Who's coming back, Javi?
Don't think so but I think he would make the biggest impact on Clem out of the entire ANF crew.
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Don't think so but I think he would make the biggest impact on Clem out of the entire ANF crew.
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The determinant status of David, Gabe and Kate at the end of S3 make it extremely unlikely. Think Ian Howe said it would be explained in E3 why Clem didn’t go back to Richmond, which doesn’t sound like it bodes well for Javi.
I don't think so either but had to finish the series.
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Thank you. U2.
I don't think he'll be back either, but I wanted to finish the series.
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Also was Howes in the game named after Ian?
Never, TellTale is so whipped by their IGN overlords and the hateful ANF naysayers that they are so scared of repeating the hate that they are cutting ties with ANF completely. Jesus won't come back sadly and neither will Javi. Which is sad the community got in arms to trash ANF. I personally loved it. But I guess opinions are opinions.
I would love Jesus or Javi to come back. You know Javi would be amazing to lead this group. He's got wit and might have more of a plan than the current group at eriksons.
Bring Javier Back 2018
I don't think Paul could come back since he's a comic book character and this is ahead of the comics I think. ANF wasn't done that well but Javi was a decent character so it's sad he probably won't be back.
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Only if he'll be wearing a pizza delivery boy outfit. And carrying a pizza.
I honestly don't see the reason in not including Javier in this season. Mostly everyone agree that his character was one of the best parts of ANF. I hope that at lest we get to see him in the epilogue of the finale if Clementine, for whatever reason, comes back to Richmond (even though they said in the AMA that she wouldn't).
ANF happened, there's no denying it. The worse thing to do would be ignoring everything that occurred during the season just because it had a bad reception. This way at least wouldn't feel like a filler season between Season 2 and TFS.
I think that's Glenn lol.
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Peter would be excited.

No they said no Garcias is coming back this season.
Good riddance,i liked Javier but if bringing back Javier means also bringing back his family then no fuck that.
they didn't completely "cut the ties" with ANF because we still have the Ranch stuff,
they made the best decision of focusing on Clem and not bringing back Javier and his fucking shitty family,this is Clem's STORY,this was always meant to be Clem's story,Season 3 was a mistake that never should've happened and that's it.
Actually, they wouldn't have to bring back his family. Whoever survived in you're version Javi could simply have an explanation as to how they died.
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Guys, it is CLEARLY Gabe who is coming back to steal Vi/Louis girl ?
They have a intervention for just who is Clem going to go with and it just ends up in a three way fight and Clem has to stop it
Probably on a fence. Or a bridge. My hate for Javier not withstanding, I'm glad he's not coming back just to avoid these "determinant characters didn't survive offscreen events" things. But if I never see Javier again, it'll be too soon.
Nah, that'd actually be either David(unforunately) or Gabe(for better or worse).
Hate is a strong word, I prefer strongly dislike lol. Part of that was because of the dialogue coming off so badly, but I mainly just didn't care about him or any of his family, and they kept trying to make me.
Or they can just hanging back in New Richmond looking after things while Javier's gone.
There's that too.
I mean, ANF was the reason why Clem lost AJ, it all happened in 3 second flashbacks just so ANF had a reason to exist. That's a pretty bad way to justify a story. Javier was passable until "Tell David Off" was less "You're being a dick" and more "YOUR WIFE WANTS TO LEAVE YOU LOL." Man, it was all downhill from there. Clem and Javier were pretty terrible, she can't figure out whether she's a cold edgelord who don't trust nobody, some sap who hugs him two days after they met regardless of whether or not he takes her at gunpoint and tries to trade her to a group of people she helped fight. Episode 3 was horrific lol. All of Javiers meaningful growth as a character took place off screen while they spent years in a magical van, he's about as typical as they come in ANF, honestly. And damn, how does Jesus go from telling Javier he reminds him of Negan if you bash Badgers head open like a psychopath(what a cheap way to jump on Negans popularity by making a good guy do it), to praising what a good leader he would be. In less than a week, Javier has gotten one settlement completely killed and another crippled.
If Javi were to return, he better look like a cuban guy this time and speak spanish.
Don't forget his hook hand!
To this day, I still don't understand what the "Hook hand" thing is about.
Whoa.... people actually like ANF?
Totally respect that, just didn't want to seem like I don't like him because ANF or whatever that other guy was on about. We're good bro.
There were things to like about it and what it was trying to do.
Its a fan fiction of episode 1 from TFS, where Javier had a hook hand and was gonna be the villain
I'd be fine if he just sounded like he grew up around it lol.
That's funny.
What's funny is that one of the developers is apparently similar to that.
It would be funny to see him go against Louis.
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I don't think so, because if Richmond still existed I would think that Clem would have taken AJ back there.
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