Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • Also don't attack devs who wish to NOT continue working on the game for reasons.

    Why does this even need to be clarified?

    To anyone even considering doing that:

    GSSalvador posted: »

    This is important. Also don't attack devs who wish to NOT continue working on the game for reasons. A lot of devs suffered and still suff

  • Yeah, but you never know.

    Hit 'em harder!

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Also don't attack devs who wish to NOT continue working on the game for reasons. Why does this even need to be clarified? To anyone even considering doing that:

  • I mean if it was one of those "Turn to this page if you decided to slap Abel's shit." type books I'd be down with it. Better than nothing.

    I can see the news now "We can proudly announce that The Walking Dead The Final Season will now be completed in novel form being released this January 2019!"

  • @NexusFire banned? why? this getting ridiculous

  • It hurts me to see those comments from her. :'( I hope she pulls through. No one wanted this and this recent news makes me happy, but I can't get excited knowing that some of the ex-staff feel this horrible. And some people are only making it worse for them.

    https://twitter.com/emilybuckshot/status/1048267230280990720 Please do not try and guilt former TTG staff for info...they are already suffering.

  • I'm happy but I'm not going Super Saiyan until I get the total packaged confirmation.

  • edited October 2018

    If the previous employees do get asked to finish off TFS and they accept, that would not only give them a few months of paid work, but also give them some time to get their own things sorted out.

    It should get better for them in due time.

    Sarunas21 posted: »

    It hurts me to see those comments from her. I hope she pulls through. No one wanted this and this recent news makes me happy, but I can't

  • Huge news. Great news, but will hold off celebration until official confirmation.

    Congrats to all of us who remained positive through everything.

  • If the game will be finished, I hope all the trolls opening those useless threads saying "get a refund while you can", "It's over", "the game is dead" and crap like that just go to Mars and disappear from humanity.

  • I am all for the optimism but is there any concrete confirmation it is being finished? I really want to get my hopes up and jump around like a mad man but I don't want to hear someone come out and say it is fake when I built up the hype on such a high level. Hope I made sense

  • While I would hold on for the fireworks show, I think its not beyond some cautious optimism...

    I am all for the optimism but is there any concrete confirmation it is being finished? I really want to get my hopes up and jump around like

  • Some good news at last. While this certainly seem promising, I'll probably wait until the official announcement before celebrating.

  • Oooh, okay, see, I was wondering about that.

    Deltino posted: »

    I'm not sure how making questionable comments about Clem's... figure constitutes as the 'truth,' but okay

  • edited October 2018

    2 days ago Kirkman himself said he's not concerned right now with having to tell the story in comic book because he thinks the game will be finished, and the guy who posted "Big news incoming" is the CEO of Skybound GAMES Studios.

    I can see the news now "We can proudly announce that The Walking Dead The Final Season will now be completed in novel form being released this January 2019!"

  • edited October 2018

    Has anyone seen this?

    EDIT: To clear up confusion, Dom has been heavily covering TFS the last two weeks since the Telltale shutdown.

  • Finger's crossed. It would be too sad for Telltale to go out this way - with it's last game left unfinished.

  • edited October 2018

    Guys, guys! I just got my Chinese take out and it came with a fortune cookie. The message inside says telltale's partner that would finish game is EA. Oh well, the excitement was fun while it lasted. I'll think I'll go sit in the corner and count the jars of pennies I've saved up, so I can buy some lootboxes fill with items that I don't need. YAY!

  • On second thought, I think I'd rather have the game go unfinished than to hand it off to EA. Seriously. EA is crap.

    MintBlue92 posted: »

    Guys, guys! I just got my Chinese take out and it came with a fortune cookie. The message inside says telltale's partner that would finish g

  • To face the walker horde with a plastic bat...hit A...To pay 1.99 to use a sword hit B...To pay 6.99 to use a mini gun...hit x.

    MintBlue92 posted: »

    Guys, guys! I just got my Chinese take out and it came with a fortune cookie. The message inside says telltale's partner that would finish g

  • Ubisoft is even worse, did you see their new Assassin's Creed? Microtransations are real in that game.

    joe_w posted: »

    On second thought, I think I'd rather have the game go unfinished than to hand it off to EA. Seriously. EA is crap.

  • Ubisoft is not worse than EA. No one is worse than EA.

    AC is a singleplayer game, so who the fuck cares about microtransactions in those games? EA does microtransactions in multiplayer games, making them worse than any game company out there, along with Activision.

    Besides, Epic does microtransactions and I don't think anyone has complained about them. Unsure as to why, but I guess Ubisoft has to be one of the main scapegoats.

    Gauss99 posted: »

    Ubisoft is even worse, did you see their new Assassin's Creed? Microtransations are real in that game.

  • edited October 2018



  • Thank God!! Sniper you are honestly a God! Thank you so much for sharing this!!!


  • ...

    Auruo posted: »

    https://twitter.com/skyboundgames/status/1048735364452634626 Skybound confirmed.



  • OMG!!!!!!!! ?????❤️❤️❤️ Thank you so much for sharing this


  • tfw your plan to get the season cancelled so they can't kill you in the finale fails

  • Thx for the concern, it means a lot to me ?

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    @NexusFire banned? why? this getting ridiculous


  • I read this news in my bed with my smartphone and I laughed so hard that I woke up my parents, it's 3 am here.

  • That's it, my friends. Now we can breathe and live again.

  • HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP! Honestly didn't think it would happen. It's bittersweet, since it's literally the end... but I'm so glad it's going to get finished. Awesome news!

  • Did you hear that everyone? That was the collective sighs of relief from thousands of people being uttered.

  • Now we talk release dates

  • Where is ep 3 waiting thread?

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