You want a cookie?
"So? You want a cookie? You want a cookie for doing the right thing?" —Clementine
Would you take the cookie if it meant, not shooting Arvo if you get the opportunity?
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That exchange snuck up on me during the first playthrough.
Yes, I would like a cookie. With MILK!
S2 Clem is the best Clem ever.
I'll take that cookie, and shove it down his throat so hard that he chokes on it. He's not worth the bullet.

You're a funny guy. I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last.
Commando [quotes]

I mean, I'll already not shoot him, but if I get some cookies out of it anyway, sure. Just, no macadamia.
I have a cookie,but it's a cat ?
He left his family behind!
What about macaroons ? Best if you have cream of wheat and put some of them good.
Ha I can’t eat cookies so you have no effect on me
I've actually never had one. If I was against Arvo, I'd probably hold back on shooting him just so I could find out what a macaroon tastes like.
Nah, he's dead, no forgiving what he, Mike and Bonnie did.
Same goes for Abel. First chance I get, I'm blowing his brains out.
Tried to be resonable with the man when we met. But he gave me no choice after, #1 hitting Clem in the stomach, #2 hitting AJ in the face, and lastly shooting my little baby.
Why would anyone not kill as many people as possible in this game?
Basic human decency, when life isn't on the line.
I thought that was some weird editted picture of Louis for a second.
"widely accepted?"
My first reply was gonna be "Clearly, you haven't been here wrong."
For a more serious answer, the moral quandaries this game poses are one of the main points of interest. People like being put into ethical dilemmas, forced to choose between two (generally) questionable choices, and trying to live with the consequences that result. Being put into situations that test their morals, their own codes of justice and vengeance, all interesting topics that a fair amount of games either gloss over, or don't really let the player themselves have a say in. Or at least that's my takeaway. It's definitely one of the reasons I found this game to be so captivating. How much humanity are you willing to give up in the name of survival? Maybe that theme has gotten a bit lost in later seasons (should I hold this baby or not? what a difficult thought provoking choice...), but it's one of the core foundations when they set out making the first season.
When you play just to be brutal and merciless, you sorta rob yourself of those elements. One could argue it leads to a cheaper experience, since it amounts to something less deep and meaningful and more akin to plowing through a busy sidewalk in GTA, or something to that effect.
I guess you could sum it up as being two different forms of entertainment that appeal to two different types of people. Some people like to just kill everything and play the game basically as a stone-cold killer/psychopath. And that's totally fine. But then there's other people that want something with a bit more substance than that, so you get people that play with a more "what would I do in this situation?" kind of mindset. I guess both sides get their money's worth out of it at the end of the day, so everyone's happy, right?
Oh yeah, and there's the people that just enjoy the story overall. And as much as I hate to say it, playing the game like an asshole tends to make the story make a bit less sense at times. At least in some of the seasons, like ANF for example. You can play Javier as a complete psychopath that cares for no one, but people like Clementine or Tripp still only get moderately angry at you for a while, then go back to being a loyal friend again. Is it funny? Sure. Does it flow well in terms of narrative? Not so much.
Huh, that's interesting. I have always played Clem as a stone-cold bitch because I think it makes her a more complex protagonist. I think that's what many children would become if they were put into a zombie apocalypse at a very young age and I like the contrast between s1's sweet pea Clem and s2's thousand-yard stare Clem. So I would have to disagree with the assertion that it cheapens the experience.
I basically play with the mindset of "what would Clem do?" (Of course I sometimes also make decisions based on what I would do too).
There's some serious Yin Yang shit going on here.
When did clementine says that quote about the cookie?
THe last thing i want to say is when i see a comment about a cookie the only thing that comes to mind is the meme "Come to the dark side: we have cookies." - aka star wars meme
Shortly after Jane comes back into the group, around 10 mins into S2E5
I will check it out next time i play the game thanks TripleKillionare
If it turned out to be an oatmeal raisin cookie she would've handed me, then hell no. I'd be highly offended as offering someone a bite-sized death trap is most disrespectful