Would you forgive Eleanor if she came to Erikson's?
After seeing how many people in the forums would willingly forgive Lilly and throw her stealing an RV leaving Clementine to die in the cold which led to the death of Lee, Shooting an unarmed Carly in the head executioner style and stabbing Mitch in the throat. Starting a militia of kidnapped hostage children to fight in a ongoing war she started out the window and forgive her. I was wondering... So....
Would you forgive this pretty face
For one Eleanor is a nurse. Sure Ruby is too, (A half nurse) but you can never have enough people good with medicine and first aid. Eleanor is also extremely resourceful and smart. And of course, who wouldn't want more people to fight against the raiders. Anybody with a weapon is a asset in this world. Her actions killed who? Maybe Tripp if you pin that sinister Asian ladies ways on just Eleanor's betrayal. But it isn't her fault. And even if she pulled the trigger herself. It killed Tripp. I love Tripp don't get me wrong. He's cool. But Lilly killed 3 of the best characters in the franchise.
"I was triaging a bad situation. Their doctor is barely functioning. And before you fucked it up, their walls worked. It's not only about me. I can actually save lives here - not just stitch them up and hope for the best. These people will die without me, Javi. "
Don't forget this quote here. Eleanor didn't make that Asian lady, badger or any of that community the evil they were. Her betrayal was out of concern for others and she deserves love.
So let's say Eleanor comes, hands in her lap. Sad, hungry and cold. And she begs Clem for entrance into Ericson's to be with the group and help against the rebels. What do you say?
Let us not forget the man Lee was. The person Clem is.
Lee: Look, Ben's a good kid. He means well. He keeps trying to help, but every time he does he winds up putting the rest of us in even more trouble. What happened to Katjaa and Duck, he feels responsible for that. And the fact is, he's right. He was.
Clem: But you still saved him.
Lee: Yeah. I still saved him.
Would you forgive Eleanor ever?
I was about to put "None of them would know who she is." Then I remembered that Clem knew her that's how forgettable most of ANF was.
I’d forgive her, but keep a watchful eye on her. Ruby needs a mentor.
Of course! It would be good to have another doctor around especially the Only doctor to break the episode 3 curse until now!
Fuck no! I hate her.
I'd forgive her. I never hated Eleanor, even after that moronic decision of hers. It was her bad decision that got Tripp captured and shot. She didn't pull the trigger, but as Carlos once said about Kenny, there are consequences to rash actions. If Kenny doesn't shoot, Walter doesn't die. If Kenny doesn't shoot, Alvin doesn't die. If Eleanor says nothing and follows the plan, Tripp is likely to not get captured. All those things could've happened regardless, but her actions didn't help prevent it. What's even more moronic is that she blamed us for trying to make the best out of the already bad situation that she made worse. But the character decisions and reactions in Thicker Than Water and From The Gallows were just all around tumor-inducing anyway. In ANF in general.
I think a big part of my forgiving her comes from her looks though, lol, she's hella attractive
. I honestly hoped more for her character and was extremely frustrated with what we were given. Triggered even.
But I'd forgive her and let her in. She's not a bad person whatsoever and her kind heart would be calming around the kids.
I'd have to remember who she is, but I wouldn't be trusting of her not only because of her betrayal, but her ignorance of the situation as well.
Oh right, that girl from ANF. She and Tripp had a thing, right, but then she betrayed us and got him killed. Sorry, it’s kind of hard to remember the characters from ANF.
To answer the question, screw her, but we do need some medical assistance at the school. If she wants forgiveness, she’ll have to earn it.
Eleanor can earn forgiveness in my books, but she'll have to work really, really hard for it. She saw what ANF did to Prescott and their tactics, and what did she do? She sold her soul for safety and justified it with a claim of doing some real good in the world. Her betrayal only digs her that much deeper. If she truly believed what Javi and the others were doing was wrong, she should have spoken up, fought for her believes. She doesn't because it's not about what she believes is right, it's about what keeps her comfortable and safe.
Does this make her a terrible person? I dunno, it certainly doesn't look great. However I can understand the rationalization for it. At some point everyone has a limit and Eleanor hit hers, so she signed on just to stop the constant feeling of fear and uncertainty that she faced day in and day out. People do stupid things for that illusion of safety.
I wouldn’t necessarily forgive her especially when we were trying to stage a coup and Richmond against Joan and besides they were about to hang David for false accusations... however I was still pretty much use her Ruby does need some assistance in the medical field...I’ll be doing it for the community’s sake.
Maybe, but other people take priority.
i would put a bullet in her head.
Considering out of all the traitors, she actually had a sensible reason to do what she did...yes.
And what's the reason ?
The way I see it she's just an egotistical bitch that tried to save her own skin by sacrificing everyone she knows including 2 children and maybe her boyfriend.
Fuck her.
Perhaps she had a good reason to it. If the plan had followed through, Richmond could implode in a civil war. Then where would everyone go? Richmond is probably the closest thing to a city Eleanor had seen since the outbreak, so throwing her comrades under the bus to preserve it may have been regarded as noble and cutthroat. Unnecessary? Well, kate fucked it all up so she technically wasn’t wrong.
Fuck Kate to
Screw ANf As a whole
Oh hell yeah I still hate her, she was a waste of a character to have for 5 whole episodes.
Her and Joan practically share the same mindset, and Joan is the villain so...
I know the plan was shit. But instead of throwing everybody under the bus, i don't know maybe tell them the plan was shit and that everyone probably will die.
You think David would care?
Yes he is a calm and collected resnebel guy, no worries.
He is a good brother and would never do anything that would harm him or his son
How did Kate fuck it up? She heard a bunch of gunfire and came in with the armored car to save everyone. Hell, there's even an option when she calls on the radio to tell her to come. It's not her fault the ANF dickbag threw a molotov on the windshield and blinded her.
Nah Kate did good.
Instead of hitting the break she hit the gas pedal.
Come to think of it... so did clem when she got into that car wreck
At least then nobody got hurt.?
Eleanor would probably throw all of the kids under the bus like, she did in Richmond. On top of that, she showed no regret in what she did, and still blames Javi.
I mean in ANF that got Kenny killed, she’s gotten worse at driving as she ages. Including TFS, clem has crashed 3 seperate automobiles now.
Richmond had a lot of people. She was a doctor, she was needed, and yeah, she was offered a good life for it. It is not like Eugene saying "I was Negan before I came here." bad. She just wanted the others to try and, when it seemed they were acting against the town, she spoke up to Joan.
If someone was going to break the law where you lived, would you let it slide and be an accessory or speak up? She didn't have any idea David would cross lines like that. She basically pulled a Ben one time. One singular time.
I know, it was a joke.
But to be fair Clem was just started learning how to drive while Kate probably have driven for more than 10 years.
Ok fair. I imagine she panicked, maybe trying to drive out of the fire.
Why would she be coming to Ericson's?
Not that I'd be all that opposed--still kinda wanna know what sorta noodle incident made those two half-asians not all too positive about each other.
Looking through your OP, the Asian(specifically Thai) lady's name is Joan and I wouldn't exactly call Mitch one of the best characters.
Also, while I'm sure you're just getting into the proposition, why/how would Eleanor know about the Deltas(or "rebels")?
The idea was that she had become somewhat grateful for Richmond accepting her & especially the opportunity to actually use her skills to save people effectively and was rightfully concerned that the rescue plan Gabe, Ava, & Tripp were putting together would end up getting a lot of people killed in the crossfire due to how inherently violent it was.
A conclusion that was unavoidable in the end.
Actually, she does a number of times. And apparently was intended to be even more vocal earlier in the episode's script.
The thing there is that she's so comparatively soft-voiced and passive that Tripp & Gabe just naturally overshadowed/drowned her and she's ironically might as wellobjecting youth that can be heard, but is sorta ignored by the grownups.
That too.
Eh, that was more on the New Frontier than Kate herself, who was just coming to get them out of danger as she had been assigned.
Particularly "Jagger," as I call him.
Actually, depending on factors that I don't know, she can admit that messed up and regret her part in things.
Who is Eleanor?