
  • Hey! i tried to say this as a Joke :v , but now the sandstorm attack me and i can't do anything UwU .

    Hana-san posted: »

    change this comment 'cause i don't want a shipping war :v

  • Yeah I did that once and it was THE BEST GAME PLAYTHROUGH I HAD EVER HAD! I hate Lukas, he reminds me of one of those...things...what do you call them? I think they're called 'trash bags'

    Cause the ship is not canon in Ep 4 Lukas hates you if you treat him like shit

  • More like -1000000000000000000000000%

    More like -100%

  • I don't hate YUUUUU

    I think everyone in this Lukesse THREAD hates me now... But I wouldn't care XD

  • Yeah! I think Ellegaard x Nohr has more chance of happening.

    TRUE! And Lukesse ship doesn't make sense in many ways. First, Team Lukas and Team Jesse are rivals. Second, looking at each other doesn't m

  • Jetra is my 1st OTP xd

    Yeah, I think if any ship were to happen it would be Jetra, considering they have held hands twice, hugged, Jesse swims with Petra to safety

  • Both of the ships have an equal chance of becoming canon- which I have to say... Is almost impossible. On a brighter note- teddy x dinosaur 4 laif

    More like -1000000000000000000000000%

  • <3

    Both of the ships have an equal chance of becoming canon- which I have to say... Is almost impossible. On a brighter note- teddy x dinosaur 4 laif

  • quack

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I'll be eagerly waiting, my friend.

  • SAME!

    Hana-san posted: »

    Jetra is my 1st OTP xd

  • enter image description here

    Notice Reuben peeking?

    Tohabath posted: »

    Ivor's inclusion was just... perfect! XD

  • LukASSe - Sorry I had too.

    I think he means Lukesse as in Luk (from Lukas) and Esse (from Jesse) and Lukas (from Lukas) and sse (From Jesse) so you say them in different

  • O_o Looks like SOMEone didn't share their cookie. You really hate him that much?

    Yeah I did that once and it was THE BEST GAME PLAYTHROUGH I HAD EVER HAD! I hate Lukas, he reminds me of one of those...things...what do you call them? I think they're called 'trash bags'

  • edited May 2016

    Not to seem sore, but...

    1. Opposites attract.
    2. What look was exchanged between them that would hint at romance? Or is that your point?
    3. I'll admit the chemistry could be more entertaining, but apart from that, I believe that such a ship could make sense when seen in action. Lukas seems like a perfect fit for this form of relation- he's as good to Jesse as Jesse is to him. A romantic outlook with them may seem unlikely, but I blame this more on the fact that shipping in general remains unlikely rather than on a lack of mutual feeling.
    4. "No one cares about Lukesse"? Really?

    TRUE! And Lukesse ship doesn't make sense in many ways. First, Team Lukas and Team Jesse are rivals. Second, looking at each other doesn't m

  • Because Lukas is a LukASSe.

    LukASSe - Sorry I had too.

  • What about Axel x Mabel? :v

    Yeah! I think Ellegaard x Nohr has more chance of happening.

  • If not giving him the cookie, letting him leave the hut/treehouse, telling him to stay away from Reuben, not letting him lead us in the End and calling him a fool for leaving to find his friends is hating him, then yep, I can't stand him.

    Tohabath posted: »

    O_o Looks like SOMEone didn't share their cookie. You really hate him that much?

  • Funny how bringing up the ship that most don't ship has flared up the shipping war. X) Good thing I brought my umbrella...

    Hana-san posted: »

    Hey! i tried to say this as a Joke :v , but now the sandstorm attack me and i can't do anything UwU .

  • Yaaaaaaaaaa

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Notice Reuben peeking?

  • I even that you're posting the same stuff I just posted now on other threads.


  • Seriously tho, guys. When are we actually getting a romance subplot? Telltale must know how many of us shippers are out there! Idec if it's fanservice. There are three episodes left, make us happy!


    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Thought I'd post this here too. Have fun shippy shippers ^^


    Marumochi posted: »

    Seriously tho, guys. When are we actually getting a romance subplot? Telltale must know how many of us shippers are out there! Idec if it's fanservice. There are three episodes left, make us happy!

  • I don't even ship Lukesse or Jetra but same that's what I was thinking too

    QueenMaddy posted: »



    Tohabath posted: »

    What about Axel x Mabel? :v

  • Magnugaard sorta happend?

    Marumochi posted: »

    Seriously tho, guys. When are we actually getting a romance subplot? Telltale must know how many of us shippers are out there! Idec if it's fanservice. There are three episodes left, make us happy!

  • They sort of remind me of a divorced couple, you know how they are always arguing, and when one of them died the other one watched from behind. And then in the cave you can choose for one of them to talk to Gabriel about the other, and it's so cute! If they were alive then I can imagine Magnugaard coming true XD

    Magnugaard sorta happend?

  • The only canon ship is Jesse x lever OTP <3

    Xlr8games posted: »

    Wait Lukas and Jesse can have a romantic relationship? or is this what they are planning?

  • Jesse touched Lever in all the right places...

    Hana-san posted: »

    The only canon ship is Jesse x lever OTP

  • edited May 2016

    It seems like it's near Mount Rushmore too. Notice behind the fences a face?


  • The real question is.. who owns the lever? (Lenny face)

    (Omg please dont kill me xDDD)

    Hana-san posted: »

    The only canon ship is Jesse x lever OTP

  • I'm sorry to ruin your thoughts but TTG won't do it to be honest. Because of KIDS. Even Jetra won't really happen even Lukesse and manuggard. Because what we do is just our fan fictions. Pictures won't mean shit. Those videos about Lukesse, Petra won't happen to the game. It's our own fantasy that running around with. And people say that Lukas might be with Petra because he is hiding behind her. I dont wanna say that much because I support Lukesse.

    Marumochi posted: »

    Seriously tho, guys. When are we actually getting a romance subplot? Telltale must know how many of us shippers are out there! Idec if it's fanservice. There are three episodes left, make us happy!

  • I apologize for not making any Lukesse videos... There's no ideas, songs or anything. I don't wanna talk much. If you want reasons here you go:(

  • Tohabath posted: »

    Not to seem sore, but... * Opposites attract. * What look was exchanged between them that would hint at romance? Or is that your point

  • Also you question is too much for me to answer just look at that link.

    Tohabath posted: »

    Not to seem sore, but... * Opposites attract. * What look was exchanged between them that would hint at romance? Or is that your point

  • Some answers your questions probably some of your questions are just trolling.

    Also you question is too much for me to answer just look at that link.

  • The least things I can do is just gameplays and shit that goes into my mind.

    I apologize for not making any Lukesse videos... There's no ideas, songs or anything. I don't wanna talk much. If you want reasons here you go:(

  • The link you provided does not really answer their questions, it only explains why you are not making videos about the ships, and the reasons have nothing to do with the plausibility of the pairings. None of the questions they asked were trolling, just counterarguments or curiosity on stances you had. It may seem like trolling because of a misunderstanding in the second point, but it was an honest response.

    Some answers your questions probably some of your questions are just trolling.

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