The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Happy Birthday ?

    AronDracula posted: »

    Thank you, mate.

  • edited January 2018

    Today I learned of a pretty good quote.

    "We are all so much together and yet we are all dying of loneliness." -Albert Schweitzer

    [cough] story of my life [cough]

  • Thank you as well

    @Psychokinesis Ah, you're right. I misread it but thanks again.

  • I... I... what

    Sbs1280 posted: »

    I think Thor ragnarok or the last jedi and I know I'm gonna get alot of hate for that. But I don't think they will win cause they're not werid and that's all that win is werid crap

  • My sister gave me a new laptop which I can use to finally play games. I made my steam account and her boyfriend gave me Mass Effect 1 (Which was one of my wishlist) as a gift for me and it runs REALLY well. So glad I finally get to play the most praised game trilogy.

    The problem is that I don't think I'll have enough to play the full game. The school is distracting me.

  • 100%ing ME1 took about 50hrs. Campaign is bout 15-20.

    AronDracula posted: »

    My sister gave me a new laptop which I can use to finally play games. I made my steam account and her boyfriend gave me Mass Effect 1 (Which

  • Eeyyyyy! Melissa Hutchinson and Dave Fennoy will both voice characters in the game "Where The Water Tastes Like Wine".

  • edited January 2018

    YouTube Drops Online Star Logan Paul From Premium Advertising Yipeee!!!!! Finally!! But he thinks needs to lose his channel after all things I saw from previous videos he did like the one in Japan. Such embarrassment he is

  • Done to try and placate the masses. So he loses guaranteed revenue(temporarily). Whoop dee doo. He gets more than enough traffic to keep a steady stream of income. They didn't take away advertising entirely, they didn't suspend him, they didn't delete his channel. This was nothing more than a PR stunt.

    strwar3 posted: »

    YouTube Drops Online Star Logan Paul From Premium Advertising Yipeee!!!!! Finally!! But he thinks needs to lose his channel after all things I saw from previous videos he did like the one in Japan. Such embarrassment he is

  • edited January 2018

    Well,I think is channel deserves to be deleted and Yes this a PR stunt but I wonder if you heard about Pop Blast? Like I hearing rumors and I don't know if it's true or not but Logan Paul's manager Jeffrey Levin, reportedly paid PopBlast $6,500 to make the pedo accusation video about Shane Dawson in an attempt to shift focus from Logan Paul. Like that's REALLY insane on a whole new level.

    I don't know why they didn't his channel. I really don't know if it's true. It sounds pretty messed up.

    Johro posted: »

    Done to try and placate the masses. So he loses guaranteed revenue(temporarily). Whoop dee doo. He gets more than enough traffic to keep

  • Dreams really do come true. FINALLY.

    **BLACK WIDOW movie in development at MARVEL STUDIOS **

  • YES!!!!! ????

    Dreams really do come true. FINALLY. **BLACK WIDOW movie in development at MARVEL STUDIOS **

  • You seen the response from his fans? They all gave me brain tumours

    strwar3 posted: »

    YouTube Drops Online Star Logan Paul From Premium Advertising Yipeee!!!!! Finally!! But he thinks needs to lose his channel after all things I saw from previous videos he did like the one in Japan. Such embarrassment he is

  • Oh yeah I seen that. His fans are like insanely crazy and loyal to him. It's like cult in his channel.

    Melton23 posted: »

    You seen the response from his fans? They all gave me brain tumours

  • edited January 2018

    The original Dark Souls is confirmed to be remastered for the current consoles on May 25. Bloodborne is one of the best games I've played and definitely want to play the OG nightmare lol.

  • What

    I... I... what

  • I'm looking forward to it!

    AronDracula posted: »

    The original Dark Souls is confirmed to be remastered for the current consoles on May 25. Bloodborne is one of the best games I've played and definitely want to play the OG nightmare lol.

  • Me too. Dark Souls and Shadow of the Colossus are the games which I missed in the previous generations and both get re-released this year. 2018 already feels better than 2017.

    I'm looking forward to it!

  • Yeah. I have high hopes for 2018's games list.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Me too. Dark Souls and Shadow of the Colossus are the games which I missed in the previous generations and both get re-released this year. 2018 already feels better than 2017.

  • I'm excited but I wont get it cause I keep buying souls games an not being able to beat them

    Yeah. I have high hopes for 2018's games list.

  • Nintendo shared a new Mini-Direct with some more Switch games today, which I thought was pretty cool.

    I was hoping for a few more new/original announcements, but Nintendo had some pretty strong momentum in 2017 with Zelda, Mario, Splatoon, Arms, etc, so it's forgivable.

  • I don't blame you.

    Sbs1280 posted: »

    I'm excited but I wont get it cause I keep buying souls games an not being able to beat them

  • I was hoping for more too, but hopefully we'll get more this fall or this holiday season.

    Nintendo shared a new Mini-Direct with some more Switch games today, which I thought was pretty cool. I was hoping for a few more new/ori

  • Looks like they're waiting a bit longer before pulling out the Pokemon/Metroid Prime cards.

    Nintendo shared a new Mini-Direct with some more Switch games today, which I thought was pretty cool. I was hoping for a few more new/ori

  • I broke down into tears and sobbed when I saw DS1 was getting a remaster.

    2018's gonna be good, I can feel it.

  • The game I'm most interested in this year(and I might not even play it!) is Bioware's Anthem.

    EA's next big online multiplayer(sort of?). How are they going to handle this?

    The bigger question which has yet to be answered is "what is it?". EA has been heavily marketing it as a Destiny clone, yet the developer corrected a critic whom called it an online multiplayer by saying that it will still have that Bioware single player RPG experience their previous games had. Um. What? None of the marketing or teased gameplay even suggested that.

    Since that comment was made, there has been pretty much all silence. A coincidence because Battlefront was coming out and I'm sure EA didn't want competing hype with their IPs. It's a mystery for now.


    I broke down into tears and sobbed when I saw DS1 was getting a remaster. 2018's gonna be good, I can feel it.

  • edited January 2018

    Apparantly every Mini-Direct so far has been followed by a full one within a span of 20 days, so here's hoping we get one by the end of the month. Don't get your hopes up though :p

    Nintendo shared a new Mini-Direct with some more Switch games today, which I thought was pretty cool. I was hoping for a few more new/ori

  • My friend just bought VR for his ps4 and the first game he bought was resident evil 7 . He invited me to his home tomorrow so we can test it out but I'm a bit skeptical... I've heard resident evil 7 is super scary, imagine it with VR...

  • Yeah, people say RE7 is scarier in VR.

    Tolispro posted: »

    My friend just bought VR for his ps4 and the first game he bought was resident evil 7 . He invited me to his home tomorrow so we can test it out but I'm a bit skeptical... I've heard resident evil 7 is super scary, imagine it with VR...

  • I genuinely wanna die ?

  • Your not serious are you? But, if you are why?

    Melton23 posted: »

    I genuinely wanna die ?

  • Srry, that’s always what I say when a video game isn’t letting me have my way and when I make barely any progress

    Kng0604 posted: »

    Your not serious are you? But, if you are why?

  • edited January 2018

    Okay, is there a reason why I can't like comments anymore. Whenever I click the heart thing, I get taken to a separate webpage that says "Shucks, forbidden." Or sometimes, the page I'm on just refreshes and brings me to the top.

  • I dunno, I just clicked the heart on your comment and works for me just fine.

    Okay, is there a reason why I can't like comments anymore. Whenever I click the heart thing, I get taken to a separate webpage that says "Shucks, forbidden." Or sometimes, the page I'm on just refreshes and brings me to the top.

  • Sounds like it might be a Javascript issue with your browser. Does your browser allow Javascript to be used for Telltale's website?

    Okay, is there a reason why I can't like comments anymore. Whenever I click the heart thing, I get taken to a separate webpage that says "Shucks, forbidden." Or sometimes, the page I'm on just refreshes and brings me to the top.

  • edited January 2018

    I did try another time, and I caught a glimpse of something that said Javascript failure, before the webpage started acting all funky on me. I don't know why this is a problem now, it was working completely fine the other day and I have done nothing different to my computer. Same browser and everything.

    EDIT: And now I just tried it and it's working completely fine. Again, I did absolutely nothing.

    RE-EDIT: And it's not working again.

    Sounds like it might be a Javascript issue with your browser. Does your browser allow Javascript to be used for Telltale's website?

  • edited January 2018

    Have you cleared the data/cache/cookies?
    Doing so would have your browser retrieve all the webpage data from scratch. This should solve loading issues.

    I did try another time, and I caught a glimpse of something that said Javascript failure, before the webpage started acting all funky on me.

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