Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about, MCSM edition



  • Cause.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Just cause.

  • Nice picture of a page with a cloud and grass.

  • MimoDX2 posted: »

    Nice picture of a page with a cloud and grass.

  • Just Cause 3

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Just cause.

  • You speak in a wrong thread

    Esmael posted: »

    hello please can u answer me ? i bought the walking dead season 1 on my mobile from google play i bought the full version but i can't find it with my account here can u help me about it ? thx alot

  • edited March 2016

    they could have used the command block typing in /give @p minecraft:end_crystal

    Reuben posted: »

    I know that but I'm asking how did they get the ender crystals to the overworld

  • could they be referring to end city which is a new place in 1.9

    MMeister123 posted: »

    At the end of episode 4, the narrator says "There are more worlds than just this one." Could there be some sort of unknown world where command blacks can be found, and will we get to visit it?

  • you can pick it up it is possible

  • Well, yes. If you have a piston and a torch, which Jesse clearly didn't have on him.

    Sean6150 posted: »

    you can pick it up it is possible

  • But the End City is still in the End, so that would feel like a cheat.

    Sean6150 posted: »

    could they be referring to end city which is a new place in 1.9

  • There's a support thread where you can ask these questions, but since you're here, the games only show in your account if you've purchased them through the Telltale store (unless you can link them somehow, idk). If you purchase them from outside the store, like GP or Steam, they don't automatically show up.

    Esmael posted: »

    hello please can u answer me ? i bought the walking dead season 1 on my mobile from google play i bought the full version but i can't find it with my account here can u help me about it ? thx alot

  • Ellegaard/Magnus got to be a 'real hero' because, as revealed in Ep4, they actually did everything using the command block that is in the Wither Storm, so they weren't really being heroes back then.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Huh, I just realized Soren says "Save your strength Ellegaard/Magnus..." in a different tone. Also he looks at them differently when they say at least they got to be a real hero.

  • edited March 2016

    In the beginning of Minecraft StoryMode, Axel says how he wanted matching suits like how the ocelots had, but in the end Jesse and his group all get matching armor (which looks much cooler)EDIT: I meant that they all together get armors, so they match as a group.

  • It doesn't really match though. Does look cool.

    NorthStars posted: »

    In the beginning of Minecraft StoryMode, Axel says how he wanted matching suits like how the ocelots had, but in the end Jesse and his group

  • edited March 2016

    I meant as a group they all match since all of them got armor (in my gameplay)

    Flog61 posted: »

    It doesn't really match though. Does look cool.

  • Jesse can be scary dark when she wants to be. I remember when I last went through this, I chose to say "I'm gonna pay you back, Aiden." I did not think she would be so sinister when she promised revenge. Good enough excuse to go back and play again. I dunno if it belongs here, just wanted to share.

    Also, the fishing rod is a valid option.

  • Did anyone else notice that in episode 2, you took the amulet with you to find Magnus/Ellegaard. But somehow, Axel/Olivia managed to find them without taking the amulet or knowing where to go.

  • They would have gotten a rough idea from the map. Also, they already knew about Redstonia/Boomtown, and the minecarts took them most of the way.

    Did anyone else notice that in episode 2, you took the amulet with you to find Magnus/Ellegaard. But somehow, Axel/Olivia managed to find them without taking the amulet or knowing where to go.

  • Comparatively finding magnus is tough than ellegard

    MMeister123 posted: »

    They would have gotten a rough idea from the map. Also, they already knew about Redstonia/Boomtown, and the minecarts took them most of the way.

  • edited March 2016

    If you look at the clothes Jesse's group wears this is the way I found out which person will be part of the new order. Axel is green so he is like Magnus. Olivia is red so shes like Ellegard. Petra is blue so shes Gabriel. Jesse is wearing white so he is Soren. Lukas is black so I dont know. I'll leave him to Ivor.


    enter image description here

    [I added this pic too since the Lukas on the previous was wearing different clothes].

    enter image description here

  • Jesse can wear purple armour though

    JimMate789 posted: »

    If you look at the clothes Jesse's group wears this is the way I found out which person will be part of the new order. Axel is green so he i

  • edited March 2016

    In episode 1 if you remain silent when your about to sneak up on Ivor instead of surprising him from behind, Jesse will go back to hide and Ivor will then see Olivia, ask her what she is doing in his lair and push her over. Petra will then rush over to yell at Ivor.

  • That would be before the Episode 4 and a bit of 3 before when Jesse still had normal clothes.

    Jesse can wear purple armour though

  • edited March 2016


    MarteenPyro posted: »

    (Sadly, I don't remember who posted this picture, but to whoever you are ~ I'll follow you master!)

  • Just like to say cough YES cough... whew that was a bad one!

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    The color of his clothes also change depending on which design you pick.

    JimMate789 posted: »

    That would be before the Episode 4 and a bit of 3 before when Jesse still had normal clothes.

  • In episode 5 in the Founders throne room if you go and examine the book case you'll find a book written by Soren entailing his studies on the Endermen

  • I hope that is explained in future episodes, because how the hell did that get there?

    In episode 5 in the Founders throne room if you go and examine the book case you'll find a book written by Soren entailing his studies on the Endermen

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    If you took cake from the witch hut in episode 4, Axel will bring it up when you find cake in the chest at the beginning of 5.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    If you back up Lukas instead of helping the founder you punch Aiden and he loses some teeth. Also Lukas doesn't fall down with you so it's just you and Isa.

    enter image description here

    Also if you push Aiden off after the final battle, instead of being rounded up with the rest of his gang at the lake Lukas finds him and hands him over.

  • What happens if you just leave him?

  • When The New order are escaping the temple Petra will say "Cave spiders. Why did it have to be cave spiders?" Which is a reference to Indiana Jones' "Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?'

  • Anyone notice that Scott Porter(Lukas' voice) also voices Luke from TWD Season 2. They even get their ribs hurt by an old friend-ish. Lukas by Aiden if you save Isa and Luke by Carver after he is found.

  • Air mail?

    I hope that is explained in future episodes, because how the hell did that get there?

  • Yeah, well, a lot of people noticed it since Episode 1 :P

  • stirpicusstirpicus Telltale Alumni

    Ohhhhhhhhh I knew I remembered writing lines where Scott Porter talks about his ribs hurting somewhere else before!

  • If you walk away from him, he'll try one last attack from behind cause he doesn't like being ignored and you'll have push him into the waterfall.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    What happens if you just leave him?

  • Thx ;)

    If you walk away from him, he'll try one last attack from behind cause he doesn't like being ignored and you'll have push him into the waterfall.

  • I also noticed that the Aiden fight is similar to the Andy St. John fight. Even having a similar line if you walk away from them

    stirpicus posted: »

    Ohhhhhhhhh I knew I remembered writing lines where Scott Porter talks about his ribs hurting somewhere else before!

  • edited March 2016

    If you left on bad terms with Lukas at the beginning of Ep. 4, he apologies at the beginning of Ep. 5. Also, he says, that you are a good friend.

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