Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about, MCSM edition



  • I thought Lukas said that, if you only have Ol she will say something like "I would be happier if Axel and Lukas were here too..." -- But yeah, I was hoping I could bring him, at least we got a sick chest bump.

    AChicken posted: »

    Ah. The comment Olivia makes: "I wish Axel was here. He'd say a joke and then we'd all laugh." made me think that him staying was a determinant choice.

  • That thief!

    enter image description here

    Hey, I noticed that too. Maybe the storm took them or something

  • Nothing's good for her, nothing!

    AChicken posted: »

    She says: "Wait, were you the one that was too scared to jump?"

  • jetra confirmed!
    or im just want to confirm jetra

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Nothing's good for her, nothing!

  • Jetra will always be canon, others just can't see it or too afraid to admit it.

    DefrelXxX posted: »

    jetra confirmed! or im just want to confirm jetra

  • This may be kind of obvious, but the fact that at the end of Episode 4, LUKAS IS NOT ON STAGE, why!? You tell me, this is small, but it very much upsets me, seeing as Lukas and Reuben are/were my favorite characters.

  • Its not really, but I'm just kinda ranting, is, why didn't they call themselves, instead of "The New Order of The Stone", "The Order of The Pig"!? I chose that at Endercon, and I think it is very fitting, especially with what happened to Reuben!!!

  • Thx. :) Do you remember Jesse's reply too?

    AChicken posted: »

    She says: "Wait, were you the one that was too scared to jump?"

  • True, no matter what you choose to say there, you get owned. ...Way to go, Petra?

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Nothing's good for her, nothing!

  • Actually, I think he's in line to get cookies. Could be wrong, though.

    Oh, in episode 1 when your at the slime booth at endercon getting the slime balls, if you look behind ya you see Lukas in line to get a slime ball, and he gives u one to help craft the slime block.

  • we dead (c) afk jassy. maybe this way?

    lucariolu5 posted: »

    True, no matter what you choose to say there, you get owned. ...Way to go, Petra?

  • Of course he is. xD

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Actually, I think he's in line to get cookies. Could be wrong, though.

  • edited January 2016

    Yeah, I had Lukas with me. But, how do you get a chest bump with Axel? Is it because I gave him the Amulet? Is there an option to not give him the Amulet?

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    I thought Lukas said that, if you only have Ol she will say something like "I would be happier if Axel and Lukas were here too..." -- But yeah, I was hoping I could bring him, at least we got a sick chest bump.

  • edited January 2016

    He doesn't say anything. It just moves on to the next dialogue choice.

    He goes for the silent route himself.

    lucariolu5 posted: »

    Thx. Do you remember Jesse's reply too?

  • He'll has the amulet no matter what I guess, before you go to the Far Lands and he stays, you gotta do the little quick time event the game offers, and the chest bump will be the last one. Whatever handshake you picked in episode 1 (Warrior Whip, Redstone Rap, Builder Bump, Griefer Grab) will be mentioned by us when he says something like: We never did the handshake. And then you'll have an opportunity to do it, the game won't let you much time though. So you gotta be quick!

    AChicken posted: »

    Yeah, I had Lukas with me. But, how do you get a chest bump with Axel? Is it because I gave him the Amulet? Is there an option to not give him the Amulet?

  • I think he likes to stay with his old friends, even if he's coming to you to the Far Lands.

    But I wonder where he would stand then jump from... Probably next to Olivia, because he and Petra are the new people in the group so they are the farthest from the middle... And Ol' and Ax' are Jesse's best friends so they're next to him/her and Jess as our hero stands in the middle... Okay, this is irrelevant, sorry...

  • Each handshake is also different so you may not get the chest bump.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    He'll has the amulet no matter what I guess, before you go to the Far Lands and he stays, you gotta do the little quick time event the game

  • My favorite is the Griefer Grab, but tried all of 'em, who knows... I had two different handshakes and got it, maybe you just have to successfully do that little qte.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Each handshake is also different so you may not get the chest bump.

  • I thought the same! It would fit PERFECTLY.

  • Ok, I did the Warrior Whip, so, I didn't get a chest bump at the end.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    He'll has the amulet no matter what I guess, before you go to the Far Lands and he stays, you gotta do the little quick time event the game

  • I would say it's sensitive to the presence of their armor, not the person. That would imply that it's possible to tune whatever the glowy is made of to the frequency of a person's soul or something. While that would be cool, why would they have just left their probably-dead friend behind? I think if I were Soren, I'd want to be very sure that my friend was dead, check the pulse and everything, before up and walking away.

    They have been wearing their armor the entire time. Not sure about Ivor, though.

  • edited January 2016

    Yeah, you may be right. I was thinking because Jesse has been wearing the armor for a while and it hasn't really glowed until then. I believe that the amulet may be somehow connected to their life essence or soul. It may be implying it. Side note, kinda bummed that they had a whole shrine for Reuben but none for Magnus or Ellegaard. (That's kind of rude tbh) I made sure that Ellegaard was remembered, even though I was never really fond of her. She was rude towards Olivia. Yeah, Magnus shot Reuben from his TNT cannon, but would you rather Reuben be blown up with the cannon? He kind of saved his life if you think about it. XD Back on track, if it was just tracking the armor then wouldn't their respective amulet color be glowing all the time? Jesse is literally holding onto the amulet, and it wasn't glowing for a good chunk of the time while wearing their armor after their death. This may imply that the amulet is somehow connected deeper with them then just maybe their armor? Considering the fact that they just glossed over it by simply saying "the amulet tracks them." They never got into much detail about that. I would love for Olivia or Axel to get more training with Ellegaard or Magnus. Sadly, at this rate that telltale is at, I bet that we are just overanalyzing this and that it literally means nothing. :'( RIP (Sorry for the long paragraph)

    Hbh128 posted: »

    I would say it's sensitive to the presence of their armor, not the person. That would imply that it's possible to tune whatever the glowy is

  • Minecraft "credits" after killing the Ender Dragon

    Minecraft Storymode episode 4 trophies

    All of Episode 4's chapters (which are the same name as the trophies/achievements awarded for completing) are found in Minecraft's ending credits(?), all towards the ending/bottom of it

    Refer to links above if you don't believe me, use Ctrl+F in the end poem Minecraft wiki tab and put achievement names in the bar that appears (for those who don't know) Notice that all of the statements in the Chapters begin with "and the universe said".

  • "I love you because you are love"
    holy shit my emotions

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Minecraft "credits" after killing the Ender Dragon Minecraft Storymode episode 4 trophies All of Episode 4's chapters (which are the s

  • "It's super flashy."

    Abeille posted: »

    Yeah, I assume Jesse will have the opportunity to get an iron sword later in the series. So far, Jesse could only use a wooden sword (starte

  • Oh ya, that happened to me on my first playthrough of Episode 4, i could have said something about this here, guess i forgot.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I noticed something interesting. If you tell Gabriel who has amnesia that Ellegaard is the greatest engineer, the game will say "Oh yeah. Ellegaard will remember that".

  • edited January 2016

    I don´t think this is really that important/interesting but the whole Order of the Stone fiasco reminded me a little of Skyrim. I mean, group of warriors go to fight a big bad dragon, but that dragon is too powerful for them, so they used a powerful artifact to vanish the dragon out of existence. Just something to think about.

  • edited January 2016

    In Episode 4, when you get to the bridge, you see no decoration in front, but when you see the first enderman ripping off Wither's clutches, voila, you see the decoration before Soren built it.

  • edited January 2016

    If you got Magnus' armor instead of Ellegaard's, you can spot a ghost Magnus getting on a horse when you're about as well in episode 4..

  • Yeah, i noticed that on a video xD some bugs/lack of work can sometimes be funny.

  • Magnus ghost...

    Oh, no... Even in Hell they can't get him to stay put and not bomb anything!

  • edited January 2016

    Whoa. Just looked up a video, and there he is!

    He was probably faking it and is trying to get away from TOOTS because it is just too dangerous!

    I mean really! They didn't even kill the ender dragon! He's not ready for this!

    I think I like exclamation points!

  • Who doesn't like exclamation points?!

  • Wow, that animation.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    That thief!

  • edited January 2016

    Garrett ist Liebe

    Garrett ist Leben

    Wow, that animation.

  • Um now those are for the episode 5 trophies... are you sure these are even real? They don't even exist yet.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Minecraft "credits" after killing the Ender Dragon Minecraft Storymode episode 4 trophies All of Episode 4's chapters (which are the s

  • They do, Telltale has to submit them when Episode 1 releases.

    Um now those are for the episode 5 trophies... are you sure these are even real? They don't even exist yet.

  • GEMS:


    Weird...every ore that represents each member of the order is a gem except Soren and Ivor....

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