Not to seem sore, but...
* Opposites attract.
* What look was exchanged between them that would hint at romance? Or is that your point… more?
* I'll admit the chemistry could be more entertaining, but apart from that, I believe that such a ship could make sense when seen in action. Lukas seems like a perfect fit for this form of relation- he's as good to Jesse as Jesse is to him. A romantic outlook with them may seem unlikely, but I blame this more on the fact that shipping in general remains unlikely rather than on a lack of mutual feeling.
* "No one cares about Lukesse"? Really?
Yeah I did that once and it was THE BEST GAME PLAYTHROUGH I HAD EVER HAD! I hate Lukas, he reminds me of one of those...things...what do you call them? I think they're called 'trash bags'
Tweet from Stirpicus: I just got to see an animation that @.JxRK did for #StoryMode ep 7 and holy cow is it adorable
Adorable hmm?
Achievement name for a chapter in episode 7 is "Trust Falling"?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ???
Tweet from Stirpicus: I just got to see an animation that @.JxRK did for #StoryMode ep 7 and holy cow is it adorable
Adorable hmm?
Achievement name for a chapter in episode 7 is "Trust Falling"?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ???
Tweet from Stirpicus: I just got to see an animation that @.JxRK did for #StoryMode ep 7 and holy cow is it adorable
Adorable hmm?
Achievement name for a chapter in episode 7 is "Trust Falling"?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ???
I didn't even realise it was the same ID than your tumblr ! Good job !!!
Edit : No you know what, no, not good job anymore, I feel full betrayed by the amount of beautiful things you're posting on your tumblr that I didn't know about. Why don't you share the good material Nukey ? You hate us or what ? ( You have amazing taste in ships, I am still screaming, your tumblr profil pick ))))) )
No offense but all I see is two friends, that everyone thinks should be together.
Please don't kill me but I ship my oc with Lukas runs away from the lukesse shippers
grabs knife lol jk xD
Lmao there's actual people other than me that ship it
I know
Trash bags aren't all bad... they help keep our place clean! know, now that I think about it, you have a point. But anyway, Lukas is a bottle of unwanted Bleach.
Why are you comparing Lukas to some cleaning tools?
I cant download the episode yet, and i downloaded adventure pass but it still says "Purchase episode 6"
Help pls ;-; Im getting spoiled everywhere!
idk I was confused then it all of a sudden started updating idek.
Its here now
I loved episode 6! It has both Jetra and Lukesse actually, was i the only one who died when jesse patted lukas on his back? ;w;
Tweet from Stirpicus: I just got to see an animation that @.JxRK did for #StoryMode ep 7 and holy cow is it adorable
Adorable hmm?
Achievement name for a chapter in episode 7 is "Trust Falling"?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ???
Will you marry me?
I knowww!
I died too, I had seizures.
You got nothing better to do? If you don't like Lukas, don't bother going to this thread. I could play this game, too.

Crap, I'm fangirling again. xD
Gotta love this winning grin.

Lukas * seen with the mask of the White pumpkin *
Some uglies : hE Is te Wite pupkin u betta lo k him up or som'thin lik' uh I can't beliv h' wronged us lik tht, al'so is hair cut is so fugly.
Jesse : ...
runs to find bucket and throws up everywhere
...if that was lava i would pour it all over him. XD
Are you...feeling okay?
Enough of this!
My contribution to the community. xD
Ok, I don't even like Lukesse but that drawing...
Amazing drawing!
If only it were Jetra. What a shame.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Awe it's su cute.
I saw dis on tumblr.
XD I thought you would hate it, haha. Thanks!
Don't worry, I'll draw some Jetra someday. Probably
Yep, I posted it
And thanks!
is shoved in pumpkin mask
lays on floor and tries to flirt
Oh, that's my screenshots XD
I didn't even realise it was the same ID than your tumblr ! Good job !!!
Edit : No you know what, no, not good job anymore, I feel full betrayed by the amount of beautiful things you're posting on your tumblr that I didn't know about. Why don't you share the good material Nukey ? You hate us or what ? ( You have amazing taste in ships, I am still screaming, your tumblr profil pick
))))) )