I love how meticulous this show has been in lining up answers to questions the week after (mostly) they're teased. Like they knew what details and conversations would occur each week and they'd always have a satisfying resolution to them.
Episodes 1 and 2 posed the question of the sitcom universe being viewed by a mysterious person and having a random new character Geraldine appear and become an instant friend to Wanda.
Episode 3 reveals that this is all a bubble-universe, with Geraldine being revealed to be an impostor in the world, with Wanda shooting her out into the real-world. It also asks the question of what SWORD has been doing all this time...
Well, Episode 4 is here to quench that thirst, with an episode dedicated to showing exactly what's been going on and how they came to know about this sitcom world.
Episode 5 rolls around with answers to Monica's mind-control in the Hex and briefly teases her radiation superpowers. This episode also introduces Sparky and his untimely death.
Episode 6 answers Vision's question of "What is outside of Westview?", finally letting the popsicle out of the freezer. We get Pietro scenes obviously and some reveals of his version of events differing slightly from Wanda's. Then, of course there's the Hexpansion saving Vision, recasting Darcy and putting into question Wanda's influence over the world.
Episode 7 ties up a lot of those lingering 'Is Wanda really in control of it all?" questions with the reveal of Agatha Harkness, where we learn that Sparky died by her own hand (which is a theory I've seen bounced around the past few weeks) and her messing with the plot of the show to sow doubt in Vision and get close to Wanda.
It's just nice how there's these great little resolutions to questions each week, specifically on details many fans are asking for.
I'm personally hoping we get to see the full series of events as to how Wanda found and got ahold of Vision and what made her create (or inherit) the Hex. I don't think it was all Agnes' doing, since her musical number simply opens with her walking up to the 50's house for the first time, about to introduce herself as "Your neighbour to the right! To my right, not yours."
Pretty neat video of all the WandaVision Motifs in each theme song.
I picked up on almost all of them already, but I didn't know the It Was ____ All Along theme used the motif as well as the credits having a modified version.
Also, it's a really nice thematic detail, whether intentional or not, that the "Wanda" notes always surround Vision... and they give a pretty wide berth.
After some tomfoolery teases of the next Spider-Man film's title (the actors all posted different reveals on Instagram), we've got the real one.
Spider-Man: No Way Home
There's some speculation within the fandom that the multiple titles could be a tie-in to the multiverse, as well as if there's any meaning behind the different colours of the different logos. But, that's all to be clarified later.
Also Loki has been delayed until June 11th. It was previously scheduled (rumored?) for the beginning of May.
Loved episode 8, I thought it was fuckin' amazing, even got chills a couple of times! Might be Elizabeth Olsen's best performance so far in the entirety of the MCU. Onward to the series finale! I'm very excited to see how they close it off!
And once again, watch out for the mid-credits scene!
Pretty good episode. Glad it doesn't seem like they're making it so Agatha was influencing Wanda but the episode didn't really "answer" that much either. A lot of it felt like it was just set up for the finale. Really the only big reveal was Grey Vision and West View Vision was simply created not stolen. Obviously pretty important but in terms of story progression we are kind of in the same spot we were last week. (Obviously there are some more minor things that I'm sure looking back and in more detail will be expanded like how it seems Wanda always had Witch powers and all that but as of right now I wish there was a bit more progress rather than it being saved towards the very end and even then not really going that far, but that's an overall small criticism.)
Really all I gotta say is I hope the last episode is a lot longer. There is so much to wrap up and if the last episode is around 30 minutes I cant help but feel a lot of it will feel incomplete, which I hope isnt the case as I really hope the Marvel TV shows aren't treated as preludes to the movies.
Really awesome episode that finally gives us a lot of backstory to Wanda, the origin of her fascination with US sitcoms and another push to strengthen Wanda and Vision's relationship. (That was freaking cute seeing Vision try to understand humor.) Damn, I am super invested in this.
Also, I guess there's actual Witches in the MCU now. (I know Wanda is literally the "Scarlet Witch", but so far she's been treated as a more cosmic-stone-powered superhuman. They've planted seeds that she's always had her powers in this episode, so I wonder if they'll expand on that later for a comic novice like me.
I'm glad that they're sticking to the idea that it wasn't actually Agatha, all along. Wanda really did take a whole town hostage in her grief. Also wow, we finally understand the meaning behind that scene from the first D+ Marvel trailer. It's just heavily edited (or un-edited, without the CGI).
Now there's just a few superpower scenes and that one shot of Wanda and Vision holding hands, staring out the window that we're missing...
There's still quite a few lingering questions left too, hopefully there's enough time next week to answer them. (Like, are the kids illusions too? Did Agatha subliminally coax Wanda into conjuring them (with the creepy "For the Children")? If so, why? Just to kill them and make Wanda release her grief? Was Vision not enough?) This episode really only felt like half of a full one. I cannot wait for next week -- but I don't want it to end!
One thing I really disliked about this episode was Agatha's dialogue after every flashback. She would just recount the events that we'd just seen, it felt pretty redundant. (Though, that might be intended for the more casual viewers.)
Also goddamn, I saw a comment on Reddit about how the Calendar Heart in episode 1 takes on a whole new meaning now. If everything in Westview changed, including Wanda's letter, it must have become the Heart-marked date, and right after the change, as Wanda and Vision begin to settle in, they question what in the world the meaning behind it is... Jeez, that's crushing.
The thumbnail for episode 9 got leaked. Looks like they digitally removed somethings out, in my opinion. It would be cool to see Peter fighting alongside them, and for him to maybe get a speed scene like he did in X-Men: Days of Future Past and X-Men: Apocalypse.
I think you are probably correct about someone being digitally removed as thats a bit weird framing as I dont see why Vision would be standing there and not more centered behind BIlly and Tommy. Although my guess is that its Monica who is digitally removed, not "Quicksilver."
I don't think that's an edited thumbnail. Think of it: If that was the thumbnail, why would they digitally remove something from it if that was going to appear in the episode anyway? Why not choose a different, less-spoilery frame in the episode that doesn't need editing?
In fact, that's already a pretty spoilery thumbnail, considering the kids are alright, from the looks of it. Weird decision from Disney, if I do say so...
Guess it all kind of depends, in all honesty it probably isnt edited in anyway. But Disney did give us that really spoiler-filled trailer before so its not like it isnt something they've done before, and making a spoiler-y image less spoiler-y but still a spoiler seems to fit their marketing lol
I'm honestly kind of getting emotional, re-listening to the tracks from Episode 7.
I'm really going to miss this show. It's so freakin' ne… moreat.
Christophe Beck had to make some weird music for that last sitcom ep. From spooky hijinks music to a hopeful drug ad to an amazing superhero theme. That episode had everything.
@DeliciousDeku @Poogers555
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of nerds suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
WandaVision is officially over!
Not the most perfect finale but I really enjoyed the episode! Got some really cool moments, more great dialogue from Vision, as well as a whole heaping of emotional ones that actually had me tearing up. Of course I can't praise Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany enough for their performances. Absolutely loved the series overall and am sad to see it go, but a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts! Thankfully, Falcon and The Winter Soldier will be out in just two weeks to fill the MCU void in my chest!
Big spoilery thoughts below
I love that the double Vision conflict ended with a philisophical argument between the two on who is the real Vision.
It's also pretty hilarious to me that a bunch of fan theories ended up not coming through lmao. No Fan4stic cameo, no Quicksilver, no Mephisto, etc. GGnore. Thankfully I didn't buy too into all the fan theories and just watched the show lol.
Seeing the bullets phase through Monica was really cool looking. She's really got quite an arsenal doesn't she?
The Scarlet Witch outfit looks so fuckin' sick, I love it!
Fun fact, the Darkhold also appears in season 4 of Agents of Shield but it looks completely different, so that about confirms the canonicity of AoS. RIP.
Wanda and Vision's goodbye had me tearing up man. Goddamn, Wanda cannot catch a break! Fuck me, Vision really does keep getting the best lines doesn't he?
I really like that less than a handful of people absolved Wanda for what she did to Westview. The citizens are absolutely terrified of her/hate her by the end.
With Agatha still alive by the end, I wonder if she'll pop up in Multiverse of Madness.
The same goes for White Vision. He's still around so looks like Paul Bettany gets to keep his job! I wonder when he'll pop up next.
Looks like the mid-credits scene is a direct lead up to Captain Marvel 2 with the Skrull lady asking her to go to space.
With the after-credits scene it looks like Wanda is doing that astral projecting thing that Strange did in his movie in order to study the Darkhold. It also seems like she's taking a peek into the multiverse and Doctor Strange 2 will be dealing with Wanda looking to bring her children back.
Just a warning, there is both a mid-credit and after-credits scene.
Fun fact, the Darkhold also appears in season 4 of Agents of Shield but it looks completely different, so that about confirms the canonicity of AoS. RIP.
I don't think a cover of a book is enough to uncanonize the show just yet. Last we saw it Ghost Rider took it to Hell, and well there it could've transformed into "the real deal". Others suggest that there are several copies of the darkhold but I'm not so sure about that.
Kevin Feige actually mentioned agents of shield pretty much the first time since it released recently. The man easily could've said it isn't canon anymore, but instead he defended the shows (also talking about the Netflix shows), and especially their fanbase. In the end, AoS is some of the highest rated and best received content Marvel has put out. I hope it's still canon because it truly is a fantastic show.
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of nerds suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
WandaVision is … moreofficially over!
Not the most perfect finale but I really enjoyed the episode! Got some really cool moments, more great dialogue from Vision, as well as a whole heaping of emotional ones that actually had me tearing up. Of course I can't praise Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany enough for their performances. Absolutely loved the series overall and am sad to see it go, but a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts! Thankfully, Falcon and The Winter Soldier will be out in just two weeks to fill the MCU void in my chest!
Big spoilery thoughts below
Just a warning, there is both a mid-credit and after-credits scene.
I do hope that it does end up being canon. They could probably come up with some kind of explanation like the book constantly changing form or something. Though I think it's more likely that the show will be canon to the multiverse rather than the main universe since AoS has a lot to unpack with the Inhumans and whatnot. I have heard some... things regarding casting which could be exciting if they turn out to be true.
Well I watched it and it was overall pretty good, but I would def say it left me with some disappointment.
There was a few beats I found really weird. One was def the part where the town is angry at Wanda, but Wanda's response has nothing to do with how she didn't meant to do it but instead starts saying she's protecting them? Bit weird. I felt it was kind of investable Evan Peter's Quicksilver wasn't going to be any kind of multiverse stuff but I'm also a bit lost on how he had Quicksilver's powers seeing how Agatha doesn't seem to be capable of giving people powers.
I also felt it was pointless to make Hayward a bad guy. Plot easily could've progressed just the same with him remaking Vision to free the people of Westview as he thinks Wanda is evil and give him some characterization to explain his chip on the shoulder about super heroes, instead of "I am bad guy who who is bad." I mean dude then goes "We're going into the Hex!" And then gets stopped in a car crash and that's the end of him. I guess his only actual purpose was to cause drama for people outside the hex.
Anyway, skipping way a head, the ending I felt wasn't as emotional as it was going for simply because we know White Vision has the original Vision's memories now, so there goes Vision again but now we know this other Vision actually knows of the real world and the life he had with Wanda so its hard to imagine Vision and Wanda don't get their happy ending one day.
But now I do really want to say this though. I'm not someone who makes fan theories and if they don't come true I am going to get mad and say something is bad. Some of the stuff people were saying was honestly insane like Ian McKellen was coming back as Magneto because Marvel wants to contract an 81 year old man to play a major character in the MCU for years, right? Like would it have been some bat shit crazy cool thing? Yeah, but if you actually thought it was happening I have no idea what to tell you. Now all that said, I am not a big fan of how a lot of the cast of this show would say X thing and then X thing was not comparable at all. The Skrull (Talos' wife I think?) telling Monica to go hang out with Nick Fury in space is not even remotely comparable to The Mandalorian finale cameo. Paul Bentley saying the final episode has some big secret actor in the show but it was actually himself does not help either. Monica's actress still saying the space engineer's identify is important when it wasn't, why even say it. Like was Richard's showing up likely? No, but the way it was all portrayed really seemed like it should've been someone we'd seen before. Anyway this is becoming more of a rant but basically just trying to say I found that to be pretty silly, as it became less about what the show was actually showing viewers and more so the cast feeding these ideas seemingly knowing how exaggerated it was. Anyway rant thing over.
Overall I think this was a really solid series, but I do wish the ending was a bit more "conclusive" if that makes sense to anyone. But this was a really good episode as a whole. I'm mostly just nitpicking the series as a whole here. Anyway, I'd give the entire series a solid 8/10, yes even after my annoying rant about the last episode.
But most importantly:
Justice for my fucking boy Agent Franklin, that dude is literally still stuck in those tunnels or some shit please save my boy everyone forgot about him what the fuck
Justice for my fucking boy Agent Franklin, that dude is literally still stuck in those tunnels or some shit please save my boy everyone forgot about him what the fuck
Clearly he's Mephisto. He just went back to Hell or something.
Well I watched it and it was overall pretty good, but I would def say it left me with some disappointment.
Overall I think t… morehis was a really solid series, but I do wish the ending was a bit more "conclusive" if that makes sense to anyone. But this was a really good episode as a whole. I'm mostly just nitpicking the series as a whole here. Anyway, I'd give the entire series a solid 8/10, yes even after my annoying rant about the last episode.
But most importantly:
This was a very nice final episode for WandaVision.
There was a lot of great action, tension and some surprise twists.
The ending left me feeling (mostly) satisfied with how it's been wrapped up and it was a pretty emotional, near-tear-jerking ribbon to tie up the series.
Though, like others, I do wish it had a bit more finality to it. It feels like the real resolution to the conflict was cut short in the end.
The final moments of Wanda and Vision's time together was some heart-breaking stuff. I'd never have guessed this series would get me so invested in their relationship, as well as Wanda's kids. Pretty dark too, having the kids die in their sleep and having Agatha live under a permanent trance/illusion until she becomes useful to Wanda.
At the same time, the insinuation that Wanda's sacrifice outweighed the trauma she caused for the Westview citizens was pretty ridiculous. (With the line said by Monica:) "They'll never know what you sacrificed for them"... Ummm she had them under her robotic mind-control for weeks, some children were stuck in their rooms the whole time. That's pretty messed up, regardless of how sad Wanda's grief is.
I do feel like that ending's impact is kinda undercut with the idea that we've got White Vision somewhere out there, with all his memories unlocked as well as Wanda trying to recreate her perfect world again. Not sure if Wanda would take him to be Vision again, but that'll probably be explored at a letter time.
Hayward was a villain I really hope doesn't just dissappear. I do agree that him being one of the big bads in the end was a tad annoying (@Poogers555). I found it weird how he charges into the Hex and when Wanda's back is turned he feels the need to shoot her children. Wtf dude. I do like the idea of him being distrustful of Supers though, as well as his disdain for the people that survived the Snap. I hope the latter will also be explored later, either through him or other characters.
I agree with everyone here tho that it was really funny seeing all the reddit fan theories fall apart week after week. No mephisto, no multiverse -- not even tying into Spiderman 3 -- and really surprisingly, no Doctor Strange. (Now, I don't have much comic knowledge, but I'm still going to guess that Nightmare is going to appear through Wanda's actions in Dr. Strange 2.)
It was also pretty fun to have the final conflict between the two robots in the show be a philosophical debate about identity lol.
Overall, this was a really fun, creative show. Hopefully Falcon and Winter Soldier isn't too packed with action since I think I need to ease myself into the Marvel action realm (or they need better framing/choreography). That final battle went on a bit too long, IMO. (Also hopefully they have episodes longer than 25 minutes.)
Thanks for coming.
This was fun. Props to Matt Shakman, Jac Schaeffer, Elisabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany for their awesome acting chops and the rest of the team at Marvel.
Also I gotta say I am a bit disappointed that Evan Peters isn't going to continue being Quicksilver in the MCU. I said way back when that I thought it would turn into a fake out, but now that the show is over and its confirmed he is a random dude, I am pretty bummed that means he won't be Quicksilver in the MCU. Obviously the real quicksilver is dead and all that, but I always felt Quicksilver in Ultron both character and actor choice wasn't the best. Evan Peters was one of Fox X-Men that not only was a highlight of the even crappy X-Men movies, but the persona he brought with Quicksilver was way better than the MCU's, so a part of me was hoping they wanted to reintroduce Quicksilver back into the MCU in someway using Evan Peters, but now I dont realistically see that happening. Which kinda sucks.
That is a good point. I was worried he'd turn out to be some random Joe Schmoe that Agatha was mind-controlling, and unfortunately that's true. Considering this show's ending is so bleak for Wanda, I don't think it would have been fitting with the theme to have one of her family members -- whether of this universe or not -- survive. I'd be lying if I didn't say I'll miss him though. He had a lot of charisma as Quicksilver
What an amazing finale! I don't think I've been as excited for a series as I was for Wandavison.
There were some really really emotional parts, and I loved that Vision and White Vision were just talking it out. It felt pretty suiting for the character. The death of the Billy and Tommy, and Vision was very sad. And the appearance of a more comic accurate costume was a pretty neat addition since we did get a cheaper one as a gag. It's cool to see a legit one. Kind of disappointed that it wasn't really Pietro and just Agatha's husband. But, it makes sense. Overall, this was a really exciting series and I enjoyed it. Totally can't wait for Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
I love how after a Marvel film is out for like 2 weeks and now after a Marvel show finished, the marketing is just filled with spoilers as the narrator just tells you how much of a fucking loser you are if you haven't seen it yet lmfao
Lol I'm pretty sure they always give you until Monday to be all caught up. After that deadline, it's just spoilery promo after spoilery promo.
They've been doing this for every episode. The marketing department has no chill jeez.
By the way, can we talk about how supremely silly it is that Monica tried to give Wanda a pass for the whole Westview incident? I mean c'mon!
"They'll never know what you sacrificed for them". What?? She was holding people hostage, forcing them to experience her grief through the veil of a perfect life!This all happened because of what she created! Yes, it's sad, but that doesn't make it excusable. I'm so confused why the resident's issues are being glossed over like that.
I love how after a Marvel film is out for like 2 weeks and now after a Marvel show finished, the marketing is just filled with spoilers as the narrator just tells you how much of a fucking loser you are if you haven't seen it yet lmfao
There's a week break until the Falcon show, but there's still a bit of new Marvel content this Friday.
A special about the Making of/Behind-the-scenes on WandaVision is going to release. I'm excited about that, but worried it might just be a short promo for the show. Hopefully it's at least 10 minutes. Some of the featurettes released early in in the series look neat, but I just want more.
There's also episodes 3-6 of the Marvel Legends recap series coming out on Friday. Strangely, episode 3 and 4 (for Falcon & Winter Soldier) appeared already last week. I'm assuming the remaining two will be about Zemo and Sharon?
Final trailer for The Falcon and The Winter Soldier is out!
The shot of Sam at the Captain America exhibit and him giving a heartfelt speech makes me believe that the series will start with Steve's funeral. I'm gonna feel the big sad if it is since he's my favourite character in the MCU lol.
Just finished episode 1 of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier!
I thought it was really damn good. It's also a lot darker than I thought it'd be. It feels very much like Captain America: The Winter Soldier in terms of tone and action and it does a good job of expanding on Sam and Bucky as characters. This might actually be the best CGI action I've seen on a tv show. I'm really excited to see where this is headed.
Yoooo being an Avenger sucks ass. You save the world time and time again but you don't get paid?
Also hot damn did the government do Sam dirty. As soon as he gave the shield to them they turn around and give it to some white dude.
Overall it was pretty good but I dont think I will find it as engaging as WandaVision. Sam's family fishing boat adventures feel a bit out of place though, but I do think it is a good window to help show off how the blip is effecting regular people in the MCU. I did really like how the blip lead to things such as not being able to take a loan because your records say you made 0 income the last 5 years even though you didn't actually exist anymore in that time frame. Obviously that won't happen in the real world, but honestly if a "blip" did happen shit like that is exactly the type of treatment I would expect to happen to many people.
Oh and also The Cheadle in the house lets fucking GOOOOO
Got around to seeing Episode 1 tonight. I'm very interested in how this show is going to play out, given all the plot threads being juggled already. (though we do only have 6 episodes to deal with this time...)
I wonder what's up with that new evil super soldier. Did someone get their hands on the super-steroids?
Zemo. He's supposed to be in super-jail courtesy of Everett Ross (Martin Freeman), yet he's coming back for this show. Hopefully we see this break-out in real-time or in a flashback.
I also wonder how Bucky is going to tie into all this, especially with all these new relationships he's got. There's Yori (who I'm sure he'll tell about his son and might burn that bridge), this guy Unique, the bartender lady he's getting in with. Plus that therapist he's seeing (and I do not like her already. She doesn't seem... 'helpful' to Bucky.)
Happy to see Rhodey appear. Hope that's not the last of him for this show, maybe it is, ehhh.
Buncha cool action in this episode's opening. Bucky's flashback was cool. Excited to see how they use the budget for this series...
Buncha human moments too. Seeing Sam and his sister struggle to get a loan -- despite one being a superhero and also literally disappeared for 5 years, god that stings. Jeez. You could just feel the unconscious bias in that scene.
No post-credits scene. WandaVision having it for the last 3 episodes made me think that was a thing they were going to do for every MCU show, but I guess that was just meant to ease people away from the sitcom format back into an MCU format?
The ending seemed a bit abrupt, but I'm glad we're getting a 50-minute episode here.
Also... damn it, America! You had to go behind Sam's (and Steve's) back like that?! (Though, duh, of course they would ) I've got bad vibes from this new "Cap" already.
Disney is finally giving in to quarantine and pushing it to Disney+. Other films have been shifted around too.
Black Widow will not premiere on May 7. It will now premiere on July 9, in theatres and on Disney Plus for 30$.
The live-action origin story of Cruella (bleh) was supposed to premiere later this summer, but they've moved it up to May 29th. It will also release simultaneously in theatres and Disney Plus for 30$.
The Pixar film Luca is bypassing theatres entirely and will only premiere on Disney Plus. No menton of a price, so I guess that'll be included for free like Onward and Soul.
Shang Chi has also been pushed back from July to September.
Thinkin about how Shang Chi still has gotten 0 promo.
Im guessing now that they caved and went Disney plus they'll get back on track marketing wise, which funny enough means its probs just gonna be a dump of Marvel trailers every few weeks between TV Shows and movies.
The Black Widow release date got shifted yet again!
Disney is finally giving in to quarantine and pushing it to Disney+. Other films have… more been shifted around too.
* Black Widow will not premiere on May 7. It will now premiere on July 9, in theatres and on Disney Plus for 30$.
* The live-action origin story of Cruella (bleh) was supposed to premiere later this summer, but they've moved it up to May 29th. It will also release simultaneously in theatres and Disney Plus for 30$.
* The Pixar film Luca is bypassing theatres entirely and will only premiere on Disney Plus. No menton of a price, so I guess that'll be included for free like Onward and Soul.
* Shang Chi has also been pushed back from July to September.
Just finished episode 2. While it's a bit more lighthearted compared to the first episode, it definitely still has its darker moments, and is still really enjoyable just the same!
Loved the return of the Star Spangled Man With a Plan theme song!
Isaiah Bradley, who I immediately looked up after the end of the episode, makes his appearance! In the comics he was known as the first black Captain America and he has a similar backstory to the one given here, though it was WW2 instead of the Korean War.
Seems like his grandson is also the Patriot! A Young Avenger who was inspired by Captain America. This one I actually knew.
Of course Zemo appears at the end and it looks like he'll be giving our couple here a hand in defeating the Flag Smashers. I wonder if he'll turn on them by the end of the series or if he'll be an anti-hero of some kind, which would be a big departure from his comic book persona.
We also got that good old fashioned racism, with Sam being racially profiled by a cop and Isaiah's story of being forcefully imprisoned and experimented on by the US government. I wasn't sure if the series would touch on subject matter like this but I'm glad that the end of the previous episode and this proved me wrong.
I was actually kinda liking John Walker at the start, but by the end with how he speaks to Sam and Bucky, and how he carries himself, it's obvious that he doesn't deserve the shield. I hope Sam and Bucky just steal it from him lmao.
Just finished episode 2. While it's a bit more lighthearted compared to the first episode, it definitely still has its darker moments, and is still really enjoyable just the same!
I love how meticulous this show has been in lining up answers to questions the week after (mostly) they're teased. Like they knew what details and conversations would occur each week and they'd always have a satisfying resolution to them.
Episodes 1 and 2 posed the question of the sitcom universe being viewed by a mysterious person and having a random new character Geraldine appear and become an instant friend to Wanda.
Episode 3 reveals that this is all a bubble-universe, with Geraldine being revealed to be an impostor in the world, with Wanda shooting her out into the real-world. It also asks the question of what SWORD has been doing all this time...
Well, Episode 4 is here to quench that thirst, with an episode dedicated to showing exactly what's been going on and how they came to know about this sitcom world.
Episode 5 rolls around with answers to Monica's mind-control in the Hex and briefly teases her radiation superpowers. This episode also introduces Sparky and his untimely death.
Episode 6 answers Vision's question of "What is outside of Westview?", finally letting the popsicle out of the freezer. We get Pietro scenes obviously and some reveals of his version of events differing slightly from Wanda's. Then, of course there's the Hexpansion saving Vision, recasting Darcy and putting into question Wanda's influence over the world.
Episode 7 ties up a lot of those lingering 'Is Wanda really in control of it all?" questions with the reveal of Agatha Harkness, where we learn that Sparky died by her own hand (which is a theory I've seen bounced around the past few weeks) and her messing with the plot of the show to sow doubt in Vision and get close to Wanda.
It's just nice how there's these great little resolutions to questions each week, specifically on details many fans are asking for.
I'm personally hoping we get to see the full series of events as to how Wanda found and got ahold of Vision and what made her create (or inherit) the Hex. I don't think it was all Agnes' doing, since her musical number simply opens with her walking up to the 50's house for the first time, about to introduce herself as "Your neighbour to the right! To my right, not yours."
Spoilers for the latest Wandavision episode.
I guess I sort of expected for Agnes to be revealed as Agatha Harkness. But, I am so excited for the next episode. I'm fucking hating these waits.
Pretty neat video of all the WandaVision Motifs in each theme song.

I picked up on almost all of them already, but I didn't know the It Was ____ All Along theme used the motif as well as the credits having a modified version.
Also, it's a really nice thematic detail, whether intentional or not, that the "Wanda" notes always surround Vision... and they give a pretty wide berth.
After some tomfoolery teases of the next Spider-Man film's title (the actors all posted different reveals on Instagram), we've got the real one.
Spider-Man: No Way Home
There's some speculation within the fandom that the multiple titles could be a tie-in to the multiverse, as well as if there's any meaning behind the different colours of the different logos. But, that's all to be clarified later.
Also Loki has been delayed until June 11th. It was previously scheduled (rumored?) for the beginning of May.
Loved episode 8, I thought it was fuckin' amazing, even got chills a couple of times! Might be Elizabeth Olsen's best performance so far in the entirety of the MCU. Onward to the series finale! I'm very excited to see how they close it off!
And once again, watch out for the mid-credits scene!
Flashing back for a sec, each sitcom episode had a TV Dealer ad released on Twitter alongside it to mimic the era of technology. They're pretty neat.
There's also this gorgeous new promo poster by Matt Ferguson
Hope episode 9 is much longer, there feels like a lot of plotlines to finish up. Good episode though I enjoyed it
Pretty good episode. Glad it doesn't seem like they're making it so Agatha was influencing Wanda but the episode didn't really "answer" that much either. A lot of it felt like it was just set up for the finale. Really the only big reveal was Grey Vision and West View Vision was simply created not stolen. Obviously pretty important but in terms of story progression we are kind of in the same spot we were last week. (Obviously there are some more minor things that I'm sure looking back and in more detail will be expanded like how it seems Wanda always had Witch powers and all that but as of right now I wish there was a bit more progress rather than it being saved towards the very end and even then not really going that far, but that's an overall small criticism.)
Really all I gotta say is I hope the last episode is a lot longer. There is so much to wrap up and if the last episode is around 30 minutes I cant help but feel a lot of it will feel incomplete, which I hope isnt the case as I really hope the Marvel TV shows aren't treated as preludes to the movies.
Really awesome episode that finally gives us a lot of backstory to Wanda, the origin of her fascination with US sitcoms and another push to strengthen Wanda and Vision's relationship. (That was freaking cute seeing Vision try to understand humor.) Damn, I am super invested in this.
Also, I guess there's actual Witches in the MCU now. (I know Wanda is literally the "Scarlet Witch", but so far she's been treated as a more cosmic-stone-powered superhuman. They've planted seeds that she's always had her powers in this episode, so I wonder if they'll expand on that later for a comic novice like me.
I'm glad that they're sticking to the idea that it wasn't actually Agatha, all along. Wanda really did take a whole town hostage in her grief. Also wow, we finally understand the meaning behind that scene from the first D+ Marvel trailer. It's just heavily edited (or un-edited, without the CGI).
Now there's just a few superpower scenes and that one shot of Wanda and Vision holding hands, staring out the window that we're missing...
There's still quite a few lingering questions left too, hopefully there's enough time next week to answer them. (Like, are the kids illusions too? Did Agatha subliminally coax Wanda into conjuring them (with the creepy "For the Children")? If so, why? Just to kill them and make Wanda release her grief? Was Vision not enough?) This episode really only felt like half of a full one. I cannot wait for next week -- but I don't want it to end!
One thing I really disliked about this episode was Agatha's dialogue after every flashback. She would just recount the events that we'd just seen, it felt pretty redundant. (Though, that might be intended for the more casual viewers.)
Also goddamn, I saw a comment on Reddit about how the Calendar Heart in episode 1 takes on a whole new meaning now. If everything in Westview changed, including Wanda's letter, it must have become the Heart-marked date, and right after the change, as Wanda and Vision begin to settle in, they question what in the world the meaning behind it is...
Jeez, that's crushing.
Warning: Spoilers for Wandavision!
The thumbnail for episode 9 got leaked.
Looks like they digitally removed somethings out, in my opinion. It would be cool to see Peter fighting alongside them, and for him to maybe get a speed scene like he did in X-Men: Days of Future Past and X-Men: Apocalypse.
I think you are probably correct about someone being digitally removed as thats a bit weird framing as I dont see why Vision would be standing there and not more centered behind BIlly and Tommy. Although my guess is that its Monica who is digitally removed, not "Quicksilver."
I'm honestly kind of getting emotional, re-listening to the tracks from Episode 7.
I'm really going to miss this show. It's so freakin' neat.
Christophe Beck had to make some weird music for that last sitcom ep. From spooky hijinks music to a hopeful drug ad to an amazing superhero theme. That episode had everything.
@DeliciousDeku @Poogers555
I don't think that's an edited thumbnail. Think of it: If that was the thumbnail, why would they digitally remove something from it if that was going to appear in the episode anyway? Why not choose a different, less-spoilery frame in the episode that doesn't need editing?
In fact, that's already a pretty spoilery thumbnail, considering the kids are alright, from the looks of it. Weird decision from Disney, if I do say so...
Guess it all kind of depends, in all honesty it probably isnt edited in anyway. But Disney did give us that really spoiler-filled trailer before so its not like it isnt something they've done before, and making a spoiler-y image less spoiler-y but still a spoiler seems to fit their marketing lol
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of nerds suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
WandaVision is officially over!
Not the most perfect finale but I really enjoyed the episode! Got some really cool moments, more great dialogue from Vision, as well as a whole heaping of emotional ones that actually had me tearing up. Of course I can't praise Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany enough for their performances. Absolutely loved the series overall and am sad to see it go, but a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts! Thankfully, Falcon and The Winter Soldier will be out in just two weeks to fill the MCU void in my chest!
Big spoilery thoughts below
I love that the double Vision conflict ended with a philisophical argument between the two on who is the real Vision.
It's also pretty hilarious to me that a bunch of fan theories ended up not coming through lmao. No Fan4stic cameo, no Quicksilver, no Mephisto, etc. GGnore. Thankfully I didn't buy too into all the fan theories and just watched the show lol.
Seeing the bullets phase through Monica was really cool looking. She's really got quite an arsenal doesn't she?
The Scarlet Witch outfit looks so fuckin' sick, I love it!
Fun fact, the Darkhold also appears in season 4 of Agents of Shield but it looks completely different, so that about confirms the canonicity of AoS. RIP.
Wanda and Vision's goodbye had me tearing up man. Goddamn, Wanda cannot catch a break! Fuck me, Vision really does keep getting the best lines doesn't he?
I really like that less than a handful of people absolved Wanda for what she did to Westview. The citizens are absolutely terrified of her/hate her by the end.
With Agatha still alive by the end, I wonder if she'll pop up in Multiverse of Madness.
The same goes for White Vision. He's still around so looks like Paul Bettany gets to keep his job! I wonder when he'll pop up next.
Looks like the mid-credits scene is a direct lead up to Captain Marvel 2 with the Skrull lady asking her to go to space.
With the after-credits scene it looks like Wanda is doing that astral projecting thing that Strange did in his movie in order to study the Darkhold. It also seems like she's taking a peek into the multiverse and Doctor Strange 2 will be dealing with Wanda looking to bring her children back.
Just a warning, there is both a mid-credit and after-credits scene.
I don't think a cover of a book is enough to uncanonize the show just yet. Last we saw it Ghost Rider took it to Hell, and well there it could've transformed into "the real deal". Others suggest that there are several copies of the darkhold but I'm not so sure about that.
Kevin Feige actually mentioned agents of shield pretty much the first time since it released recently. The man easily could've said it isn't canon anymore, but instead he defended the shows (also talking about the Netflix shows), and especially their fanbase. In the end, AoS is some of the highest rated and best received content Marvel has put out. I hope it's still canon because it truly is a fantastic show.
I do hope that it does end up being canon. They could probably come up with some kind of explanation like the book constantly changing form or something. Though I think it's more likely that the show will be canon to the multiverse rather than the main universe since AoS has a lot to unpack with the Inhumans and whatnot. I have heard some... things regarding casting which could be exciting if they turn out to be true.
YouTube has been quite the minefield today. Got 2 spoilers glued to my eyes.
My 9pm family watch party can't come soon enough.
Well I watched it and it was overall pretty good, but I would def say it left me with some disappointment.
There was a few beats I found really weird. One was def the part where the town is angry at Wanda, but Wanda's response has nothing to do with how she didn't meant to do it but instead starts saying she's protecting them? Bit weird. I felt it was kind of investable Evan Peter's Quicksilver wasn't going to be any kind of multiverse stuff but I'm also a bit lost on how he had Quicksilver's powers seeing how Agatha doesn't seem to be capable of giving people powers.
I also felt it was pointless to make Hayward a bad guy. Plot easily could've progressed just the same with him remaking Vision to free the people of Westview as he thinks Wanda is evil and give him some characterization to explain his chip on the shoulder about super heroes, instead of "I am bad guy who who is bad." I mean dude then goes "We're going into the Hex!" And then gets stopped in a car crash and that's the end of him. I guess his only actual purpose was to cause drama for people outside the hex.
Anyway, skipping way a head, the ending I felt wasn't as emotional as it was going for simply because we know White Vision has the original Vision's memories now, so there goes Vision again but now we know this other Vision actually knows of the real world and the life he had with Wanda so its hard to imagine Vision and Wanda don't get their happy ending one day.
But now I do really want to say this though. I'm not someone who makes fan theories and if they don't come true I am going to get mad and say something is bad. Some of the stuff people were saying was honestly insane like Ian McKellen was coming back as Magneto because Marvel wants to contract an 81 year old man to play a major character in the MCU for years, right? Like would it have been some bat shit crazy cool thing? Yeah, but if you actually thought it was happening I have no idea what to tell you. Now all that said, I am not a big fan of how a lot of the cast of this show would say X thing and then X thing was not comparable at all. The Skrull (Talos' wife I think?) telling Monica to go hang out with Nick Fury in space is not even remotely comparable to The Mandalorian finale cameo. Paul Bentley saying the final episode has some big secret actor in the show but it was actually himself does not help either. Monica's actress still saying the space engineer's identify is important when it wasn't, why even say it. Like was Richard's showing up likely? No, but the way it was all portrayed really seemed like it should've been someone we'd seen before. Anyway this is becoming more of a rant but basically just trying to say I found that to be pretty silly, as it became less about what the show was actually showing viewers and more so the cast feeding these ideas seemingly knowing how exaggerated it was. Anyway rant thing over.
Overall I think this was a really solid series, but I do wish the ending was a bit more "conclusive" if that makes sense to anyone. But this was a really good episode as a whole. I'm mostly just nitpicking the series as a whole here. Anyway, I'd give the entire series a solid 8/10, yes even after my annoying rant about the last episode.
But most importantly:
Justice for my fucking boy Agent Franklin, that dude is literally still stuck in those tunnels or some shit please save my boy everyone forgot about him what the fuck
Clearly he's Mephisto. He just went back to Hell or something.
This was a very nice final episode for WandaVision.
There was a lot of great action, tension and some surprise twists.
The ending left me feeling (mostly) satisfied with how it's been wrapped up and it was a pretty emotional, near-tear-jerking ribbon to tie up the series.
Though, like others, I do wish it had a bit more finality to it. It feels like the real resolution to the conflict was cut short in the end.
Overall, this was a really fun, creative show. Hopefully Falcon and Winter Soldier isn't too packed with action since I think I need to ease myself into the Marvel action realm (or they need better framing/choreography). That final battle went on a bit too long, IMO. (Also hopefully they have episodes longer than 25 minutes.)
Thanks for coming.
This was fun. Props to Matt Shakman, Jac Schaeffer, Elisabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany for their awesome acting chops and the rest of the team at Marvel.
Edit: oops. Forgot a spoiler tag. 😬
Also I gotta say I am a bit disappointed that Evan Peters isn't going to continue being Quicksilver in the MCU. I said way back when that I thought it would turn into a fake out, but now that the show is over and its confirmed he is a random dude, I am pretty bummed that means he won't be Quicksilver in the MCU. Obviously the real quicksilver is dead and all that, but I always felt Quicksilver in Ultron both character and actor choice wasn't the best. Evan Peters was one of Fox X-Men that not only was a highlight of the even crappy X-Men movies, but the persona he brought with Quicksilver was way better than the MCU's, so a part of me was hoping they wanted to reintroduce Quicksilver back into the MCU in someway using Evan Peters, but now I dont realistically see that happening. Which kinda sucks.
That is a good point. I was worried he'd turn out to be some random Joe Schmoe that Agatha was mind-controlling, and unfortunately that's true. Considering this show's ending is so bleak for Wanda, I don't think it would have been fitting with the theme to have one of her family members -- whether of this universe or not -- survive. I'd be lying if I didn't say I'll miss him though. He had a lot of charisma as Quicksilver
What an amazing finale! I don't think I've been as excited for a series as I was for Wandavison.
There were some really really emotional parts, and I loved that Vision and White Vision were just talking it out. It felt pretty suiting for the character. The death of the Billy and Tommy, and Vision was very sad. And the appearance of a more comic accurate costume was a pretty neat addition since we did get a cheaper one as a gag. It's cool to see a legit one. Kind of disappointed that it wasn't really Pietro and just Agatha's husband. But, it makes sense. Overall, this was a really exciting series and I enjoyed it. Totally can't wait for Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
I love how after a Marvel film is out for like 2 weeks and now after a Marvel show finished, the marketing is just filled with spoilers as the narrator just tells you how much of a fucking loser you are if you haven't seen it yet lmfao
Lol I'm pretty sure they always give you until Monday to be all caught up. After that deadline, it's just spoilery promo after spoilery promo.
They've been doing this for every episode. The marketing department has no chill jeez.
By the way, can we talk about how supremely silly it is that Monica tried to give Wanda a pass for the whole Westview incident? I mean c'mon!
"They'll never know what you sacrificed for them". What?? She was holding people hostage, forcing them to experience her grief through the veil of a perfect life! This all happened because of what she created! Yes, it's sad, but that doesn't make it excusable. I'm so confused why the resident's issues are being glossed over like that.
There's a week break until the Falcon show, but there's still a bit of new Marvel content this Friday.
The Making-of special is now out and it is 57 minutes long. Consider me surprised.
Creativity should not be squandered.
My website: kem chống nắng cho da dầu mụn
Final trailer for The Falcon and The Winter Soldier is out!
The shot of Sam at the Captain America exhibit and him giving a heartfelt speech makes me believe that the series will start with Steve's funeral. I'm gonna feel the big sad if it is since he's my favourite character in the MCU lol.
Very excited for Friday!
Just finished episode 1 of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier!
I thought it was really damn good. It's also a lot darker than I thought it'd be. It feels very much like Captain America: The Winter Soldier in terms of tone and action and it does a good job of expanding on Sam and Bucky as characters. This might actually be the best CGI action I've seen on a tv show. I'm really excited to see where this is headed.
Yoooo being an Avenger sucks ass. You save the world time and time again but you don't get paid?
Also hot damn did the government do Sam dirty. As soon as he gave the shield to them they turn around and give it to some white dude.
i enjoyed first episode. really engaged in buckys story but not sams yet. The bank scene was well made and the CGI in sams fights were good.
Overall it was pretty good but I dont think I will find it as engaging as WandaVision. Sam's family fishing boat adventures feel a bit out of place though, but I do think it is a good window to help show off how the blip is effecting regular people in the MCU. I did really like how the blip lead to things such as not being able to take a loan because your records say you made 0 income the last 5 years even though you didn't actually exist anymore in that time frame. Obviously that won't happen in the real world, but honestly if a "blip" did happen shit like that is exactly the type of treatment I would expect to happen to many people.
Oh and also The Cheadle in the house lets fucking GOOOOO
Got around to seeing Episode 1 tonight. I'm very interested in how this show is going to play out, given all the plot threads being juggled already. (though we do only have 6 episodes to deal with this time...)
Also... damn it, America! You had to go behind Sam's (and Steve's) back like that?! (Though, duh, of course they would
me next year watching Tales from the Borderlands 2 announced by Gearbox with not a single person from the original creative team
The Black Widow release date got shifted yet again!
Disney is finally giving in to quarantine and pushing it to Disney+. Other films have been shifted around too.
Thinkin about how Shang Chi still has gotten 0 promo.
Im guessing now that they caved and went Disney plus they'll get back on track marketing wise, which funny enough means its probs just gonna be a dump of Marvel trailers every few weeks between TV Shows and movies.
Just finished episode 2. While it's a bit more lighthearted compared to the first episode, it definitely still has its darker moments, and is still really enjoyable just the same!
Loved the return of the Star Spangled Man With a Plan theme song!
Isaiah Bradley, who I immediately looked up after the end of the episode, makes his appearance! In the comics he was known as the first black Captain America and he has a similar backstory to the one given here, though it was WW2 instead of the Korean War.
Seems like his grandson is also the Patriot! A Young Avenger who was inspired by Captain America. This one I actually knew.
Of course Zemo appears at the end and it looks like he'll be giving our couple here a hand in defeating the Flag Smashers. I wonder if he'll turn on them by the end of the series or if he'll be an anti-hero of some kind, which would be a big departure from his comic book persona.
We also got that good old fashioned racism, with Sam being racially profiled by a cop and Isaiah's story of being forcefully imprisoned and experimented on by the US government. I wasn't sure if the series would touch on subject matter like this but I'm glad that the end of the previous episode and this proved me wrong.
I was actually kinda liking John Walker at the start, but by the end with how he speaks to Sam and Bucky, and how he carries himself, it's obvious that he doesn't deserve the shield. I hope Sam and Bucky just steal it from him lmao.
Oh yeah, these things come out at like 2pm for you, don't they? I'm jealous.
Around 6-7pm actually, but yeah I get it at a more reasonable time than the US and Canada
Even better for some late-night popcorn entertainment. Cool