I didn't even realise it was the same ID than your tumblr ! Good job !!!
Edit : No you know what, no, not good job anymore, I feel full … morebetrayed by the amount of beautiful things you're posting on your tumblr that I didn't know about. Why don't you share the good material Nukey ? You hate us or what ? ( You have amazing taste in ships, I am still screaming, your tumblr profil pick ))))) )
Actually there was lol, nobody just posted anything. rubs hands together so when Jesse and the others decided to separate and look for clues Lukas decided to go with Jesse to the dining room. After Jesse was done interrogating the others, Cassie pushed Lukas inside and wanted him to be interrogated too. Jesse didn't say a word to Lukas about him doing anything suspicious and I found it kinda cool that she/he trusts him so much. She/he has an easy convo with him and they seem to be comfortable with each other. When Jesse, Petra, and Ivor bust into the library to confront the White Pumpkin, iron bars snap over the library door and Lukas calls, "Jesse, are you alright? Jesse?" He was only worried about him/her even though he knew that Petra and Ivor went with Jesse to explore the mansion. And when everything's said and done, Jesse says that it's morning and Lukas of all people goes up to the window with him/her to check it out. Nobody else does. BOOM CHECK THAT OUT
Hey, anyone have any good suggestions for fanfiction or oneshots?
EDIT: It doesn't have to be Lukesse. It could be Jetra or Luketra. Any ship, it doesn't matter. Just a good fanfic or oneshot to read.
Ivor, being a novice in confectionery arts, attempts baking with a potion-making twist. When Jesse and company are forced to intervene, arguments ensue regarding the secret to perfect cake.
A competition is held, tensions escalate, then finally they realize that friendship is more important. Lukas gives Jesse his own secret ingredient recipe, having never wanted to compete but rewarding Jesse for ending the conflict with her friends.
Soren, off in the distance, observes events but remains too afraid to show his face. He wanders into the treasure room, where an explosion takes place.
When everyone arrives, Jesse notices that Rueben's ham is missing.
To take their minds off of the loss, Jesse shares her new cake with everyone. Reuben wanders in as a zombie pigman, drawn by the thought of dessert.
While they celebrate, Soren continues to watch from a distance, newly made command block in hand.
Hey, anyone have any good suggestions for fanfiction or oneshots?
EDIT: It doesn't have to be Lukesse. It could be Jetra or Luketra. Any ship, it doesn't matter. Just a good fanfic or oneshot to read.
I'm writing a very lengthy Lukesse/adventure fic but I'm trying to complete it before I post it. Been working on it since before ep. 5 came out so it's gonna be kinda plothole-y and won't be out for a few weeks :c
Hey, anyone have any good suggestions for fanfiction or oneshots?
EDIT: It doesn't have to be Lukesse. It could be Jetra or Luketra. Any ship, it doesn't matter. Just a good fanfic or oneshot to read.
oooOOOOOooo. XDD
I wasn't getting notifications for the thread and I thought it was dead now I need to go through a bunch of pages nuuuuuu :V
I'm totally cool with that though lol
Love it Nukey c:
Ha thanks xD And I don't want to spam the forums with my stuff, so that's why I usually only post them on my blog. ^^
Oh yeah, I love my rhack pic xD
Thank you
Can someone edit the title of the thread and put "EP6" instead of "EP5"? You know, now that episode 6 is out xD That'd be great.
Also I posted the speedpaint video of this if anyone's interested x)
Speedaint - Jesse x Lukas | Minecraft Story Mode
dies cause of coolness
But there's no Lukesse content in EP6.
Oh well... Time for my quest on life signs.
Actually there was lol, nobody just posted anything. rubs hands together so when Jesse and the others decided to separate and look for clues Lukas decided to go with Jesse to the dining room. After Jesse was done interrogating the others, Cassie pushed Lukas inside and wanted him to be interrogated too. Jesse didn't say a word to Lukas about him doing anything suspicious and I found it kinda cool that she/he trusts him so much. She/he has an easy convo with him and they seem to be comfortable with each other. When Jesse, Petra, and Ivor bust into the library to confront the White Pumpkin, iron bars snap over the library door and Lukas calls, "Jesse, are you alright? Jesse?" He was only worried about him/her even though he knew that Petra and Ivor went with Jesse to explore the mansion. And when everything's said and done, Jesse says that it's morning and Lukas of all people goes up to the window with him/her to check it out. Nobody else does. BOOM CHECK THAT OUT
And many more. Muahahaha!
if you hate the ship why come here?
Hey, anyone have any good suggestions for fanfiction or oneshots?
EDIT: It doesn't have to be Lukesse. It could be Jetra or Luketra. Any ship, it doesn't matter. Just a good fanfic or oneshot to read.
It's modelswap
46:09 - 47:00 was my favorite part, anyone else? xD
also... 55:45 xD
Nukey-Pookie ruined it for me xD (not really, but the lenny faces xDDD)
Luketra? If you ever find fanfics about Luketra, link them to me.
Ivor, being a novice in confectionery arts, attempts baking with a potion-making twist. When Jesse and company are forced to intervene, arguments ensue regarding the secret to perfect cake.
A competition is held, tensions escalate, then finally they realize that friendship is more important. Lukas gives Jesse his own secret ingredient recipe, having never wanted to compete but rewarding Jesse for ending the conflict with her friends.
Soren, off in the distance, observes events but remains too afraid to show his face. He wanders into the treasure room, where an explosion takes place.
When everyone arrives, Jesse notices that Rueben's ham is missing.
To take their minds off of the loss, Jesse shares her new cake with everyone. Reuben wanders in as a zombie pigman, drawn by the thought of dessert.
While they celebrate, Soren continues to watch from a distance, newly made command block in hand.
lol, hey i know your channel btw. im BlaNeMist
I definitely prefer the gay one over the straight version. :V
I'm writing a very lengthy Lukesse/adventure fic but I'm trying to complete it before I post it. Been working on it since before ep. 5 came out so it's gonna be kinda plothole-y and won't be out for a few weeks :c
You bassstaaaard xD
Cant decide which is worse..
Aiden x Jesse
Lukas x Petra
Lukas X Petra is worse for sure.