Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about, MCSM edition



  • I'm only 16, yet if I were to enter the Minecraft world, I would look like I'm 50 with my facial hair and mullet.

    xValkyx posted: »

    I don't know why, given the Goonies vibe I get off of the group but for some reason I always view them as 18-21 years old. The Ocelots mu

  • edited July 2016

    The cookie that Lukas has is a reference to Bigbst4tz2.

  • Victorious, Metal. Victoooorious.

    The long battle of rivers and lakes is over! I WIN DELTINO!

    enter image description here

    Also I laughed my ass off too XD

    That got the biggest laugh out of me, easily the funniest part of the episode, hell, the whole series. Wonder how @Lilacsbloom feels?

  • edited July 2016

    So, Harper's weird statue friends are named Ron and Harry.

    Ron and Harry.

    Harry Potter anyone?

  • I was gonna point out that reference but you beat me to it :P

    Deltino posted: »

    At the beginning of the episode during the intro, they're all portal hopping. Eventually they come out of a portal, covered in snow, and Lukas has this to say: Lukas: Brrr... ice lakes! I sure wonder what that's a reference to...

  • edited July 2016

    Yes, and the stick you took from the chest is The Elder Wand :D

    KillFire598 posted: »

    So, Harper's weird statue friends are named Ron and Harry. Ron and Harry. Harry Potter anyone?

  • TorqueDawg much? lol.

    I'm only 16, yet if I were to enter the Minecraft world, I would look like I'm 50 with my facial hair and mullet.

  • One could say the same thing for Hunger Games. Actually, I think the Hunger Games trilogy was even more dangerous than this.

    JimMate789 posted: »

    If they were teenagers, then they wouldn't have gone on this adventure because they're too young! I'm sure they're young adults.

  • I am 16 too but I'd probably look like a 12 year old, honestly...the limited body figures makes your facial features dependant on how old you are in-game. I just don't like MCSM's hair extensions. It looks like the hair flaps back and then goes down.

    I'm only 16, yet if I were to enter the Minecraft world, I would look like I'm 50 with my facial hair and mullet.

  • I saved Lukas because Petra was being a jerk in the beginning, and Jesse said something similar to Lukas.

    During the fight with Petra (not sure about Lukas...) you hear her say this: "I honestly think you ought to sit down and think things over.

  • lol

    When PAMA is defeated, she shows the 'Sad Mac' Logo Symbol. Waah! PAMA is a Mac! Thank goodness I don't use that operating system! Only joking

  • Seeing how the extensions are in-game and comparing them to real life though, I wouldn't have those extensions.

    fancies posted: »

    I am 16 too but I'd probably look like a 12 year old, honestly...the limited body figures makes your facial features dependant on how old you are in-game. I just don't like MCSM's hair extensions. It looks like the hair flaps back and then goes down.

  • Did you see JimMates post? He saw John Cena also. XD That's so funny! What's he doing in there?

    Once i saw John Cena In there

  • edited July 2016

    Minecrast story mode tends to add extra decorative blocks, sometimes made up, to the minecraft world. I've also noticed how they love to take blocks like the grass block or ores and make slight variations on them. Its kinda weird sometimes, but cool. And did you also happen to notice the random stone blocks in the trees in ep. 4? Right before they step into the farlands? Weird.

    In Episode 4 when Soren is discussing what really happened to the Ender Dragon (Soren used the Command Block) there is a flashback to the End. In one of the obsidian pillars of the End is a block of chiseled quartz.

  • edited July 2016

    I noticed that also! Maybe she bought/traded it from a person who bought/traded it from... and so on... from a person who defeated the wither.

    Petra gave the ocelots a nether star which is only dropped after killing a wither yet didn't know what Ivor was building when she saw the skulls and soul sand in his basement

  • Or a possibility I thought of: the sword is enchanted to destroy COMMAND blocks. Mobs aren't command blocks... so maybe the sword doesn't work on them? I really don't know though. XD

    Jesse has a Diamond Sword in ep 5 so people don't have to fight with whatever tool they crafted instead of the sword. Also he/she might've thought the ultimate sword was too valuable to take on adventures so he/she made a normal sword

  • If you fail to put out the fire on Lukas' ass, well, this happens. Skip to 2:54

  • edited July 2016

    My thoughts were that the sword was only made powerful enough to destroy command blocks, which means it could kill any mob with like one hit or something because of its power

    but whatever I bet we'll never see it again lol

    Or a possibility I thought of: the sword is enchanted to destroy COMMAND blocks. Mobs aren't command blocks... so maybe the sword doesn't work on them? I really don't know though. XD

  • Aww man, I missed that! But now I know... Yay!

    Deltino posted: »

    At the beginning of the episode during the intro, they're all portal hopping. Eventually they come out of a portal, covered in snow, and Lukas has this to say: Lukas: Brrr... ice lakes! I sure wonder what that's a reference to...

  • edited July 2016

    Some miscellaneous things:

    • When running from PAMA with your new, unknown friend, the group jumps into a ditch to hide, and Harper chooses to lead the mobs away. Jesse then has the option to say "Harper, are you sure you'll be okay?" when at that time, Jesse shouldn't even know her name! (also, when meeting her in the secret tunnel later, He asks "And you are?")
    • (this is probably a given, but,) When running from your mind-controlled friends (in the beginning) and you reach a cliff, none of the options work (you get a "game over") - [you have been made useful!] except for your final two Ender pearls. :(
    • In the final fight with PAMA, when doing the final quick-time event ripping out the Redstone Heart, PAMA says "I'm afraid. My mind is going, I can feel it." A reference to 2001: A Space Odyssey.
  • haha I can't believe I didn't see that!

    KillFire598 posted: »

    So, Harper's weird statue friends are named Ron and Harry. Ron and Harry. Harry Potter anyone?

  • Not sure if this happened to others as well, there are two things I noticed after playing through the episode a second time.

    1. After choosing the potion of swiftness, the QTE doesn't show up like it should. Which leads to Jesse tripping over, and if I had seen the QTE, that might've not happened.

    2. The credits for Episode 7 showed names of the cast from Episode 6.

  • Well, the explanation for the trees near the Far Lands is the same as how the Far Lands came to be, and probably that block in the End: glitch.

    Minecrast story mode tends to add extra decorative blocks, sometimes made up, to the minecraft world. I've also noticed how they love to tak

  • At least not vertically.

    Seeing how the extensions are in-game and comparing them to real life though, I wouldn't have those extensions.

  • Weird, I picked Swiftness and I didn't notice anything missing, maybe because of different platforms or a one time glitch?
    And good catch on the credits, I wasn't paying attention to the names, I just listened to the music.

    Not sure if this happened to others as well, there are two things I noticed after playing through the episode a second time. * After ch

  • Right as Ivor throws a snowball at the back of Petra's head.

    Deltino posted: »

    At the beginning of the episode during the intro, they're all portal hopping. Eventually they come out of a portal, covered in snow, and Lukas has this to say: Lukas: Brrr... ice lakes! I sure wonder what that's a reference to...

  • In Episode 4, Jesse checks in the chest and he says "Wooden Planks", when he actually pulls out a stick instead...

    Gg, Telltale...

  • edited July 2016

    Hahaha. I always choose to watch Swing's playthrough first after playing the episode

    If you fail to put out the fire on Lukas' ass, well, this happens. Skip to 2:54

  • I think you all know what the game says when you fail QTEs. I have been made useful sooooooo many times in this episode.

  • I love Ivor's reaction he does during the second point you made:
    Ivor's reaction.

    AChicken posted: »

    Some miscellaneous things: * When running from PAMA with your new, unknown friend, the group jumps into a ditch to hide, and Harper cho

  • Another thing to add - once you're inside PAMA every quick time event you fail from this point onwards will actually be a death, the first in the entire episode when you choose between fighting the spiders or the zombies.
    Also guess what kills you during one of these quick time events...
    Ah, Jesse is winning! Quick! Deploy the flying zombies!
    A flying zombie?! What?! :D

    Might be extremely obvious (unless you haven't died) but custom death message! "YAY!" xD

  • Yeah, in his mind, he's like: What in the the rickety crank drops is your idea there?!

    I love Ivor's reaction he does during the second point you made:

  • If you unnchip Lukas instead of Petra, you'll see that Jesse gives Petra a bigger hug than Lukas.

  • You're never gonna believe this. But Captainsparklez didn't bother to read the book found in Harper's secret lab. Nor press the "Harry's" button to listen for hints.

  • I was like "Ok, you looked at the book, now read it. No, where are you going? Dude, the book! JUST READ THE BOOK!"

    matteso586 posted: »

    You're never gonna believe this. But Captainsparklez didn't bother to read the book found in Harper's secret lab. Nor press the "Harry's" button to listen for hints.

  • I think so.....

    KillFire598 posted: »

    So, Harper's weird statue friends are named Ron and Harry. Ron and Harry. Harry Potter anyone?

  • Is Margaret from Harry Potter?

  • I wonder what good use could it be.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Yes, and the stick you took from the chest is The Elder Wand

  • To kill Sore- I mean, to destroy PAMA.

    JimMate789 posted: »

    I wonder what good use could it be.

  • I did think that could have been a reason. But they arent quite in the farlands... I guess a few blocks away is close enough. I also was thinking about the trees in Soren's wool world (I know, not the same as the farland trees because these ones arent natural, but man made) The trees had a random wool color in them. Why would Soren do that if he wants the trees to remind him of home???

    Well, the explanation for the trees near the Far Lands is the same as how the Far Lands came to be, and probably that block in the End: glitch.

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