"Login Error: Can't communicate with Telltale Servers."



  • sweet now it says I don't own the game ill never see that $25 again I bet thanks TellTales good job with the launch

  • edited December 2013

    is there any way to get my money back?

  • I was finally able to log in and I got a "you do not own this game message" tried logging out and back in and got it again. Seems that is the only message I am getting now.

  • I have to head to sleep now... -.- Hopefully this will be working in 12 hours 'cos I'll be trying again then.

    Nice job TT, I had munchies for my awesome game night with TWD S2, tho I ate all of them during the waiting game :c

  • How exactly is wanting a game you purchased to work being a "entitled, grabby whiner"?

    You're damn right I'm entitled to a working product after paying for said product.

    I care quite a bit about Telltale, their games, and the community. In fact, wanting the community to look like something other than entitled, grabby whiners is a major part of why I'm doing it.

  • But I always had to type in username and password. After quitting and restarting the game (for about the 20th time) it got to this behaviour.. just different.

    Tonrix posted: »

    That's because we're logged in already.

  • Amen to that

    How exactly is wanting a game you purchased to work being a "entitled, grabby whiner"? You're damn right I'm entitled to a working product after paying for said product.

  • probably

    vandigeth posted: »

    I have also been informed that I do not own the game yet the receipt is in my inventory for proof. Are you guys completely inept there at TTG?

  • I'm now getting the You Don't Own the Game message. Shame, hopefully things will be fixed asap. Looking forward to playing this.

  • I have also been informed that I do not own the game yet the receipt is in my inventory for proof.

    Are you guys completely inept there at TTG?

  • But are you entitled to it absolutely working without a single technical issue the very second that it's supposed to be released?

    Not really. Technical issues happen, and are usually pretty unavoidable. You're part of a small group that's not able to get into the game because of something they likely couldn't have forseen. Whining about being ripped off because of a problem they're working on is pretty entitled.

    How exactly is wanting a game you purchased to work being a "entitled, grabby whiner"? You're damn right I'm entitled to a working product after paying for said product.

  • This guy is on a loop - "entitled whiners". And he registered just a few days ago so he wasn't here for previous releases.

    How exactly is wanting a game you purchased to work being a "entitled, grabby whiner"? You're damn right I'm entitled to a working product after paying for said product.

  • They could shut down the servers tomorrow and take all of the money we payed and someone like you aka a fanboy would just turn around and say it's ok i can buy it again on steam thanks Telltale

    I care quite a bit about Telltale, their games, and the community. In fact, wanting the community to look like something other than entitled, grabby whiners is a major part of why I'm doing it.

  • well, not as bad as EA

    They're so inept that most people are able to log in and play just fine and only a small percentage are affected by an issue. WORST COMPANY EVAR GARAHARAHGH

  • They're so inept that most people are able to log in and play just fine and only a small percentage are affected by an issue. WORST COMPANY EVAR GARAHARAHGH

    vandigeth posted: »

    I have also been informed that I do not own the game yet the receipt is in my inventory for proof. Are you guys completely inept there at TTG?

  • Next time I'll go Steam.
    After 10 years I'll abandon this store.

  • Just sent a refund email at TTG. Lets see what they make of that.
    Either I get a Steam Key, my money back (Which I will spend on the game as soon it gets cheap as hell on Steam) or just another middlefinger in my face.
    Lets see.

  • I think that could be a possibility not very likely but they certainly don't give 2 shits about customers...not even going to update on the issues at hand or anything a long those lines that's pretty piss poor customer service

    Do you really think that now you're never going to get to access the game? Do... do you really think that, though?

  • Christ.

    Somebody woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning.

    Either that, or you are a sodding idiot. That's like saying normal people "don't care about laws."

    If they take your money and you get nothing, that's theft. I THINK when they have a finished product and are actively trying to deliver it to you, they don't want that class action lawsuit, you egotistical, self centered, misinformed, arrogant, self-entitled little troll.

    By any chance have you just started high school and have your parents already paying £35 a month for an expensive phone you don't need?

    AGoods001 posted: »

    I think that could be a possibility not very likely but they certainly don't give 2 shits about customers...not even going to update on the issues at hand or anything a long those lines that's pretty piss poor customer service

  • For someone that hates entitled whiners, you sure are fitting right in with them. Yay, your copy works, fantastic for you. But... You'd be aiming these smartass comments at telltale if you had trouble like the rest of us. I'm not asking for a refund like some, I just want this game to work as advertised.

    I care quite a bit about Telltale, their games, and the community. In fact, wanting the community to look like something other than entitled, grabby whiners is a major part of why I'm doing it.

  • If you purchased it on Paypal you can open a ticket requesting a refund. Paypal gives the seller about 2 and a half weeks to resolve the issue and offer a refund. If they don't the buyer is then given the chance to close the ticket or escalate it, at that point Paypal decides if the buyer should be refunded and if so, I guess they charge the seller or put a strike on their account or whatever.

    is there any way to get my money back?

  • edited December 2013

    It's not just about it being available when they said it would be available. Or getting the product that I have already paid them money for. (And all of what both of those things mean under law.)

    It's about the complete lack of communication. We've paid for something. It hasn't been delivered/is not working, and we are left to wonder whether it is being looked at, at all. We know that there are moderators here. Would it be so hard for someone up top to send down a message that "it is being looked at and we hope to have it running within [??] hours, apologies for the inconvenience to our loyal fans. We really appreciate your support and patience in this."?

    Would it even be so difficult to post on the site that if you are having this issue, you shouldn't worry as it is being looked at (so you don't have to clog up the forums)?

    (Plus, I bought the game through GMG so I don't know if the CE is even available to me.)

    If not being able to play for a few hours is this big of a deal, then you should probably trust the much larger company with much more experie

  • edited December 2013

    That picture of Lee seems to be made for situations like this :D

    Guzzedup posted: »

    Atleast i'm not getting the "You do not own this game message"; however, Telltale you still suck

  • should be made into a meme XD

    Gnoraks posted: »

    That picture of Lee seems to be made for situations like this

  • edited December 2013

    Why the hell are you even here? Out of everyone on this forum, you've been the only person to stick out as an asshole. Some of us are waiting for some news or instructions on what to do, but you? You're just here rubbing the fact that you can play in everyone's faces.

    They're so inept that most people are able to log in and play just fine and only a small percentage are affected by an issue. WORST COMPANY EVAR GARAHARAHGH

  • Atleast i'm not getting the "You do not own this game message"; however, Telltale you still suck

  • You care so much that you decided to register 5 days ago. Yeah right...

    I care quite a bit about Telltale, their games, and the community. In fact, wanting the community to look like something other than entitled, grabby whiners is a major part of why I'm doing it.

  • Not working game might or might not be called disrespectful but calling paying customers pirates (and that's what happening with "you don't own this game" message) is slander!

    xoannalise posted: »

    I'm now getting the You Don't Own the Game message. Shame, hopefully things will be fixed asap. Looking forward to playing this.

  • at least you don't get a message saying that you didn't purchase the game
    bought it off GMG, redeemed it, download it from this site my game section and it wants me to buy the game again-_-

  • Yeah, though it's doubtful that many companies will follow.

    Same problem here. CD Projekt RED/GOG's model is the way forward.

  • "You do not own this game" - fuck you TellTale...

  • Thanks to guys like SketchyGalore who will put up with all bs thrown at them. Although I'm starting to think that he is just damage control.

    Danio658 posted: »

    Yeah, though it's doubtful that many companies will follow.

  • I logged into Season 1, then into season 2 , and it told me I didn't own the game..WTF

  • Actually, it is a legitimate complaint that we have heard nothing back from the company themselves.

    OliTheG posted: »

    Christ. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning. Either that, or you are a sodding idiot. That's like saying normal peopl

  • I second this and just changed my picture

    hickory7293 posted: »

    should be made into a meme XD

  • I get the error "you do not own the game" no matter which login I use.

    Like you, I checked my games list and I be darned, TWD S2 appears in my list.

    TTG are you rob'in us ? No wait, do not answer that, you should focus on getting this sorted! mush mush mush

    go_ob posted: »

    I'm sorry if someone has already posted this in the +25 pages of comments, but if I have a weird bug: * If I try email + password for act

  • same here......

    rebabevets posted: »

    I logged into Season 1, then into season 2 , and it told me I didn't own the game..WTF

  • They can't print off steam keys. They don't own Valve. They don't own Steam. They have to request the keys from them.

    And hey, in the time that takes (given that this entire thing started at what was 1AM for them) to go through, the issues will probably be resolved.

    And hey, it's only one sodding day. Go outside. Read a book. Learn something. Watch a couple of bad films. Go for a drink. Whatever.


    Gnoraks posted: »

    Just sent a refund email at TTG. Lets see what they make of that. Either I get a Steam Key, my money back (Which I will spend on the game as soon it gets cheap as hell on Steam) or just another middlefinger in my face. Lets see.

  • I think we could use with some Wallacey optimism :D

    Gnoraks posted: »

    That picture of Lee seems to be made for situations like this

  • I really hoped that this time Telltale will deal with all problems on release day, but they fail again. It is so frustrating that I can't play when people who bought game on steam can.

This discussion has been closed.