Unpopular walking dead opinions?



  • This is one of the reasons I feel like Season 2 needed one more episode to fully flesh out the season (and maybe replace the Russian attack with the Howe's group). A good 30 minutes or and hour of Jane vs. Kenny prior to the lake scene would have helped out, especially with Luke in the mix to play a mediator/neutral observer role.

    DabigRG posted: »

    That was pretty much the point, though they kinda shortcircuited it.

  • edited July 2017

    I never found Duck annoying either, but I understand why some people do.

    Hated Ben at first, but after he was willing to sacrifice himself in Ep.4, I respected him.

    I liked Sarah too.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Duck never annoyed me. He was adorable. I love Ben and Sarah.

  • Same, though I hesitate to say I outright love Ben

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Duck never annoyed me. He was adorable. I love Ben and Sarah.

  • I killed Kenny and Jane, and was completely happy with my outcome. Clem turned into a complete Michonne type bad ass in "A New Frontier" not completely against people but doesn't need anyone to survive. I also felt as though both Kenny and Jane where using Clem to remind them of something they once had but lost, Kenny with duck and Jane with her sister. Not like with lee where she was his only kid and number 1. They were also both badshit crazy and unpredictable so that didn't really help there case with me either.

  • brofist

    AronDracula posted: »

    Other than being adorable, I agree with everything.

  • Fuck bonnie

    Findagon posted: »

    Let's see here... * Rebecca was a bitch. * Bonnie was a bitch. * Jane was a super-bitch. * Sarita was alright. * Kate is awesome. I think I agree with that opinion. God bless.

  • Kenny was a total prick for sure. He always gave up so easily too.

    cleminist posted: »

    Kenny was kind of an asshole if you think about it lol. In season 1 if you didnt agree with EVERYTHING he said, he'd tell u to look for clem

  • I thought Sarah had autism? I could be wrong but that was the vibe I was getting from Carlos when he said she was "different".

    actually no if Sarah stayed alive she could've learned from clem even if clem is younger so what I tutor 17 years old

  • No, it was confirmed that she got PTSD at some point(probably from losing her mom) and was sheltered by Carlos. Otherwise, she's just a normal girl with a few strange interests.

    I thought Sarah had autism? I could be wrong but that was the vibe I was getting from Carlos when he said she was "different".

  • Oh thanks for clearing that up for me.

    DabigRG posted: »

    No, it was confirmed that she got PTSD at some point(probably from losing her mom) and was sheltered by Carlos. Otherwise, she's just a normal girl with a few strange interests.

  • You could have just left Kenny... Why kill him if Jane is already dead? It makes Clem look like a complete psychopath.

    I killed Kenny and Jane, and was completely happy with my outcome. Clem turned into a complete Michonne type bad ass in "A New Frontier" not

  • edited July 2017

    double post

    I killed Kenny and Jane, and was completely happy with my outcome. Clem turned into a complete Michonne type bad ass in "A New Frontier" not

  • Because he's officially a live threat that can't be stopped easily if that happens again. Jane's whole point was that he'd lose control eventually and end up killing someone...and she made it happen.

    LeeClemKen posted: »

    You could have just left Kenny... Why kill him if Jane is already dead? It makes Clem look like a complete psychopath.

  • What's done is done, Zachary had already killed Greg, killing him wouldn't change a thing, unlike Conrad that had a gun at Gabe's head at the moment you have the choice.

    That isn't an excuse, Randall didn't force Zachary to do anything. And what are you referring to, Conrad? Yeah people who pull guns and shoot children deserve to die.

  • Well, I didn't like Bonnie and Jane, didn't honestly care much about Sarah and I liked Rebecca aftershe gets to trust you (all other Season 2 females aren't relevant enough for me to give a damn about them). I would agree with you, the thing is I didn't like Kate much too, especially closer to the end of the game when her character became basically a plot device for Javier to have a possible love relationship, it seemed like she had no role in the game beyond that (and of course acting as Gabe's counterweight in the finale choice)

    Thematt9001 posted: »

    Kate is a much more likeable character than all of the female characters in Season 2, save for Clementine

  • Tripp, Eleanor, Kate, Gabe, Conrad, David... it's not that I didn't like them (I loved David for example), but all of them had several moments that made me say "I fucking hate this character".

    Dan10 posted: »

    ALL characters in ANF are either trash,wasted or just revolting and unlikable and I mean EVERY one of them.

  • I just feel like they're both bad but in opposite ways. Kenny cares more about the people he's with (if they get to trust him) but he is too hot-headed and impulsive, as for Jane she is smarter and cool headed but she is way more selfish and willing to put the others at risk for what's better for herself. I think Kenny is better for Clem though, since she is in the small group of people that got his trust and I can't see Kenny doing anything to hurt her or AJ. We saw this on his death flashback.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Both Kenny and Jane were broken, messed up people and neither of them were right.

  • Understandable.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Same, though I hesitate to say I outright love Ben

  • Tripp betraying the group would have been a better and more interesting twist.

  • Nah, I think it's better with "FUCK YOU, FUCKSTICK" and "SHIT MY NUTS" lol.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Tripp betraying the group would have been a better and more interesting twist.

  • You just made my day! :joy:

    AronDracula posted: »

    Nah, I think it's better with "FUCK YOU, FUCKSTICK" and "SHIT MY NUTS" lol.

  • enter image description here

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    You just made my day!

  • Agreed. Especially since he can't seem to make up his fuckin mind anyway.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Tripp betraying the group would have been a better and more interesting twist.

    • I liked both Duck and Sarah. I thought people were way too hard and them and wanting a kid to die was kinda sick imho.
    • Why couldn't I have killed Bonnie?
  • As much as I like Jesus in the comics, I felt like he wasn't needed this season either, along with Clementine. Yeah it's a cool nod to the comics and he told the group that NF took over Richmond, other than that was his presence really necessary?

    Much like Clementine, I think he was only there for fan service. Remember when Telltale said "Season 3 will tie in more with the comics than ever before"? Well all we got was Jesus and a mention of the Kingdom. Season One had more tie ins with the comics than this season.

  • Tripp is the best charecter in anf besides David and clem to me

  • You can get Bonnie killed in S2E5 if you don't try to save Luke and you don't break the ice, they both drown/freeze.

    * I liked both Duck and Sarah. I thought people were way too hard and them and wanting a kid to die was kinda sick imho. * Why couldn't I have killed Bonnie?

  • I liked Gabe. He was actually one of my favorite members of the Garcia family.

    Gets banned.

  • why tho? im genuinely curious lol

    I liked Gabe. He was actually one of my favorite members of the Garcia family. Gets banned.

  • i genuinely loved a new frontier, for me it definitely redeemed the shit show that was season 2.

    i really don't hate eleanor, and it's clear that her betrayal was just bad writing because it was extremely out of her character to do something like that.

    i didn't find kate or gabe to be very likeable characters which sucked because i did want to give them a chance, but i just couldn't respect them at all.

    i think the michonne series was bad and honestly i think i wasted my money on it. mostly because of sam lmao

  • edited July 2017

    He was one of my favorite ANF characters in general, only outranked by Kate and Ava. He was also the most consistently interesting.

    I liked Gabe. He was actually one of my favorite members of the Garcia family. Gets banned.

  • Says a New Frontier was good.
    Then goes on to say it has bad writing and that characters were terribly written.enter image description here

    pears posted: »

    i genuinely loved a new frontier, for me it definitely redeemed the shit show that was season 2. i really don't hate eleanor, and it's cl

  • i didn't say the characters were written 'terribly' i said eleanor's betrayal was an obvious example of telltales classic bad writing. i said i didn't find kate and gabe likeable. i can enjoy something and still acknowledge it definitely had its faults lmao?

    Melton23 posted: »

    Says a New Frontier was good. Then goes on to say it has bad writing and that characters were terribly written.

  • I've always liked child characters in things like The Walking Dead, (yes, I know that sounds wrong), mainly because I like seeing how every one of them handles it differently. Some turn into an instant badass like Clementine, some take time like comic Carl, some take much more time like TV Carl. And some who don't have their parents with them to coach them on things don't quite act their part like Gabe. I don't hate him because he got angry a few times. He's a teenager! They do that, and I speak from experience! I think he has a promising future in the later season(s) if the Garcia's come back.

    cleminist posted: »

    why tho? im genuinely curious lol

  • Agreed.

    Thought that promising future is likely gonna be limited by a 25% copout.

    And some who don't have their parents with them to coach them on things don't quite act their part like Sarah.


    I've always liked child characters in things like The Walking Dead, (yes, I know that sounds wrong), mainly because I like seeing how every

  • Gabe is cool.

  • Since I'm not hubris enough to post this in the details thread: Sarah had the most dedicated original character arc throughout the Season and had more "meaningful" choices associated with her than a majority of the others.

  • Gabe should have/had a pet rabbit named Max.

  • good point. thanks for the response.

    I've always liked child characters in things like The Walking Dead, (yes, I know that sounds wrong), mainly because I like seeing how every

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