The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I did not expect this lmao

    AChicken posted: »

    This just in... (Spoiler)

  • Why

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Next Valentine's Day I need to stay off social media.

  • No clue, but I found a way to pick up women.
    Through of wisdom of Morgan Freeman

    Dex-Starr posted: »


  • Eh, seeing happy couples everywhere while you're single and likely will be for the foreseeable future isn't very fun.

    Dex-Starr posted: »


  • edited February 2020

    Can I tell you something, just disregard them because when you see couples that’s all for show its all about the ego it’s like when I go on Facebook and I see young couples around my age showing off for kids which I really find pathetic to be honest because why are you showing your children on a Facebook page considering first child predators on the web!!?

    I mean if I was a parent, I will most certainly not show my child or on the Internet .

    People have preying and evil eyes...just turn your face and smile because they’re all show offs Like if you go to Eastern Europe or the Middle East for example when it comes to relationships they keep their affection to a maximum minimum .

    Which to be honest and I’m not promoting anything I do find a little bit good in a sense because I hate when people show off that’s pride .

    But enough on that...all I’m saying is that it’s all in an allusion nothing last forever always kids are just immature and they just want to show off kissy face.

    Just remember, if you do want to find somebody find someone that is in your frequency your soul signature a person that identifies with you... but here’s a twist if you want something more just change your energy and what you want will happen .


    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Eh, seeing happy couples everywhere while you're single and likely will be for the foreseeable future isn't very fun.

  • Dude, you legit just rickrolled me... in 2020. :(

    AChicken posted: »

    This just in... (Spoiler)

  • Just imagine if you won $1 million, just to be Rick Rolled on April Fools Day?

    Dude, you legit just rickrolled me... in 2020.

  • The council will decide your fate.

    The council rates a solid 8/10

    AronDracula posted: »

    You thought I was done? Sucka, I made one for The Wolf Among Us as well. @Poogers555 Check this out

  • Hey guys was on Facebook An was reading this article from RT and well I really find this one fascinating about (West Africans ) having hidden DNA from an unknown Gene sometimes I wonder if (Homosapiens) are breeding with aliens ?

  • Finished watching the five available episodes of The Owl House. It's an alright if a little boring show with a blase sense of humor. Don't know if I'll keep

    Surprisingly topical given this week, Lilith of the Emperor Coven is voiced by Cissy Jones.

  • Just remembered there isnt a Tales from the Borderlands: Signature Edition

  • As some of you might know, I’m a huge baseball fan. I love the game, I enjoy watching it, and throughout most of my youth, I played it. And it’s because of this passion for the game why I have come to absolutely despise the Houston Astros organization. For those who don’t watch baseball or live outside the US, allow me to give some background.

    The Houston Astros, over the last few years, have been one of the most dominating teams in baseball. Comprised with unmatched talent, exemplary coaching and management, and excelling in all areas from hitting, to fielding, to pitching, to base running, to just doing the plain fundamentals, they were always feared wherever they went. This culminated in the team winning the World Series, baseball’s championship, in 2017, a playoff appearance in 2018, and another World Series appearance in 2019 (where they lost to the Washington Nationals). The point is that the Astros were probably one of the most successful teams of the last 5 years, especially since they spent a good chunk of the late 2000’s and early 2010’s at the bottom of the league. There’s only one problem with their recent success...they’re fucking cheaters.

    After a former teammate came forward with the initial accusation, and an investigation conducted by the MLB, it was determined that the Astros cheated in the 2017 and 2018 seasons by using an illegal sign stealing method. In baseball, pitchers are told what pitch to throw to the hitter by the catcher behind home plate through a series of signs, relayed through hand gestures in a way that is not seen by the batter, so that he cannot know what pitch is coming. Anyone who plays can tell you that if you remove the guessing factor from hitting, your job becomes far easier and gives you a distinct advantage. Sign stealing has always been a part of the game, but what the Astros did was far and beyond the legal means allowed by the MLB. They used technology to give themselves an unfair advantage, they setup a camera in centerfield that would broadcast the live feed into the dugout onto a monitor so that the players can tell what pitch was coming. The players in the dugout would then try to tip the batter at the plate off through some odd means, such as banging on a trash can, to communicate the intended pitch. A great example was provided by a YouTuber named Jomboy.

    MLB found that the Astros did cheat, and this helped them win a championship in 2017. Fans of the game were outraged, and the MLB finally came forward with their punishments, and they were lacking. While they did take the teams 1st and 2nd round picks for the 2020 and 2021 draft and suspended both the manager AJ Hinch and General Manager Jeff Luhnow for a year (they were subsequently fired by the Astros), they allowed them to keep the World Series title, in spite of what they found. Sports commentators and fans were outraged over this they said the title should be vacated and the players stripped of their rings, but MLB didn’t do anything to punish the players who participated and even promoted the cheating.

    The reason why I’m saying this is because, as time has gone on, I have just continued to lose more and more respect for this franchise, and it’s fan base, and now, even towards the city of Houston itself.

    At first, it was just towards the team and it’s front office, not only for incorporating this method that potentially ruined some player’s careers and maybe even a championship for either the Dodgers or the Yankees, but for not stopping it. The manager, Hinch, said he disapproved of it, but yet, he had the authority, and the obligation, to stop it, and he chose not to. To make things worse, when he had been accused by other teams of cheating before this came out, he laughed it off and called it ridiculous. Luhnow originally said he didn’t know anything, which was reported in the original investigation, but subsequent investigations by news outlets have proven that he DID know about it, and he had thrown people like Alex Cora (the Astros bench coach, who eventually went on to be the manager for the 2018 World Series champions Boston Red Sox) under the bus. And now, most recently, the teams owner, Jim Crane, had what is quite possible the worst press conference I have ever seen. Where he admitted to the cheating, “apologized,” said his team didn’t benefit from the cheating, then denied he said the team didn’t benefit not even a minute later, and still saw the championship as legitimate.

    Then I lost respect for the players. Players like José Altuve and Alex Bregman are some of the most talented players in the league, and they never backed away from flaunting their success before. And now, with everything coming out, they don’t even seem the least bit remorseful that they attributed some of that success to cheating. And why should they, they still have their rings, they got their money, and they got no punishment. They’ve issued half assed statements clearly prepared by the PR team, but their response has been the same as management’s. “We won, suck it up, who cares.” Astros pitcher Justin Verlander has always been outspoken for what he believes is damaging to the game, such as steroids and other teams caught cheating. Now, when it’s his own team, he was dead silent.

    Then, my respect for the entire Astros’ fan base was gone. I don’t think I’ve seen a more pompous, entitled, full of themself, and childish fandom than what I have seen from fans of the Astros in the last few months. They’re making more excuses than the team itself. When Mike Fiers, a former Astros pitcher and the guy who brought the story to light, came forward, they threatened him. Then, they defended their teams actions, saying everyone else are crybabies and salty because they won. Their heads are so far up their own asses, it’s shameful. They’re going out and bragging about their win from 2017, even though it’s been tainted, and they see no problem with the cheating. Great example you’re setting there guys, how admirable.

    And now, the entire city of Houston is losing my respect, and the reason, is because of the food chain Buffalo Wild Wings. The other day, a soccer team was heavily punished for being caught cheating, and the official BWW Twitter account posted about it, saying that was an appropriate punishment for cheaters. They didn’t mention the Astros, or the city of Houston, but everyone in the city was up in arms, threatening to boycott the company and their Houston locations. Even the local TV news station tweeting expletives at the company (real classy move). They see no problem with their team being caught cheating, and that cheating led them to a championship, but cry foul when a company’s twitter account makes a comment on it. Pathetic.

    Long post, I know, but I had to get this off my chest because it has bothered me as a fan of the game. The Houston Astros are cheaters, and their fan base deserves to be thrown in the trash cans they used to signal what pitch was coming.

  • So I watched the Sonic the Hedgehog movie! It ended up being a pretty alright movie. Not amazing, but not terrible. It's a decent amount of fun.

    Sonic is well voice acted, though the amount of dialogue he gets can be a little overbearing at times (I don't remember Sonic having super hyperactive), and Jim Carrey is surprisingly a standout because of how super over the top he is as Robotnik. James Marsden also gets a few funny moments though he's mostly the standard human friend character, though of all the ones he's portrayed in the past this is probably the best lol. There's also some fun fan service gingerly spread throughout the film so if you're a Sonic fan you'll probably enjoy it more so than others. Also stay for the mid-credits scene (lmao).

    It's a perfectly acceptable kids movie that an adult can watch, which is already more than I thought it was originally going to be. You don't need to rush out and see it, but if you feel like watching a movie and you don't have anything better to do why not give it a shot.

    Thank God they changed Sonic's design if not this would've probably been Cats 2: Sonic Edition.

  • I've played Resident Evil 7 for the first time since 2 years ago, I believe. I still love the game so much and it has some things that sadly weren't in Resident Evil 2 Remake. I would love to make a video about what RE7 did better than RE2 remake. Not trying to make a competition because I love both nonetheless. I just want to point some things out.

  • So I've been watching Bryan Dechart and his wife Amelia play TWDG S2 (they're on Ep 3 rn) and they are kind of getting annoyed of how brutal it is. I mean that's the point of the series. They liked Tales and Wolf Among Us but they're attitude keeps changing from episode to episode (like they seem more uninterested to keep playing it).

  • Just caught up with The Promised Neverland. It's a very good manga series if any of you are in the mood for good series. I'd recommend going into the first chapter blind to see what it's about.

  • i think both games could take a lot of notes from one another. RE2 has a better enemy variety and balances difficulty better, but RE7 is overall structured and paced better, the puzzles are more interesting and it has a better soundtrack. it's super interesting to compare the two knowing how close they were in development though.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I've played Resident Evil 7 for the first time since 2 years ago, I believe. I still love the game so much and it has some things that sadly

  • Speaking of Resident Evil China is the new Umbrella Corporation

    Who’s hyped to kill some infected!😆

    AronDracula posted: »

    I've played Resident Evil 7 for the first time since 2 years ago, I believe. I still love the game so much and it has some things that sadly

  • Wanna hear something crazy china bite has has the same logo as the umbrella Corporation... won’t be surprised if china creates a zombie virus .

    Would make every resident evil fanboys dream come true

    i think both games could take a lot of notes from one another. RE2 has a better enemy variety and balances difficulty better, but RE7 is ove

  • edited February 2020

    I will never forget when a DC animated series aimed at children had an entire song about the how the men of the Justice League are in bed. Batman: The Brave and the Bold was an absolute treasure.

    RIP Aquaman's small peen.

  • I would like to point out that Sonic somehow became number one on its opening night while Birds of Prey is apparently considering a rename to avoid bombing.
    Aside from obviously being more well known, I have no idea how that happened. I suppose I should be vicariously grateful for the former.

  • TFW you were stuck with one version of Windows 10 for months because it didn't want to update. Then when you solved that problem and your PC now runs sooooo much better.

  • this is the first time i've ever seen somebody update windows 10 and have it run better than before the update

    AronDracula posted: »

    TFW you were stuck with one version of Windows 10 for months because it didn't want to update. Then when you solved that problem and your PC now runs sooooo much better.

  • this is so brutal god damn

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I will never forget when a DC animated series aimed at children had an entire song about the how the men of the Justice League are in bed. Batman: The Brave and the Bold was an absolute treasure. RIP Aquaman's small peen.

  • Me without my Snickers bar.

  • This needs to be fucking said, because I'm tired of my friends committing suicide or being locked up in a fucking hospital all because of abuse.

    We are the only goddamned people who can change this shitty world if we all work together the world can be a better place! Of course, some refuse to do their part, think of them like this; dick wads who just blurt out fucking negative words force you to work harder and to power through your limits! When someone says you can't fucking achieve something, just take what the fuck they said and do exactly what you've always motherfucking have done. Go work hard to achieve your dreams, even if they are considered to be shitty!

    One of my closest fucking friends asked me this: "What's the point of living, just to suffer?"

    No, that's not even the fucking half of it, my friend... There is NO fucking meaning to life. But, that doesn't mean you should fucking spend it doing absolutely nothing. Life is way too goddamned short to just sit there and mope around like an offended-butthurt snowflake, spend your life doing something you love like hell! Because once we all fucking pass, there won't be a single way to go back and change the shitty things in your shitty past. And no one will care, and that is as sure as hell. Live your best goddamn life, because once you've fucking lived it and you've fucking ascended into heaven or wherever the shit you go to. You won't be able to change shit about your past, no matter how shitty it was. So, don't throw your life away and do drugs or some bad shit. Do something that'll help you thrive, self-harm and substance abuse won't do shit! It'll only hurt you even more!

    Keep your motherfucking head up, because you've fucking got this in the goddamned bag!

  • RIP ZTE touch screen phone.☠️😑

  • Humanity needs to work on having a conscience, Life is too short because we bring and attract illness in our lives sure I’ll admit back in high school I said Stupid and moronic stuff back then once you get older you’ll learn.

    I still Troll in the Seneca on YouTube and Facebook but you have todo it in a smart and clever way, plus I’ve been working on my Voice impressions quite a while and sadly back in 07 I never realized I had this bloody talent.

    It was 2007 in a private school before I went back to public it was December .

    We where doing Christmas Carols to a retirement community .

    We were roll p,aging characters in a script and well my character sounded like (Pennywise the dancing clown) The kids were laughing at my voice impression because I imitated so well hell I didn’t even realize girls were there Constantly asking me To keep doing that voice .

    Then later back in 2011 I would troll my classmates I acting like (Glenn Quagmire) every time the teacher said something kinky Words in class or when girls would. I with my hair.

    But other then that I’m still doing the Voice impressions I am doing certain voices but I need to take a (Ricola) every time I do a character that has a deep grunted voice .

    But now I’m just trolling people in PUBG with my impression of a (Russian accent) And my Glenn quagmire voice along with Pennywise.

    I try drawing put I’m an average drawer so...but what I enjoy almost is making people laugh because laughter is the best medication in this depressive world we live in .

    This needs to be fucking said, because I'm tired of my friends committing suicide or being locked up in a fucking hospital all because of ab

  • Just bought me a LG REBEL 4 LTE , As much as I loved my ZTE Chinese phones can’t be annoying at times.

    But not so much their guns.

  • I worked the whole day on this video. It was soo frustrating realizing how many words I misspelled, making me export it more than 3 times. But I finally got it.

    As for the video, I'm sharing what I liked about RE7 more than RE2.

  • edited February 2020

    I also personally agree. I think RE7 is by far under rated and I feel is currently the best Resident Evil game. RE2 remake is fantastic and it probably offers more content overall than RE7 does, but RE2 remake is missing a lot of RE7's atmosphere in the fear factor. RE2 remake a lot of tension and fear wasnt really there for me after a while, and I think the main reason for this is 100% how interacting with items pauses the entire game. RE7 always keeps tension because whenever you need to do something with your inventory, the game doesnt pause. So if youre in a boss fight and need to craft health, you have to do it quick or else youll die.

    I also feel the first person camera fits much better. You cant see in all directions, thus more tension. RE2 is third person so you can just things from multiple angles, and fear often times comes from the unknown, so knowing whats behind you for example doesnt make you scared.

    Overall I really love both these games, but I keep finding myself replaying RE7 every once in a while to go through it. I overall find RE7 more enjoyable to speedrun. But overall I do think both RE7 and RE2 Remake are incredible games. (even if the boat in re7 sucks)

    (also I love RE7's saferoom them as well. It really gives you this feeling of safety while also not actually feeling safe at all)

    AronDracula posted: »

    I worked the whole day on this video. It was soo frustrating realizing how many words I misspelled, making me export it more than 3 times. But I finally got it. As for the video, I'm sharing what I liked about RE7 more than RE2.

  • One of the few HIV/AIDS treatment hospitals in Canada, Casey House launched a new campaign today to break the stigma surrounding these underrepresented diseases. They aim to help bring light to common misconceptions by using pop culture (which often adresses and helps spread information on certain social issues).

    They re-edited some episodes of Friends and The Office into two 5-minute shorts. They're very well-made and clever.

    These new twists on episodes was made with the help of lookalikes to replace the actors' mouths, post-production techniques to edit them in, and impersonators to re-dub the current/new dialogue. It's pretty impressive.

  • I messed up, Gamers.

  • Can someone explain what the appeal is of Infamous: Second Son, because if I’m being honest, I’m not really feeling it. It was cool in the beginning, but now, it just feels boring and repetitive, and I’m like halfway through the game. People kept telling me about it’s great gameplay and combat, but all you’re doing is spray painting, taking down some drones, and using same 3 attacks that you can barely upgrade and don’t do much damage later in the game as the enemies get tougher.

  • been feelin baron around here fellas

  • edited February 2020

    This is why I think the first 2 games are so much better. InFamous 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. InFamous Second Son was such a huge disappointment for me. I only played it twice, completing both karma paths and never touched it again. The story was underwhelming, I never cared much for the main protagonist, the open world is soo empty, the main antagonist is forgettable. One thing that ruined this entire game is the lack of citizen side quests. Those were one of the reasons why the first games were so good, I always completed them before reaching the end of the main story. The side missions in SS were so repetitive.

    I would recommend you to play InFamous 1 and 2. Sadly, they are not ported on PS4 and you can only reach them if you subscribe to Playstation Now. They are so much better in every way.

    Can someone explain what the appeal is of Infamous: Second Son, because if I’m being honest, I’m not really feeling it. It was cool in the b

  • Hot damn, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is looking like some serious gourmet shit right there.

  • sup bitches, did you know that telltale won't tell us ANYTHING for 8 months. now, fuck off with the speculations of early releases or teasers before 2021!

  • Yeah, the general consensus is that the game is fairly shallow and empty with things compared to previous entries.

    Personally, I loved it. The many different powers were interesting, IMO, it looks gorgeous, and while there's a lot of busy work, I didn't really mind it.
    Still, I'd put Infamous 2 as the pinnacle of the series.

    Can someone explain what the appeal is of Infamous: Second Son, because if I’m being honest, I’m not really feeling it. It was cool in the b

  • About to start digging moats around villagers I dont like

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Hot damn, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is looking like some serious gourmet shit right there.

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