We are the 'Tales from the Borderlands' Dev Team, AMA! (Over)

Joining us today to dig into your awesome questions for the team are:
- Season Lead Director Nick Herman
- Season Lead Writer Pierre Shorette
- Creative Director Mark Darin
- Executive Producer Adam Sarasohn
Ask away!
Volunteer Mod edit: The AMA is now over.
This discussion has been closed.
Lemme see, question one
Where did Fiona and Rhys go at the end of episode 5?
Transporting saves to season 2, right guys? ;-;
You know, that was the plan to put it in there, but I forgot, so now I just feel like, really bad, bro.
If you are able, can you tell us what the future holds for our gang of unlikely heroes?
I got 2.
Was Loaderbot originally meant to be the stranger? Or did that happen as the game was progressing (if he wasn't who originally did you intend for it to be)
Are you guys open to a season 2? IF SO CONFIRM IT PLEASE
When Tales from the Borderlands was first announced, people were confused at the choice to make a Telltale game from something like Borderlands. With the game being as successful as it is, how good does it feel that you were able to make a compelling story and go against expectations?
How was the process of fleshing out the Borderlands universe to add a more human and endearing side?
How much did fan feedback play a role into writing the later episodes?
Does Telltale have real life office finger gun fights?
Since this leads into Borderlands 3, will anything be decided as canon?
So both Cassius and Gortys were originally meant to premiere in episode 2, what made you change your minds/what change during that time.
Who's idea was it for Loaderbot to be the stranger because that was a really good twist I was speechless.
This is a question for any or all of you:
With the finales of Sam & Max The Devil's Plahouse, and Tales from the Borderlands, a trend has been defined: We are currently on track to see a Voltron- or Power Rangers-inspired final showdown appear in a Telltale game every five years. This is an excellent trend that I think everyone agrees should be upheld. Given that, what do you predict the Voltron-style finale will be in the 2020 Telltale release?
I have at least 3:
I'll be the worst and have my first answer be bs. While we totally know what happened to them, it would be no fun to give it all away. We'd like to leave it open for interpretation and if we're so lucky that Gearbox ends up picking up some of our storylines, fill in some of the blanks then.
Why are you all perfect?
1. Rigorous physical training and protein shakes.
How did you make such a perfect game?
2. Rigorous physical training and protein shakes.
And what was your personal favorite part of the series?
3. I really loved Handsome Jack. All throughout the series he was such a fun character to work with! So many good moments throughout the series... hard to pick a favorite.
Will there be another one?
What happened to asking the tftb and got cast questions? Have you made the videos yet?
VERY IMPORTANT AND TOTALLY SERIOUS QUESTION: What happened to the Tector Gun Scene that appeared in the previews for episodes 2, 3, and 4?
Congratulations guys, TFTB was a great gaming experience (I even logged into the board/forum from a long slumber even though I said I wouldn't)
Who was Felix anyway? The guy wasn't your regular con-artist.... He knows Hyperion, he knows how a vault key looks, he knows a lot of crafting/building weapons/mods, he can hack the ECHO Net, he knows medical tech (the clock)... who was he?
Everything that happens in Tales from the Borderlands is technically canon in the Borderlands universe. In places where the story diverges (and there are many), it'll be up to Gearbox which path leads into any future Borderlands titles. I hope this all leads into another Gearbox Borderlands game one day, but we know as much about that as any of you.
Ok I have 2:
1.) Why did you remove the kiss between Rhys and Fiona in Ep.3?
2.) Do you feel like fans will treat the idea of a possible Season 2 to being the 'Next wait for TWAU S2'?
O.k. fair enough. Thank you. You guys rule. And my friend Silence, the one who made me ask the question, likes you guys.
^This times a million!
Did Yvette escape the cell or did she go down with the ship? ^^
Clearly it will just be Tales from the Power Rangers. And can you bet a banang can will be involved somehow for maximum meta-ness.
Nick Herman FTW
So Gearbox will decide what choices will be considered canon, thanks for the answer!
I would also like to thank you for creating the game of the lifetime. Not year, or century, but life time. You're all amazing.
Hey, that's so nice
So, I made a thread yesterday concerned about the connections between episode 5 and the end of The Pre-Sequel: https://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/comment/2286842
Can you answer me or is it "classified" about the creatures living inside the Traveler? Are they actual eridians, like the one that saved Athena at the end of TPS? If so, is there a relation between them? Did they use the Traveler as a mobile home or as a travel mean? Did Lilith simply let Athena go, and she moved on with her life until she was called to help with the vault?
And is there any chance that your plots and characters can be directed continued by the next Borderlands game? Not asking about anything specific, but you guys did an awesome (and I can't stress the word "awesome" enough) with the franchise, it would be a shame if it would be referenced in the future only as some bland npcs or passing mentions.
First of all: Thank You for Your hard work at this wonderful series. It's the best game from Telltale Games and IMO one of the best video games ever.
My questions:
Was romance with Sasha planned from the start or did you added it because that "shipment" thing?
Are you even considering season 2 at this moment?
Nick Herman is a genius.
So the original thumbnail for episode 4 was two loaderbots fighting. I've been curious ever since the episode was released what the original plans were for the episodes?
Was there anything during production that drastically drifted away from the original idea?
Also, I'd just like to say thank you to all of the staff at Telltale, gearbox and 2K for creating this amazing game. But it's not only a game...it's a community. Thank you.
Oh jeez, please dont answer that, thats just making me feel bad for a Wolf Season 2 and a Tales Season 2
He should get a raise.
The amount of "Sam and Max did it first" we've had across this season is humbling.
He's a lucky one too, the money, the woman, the fame, all hail Nick Herman.
1) Why was Claptrap held off until the finale of Tales from the Borderlands?
2) Did you take feedback from Rhysha and Rhyiona shippers when it came to making the last episode?
3) Are there any plans for a short story DLC or season 2 for Tales?
4) Did you expect the reception that Tales from the Borderlands has gotten; and the fact some claim it to be their favorite over the critically-acclaimed The Walking Dead?
Ok first and foremost thanks for this awesome game now
1 will there be s2 of that Marvel?
edit: what is your canon play though? What decisions would you made throughout the game?
Who do you ship?