Can we all just agree to pump the brakes on the negativity?
Wasn't it nice when we all just recognized that the first episode wasn't perfect but that was ok because the majority of it was great and everyone didn't feel the need to make sure the world knew that they thought the episode wasn't perfection? I get criticism, I do, and I understand that just because you criticize something, it doesn't mean you hate it. But at this point, it's just so...pointless. Especially since most of the criticisms are unfounded or just nitpicks. It's almost like y'all are just going out of your way to find things to nitpick
"The story is too basic" yeah, that's the POINT. This is the story of Clem finding a home and a family where she and/or AJ will live out the rest of their days. The story isn't meant to be super flashy, it's supposed to be about growing connections with the people she's going to spend the rest of her life with.
"Lily isn't redeemable" just because what you WANT to happen doesn't happen doesn't mean it's bad. Lily has been a good villain. She's intimidating, she has a personal connection with Clem and the player, and her actions and motivations are explained.
"Louis and Violet romance feels forced upon the player" the game itself does a really good job of making sure if you don't want a romance that you don't NEED a romance. It's more the community that has made the ships kinda inescapable, but that's not something we can blame the game for.
Now look, like I said, i understand the season isn't perfect. The dialogue and pacing are iffy a lot of the time, and some of the sincere moments between characters feel forced. But like I said, what's the point? The series is coming to a close, do we really want to end our time together on this site by complaining? Or can we just appreciate what the season has done well, and leave it at that?
I agree, it’s like A New Frontier stuff all over again.
louder for the people in the back!!
No. There's likely not much of an engine anymore.
It’s literally the exact reason I try to leave this place after calling everyone out on their bs. After ep 4 maybe
I see what you did there
I'm fucking laughing at this,this is NOTHING compared to the ANF days stop complaining.
I never wanted anything like that,and no Lilly hasn't been a good antagonist at all for many reasons i already talked about.
This is a fucking forum,not everyone is gonna have the same opinion,it sounds like you're the one who can't handle any criticism about this game,
Yay i'm glad the game we bought is getting finished but that doesn't mean the game is perfect,you enjoy it ? Then good for you.
but if i didn't like something i'll talk about it,that's it.
I heavily disagree there. Back in the ANF days these forums were almost as bad as the Star Wars fandom. The reaction to TFS doesn't hold an candle to that.
No m8 you're missing my point. Lily isn't the greatest villain in history, and TFS does have flaws, I'm not gonna pretend that it doesn't. I'm just saying that the series is coming to a close...Why spend time dwelling on the things it did wrong and just be happy about the things it did right?
Oh, I can think of about three reasons.
Yeah, the hate has gotten tiresome and makes the subreddit a lot more appealing for actual discussions. It's also strange because up until recently I thought the fanbade unanimously agreed that TFS was a huge leap forwards in terms of visuals, gameplay, and character development.
Most of the complaints I've seen recently pertain to Lilly and how she's suddenly evil and doesn't get much screentime. Well news flash folks: Lilly has pretty much been evil since s1 and her character in s4 makes sense. Also the season has been plagued by budget constraints so I'm not sure what else could be done about her screentime issue.
Other major complaint is about how important Violet/Louis and their romance with Clem is for the season. Why is this an issue with people? The romance is completely optional, you get more than one option to choose from, and you aren't guilt tripped over it repeatedly if you decide to go a no romance route. Violet and Louis are tasteful and well crafted romance options and I would prefer for my last shot of TWDG to be Clem surrounded by people she loves.
No she doesn't god,i can't believe some people actually think she's a good antagonist,her motivations doesn't make any fucking sense,she's comically evil i mean jesus christ her inclusion in this game is BAD
she doesn't feel like a real person at all.
You know what,i've already talked about it 20 times i'm not gonna repeat myself again.
At this point there's nothing they could do with her in episode 4 that could redeem her character she's completely messed up now.
I don't really have a problem with that i just personally think that this game focus too much on romances,and i can understand why some people are not happy with this this is a Walking Dead game not a dating sim.
Also,this game doesn't feel like a walking Dead game,it really doesn't,i've talked about it in my thread so i won't talk about it here.
I don't think it's a bad game it has some good content and i still love episode 1,but it has too many flaws i can't ignore,especially episode 3 i swear that episode at some moments felt more like a fan-fiction than a real walking dead episode.
yall know its true
Clearly y'all missed my point. Oh well, cant say I didn't try
What was your point again ? That we should just be happy and not complain about the game because it's getting finished ? That we should just be happy about the good things of this game and not the bad ? Because that ain't gonna happen,like i said it's a forum we all have different opinions,i praise the game when they do things right but when they don't i talk about it.
I'm not against when it comes to criticizing this game....but my god mentioning the fact that lily is a shit villain every minute is annoying, I get ya'll but chill there's no job staufer there's not much time to redeem anything what's done is done and lily got fucked in the writing room let's just hope now that episode 4 doesn't treat our core characters her treatment, or worse.
I def understand annoyance of seeing it mentioned a lot, but it is a pretty major part of the plot as the entire antagonist group is just really weak and poorly done and makes the whole purpose of conflict in this game come off really poor and forgettable. I wish Telltale focused more on internal conflicts because that clearly works way better. Season 1 was pretty much all about internal conflicts, that even when the St Johns appeared, it was still very important about what was going on within your group. Not your group vs St Johns. Now it feels they keep going into plots of "your group vs bad group then your group has conflict and falls apart" over and over, instead of just making the focus on your group and just your group. Episode 1 of Final Season did a good job with this, but then they drop it for another weak villain group vs group plot where they kill off the main villain half way through for the 3rd time. It clearly hasn't worked well for them so far, so why keep doing it?
They simply cant recreate that magic agian... I'm not saying that in a bad way I completely understand your argument and they're repeating the same shit every season but I guess That's the way it Is :-/
Good try. I get ya. I've really enjoyed this game. Who cares about the flaws, there are so many things that I enjoy that they don't even matter.
"That's the way it Is :-/"
Yeah I know the magic is pretty much gone at this point. Telltale's magic all kinda went away after Tales episode 5 ended, after that and the new year came around everything wasnt as good. I just really hope episode 4 is at least above average because I dont want the series to end on such a mediocre note. I want the game to end on a great note because I want my last memory of the series to be positive and not "Welp, guess thats the end." or worst having an infuriating bad ending and having the last thoughts be "That was really bad." Just hoping they pull through and make something great, just the overall slightly above average feel of Final Season and after episode 3 going back to that mediocre feel with poor set up of a finale, I feel itll be hard to pull off something satisfying. Heres to hoping tho
AJ is the key for ep4....they've teased it since the beginning, he's the break or make for me, here's hoping that the season ends on a high note and a tear to our eyes.
That's a fair stance to take.
Guess we can actually set up a pub to shit on Minnie instead.
If you're so tired of repeating yourself then why do you keep replying to my posts and repeating yourself? This kind of proves my point about the hate being tiresome... you're sick of it, I'm sick of it, let's just enjoy the fact that we even have the final two episodes.
ThIs, Is A fUcKiNg FoRuM, nOt EvErYoNe Is GoInG tO hAvE tHe SaMe OpInIoN
Well yeah not everyone has the same opinion as me,but when i actually ask people why she's such a good villain all i get are some shitty excuses like "oh she was always evil since season 1",i wish i would get actual good reasons instead.
So yeah not everyone has the same opinion as me and it's fine,now you can shut up and stop acting like an idiot.
Yeah well, it's kind of the drawback of episodic games. People have way too much time between episodes to analyze the game.
If there's a satisfactory ending people will often be more forgiving of other issues with the story.
Well in my opinion you’re a dickhead for the way you speak to a lot of people on the forums. I keep getting shitty excuses such as “you can shut up now” “let’s stop talking now” instead of you actually listening to what people have to say for once. When I argue against someone, it’s either because you deserved it, you’re missing the point or a bit of both. Guess which one you’re falling under rn, A, B or C? Spoiler alert, it’s C, now how about you stop being such a cynic and allow people to believe what they want instead of coming off like you just won the douchbag of the year award?
Except it's not a shitty excuse? If you don't want to accept that as a valid reason, we cannot help you there. You are entitled to that option to determine whether or not you believe a point is valid or not. But don't act like you are the only one with a valid point to back up your argument. That's why people are annoyed by the negativity. You adamantly want people to see Lilly from your POV to the point of being tired of repeating yourself, yet when they argue their point, you brush it off as it's all shitty excuses to you, so why should people listen to your point at all if that's all you see their explanation as?
I personally have treated all the criticism here with a certain level of respect and open mindedness. I don't believe a single thing you have said is invalid and they certainly haven't been shitty excuses. I even agree to some extent. Tackle people's points differently and there'd be less cause for threads calling out the negativity.
People have given good reasons. You just callously brush them off so you can keep indulging yourself in your own confirmation bias. Obviously, you're entitled to your opinion that Lilly is a shit villain. But telling people that "not everybody is going to have the same opinion" and then immediately discrediting other peoples' opinions just because they don't align with yours makes you look like a hypocrite.
Aw, come on Poogs Bman S2 was pretty good imo! I actually had feels, I actually recommended that game to several people. TFS is a hit or miss, it's good but not for everyone, I love Clem and AJ but teenage romances are eh for me.
I'm on it boss it'll be out today. Probably.
Cool. Better work scheduling than mine, that's for damn sure.
I don't know man, reddit just seems to be a big circle jerk where anyone who dares speak negatively about anything gets downvoted until they talk about how great everything is. At least here people are arguing both sides pretty consistently. Both places seem to have the unfortunate population of people who can't seem to comprehend why anyone wouldn't like the character they chose to side with, and insist on letting everyone know why their reasons are clearly the right ones, but I guess no place is perfect.
I dunno, I got no problem with people liking or disliking a game. You're bound to see people repeating themselves, same thing happened on both sides during ANF and it's happening here, we get to a point where there's not much left to talk about other than speculating for the next episode or analyzing what went wrong/right with the previous ones until we have something to play. So everyone will make the same points repeatedly, they probably know they're not going to convince the other side that they've been wrong all along, and we can take solace in the fact that the internet has brought so many people together that we can all realize the future is pretty bleak.
I came off as a bit of an hypocrite in my last post that's true sorry about that.
I do respect their opinion,you guys just caught me
on a bad day here but if you've been in my thread (the one i made recently)
you'll notice that i talked about this a bit and i did respect pretty much
everyone's opinions there.
Again sorry,but i hate when people make these threads,it's just stupid,
everyone praised and loved this season even me i loved
the first episode and i still enjoyed the others but that doesn't mean
this season is perfect and doesn't have any flaws.
And yes i'm an asshole @Melton23 that's just who i am
and that ain't gonna change.
But yeah i agree my last post sucked i don't want people
to think i'm an hypocrite because i'm not,an asshole ? Sure
But i do respect everyone's opinions here even if it doesn't
look like it sometimes.
(Also sorry if this post looks weird i typed all this on my phone...)
I agree about all this,The Final Season is definitely not for everyone
it's a mixed bag for me,some good and bad but overall nothing really
memorable unless episode 4 is amazing but i doubt it,i enjoyed
Batman S2 way more.
When you make a thread about how people should stop arguing and just enjoy the ride and people spend half the thread arguing

My guy, I've acknowledged the season is flawed. If you read my thread you'll see I point out a few flaws I have with it. I just think it's pointless to waste our time complaining about them. There's no one left to complain to, and this is going to be the last episode EVER. I just don't feel like getting on here everyday to see pointing out the same issues over and over and over. Pretty much everyone agrees this season has done more right than wrong, so why not focus on that stuff?
That's all I'm trying to argue m8
I dunno, I still prefer Reddit because it's less vitriolic than the community here and you have more of a chance of having a civil discussion. Although this place isn't as bad as it was in the Season 2 and ANF days where you were basically lynched if you said anything positive about those two games or brought up that you thought the negativity was getting out of control.
Because we're humans and we complain about things,i don't fucking know.
You're always gonna see some people like me who complains,if you want more positivity then make a thread about the Final Season and ask people what they liked about it or whatever.
And to be honest,i've been pretty positive about this season for months,it's only when episode 3 came out that i've started to be a little bit more negative.
It's a much more agreeable place, I'll admit. As long as you love the game everyone's on board there. I'm just not too keen on any place where overly one sided arguments push out any opposition. I like that people actually have to respond instead of clicking a down arrow here when they're that incensed that another person has the audacity to not agree with their clearly correct views. I, personally, only found this place through a google search after ANFs big VGA trailer. Most of the people I knew who played the series just kinda stopped after the focus shift, and I was curious about the amazon listing. And I thought ANF was pretty bad, admittedly. I just stopped playing, if I'm being honest. I bought the first two episodes when they came out, and the last three a year later after they announced a new season actually about Clem.
To me, the threads about "This game sucks, and here is why" are as tiring as "Unpopular opinion: I like the game, and here is why"
I thoroughly enjoyed the first 2 seasons, thought ANF was shit, and find myself really enjoying TFS. Past all this, that's really all that matters to me. Anyone who enjoyed it, I'm fine with. When certain people, not you but some people I've talked to here, waste their time trying to convince me that something I like is trash, and I should like what they like, that's all of my no. Like what you like, I have no problem with it. But everything, on both sides, seems to boil down to "Let me explain it again"