"Login Error: Can't communicate with Telltale Servers."



  • 'You don't own the game'... what the hell?!

  • The new error means that they're clearly working on something on their end and making changes. People should see that as a good thing.

    Clearly they haven't gotten it taken care of yet, but they undoubtedly will. Patience.

  • I'm with you. I'm about to call up my CC company and charge this back.

    Gnoraks posted: »

    "You dont own this game". Guess what I pre ordered weeks ago! Now we have reached a point, where it is just ridiculous. God damn it. This

  • Awhh </3

    Dharan posted: »

    GREAT, now I'm getting a "You don't own the game" error, are you kidding me? I'm beyond pissed right now

  • Next thing that'll happen is a big hand will reach from out of your monitor and slap you in the face and shout BOOYAA

  • edited December 2013

    I'm sorry if someone has already posted this in the +25 pages of comments, but if I have a weird bug:

    • If I try email + password for activation I get a server communication error
    • If I try username + password for activation I get a "You don't own the game" message (I've checked that my game appears in my TTG account)

    That's just great

    I've a one year-old nephew who learns faster than Telltale's people... They activation system just doesn't work and they never learn. I think I cannot really blame them, I did the same: I preordered TWAU at TTG and, even having suffered that unacceptable delay, I preordered from them again. But this time and no more.

    I think that I will go to bed and wake up with a steam key to activate tomorrow early in the morning. Oh God! How I love routine; this time I not even nervous...

  • Sorry, but the situation just is inacceptable - not being able to play a single player game because the developer opted to go for a always-on-DRM without having the required skills / infrastructure to ensure smooth operations is mind boggling. Either remove that crap DRM or give us Steam Keys!

  • You don't own the game the game owns you

  • This does make me feel like I should never buy a game direct from TTG again, or even pre-order from them through other distributors. At least, after a few months, they had most of the choice-remembering issues from Season 1 sorted. But to be treated like this... it's inexcusable.

    At the VERY least, with other companies, you get a forum message apologizing and reassuring you that the problem is being sorted. You're not just waiting in limbo wondering if they're even looking at your problem or if it will be months until they get around to it.

    It is a consumer market - if we didn't support them, TTG would disappear. So why are they treating their paying customers like this?

  • edited December 2013

    "Can't communicate with Telltale Servers."
    "Can't communicate with Telltale Servers."
    "Can't communicate with Telltale Servers."
    "You don't own the game."
    "Can't communicate with Telltale Servers."
    "Can't communicate with Telltale Servers."


    Why oh why did I trust TellTale over Valve/Steam? God only knows.. guess I pay the price for that now.

  • edited December 2013

    You only license it. Which a long time ago was basically the same thing when the games were still released on physical mediums.
    The copyrights and licensing is a way to deal with content that can be easily duplicated and to protect the rights of the creators. However, somewhere along the road it changed and now you not only don't own the physical copy, you're required to use proprietary software to run the game, to authenticate it. Basically they are treating you like a pirate, you are suspected of theft while the real thieves are running free. No longer innocent until proved otherwise. It changed so much that the licenses states that you have no warranty, you have to indemnify the licensor and you cannot complain in any way.

    Why is this this way? I do not know. The games nowadays are not that different from a movie or tv/web-series.

    Then you get guys like the SketchyGalore who just don't understand that everybody is shaping the industry and you don't have to do what developers and publishers tell you. You like steam? Buy the games there. You support developers? Fine with that. Developer/publisher screwed you? Voice the opinion and don't buy the game.

    Actually it would be accurate to say you don't own the game (as in copyrights to the whole thing) but you own a copy (as in a copy of the game).
    It's a copy and it should be resellable (that's what EU Tribunal said, that's what copyright law says in most of the countries that adopted the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works). Developers and publishers don't like that (they're not getting any money from that) so they are trying to bind you with 'services' saying that you're buying a 'service' not a game. That's fine if the service works and is convenient (Steam for example) it's not fine when you require paying customers to go through hell to run the game (vide GTA4 or GFWL games). Or when the DRM is just ridiculous (constant Internet connection in Ubisoft games) or just doesn't work (Telltale case).

    Danio658 posted: »

    'You don't own the game'... what the hell?!

  • It's not that the game isn't working, you aren't working the game

    jwsg posted: »

    You don't own the game the game owns you

  • Now that's weird, I get the exact opposite. Logging in with my email results in "You don't own the game" and logging in with my username results in a communication error.

    go_ob posted: »

    I'm sorry if someone has already posted this in the +25 pages of comments, but if I have a weird bug: * If I try email + password for act

  • had the same problem since the second the game became available on my pc - tried about 200 times since with no joy.

    downloaded on my mac laptop and got straight in. bizarre.

    the mac straight away seemed to attempt to connect with circle revolving, doesn't do that on pc just pops up the 'can't connect screen'.

    havent played twd on my laptop before so guess i'll be getting default settings!

  • If not being able to play for a few hours is this big of a deal, then you should probably trust the much larger company with much more experience in distributing video games, yes. That's the trade off. You get the collector's DVD, but you have to deal with a company for whom the actual delivery system isn't their primary developmental focus.

    If you absolutely must play the game the second it's launched, you should go with Steam.

    SunderPrime posted: »

    This does make me feel like I should never buy a game direct from TTG again, or even pre-order from them through other distributors. At least,

  • Welp heading out now will try to come back on the forums during break or something. I pre-ordered this the day it went up and this is the thanks I get thanks again Telltale for taking my money! :)

  • "You dont own the game"
    You guess what?
    I have payed via PayPal you have 24 hours to fix it or i just gonna get myself my money back and buy it on steam
    I give a shit on the collectors edition of a game not playable

  • [removed]

    Welp heading out now will try to come back on the forums during break or something. I pre-ordered this the day it went up and this is the thanks I get thanks again Telltale for taking my money!

  • It now says that I don't own the game either. But I sure as hell payed for it.

  • You might want to try asking the support forums.

    I think some of the issues revolve around password characters based off of what I have checked, but don't hold me to that.

    go_ob posted: »

    I'm sorry if someone has already posted this in the +25 pages of comments, but if I have a weird bug: * If I try email + password for act

  • I'm reminded of friends, when Janice walks into the restaurant kitchen and spies Monica with a lobster.

    Monica: Lucky bastard! [Slams lobster in the boiling pot.]

    GavinUK86 posted: »

    I bought it from GMG and it's working fine.

  • Same problem here. CD Projekt RED/GOG's model is the way forward.

  • And so you go to a forum and waste your time trying to troll people and make them feel bad for having a complaint? You're saying you've never had a first world complaint about anything before? It doesn't matter if you feel it's minor, people still paid money and felt they deserved to get what they paid for. Money just doesn't instantly happen, people work hard to earn it.

    Instead of wasting your time worrying about people having first world problems on the internet on a forum, maybe you could spend it doing something more productive? Because the way your wording it isn't actually making people think about anything. It's hard to take anything you say seriously when you coat your sentences in what seems to be the ignorant trollings of a 10 year old.

  • "You don't own the game."
    Well good that means I get my money back right? So I can buy it from steam now!

    What do you mean no.

    Awww dammit!

  • Try again, i got the same message at first.

    Man they said I don't own the game!!!!!!!

  • Telltale your just more proof that DRM harms more than it helps

  • I'm sure they weren't going to fix these issues, but now that a guy on the forums is going to reverse his PayPal charge, they're going to start working on it.

    TheRipper posted: »

    "You dont own the game" You guess what? I have payed via PayPal you have 24 hours to fix it or i just gonna get myself my money back and buy it on steam I give a shit on the collectors edition of a game not playable

  • umm i this it came you do not own the game then i logged out and logged back in and then went back to the game and it still says you do not own the game :(

    Teban82 posted: »

    THIS WAS IT!!!!! All the other methods and even the registry with /p didnt worked. Followed the steps above without the /p and it happened e

  • Why are you even on the forums if you dont care?

    I'm sure they weren't going to fix these issues, but now that a guy on the forums is going to reverse his PayPal charge, they're going to start working on it.

  • Steam keys cost next to nothing to provide except future lost sales of people re-buying it on Steam. What kind of stuff are you smoking, son? Your logic isn't clear at all. I think you're trolling us.

    Yes, they could have also given everyone a new car, but I'm not sure why they'd give something to people that they never promised to give them and which would only have cost them money.

  • So I own the game and after X failures trying to login I finally do and it tells me i dont own the game...when it says clearly in my account that i do...what is this?

  • They ARE working on it. But it is like me cleaning up. You have to make it worse to figure out where to put what...

    Right now I don't even have the chance to type in my LogIn Data. It instantly says "Login Error".

  • But there's an obvious issue which is possible to predict, considering recent events with the releases of previous games. And, I don't think being called a "small percentage" is in anyway respectful, instead it has obviously added fuel to the fire. Still, I love Telltale and the games they make. I won't stop supporting them for something as trivial as waiting another day or a couple of hours. Still, don't call me a small percentage, it hurts.

    What's disrespectful? Having a technical difficulty that's affecting a small group? Is it also disrespectful when there's a wreck on the f

  • This is fucking horse shit. Give us steam keys or make the login system work!

  • Same here with the "you don't own the game" message. Now we are another small percentage of users? The ones with the server conection problem and the ones with the "don't own the game" problem...

  • I care quite a bit about Telltale, their games, and the community. In fact, wanting the community to look like something other than entitled, grabby whiners is a major part of why I'm doing it. :)

    Undeadelvis posted: »

    Why are you even on the forums if you dont care?

  • Same with me. I just click to begin and then the message pops up.

    AnnaV posted: »

    They ARE working on it. But it is like me cleaning up. You have to make it worse to figure out where to put what... Right now I don't even have the chance to type in my LogIn Data. It instantly says "Login Error".

  • That's because we're logged in already.

    Guzzedup posted: »

    Same with me. I just click to begin and then the message pops up.

  • criscism of a company's practices is justified especially in this case, not all of us are whining demanding free stuff

    I care quite a bit about Telltale, their games, and the community. In fact, wanting the community to look like something other than entitled, grabby whiners is a major part of why I'm doing it.

  • Do you really think that now you're never going to get to access the game?

    Do... do you really think that, though?

    AGoods001 posted: »

    sweet now it says I don't own the game ill never see that $25 again I bet thanks TellTales good job with the launch

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