I appreciate the thought, but I ask you to refrain from posting the day count since 1) I don't want visitors getting confused because of time differences and 2) I don't want to have a repeat of day 30/31. Thank you!
That's unfortunately the game plan. I hope TWAU S2 is coming out relatively soon. I genuinely enjoyed S1 even with the dollar bill glitch part ruining a bit of the seriousness for a hot second.
hey uh i have some sort of bug in ep 6 s1 a portal to mystery where the soul sand and when you press q as fast as you can the bug just make you go to laa
That's okay, just upload your files to a third party website like imgur and then copy the link and paste it into this:

Understandable have a nice Day 38.
I appreciate the thought, but I ask you to refrain from posting the day count since 1) I don't want visitors getting confused because of time differences and 2) I don't want to have a repeat of day 30/31. Thank you!
That's unfortunately the game plan. I hope TWAU S2 is coming out relatively soon. I genuinely enjoyed S1 even with the dollar bill glitch part ruining a bit of the seriousness for a hot second.
Day 39 of asking for MCSM S3.
Day 40 of asking for MCSM S3. I have a little treat for Day 50 coming up, so be sure to stick around!
Now that's smart!
Day 41 of asking for MCSM S3.
Day 42 of asking for MCSM S3.
Day 43 of asking for MCSM S3.
Day 44 of asking for MCSM S3.
Day 45 of asking for MCSM S3.
Day 46 of asking for MCSM S3.
Day 47 of asking for MCSM S3.
I salute you. I hope you one day get to happily retire this thread, however unlikely that might seem.
Thank you! It's tedious work, but I love MCSM so it's worth it to keep this bad boy alive.
Day 48 of asking for MCSM S3.
go on buddy we are right behind you!
let's do this!
Day 49 of asking for MCSM S3. Come back tomorrow for the surprise!
hey I would die for you
here's the surprise: some art!

Did you draw this?!
Yep! Started working on it around Day 38-39. :]
pigs bois less go
Day 51 of asking for MCSM S3.
That's really great! I love your use of shading.
Aw thanks :']. I typically do cell shading, but I wanted a softer style and opted for airbrush style.
Day 52 of asking for MCSM S3.
Day 53 of asking for MCSM S3.
That's really cute!
Thank you so much!! I'm not very well-versed in drawing animals, so I appreciate the fact people enjoy my Reuben. :']
Ooh you really draw very well
Thank you!! I'm truly happy people like my art. It warms my heart :]
Day 54 of asking for MCSM S3.
Day 55 of asking for MCSM S3.
hey uh i have some sort of bug in ep 6 s1 a portal to mystery where the soul sand and when you press q as fast as you can the bug just make you go to laa