Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • Yup! But I don't feel sincere emotion or immersion when I read the comics, and with comics the pace is done by the reader, so it will probably be done against the writer's intention, and there's no music the story is way better and so are the characters, for the most part. But S9 is on par with the comics I'd say. It's nice reading a comic book because you don't need to sit through an hour of exaggerated content only to come to the realisation that if it were in a comic the episode would be finished from 15 minutes' reading. Good stuff.

    iFoRias posted: »

    The comics are way better.

  • edited October 2018

    Bad dum tss ??

    Ghetsis posted: »

    The comics are just rather comical.

  • For the most part I agree, but the show version of the Governor is WAYYY better than the comics...I just feel that Andrea should not have been killed off.

    iFoRias posted: »

    The comics are way better.

  • If I remember correctly, few viewers liked Andrea in the tv series. I know her arc becomes really good later on, but I saw on a list of Top 10 most hated twd characters that Andrea was up there.

    For the most part I agree, but the show version of the Governor is WAYYY better than the comics...I just feel that Andrea should not have been killed off.

  • Yeah Andrea in the TV show sucked. Andrea in the comics was awesome.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    If I remember correctly, few viewers liked Andrea in the tv series. I know her arc becomes really good later on, but I saw on a list of Top 10 most hated twd characters that Andrea was up there.

  • Yeah, I was disappointed. His starting to become a decent person was interesting. I would've like to see his character development go farther.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Here's a question for ya: Do you think Merle should've been killed off this early?

  • I ask the question largely because Michael Rooker keeps appearing on Talking Dead and they always ask him "What would Merle say or do in this situation/to this character" and I wonder to myself that killing him off so early may have been a poor move in hindsight.

    Jimayo posted: »

    Yeah, I was disappointed. His starting to become a decent person was interesting. I would've like to see his character development go farther.

  • His death was awesome and was the last time the t.v. series ever made me genuinely emotional. That being said, Merle was an amazing character who was developing significantly and Michael Rooker was one of the biggest names on the show so I feel like in the long run it was a mistake to kill him

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I ask the question largely because Michael Rooker keeps appearing on Talking Dead and they always ask him "What would Merle say or do in thi

  • edited October 2018

    Edit: Done.

  • The comics Governor was truly evil, the tv show version was a kitten compared to him. Depends how you look at it. Is the tv show one better for you because he didn’t do as many bad things or something?

    For the most part I agree, but the show version of the Governor is WAYYY better than the comics...I just feel that Andrea should not have been killed off.

  • I felt him getting his ass handed to him royally by the Governor was... odd. But still, it was emotional when Daryl found him reanimated :(

    His death was awesome and was the last time the t.v. series ever made me genuinely emotional. That being said, Merle was an amazing characte

  • No he came off as someone believable...the comics version was so over the top I laughed my ass off and never took him seriously.

    The comics Governor was truly evil, the tv show version was a kitten compared to him. Depends how you look at it. Is the tv show one better for you because he didn’t do as many bad things or something?

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    The way I see it is that in terms of pure impact, comic Governor takes the cake. The shit he does has left permanent marks on nearly all the main cast to this very day. Rick, Carl, Michonne, Maggie... all of them have varying scars left by good ol' Brian.

    In terms of a character with actual depth and complexity, the TV Governor totally beats out the comic Governor. While TV Gov unfortunately didn't cause as much permanent, long-lasting damage as his comic counterpart, he was still a lot more interesting to watch unfold overall. He's still very much a demented, wicked dude, but a bit more grounded within reality, and given a bit more leeway for the audience to actually care about who he is, and more importantly, who he was. Now I get the point of the comic Governor, he was basically intended to be a logical extreme for our characters to encounter-- the furthest removed a person could be of their humanity. Very little, if anything, was left of who the comic Governor once was. The man that waged war on the prison and got gunned down by his own people could hardly even be considered a man. But then you remember this takes place about a year into the apocalypse? That's a pretty quick amount of time for something to get stripped down to such an animalistic state. Not to mention that it's not until the novel series that follows the 'birth' of the Governor that we really got any kind of depth or explanation as to what led to such a change.

    TV Governor, on the other hand, has a story to his madness that was part of his character since pretty early on. Not to mention that by making him less evil, it probably helps people find any form of sympathy for him. When you can still see faint shades of who he was, something that reminds you that he most likely was just an ordinary man once, it makes it easier for the viewer to sympathize, or at least feel some kind of begrudging pity for him. His final three episodes in S4 (Live Bait, Dead Weight, and Too Far Gone) are particular standouts that paint him as a tragic figure trying to start over, a man trying to escape from the beast inside of him, who nearly does manage to break free... only for the madness to take back over again at the very last moment.

    The comics Governor was truly evil, the tv show version was a kitten compared to him. Depends how you look at it. Is the tv show one better for you because he didn’t do as many bad things or something?

  • How can you not relate to someone who looks like Danny Trejo with an eye patch, is actually his jealous brother, and keeps his toothless daughter's walker around to french?

    No he came off as someone believable...the comics version was so over the top I laughed my ass off and never took him seriously.

  • edited October 2018

    I didn't really care for the actor they chose to have portray the Guv'nor in the tv show. I got really bad Elvis Presley impersonator vibes from him.

  • Sorry to interrupt real TWD convos but I have a question for @VengefulKenny about TWD TFS if he has info to share. :)

    In the AMA Howe said they haven't yet started production. Do you know if this has changed this this week or if it will happen next week/anytime soon?

  • I haven't heard from him in a bit, I assume they're still ironing out the legal work of acquiring the season and hiring the ex staff. I'm sure he will notify us when he knows the release date for episode 3 but I don't think he will necessarily announce that they're back in production. So who knows at the moment.

    gta3demon posted: »

    Sorry to interrupt real TWD convos but I have a question for @VengefulKenny about TWD TFS if he has info to share. In the AMA Howe said

  • Sorry I haven’t been active much here in the last month. When is Episode 3 released? Or do we not know yet?

  • It was originally scheduled for November 6th, but that was before Telltale announced it's majority studio closure and laid off nearly everyone.

    Right now, Skybound has confirmed they are working to finish the project and bring back members of the original team, but have not confirmed a release date for Episode 3 or 4. In fact, they haven't even restarted production yet due to remaining legal issues. However, when they do start, it shouldn't take that long as Episode 3 is nearly finished and was ready to be sent for classification. Skybound has stated that it is highly likely Episode 3 will be released before the end of the year.

    Stewart25 posted: »

    Sorry I haven’t been active much here in the last month. When is Episode 3 released? Or do we not know yet?

  • Oh come on, David Morrissey is a hugely known British actor! Still, he does have the look :sunglasses:

    Onmens posted: »

    I didn't really care for the actor they chose to have portray the Guv'nor in the tv show. I got really bad Elvis Presley impersonator vibes from him.

  • Yeah, I remember him from one episode of doctor who. His interpretation of the Governor just has this menacing presence. I really like him.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh come on, David Morrissey is a hugely known British actor! Still, he does have the look

  • I don't know. When he attacked the prison I was half expecting him to burst out singing Jailhouse Rock.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh come on, David Morrissey is a hugely known British actor! Still, he does have the look

  • Ian Howe has gone silent on twitter. I just wish we had ep 3 news :(

  • It's all good man. Just be patient. They'll have news soon enough.

    gta3demon posted: »

    Ian Howe has gone silent on twitter. I just wish we had ep 3 news

  • Ian Howe on reddit AMA claimed that he expected TFS to be back in stores before the end of October and unless its done tomorrow on Halloween, its not that hard to piece together all signs that something doesn't go smoothly as Skybound expected...correct me if I'm wrong, I wanna be mistaken, but then again, October ain't over just yet fellas :smiley: ...so a ray of light?

  • That was Ian being optimistic. The reality is that there are lots of legal proceedings and talks with ex staff that must take place first. I'm not surprised that things are taking a bit longer.

    Fury2014 posted: »

    Ian Howe on reddit AMA claimed that he expected TFS to be back in stores before the end of October and unless its done tomorrow on Halloween

  • Bad news episode 3 should of been released next week but good news is that it will come out at some point

  • Just realised that the original release date for episode 3 was next Tuesday. Much sadness ?

  • At least it's still coming.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Just realised that the original release date for episode 3 was next Tuesday. Much sadness ?

  • Do you think we will get episode 3 this year

  • Skybound CEO was confident to express high hopes for this scenario

    donmike84 posted: »

    Do you think we will get episode 3 this year

  • I'm starting to doubt that we will even get episode 3.

    donmike84 posted: »

    Do you think we will get episode 3 this year

  • I forgot, can anyone remind me whens the next episode releaseing?

  • Jesus.

    I'm starting to doubt that we will even get episode 3.

  • Oh shut up. It's coming. They wouldn't have announced they were finishing the game if they weren't determined to do it.

    I'm starting to doubt that we will even get episode 3.

  • To be fair some unexpected legal problem could come up. I don’t know jack shit though so perhaps I should shut up

    Oh shut up. It's coming. They wouldn't have announced they were finishing the game if they weren't determined to do it.

  • edited November 2018

    If tellatale couldn't save their own skin it's highly possible that skybound may not be able to do the same. At least they're making an effort to try to save this game. A smart company would let this game die, but a compassionate one would try to put the pieces back together though they may not be well-equipped enough to do so.

    To be fair some unexpected legal problem could come up. I don’t know jack shit though so perhaps I should shut up

  • The issue won't be Ep. 3 (though at this point I am beginning to think we won't even see that until 2019 sometime). The real issue will be the completion of Ep. 4 as there reportedly is still a lot of work to do on that episode and who knows when (or how many) people they will get on board to finish the game. Add to that that Skybound doesn't have a history of actually making games so this will be something outside of their comfort zone anyhow.

  • The only reason why they are doing it is because this game series is tied to Robert Kirkman's comic company and if they didn't do anything it wouldn't be good publicity for skybound or the Walking Dead comic.

    If tellatale couldn't save their own skin it's highly possible that skybound may not be able to do the same. At least they're making an effo

  • I'm reasonably certain they waited to announce anything until they were absolutely certain all the legalities were squared away.

    To be fair some unexpected legal problem could come up. I don’t know jack shit though so perhaps I should shut up

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