optional shit there is to do.
I wasn't planning on getting the rest of the season but now...gah I kind of have too; eventually anyways. This was the appropriate step in the right direction for dontnod, so fuck it looking forward to seeing where it goes.
Yeah, I'll admit that Sean sounding so sketchy when he asks if he took anything was kinda dumb, but also dude was creepy from the get go. I mean either way shit was gonna go down especially how the clerk knew that prick. Couldn't see that situation ever going clean.
Gives you the feels.
Kinda I guess. Better than episode 1 of season 1's sad attempt of Chloe guilt tripping you, but not as good as Chloe's breakdown in BTS.
And here I thought you were a LiS fan....SHAME.....SHAME....SHAME!
Would have thought you had played it already.
I thought it released the 27th.
Well it is great until they meet the bear rapist...then it sorta turns into a weird porno.
what are you even talking about?
I was pulling his chain...thanks for ruining my fun you moon faced assassin of joy.
Koethe made an original song inspired by Life is Strange 2.

haven't got around to playing it yet, and if it rly takes 4 hrs to finish then it'd probably be a while.
does it use any of the older save files from the first season or BTS?
Nope, but it does ask you if you saved Arcadia Bay or not before starting episode 1.
I fucking LOVED episode 1. Here on my thoughts on it
Lyla kinda gave me Chloe vibes. She seems like a really cool friend. That dickhead who brought up Daniel and Sean's mom was really out of line. The cop who shot first was even worse. He was racist, just like that nasty old bitch that abducted Sean. At first I thought Brody was a bit of a creep for watching naked people in a public space, but he explained himself well, so I let it go. The boys really went on an incredibly long trek before camping and taking off again. I don't think I could've done that. What else........oh yeah! When I went into the store, I realised I only had $30, but added way too much to my shopping cart. I wanted to steal the raccoon hoodie and t shirt, the mac & cheese...If Sean could've picked it up, I tried to steal it
. Brody was a really nice and generous guy. Not too many people would've done what he did for the brothers. Lots of respect for him. Also, when I got Lyla's texts, I wanted to answer, but didn't risk the possibility of getting tracked.I think Lyla would be a great gf for Sean.
Yeah, that was pretty fucking stupid
I mean we had the entire woods to do that in, but noooo, let's do it right next to the store...
Oh, and this surprised me big time
I didn't know Daniel was the one with the powers.
Episode 1 was pretty good, I loved the exploration aspect but one thing I really didn't like was how I felt like I couldn't make certain choices when they counted, like with the confrontation at the gas station, telling Daniel the truth earlier or keeping the phone instead of being forced to toss it. I don't think it did a good job with consequences if actions at all.>! >!
He turned out to be a really nice guy.
At first I thought ok I'll get to decide what we eat right now but nah! Let's eat everything! Like I did actually buy hot dogs to avoid suspicion but stole everything else.