XBox360 Season pass not working



  • As I said in my thread, it's going to make people untrusting towards future telltale games because we have paid for a season pass to 'get episodes as they become available' and it looks like we are having to wait. I know its only 24 hours, but it's still unacceptable.

    WindWhiskey posted: »

    If this is true, then TTG should be ashamed of themselves. Truly. This is disgraceful. I wonder if after winning GOTY they expanded and hired

  • BULLSHIT!!! This is a coding issue on TT's side and they are trying to put the blame on MS. Effff you TT. I was neutral till I just read that BS.

    TelltaleMike Telltale Staff Flag Hide thread I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this. We are aware of the issue on XBOX Live Mark

  • MS is doing the right thing...TT is completely in the's a damn coding issue not matter what BS they feed us.

    ziomatrix posted: »

    thanks for the info green tee! i went ahead and chatted with support and they told me to do the same and refunded me! downloadinf the episode

  • It seems Telltale and Microsoft are blaming each other... WHAT is going on?! I just want to play!!

  • edited February 2014

    I'm bummed like everyone else that I can't access the new episode via my season pass, but damn you guys are a bunch of whiners. You should be embarrassed of yourselves. Grown-ass adults whining like children. Sometimes things don't go according to plan, deal with it.

  • Great. First I don't get to play Walking Dead Season 2 for a month because Telltale suddenly doesn't like people in Ireland and New Zealand, now the pass is broken? Yay.

    Look, I don't mind- I wasn't even gonna start Smoke and Mirrors until Friday, but as a person who's been shafted thanks to someone at Microsoft and/or Telltale messing up, I'm starting to get annoyed.

    Hopefully this problem can be resolved soon.

  • Telltale is like the great white buffalo....I love you sooo much, but you hurt me all the time.

  • Also I love all your helps pass the time away!

    Telltale is like the great white buffalo....I love you sooo much, but you hurt me all the time.

  • I can't believe that instead of apologizing, both parties are just blaming each other. This is ridiculous school-yard crap. No one will get an apology. No one will get a refund. Everyone will just have to swallow getting the game late from a developer that I personally wish did not have my money, and that will just have to be good enough. It's not good enough. The delays, and now this have been handled so poorly and Telltale hasn't deigned to hint at an apology. I really want someone to prove me wrong.

    I really want Telltale to prove me wrong*

  • irish fan here...telltale had become my favourite developer i had only bought one season pass before the wolf among us because i felt so ripped off with the last one .So with TWD still delayed in Ireland and and now this i wont be buying any more of their products or recommending them to every gamer i know.This is no way to treat your fans

    GoneRampant posted: »

    Great. First I don't get to play Walking Dead Season 2 for a month because Telltale suddenly doesn't like people in Ireland and New Zealand, n

  • Unofficially, I'm not an adult, lol.

    Gutts posted: »

    I'm bummed like everyone else that I can't access the new episode via my season pass, but damn you guys are a bunch of whiners. You should be

  • The issue is that we purchased a product and then did not get what we paid for. It's fraud and it's disrespectful and if you're ok with being treated like you don't matter then carry on. We were cheated and it's not ok with me.

    Gutts posted: »

    I'm bummed like everyone else that I can't access the new episode via my season pass, but damn you guys are a bunch of whiners. You should be

  • I don't think it's a mistake. It seems like a calculated decision that increase revenues at the cost of the consumer's dignity.

    GoneRampant posted: »

    Great. First I don't get to play Walking Dead Season 2 for a month because Telltale suddenly doesn't like people in Ireland and New Zealand, n

  • Anyone know how to start a lawsuit to hit them in the wallet, the only place they care about, like you do with strippers?

    Big_Ordeal posted: »

    I can't believe that instead of apologizing, both parties are just blaming each other. This is ridiculous school-yard crap. No one will get an

  • well Microsoft need to pull their socks coz i don't want to wait till the summer to play the rest of this epic game

  • Having been a loyal customer of microsoft and telltale for years, I have to say that I am very disappointed in them both.

  • I apologize and I'm sorry...does that help any?

    Big_Ordeal posted: »

    I can't believe that instead of apologizing, both parties are just blaming each other. This is ridiculous school-yard crap. No one will get an

  • The xbox live service status page says they will update on their progress in 1 Hour.

  • Actually nowadays most companies (in 'Murika at least) put it in the TOS that if you have any issues with them you can only settle with arbitration (which most often sides with the giant company) and also that you can't form a class action lawsuit against them.

    Anyone know how to start a lawsuit to hit them in the wallet, the only place they care about, like you do with strippers?

  • edited February 2014

    Just out of curiosity, anyone have any idea what the other games with dlc problems are?

  • Pretty sure that's what they have been saying since the game "released" 12 1/2hrs ago,

    The xbox live service status page says they will update on their progress in 1 Hour.

  • For everyone that has the ability to buy it or has already purchased it make sure you choose "Billing- other" as the reason that you are contacting MS Support. The first time I tried I spoke to someone after choosing "Downloadable Content" as the reason I was contacting them and got no where. Was told I could not get a refund if I purchased it and would have to wait 24-48 hours before it would work correctly.

    Then I remembered that the billing department is a level 2 support department and contacted them. Before I even asked I was offered the "buy and then get refunded" solution right away. He got the refund processed in about 2 minutes and the whole session lasted less then 5 minutes.

    Hope this helps anyone else who has been told they couldn't get a refund.

  • They might have, although I don't recall seeing the red text alert message at the top of their website earlier. I could have missed it though.

    darham175 posted: »

    Pretty sure that's what they have been saying since the game "released" 12 1/2hrs ago,

  • edited February 2014

    "You should be embarrassed of yourselves".

    Oh, f*ck off. We have the right to voice our opinions if we want to no matter how upset we are.

    Gutts posted: »

    I'm bummed like everyone else that I can't access the new episode via my season pass, but damn you guys are a bunch of whiners. You should be

  • None

    ReaganStein posted: »

    Just out of curiosity, anyone have any idea what the other games with dlc problems are?

  • Xbox members, do you own a "The Wolf Among Us" Season Pass but are being asked to pay for episode 2 "Smoke & Mirrors?" Our team is engaged and hard at work trying to get this fixed. Thanks for your patience while we work. We'll update you on our progress in one hour.

    ^that was posted on Xbox's support page. So just hang in there guys!

  • Same price-thing here in sweden. Those sneaky fuckers!

    Not sure if it's the same for US people but in the UK it seems Microsoft have hiked the price up for episode 2. Episode 1 was £3.49, but now e

  • seriously they have great customer support from my few instances i needed them and they always come through by resolving the issue but compensation was not expected.
    Really sucks people waited so long for episode 2 from the beginning and this happens. I didnt get into the series till episode 1 was offered free and bought the pass asap cause i loved it.

    MS is doing the right thing...TT is completely in the's a damn coding issue not matter what BS they feed us.

  • So basically, we wait for another hour for what could technically be a "We are working on it" response? Great.

    Xbox members, do you own a "The Wolf Among Us" Season Pass but are being asked to pay for episode 2 "Smoke & Mirrors?" Our team is engaged

  • I'm not suggesting you don't have the right to whine, I'm just letting you know you sound like a child throwing a tantrum.

    MS and Telltale are aware of the issue and are working on it. Do you really think they tried to screw over their loyal customers? The ones who paid for the game in advance? Of course they didn't, or else the issue would've been on all platforms, not just Xbox Live. I'm sure they are more upset internally then even you are.

    MatthewPaul posted: »

    "You should be embarrassed of yourselves". Oh, f*ck off. We have the right to voice our opinions if we want to no matter how upset we are.

  • [removed]

  • I just love you guys and I don't even know ya! This is all summing up how I feel.
    I always liked Telltale and Microsoft and now I feel like I'm just being punished for it.
    I am warning my friends now, since they are both Borderlands and GoT fans, not to buy the Season Pass or, if you do, buy it from Steam.
    It would be nice though if one or both parties took the blame for this and apologized. This didn't happen with Steam or PSN.

  • Well, at least it's better than not getting an answer at all.

    In_Dux posted: »

    So basically, we wait for another hour for what could technically be a "We are working on it" response? Great.

  • I just bought the freedom cry expansion for Assassin Creed 4 and had no problems. It was for Xbox One, I dont know if that matters

    ReaganStein posted: »

    Just out of curiosity, anyone have any idea what the other games with dlc problems are?

  • True.

    JovialTrash posted: »

    Well, at least it's better than not getting an answer at all.

  • Whoa whoa whoa. It's ok to rage (how else are we supposed to vent) but lets try to not get all racist and antisemetic.

  • [removed]

  • This needs to happen.

    I just love you guys and I don't even know ya! This is all summing up how I feel. I always liked Telltale and Microsoft and now I feel like

  • That's so edgy I think I cut myself. Anyone know of any good 3ds games? I just got one recently and I haven't bothered to keep up to date with what's out for it or is coming out for it.

  • This forum is like group therapy, lol. I had a shitty day at work and just wanted to come home and play the next episode. It looks like the Microsoft service alert was last updated at 4:33 pm CST. Still no fix yet :(

    I just love you guys and I don't even know ya! This is all summing up how I feel. I always liked Telltale and Microsoft and now I feel like

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