"Login Error: Can't communicate with Telltale Servers."



  • Same Issue here...
    I feel yet again fucked as a paying customer. I could play the free cracked version by now if i hadnt payed for this game. I refuse to download the cracked version because it makes me feel even more stupid, having payed. This DRM bs is 100% useless as you can see the crackers dont give a damn about it. The only impact it has is on your paying customers who are supporting you and all they get for it is a bigfatshaft up their asses >_>
    i know this will not be read by anybody who has anything to say but i just had to vent my frustration.

  • "Twas the forbidded fruit that Grew the largest"- The Red Panda

    Undeadelvis posted: »

    To be honest this forum shouldn't even exist lol

  • Even if I do not get a key, I do not want to be part of this shit.

    All this is no way you should handle your customers. So either way, I am out. Its a matter of principles.
    I do not want to support this attitude by just complaining here and doing nothing.

    When the time is right I will get it from steam during a sale or something. This way I do not get screwed.

    And if they get it right in time, then I still can write "Well, you did manage to get your own game startet after 6 hours, so yeah, just keep my money and we are both more or less happy"

    SunderPrime posted: »

    That's weird - the steam keys thing. I'm not expecting them to supply any or anything like that, but I remember how, during summer sales, Steam often say how they have to wait for more keys from the developer. Strange.

  • edited December 2013

    I tried for an hour, and gave up.. same errors as everyone else "You do not own the game" even though I do.Mod Edit: No Piracy Talk

    Thanks pirates.

    TTG - provide Steam copies to people affected by this problem or you will never see a penny from me again.

  • edited December 2013

    Well, we can connect to the servers now....that's progression ;)

    (glass half full)


  • Well said.

    Gnoraks posted: »

    Even if I do not get a key, I do not want to be part of this shit. All this is no way you should handle your customers. So either way, I am

  • I'm so very close to doing this.

    Maybe they are revoking keys so they can give everyone a steam key :P. Seriously just do a charge-back if you are unhappy. Worse case scenario is that you cannot buy another game directly from telltale. Wait, wut? LOL.

  • edited December 2013

    Maybe they are revoking keys so they can give everyone a steam key :P. Seriously just do a charge-back if you are unhappy. Worse case scenario is that you cannot buy another game directly from telltale. Wait, wut? LOL.

  • Not cool. Go sit in the corner.

  • id functioned i had same prob, now it goes. Bought it via this page...

  • This and cheese. Lots of cheese.

    OliTheG posted: »

    I think we could use with some Wallacey optimism

  • Done.

    Maybe they are revoking keys so they can give everyone a steam key :P. Seriously just do a charge-back if you are unhappy. Worse case scenario is that you cannot buy another game directly from telltale. Wait, wut? LOL.

  • I'm in too. Thanks Telltale, but geez you really need to work on your launch skills.

  • Finally got in. just kept exiting the game after it said I did not own the game. Good luck to everyone else.

  • same here, maybe they finaly did it

    zidaneix posted: »

    Finally got in. just kept exiting the game after it said I did not own the game. Good luck to everyone else.

  • Tried a last time loading the game and although it still complained about not owning it, I finally got in. Just in time to head to bed. grumble

  • Keep trying guys! I managed to log in and I apparently suddenly started owning the game! :D Once you log in and it says "you do not own the game" you have to make this screen go away. The only way is to click buy the game. The game window minimizes and then it is enough to restore it and click on the screen. You are still logged in, so you do not have to enter your credentials again. Now you will either connect or get " you do not own" message. If you get the error, just repeat the above procedure. It took me like 10 or a bit more times to connect. gl!

  • NEWSFLASH, they said it is released. On this very webpage. And on the Twitter. Only it is not. At least not for quite a few users (albeit being called 'the small percentage"). It was released but it has not been launched. That's a novelty. But I guess it's the new industry standard. The industry trying to lower the bar even further each friggin time.
    Two months paid beta that is BF4. All three previous Telltale releases. Ouya release. Beamdog with BG1 HD.

    If I buy the game after the problems - I'm not entitled to anything but a game that runs and is of decent quality. If I buy the game as a pre-order with a release date. The game is released and I still cannot play I'm buying also the ability to play it starting day one. The early access/beta access/early releases are given out as free add-ons and are priced. I do not see how this isn't the case here.

    No, you're not actually entitled to a 100% error-free experience the very second that the game launches. That... that is not a thing to which you are entitled.

  • To everyone getting the "you don't own this" message, I was able to play the game after uninstalling-reinstalling it. whether that speificly fixed it or the server have been updated i dont know i just hope this helps.

  • Get ready to swim with the fishies, mate! Arrr!

    Undeadelvis posted: »

    Arrrrrrrrrrr you be walking the mod plank very soon arrrrr

  • Mine just worked too, so maybe your reinstall is a coincidence.
    Keep trying guys!

    DSSword posted: »

    To everyone getting the "you don't own this" message, I was able to play the game after uninstalling-reinstalling it. whether that speificly fixed it or the server have been updated i dont know i just hope this helps.

  • I don't even have the possibility to log in. No message that I don't own the game. Only the error.

  • Finally work... Thanks, bro.

    DSSword posted: »

    To everyone getting the "you don't own this" message, I was able to play the game after uninstalling-reinstalling it. whether that speificly fixed it or the server have been updated i dont know i just hope this helps.

  • Thank you!

    Howgh_Hawk posted: »

    Keep trying guys! I managed to log in and I apparently suddenly started owning the game! Once you log in and it says "you do not own the game

  • Now it finally works for me, but it's near midnight now here. So I won't be able to play it today anymore. But a thing I've learned, don't support the developers, they won't support you.

    But if Steam is the right decision, is another question, after PRISM... gn8

  • Connected now

  • Still telling me I can't connect to the telltale server, come on.

  • Well it finnaly works but im getting Steam version as soon as I can

  • hahahahahaha

    Gnoraks posted: »


  • edited December 2013


  • So did you win the race?

    rebabevets posted: »

    Hey, $25 bucks is $25 bucks...These people sell the game and there servers don't work, yet steam does, Yeah give me my money back and I'll go to steam

  • Obamacare i thought that was purely a myth :P

    jrwoodwa posted: »

    I just got this error 12/17/2013 at 5:00PM I sure hope TT doesn't have more bugs in the system (and that this works better than the Obamacare.com website)

  • I just got this error 12/17/2013 at 5:00PM

    I sure hope TT doesn't have more bugs in the system (and that this works better than the Obamacare.com website)

  • It it it... it worked. Suddenly it worked.
    This is a wonderful moment. Altought it would have been more wonderful at the release time but... still nice.
    Well, finally I can play, TTG fixed their own game after only...5 hours.

    Well, now I can end the downloads and tell TTG that they can keep my money nevertheless.

    Still wont pre order anything from here.

  • edited December 2013

    I got it to work. You want to login with your account name.
    If the login dialogue is not displayed to you enter "regedit" in execute window
    Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltale Games\Launcher there you have to delete you login and pwd key.
    Restart, reenter credentials and I got it to activate.

  • Hey.

    Hey guys.

    Restart the game.

    I'm in!

  • I tired asking for a steam key they just gave me a 2 dollar credit.

    Yerolo posted: »

    II bought this via GMG and not telltale. I'd like to be able to post this issue on the GMG forums, as they sometimes offer steam keys out for issues like this....but I cnat even login to their forums at the moment either. I guess it isnt our day

  • LOLOL. Me thinks you do need to leave the internet if it has you so angry you start spouting such drivel. Or maybe you're trolling, I don't know. But I do appreciate the praise you give me, it's very flattering that you think of me in that way. And I didn't say they were responsible for any failures in my life, even the ones you've imagined up for me.

    All that aside, if they have responded, I would be most appreciative if you could point me toward that, since several searches on the internet have turned up nothing, which is why I am on these forums where, funnily enough, no one else has been able to speak of any company response.

    OliTheG posted: »

    a) Yes we have. b) Let's say your bank has forgotten to send you a statement. You've sent them an email, and you will get a statement. But

  • True that

    Not dealing with this shit again

    Getting the Steam Version ASAP

    Gnoraks posted: »

    It it it... it worked. Suddenly it worked. This is a wonderful moment. Altought it would have been more wonderful at the release time but...

  • I dunno, I'm seeing quite a number of people who'd rather sit here and yell than get a pirated version, so apparently it did some work. :)


This discussion has been closed.