And now for the REALLY cool news, the BIG SURPRISE!
Kauff will answer your questions every FRIDAY!
Yup! Every single friday!
Let's hope he's up to the challenge
OMG! You integrate the Youtubelink into your show!!! I thought what DVD is Kauff talking about?
Thank you so much for this nice surprise, I really got a heart attack! xD
I never expected that!!! You made my day ;-) (I had a permanent smile on my face)
^Hey, I should be thanking you! That clip made me laugh, I think I watched it a dozen times! Haha!
I also saw the movie, if I'm not mistaken. It's about vampire hunters, right? The movie is also brilliant, I may include a clip from it next time.
^Hey, I should be thanking you! That clip made me laugh, I think I watched it a dozen times! Haha!
I also saw the movie, if I'm not mistaken. It's about vampire hunters, right? The movie is also brilliant, I may include a clip from it next time.
Hmmm...Now I have to think of an appropriate question to ask the great monkeyologist.
This guy needs to go pro. He's talented but this isn't money winning material. I'm rooting for him though. I'd like to see him make good, sure why not...
^Hey, I should be thanking you! That clip made me laugh, I think I watched it a dozen times! Haha!
I also saw the movie, if I'm not mistaken. It's about vampire hunters, right? The movie is also brilliant, I may include a clip from it next time.
It's a musical based on the film (the one you probably watched). It's funny, witty and (you are right) about vampire hunters (=Dance of the vampires).
I've never drawn the parallel, but now that I do... seeing Doktor Kauff and Professor Abronsius' similarities makes me laugh out LOUD
Oh, thanks! Glad to see you found it funny. I'm always a bit nervous when I make this kind of jokes... I don't want to offend other people.
Don't tell Majus, but that's why I never risk making Beethoven jokes when I talk to him. He could go like: "You make fun of our composer?! Germany hates you now! Don't come here on vacation! Hmpf!"
I can't wait to see more!
You've never heard of the famous Kauff von Diefendorf? *gasp*
Well, give it a click and see for yourself! You'll catch on pretty quickly
...that's really gross, i dont even wanna think about it
Bromance? Ewwwww!
But we could use some fanart
Thank you so much for this nice surprise, I really got a heart attack! xD
I never expected that!!! You made my day ;-) (I had a permanent smile on my face)
I also saw the movie, if I'm not mistaken. It's about vampire hunters, right? The movie is also brilliant, I may include a clip from it next time.
Hmmm...Now I have to think of an appropriate question to ask the great monkeyologist.
To those who laugh easily, please don't drink or eat anything while watching this episode! We don't wanna get sued
I just KNEW that was a good sign. You made me choke although I wasn't even eating or drinking anything!
It's a musical based on the film (the one you probably watched). It's funny, witty and (you are right) about vampire hunters (=Dance of the vampires).
I've never drawn the parallel, but now that I do... seeing Doktor Kauff and Professor Abronsius' similarities makes me laugh out LOUD
Meanwhile, new episode is up!!
Kauff was taken by surprise by an interesting question...
I'm not sure now which question was more interesting; mine, or the one in Japanese.
No, you're probably right. I can't tell them apart. I just saw characters.
No worries about the subtitles. You're accent sounds so German, I can understand it perfectly well.
... No, wait. That was actually quite offensive to my people
Aaaanyway, I liked your "Korean", but I sure hope Dr Kauff won't need to answer any more of them in the future
What happened between you and Gustav to make you hate each other?
That is actually a pretty valid question, seconded
Okey dokey!
I had to think of Kauff the hole time at the musical (in Stuttgart), so it was very difficult for me to watch it without laughing out loud!
Flashback scene! Flashback scene!!
OzzieMonkey was right. That WAS Japanese. Also the cartoon you were watching must be Dragon Ball, which IS Japanese!!
BTW, you're really talented.
Hehe, I thought it was in japanese, hence the use of Dragon Ball. I was just kidding with the Korean thingie...
Thanks for watching
Oh, ummm, does anyone here know japanese? I tried translating the question via google...didn't help at all. I think it's street talk.
I'm a Japanese indeed, but didn't understand the question. I think it's gibberish. It was funny though.
Don't tell Majus, but that's why I never risk making Beethoven jokes when I talk to him. He could go like: "You make fun of our composer?! Germany hates you now! Don't come here on vacation! Hmpf!"
Can you and Kauff have an orange truffle fight through the TV?
At least you haven't included any Oktoberfest jokes in your videos yet.
Because the chance of a German looking like this:
is as high as a Romanian looking like this:
Though it would be funny, if Kauff and Gustav met on Oktoberfest XD Not a too intellectual surrounding for a first meeting...