Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • True dat.

    Same engine, same problems.

  • Aj is left handed

  • Kenny never got a boat. But Lilly did. Lol

  • Anyone notice this yet?

    And it seems that Salty Seas has some meaning in Broken Toys, too

    Shoutout to NaughtyDawgs

  • Yeah, I noticed that right away.

    Also, can you explain that correlation there?

    Anyone notice this yet? And it seems that Salty Seas has some meaning in Broken Toys, too Shoutout to NaughtyDawgs

  • Spoiler

    there was none. just didn't want to make two different posts.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, I noticed that right away. Also, can you explain that correlation there?

  • I meant regarding the second one, but okay.


  • So, wasn't the barn James was keeping the walkers in abandoned for years? This hay should not be looking this good if it's been sitting there for years. Most of it should be looking like compost.

    Also, I found some weird shading on this rock when I got far from it.


    It made it look like a big Skull

  • James’ determinant death was karma. I could not stand his voice anyway.

    So, wasn't the barn James was keeping the walkers in abandoned for years? This hay should not be looking this good if it's been sitting ther

  • ...What does that have to do with Zombie's comment?

    James’ determinant death was karma. I could not stand his voice anyway.

  • edited February 2019

    There are 4 variations of Abel's line "You've never done this before, have you?". They depend on whether AJ is justified or atoned and also whether you encourage his behavior or not.

    • [Justified AJ, calm AJ]: "You've never done this before, have you? You and the devil child are just making it up as you go along."
    • [Justified AJ, punch Abel]: "You've never done this before, have you? First thing you learn -- I can't tell you shit if I pass out from the pain."
    • [Atoned AJ, stop AJ]: "You aren't fooling anyone with the hard act. I can tell you've never done this before."
    • [Atoned AJ, let Abel drink]: "This is your first time interrogating someone, isn't it? You let me dictate the agenda. Makes me think you're weak."

    If you stay silent then AJ does whatever he was about to do anyways, either kick Abel again or give him the water. Also if you threw water on Abel to wake him up, he comments on it if he asks for water.

  • If you choose to let AJ wake Abel up, there are different variations in how he does it.

    Dibs AJ is special in that he will kick Abel in the shin, and then punish him some more with that same action as Abel is talking about a dream he had about a girl. You will then have the option of calming AJ or punching Abel.

    Otherwise, AJ will either swear or not swear and how much he does it depends on what you've taught him. If you just said "Fuck it" and let him use whatever language he likes he'll say a full on:

    Wake up! Stupid shitting fuckhead!

    If you told him that shit is the upper limit when he asks later in episode 2 if he can swear about Abel, he'll say:

    Wake up shitbird!

    And if you put a ban on all profanity, he'll literally just yell:


  • Also, I must put this in because it's so chilling.

    You can give Abel your word, then let him turn anyway and you get this exchange:

    Abel: You evil cunt! You... you gave me your word!
    Clementine: (in the coldest tone I've ever heard) You were stupid to believe me.
    Abel: And you were stupid to believe I told you everything!

    Like wow, how heartless you can turn Clementine is really something, even compared to a New Frontier where she can have exchanges like this:

    Javier: How about you just give me directions, like a normal person?
    Clementine: How about I just shoot you and take the van anyway?

    But back then, you knew she was just being sharp-tongued. She wouldn't really do that. But now, she absolutely is capable of acts like that.

  • Savage Clementine is funny. I do this on my 'naughty' play-through each season.

    Also, I must put this in because it's so chilling. You can give Abel your word, then let him turn anyway and you get this exchange: Ab

  • It depends on how it's written. The voice acting. The dialogue. It's why moments like Clementine blackmailing Rebecca or Alvin or staying to watch Carver be beaten to death hit so deep. It's not cartoonishly evil; it's just the right amount to feel unsettling. Actually possible.

    Savage Clementine is funny. I do this on my 'naughty' play-through each season.

  • I agree.

    It depends on how it's written. The voice acting. The dialogue. It's why moments like Clementine blackmailing Rebecca or Alvin or staying to

  • Neat to know that Conrad was the founder of Prescot, always assumed it was Tripp. #WeAreTheTwoPercent

    DabigRG posted: »

    Here's a collection of ANF backstory posts from the AMA. Credit to foxumbrella

  • You can know about cars without being a licenced mechanic my guy. I'm not sure what the big difference between being a dock worker and a mechanic is, they both have a lot of physical labor and use a lot of the same tools and clothing. they're obviously different but it's the same blue collar style of work. Either way it definitely doesn't 'go against the game' just because you can picture him better as a mechanic than a Dock worker

    Melton23 posted: »

    It was heavily implied that Tripp was a mechanic, with his knowledge of being able to fix cars up, his attire, the fact that most of the for

  • edited February 2019

    Hehehe, trust me dock workers dress nothing like mechanics

    Cdognkal2 posted: »

    You can know about cars without being a licenced mechanic my guy. I'm not sure what the big difference between being a dock worker and a me

  • I think the fact that they got a selectively lazy with some of those memorial photos is the real compounder.

    Cdognkal2 posted: »

    You can know about cars without being a licenced mechanic my guy. I'm not sure what the big difference between being a dock worker and a me

  • Damn, is that the first C-bomb dropped in the games?

    Also, I must put this in because it's so chilling. You can give Abel your word, then let him turn anyway and you get this exchange: Ab

  • The Headmaster's name was Richard.

  • TFS has the same color scheme for its episodes as previous seasons did.
    1. Done Running and In Harm's Way being a red-orange color.
    2. Suffer The Children and Starved For Help being green (ehh I don't know if this one counts).
    3. Broken Toys and Amid The Ruins being purple.
    4. Take Us Back and No Going Back being blue.

  • Just another little parallel scene that I noticed.

  • Eh.

    NOHATCLEM posted: »

    Just another little parallel scene that I noticed.

  • edited February 2019


    It was mostly just how Violet and Sarah were sitting. And Clem trying to convince both of them to leave, but neither of them would budge.


  • So they spent the budget on hay for an abandoned place but not for the bandage Louis was supposed to have on his mouth if he gets captured?

    So, wasn't the barn James was keeping the walkers in abandoned for years? This hay should not be looking this good if it's been sitting ther

  • That barn location was originally going to be the location of a group of kids that kept horses before they scrapped that idea, makes sense that they made hay for that place before scrapping the idea.

    AronDracula posted: »

    So they spent the budget on hay for an abandoned place but not for the bandage Louis was supposed to have on his mouth if he gets captured?

  • Wait, that means she never danced with Minnie.

  • Fern's voice actress, Grace Hsin, is a texture artist for Telltale.

  • Yes.

    Cheddarhead posted: »

    Damn, is that the first C-bomb dropped in the games?

  • Her acting, dios mío.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Fern's voice actress, Grace Hsin, is a texture artist for Telltale.

  • In The Walking Dead, yes. In all of Telltale's games, no. It's mentioned a few times in Game of Thrones.

    Cheddarhead posted: »

    Damn, is that the first C-bomb dropped in the games?

  • 'The Wolf Among Us' too.

    In The Walking Dead, yes. In all of Telltale's games, no. It's mentioned a few times in Game of Thrones.

  • I like how James is just casually sitting there while looking at AJ biting on Lilly’s hand.

  • Oh my goodness, I love shit like that.

    Also, holy shit, look at AJ's hands.

    I like how James is just casually sitting there while looking at AJ biting on Lilly’s hand.

  • Aasim, Abel, and TFS!Lily were modeled by Eric Montanari and textured by Grace Hsin

  • Here is the layout map for The Greenhouse

  • Out of all of Clementine’s caretakers, she’s been with Christa the longest. Yet the last time Clementine mentions her was in No Going Back (determinately).

  • The intro in The Final Season is based on the cover of Chinatown, which is an album from The Be Good Tanyas.

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