One Bullet. Who would you shoot?
If you were locked in a room and had to kill one. who would you shoes?
Round 1: Hated Characters...
Round 2: Controversial Characters...
Round 3: Everyone's Favorite Characters...
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Round 1: Easy Arvo
Round 2: Kate
Round 3: Sorry Lee
Round One: Carver

Round Two: Gabe
Round Three: Lee
Round 1: Badger... fuck that guy, there's no good in him. Carver was at least smart in surviving, I liked Larry, and Arvo.. I kinda feel bad for him, kinda.
Round 2: Kate. Not considering any other option, Kenny is a god, I hate Jane, but not as much as Kate and I don't mind Gabe. Yeah I know.. crazy right?
Round 3: I'm sorry Lee...
The first one is pretty difficult and I actually thought about it for a while and came up with a sensible solution I think. I just wish Lilly was involved so I could kill that useless bitch lol.
It's hard because since i'm locked in a room with these people. I have one thing to think about and that's survival. Not who was more of a piece of shit, not vengeance or who I don't like more. But more so who can I survive in a small room with physically and mentally.
So I ran it down to Larry is certainly not getting killed. He was a racist piece of shit, an annoying asshole and cruel in nature. I hate his guts. But I really don't think he'd kill me for no reason. I do think he has his hearts somewhat in a right place even if he is very arrogant and lacks self awareness. I just think I could kinda survive with him. I'd ignore him. Try to not argue with him. And kill time. Keeping Larry alive in attempt to get on his good side would be smart because he is powerful enough to beat up the other two idiots in your defense. He could kick everyone's ass. Hopefully he'd kick ass in defense of the good side (Me and helpless Arvo) for a change.
Arvo is the only one here that I feel I could probably beat up myself lol. He doesn't scare me so I don't feel the need to kill him. Again, i'd just ignore him. If he tried fucking with me I'd beat him up a bit like Kenny did and send him on his way. I could care less.
Now Carver and Badger are two that are both extremely evil. But part of me thinks they will counter eachother and hate eachother in competition to be the most evil motherfucker in the room. Seems like their type. Part of me feels like although badger was a piece of shit for showing no remorse. He was taking orders and took a shot. He wasn't systemically torturing, raping and abusing groups of people. I don't think he's Carver levels of evil.
Carver is a scary motherfucker. He could easily kill me or Badger or even a sleeping or back turnt Larry just because he felt like it to prove a point. I've seen what he did to Kenny. He's irrational and sociopathic. I'd save the bullet for if he got wierd so the rest of the group wouldn't think I killed him for no reason and assume me to be evil. But Carver would definitely get the bullet. I can sleep in a room with the other 3 and not worry about being killed or harmed. Carver not so much. I'd keep a Keen eye on badger. Arvo is a piece of shit Russian KGB agent but i'd still forgive him as a friend even. Larry is to be avoided. He's just an old ornery fuck lol.
So yeah, Carver is getting off'd.
Second group and 3rd group are extremely easy.
I'm killing Jane because she is a suicidal baby harming bitch anyway. Fuck her. Plus look at the other 3. The fucking Boat god? I'd hug that man. He's a damn legend. And he has been through too much damn shit for the hate he gets. I'd refer to him as Boat god. Kate is cute. So yeah. I'll leave that at that. And Gabe is harmless. Bye Bye Jane.
3rd group i'm killing Lee because even Lee would want that. I mean Lee would kill me if I killed Clem lol. Been there done that with killing Lee anyway. Seeing Clem in danger makes me feel pain in real life so I can imagine if it was my fault. The only shitty part about this is if you Kill Lee Clem will hate you and maybe even attack you. That is awful.
I like Lee better at this point and Clem is just a meh character at best for me now.
Lee would want to be the one shot in a situation like that.
You are really over thinking it. When i wrote this I was just thinking, who do you hate the most or the least?
But I like your theory. (Or whatever to call it)
Sorry sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. lol.
What do you find so unwavering loveable about Clementine if I may ask.
The fact you even have to ask that shows how clouded your judgement is, like we haven’t spent six years seeing her grow up.
I've known people 10 years that doesn't mean I have unwavering love for them. What about those 6 years "raising" Clementine as you put it have brought you to this unconditional love for her?
You suggest i should have similar feelings without given much reasoning as to why.
I can't see Louis on the list, smh.
edit: nevermind
Because she’s a sweet little girl who is funny, loyal, speaks her mind, and helps as much as she can despite her fears. Her despair over her parents’ wherabouts is heartbreaking, and even when Clem’s actions indirectly get Lee bit and Ben killed, you can’t really blame a 9 year old girl seeking closure.
Everything and everyone she has lost is felt not just by her, but us as well. We raise Clem, we are Clem, and we support clem through her journey. By TFS, I’m about as attached to her as I was with Walter and Jesse from Breaking Bad.
Clem is as much a determinant character as she is a fixed character who stands up for others and is more dependable and efficient than most adults she interacts with.
Edgy bolt is edgy
Explaining what's loveable about Clem is like trying to explain why certain colors are beautiful to someone. Why words hurt or why scents can remind you of when you were young. It's a metaphyscially connection between a player and character so beyond words. It's hard to describe because their are many layers and every player feels differently and all have a unique moment. Words could never do it justice. But i'll try to explain why I love Clem.
Lee's love, Parenting Clem
It all starts in S1. It's the foundation blocks of the long journey the player endures with Clem. The innocent 8 year old Clem you find in the tree house. So helpless and easily moldable by your decisions. The first 2-3 seasons you play a parent like role with Clem. She spends season 1 absorbing everything you thought her and using it to face the world in her heroic endeavors to help everyone later in her life. It's essentially like watching your child grow up in front of you. She's basically the player's daughter. It's a special moment seeing all she has been through and the type of hero she has become now carrying on Lee's teaching to her very own child to love.
Bravery and Morals
Clem for 1 is extremely brave. And morally pure. She has survived like 4 bandit uprisings, like 300 deaths, inner group wars and violence against the people she loved, countless famines, fights, blood, having to enter rooms by herself as a child to save the entire group, and has shouldered so much responsibility at such a young. The shit soldiers can't even fathom. 10 years of the undead nightmare where your flesh can be chewed off by a grey fleshed nasty maggot ridden corpse at any second, losing everyone and everything including her parents, her family, Lee and Kenny, Christa and Omid. Everything around her crumbling yet still puts and always did put 100 percent of her life into helping others and love. Never let it ruin her morally. She still laughs, still forgives, still even found love all these years later. She is truly special to not let it rattle her like everyone else in her universe.
She's also an epic badass that has beat up people 4 times her size and literally stood up to people like Carver. Ruthless murderers weren't ever enough to shake her. She stood up to David and countless walkers. Abel. It goes on and on. We lose sight on the fact that she is a teenaged small girl.
Mommy Clem
Now after all these years, she is putting all her efforts into raising the future, with a child that isn't even hers, in a world undescribable with words at like 12-16 years old. This sums up bravery, selflessness, kindness and everything else that makes Clem awesome in one moment. Every season she picks her hat up, and faces it without without hurting people and without bringing people down. Looking for the next group to help, the next person to save, the next evil to fight and now a son to raise. She was a mom at like age 12, she was already a fighter at age 8 having to learn how to shoot the dead and Lee spent his dying days saving her and putting every fiber of his being into teaching her life lessons. And now she conveys that on to the next generation. It's pretty cool.
I can't think of one character who has done so much for people and been through as much especially at her age in life and still stayed morally good, and mentally sane in this franchise. She is one strong, amazing person.
She is by far the bravest and most selfless video game girl in history and my words could never do her justice. She's god damn clementine lol.
I can go on all day with things like she's smart, resourceful, funny, tough as nails. But I don't want to hijack this thread with a Clem praise thread.
If you haven't grown to love her by now their is no saving thou. Please see the exit my dear friend. The bouncer won't wait much longer
I'm glad you feel that way about her, but she's just an okish character to me. I wouldn't say she's the most bravest and selfless female video game character ever. I'd say Ellie at least has her beat in that category.
Ellie? ELLIE? Forsaken words have been spoken. Who hast mentioned the all bootlegged one. The holy mother of copycat Clems? Assemble the army. The floodgates have been opened. Doomsday approaches lol.
Ellie and Joel is a Clementine/Lee rip off. Always were.
1) Arvo (by the way I really liked Carver)
2) Kate
3) Depend on Clem season... S1-S2 Clementine>Lee and S3-S4 Clementine<Lee.
Might be an unpopular opinion but if I have to choose which one to shoot between S4 Clem and Lee, my guts would tell me to shoot Clementine, but that is a really close call.
Is Gabe suppose to be a hard choice?
Found the Sony/Naughty Dog fanboy
Round 1: Badger
Round 2: Jane
Round 3: Lee
Arvo. Badger is so plain and pissbad he does not even deserve a bullet in the head. Larry was a lovely character, wanted more of him, same for Carver.
Real easy. I'd line Gabe and Kate up and shoot them both in the head with the same bullet.
Hell, I'd try to use the one bullet I had to shoot up the lock before I'd even think to shoot Lee or Clem (or Kenny, for that matter).
Badger, Kenny, Lee.
Badger. I ain't allowing myself to be stuck in a room with that fuckstick.
Gabe. Don't really hate anyone religiously in this round. I have my issues with them all, but Gabe gotta go.
Fuck this is definitely the hardest one because Gabe, Jane and Kate are all shitty unlikable characters but I have to say Gabe. The sound of his throat choking up with blood as he uses his last seconds alive to bitch about the pain would be nice to watch
Lee, sorry man
Don't care how many bullets I got, I'll use all of them on Arvo.
Shooting Kenny or Gabe is a tough decision for you wtf??