Ep 7 Waiting Thread - Episode releasing July 26th across all platforms, New key art



  • Someone told us on the episode 6 waiting thread that there would be romance in mcsm. I think it was 'Lilacsbloom'. If you really want to know I would ask them.

    ASaltLick posted: »

    @stirpicus Will there be romance? Not referring to the tweet, but would there be?

  • Soren is an architect. Minecraft has a structure block. I think soren might have something to do with the structure block.

    What kinds of theories does everyone have for this upcoming episode?

  • Oh really? The internet told me that asbergers was a deadly disease. (It isn't)

    clem is smarter the sarah the internet proved it and the internet never lies like EVER


  • I'm expecting at least a rating from Australia before Wednesday (which might not happen) and I really hope ep 7 comes on the 19th. I also think that one of the acivements in episode 7 tilted "ghost in the machine" will have to do with Soren pulling the strings with something.

  • They don't do that, they just reveal stuff.

    If if 12th July news is out then we might get a tweet on Sunday that "stay tuner for 12th for the big news" or things like that

  • It's probably official (ish) but it doesn't tell us anything

    Linkyop posted: »

    Could episode 7 received the first certification?! http://www.ign.com/games/minecraft-story-mode-episode-7/ps4-20051433

  • Yes please!!!


  • Yup

    stirpicus posted: »

    I never said "romantic"...? Maybe you're referring to the tweet where I said an animation was adorable?

  • I'm starting to get a baaaadddd, really bad feeling about Episode 7. July is only the bet, but maybe Episode 7 might not coming in July

    Offline Mode
    The Achievements, that makes me chill. Maybe there's one character that will be Terminated (died)?

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    I'm expecting at least a rating from Australia before Wednesday (which might not happen) and I really hope ep 7 comes on the 19th. I also th

  • We will see lol

    Lazy_DC posted: »

    I only have one question related to the ep 7... Will there be more puns?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited July 2016

    They do tweet a "stay tuned for news" tweet sometimes, they normally do it to hype an episode but they don't do it for every episode release.

    Rocked03 posted: »

    They don't do that, they just reveal stuff.

  • edited July 2016

    Tweet says: ".@Witherstorm1 spoiler alert!!
    ...it's awesome and you'll be playing it this month! Stay tuned. ;)"
    Ya beat me for a sec brah

  • edited July 2016

    COOL!!! You can wait for news tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!


    this month

    Forcer99 posted: »

    Tweet says: ".@Witherstorm1 spoiler alert!! ...it's awesome and you'll be playing it this month! Stay tuned. " Ya beat me for a sec brah

  • All the information related to romance are false. You guys are WAY too obsessed with it, to the point of mistaking a tweet for a bloody hint related to a ship. If there is going something romantic, it would be between background characters. :P

    WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT. Didn't someone say there was going to be romance in Minecraft story mode? You know, the person on the episode

  • As long as you never look them in the eyes
    You'll never have to say...
    Oh.. this is proving difficult

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    I really hope Soren will be in this episode.

  • edited July 2016



    enter image description here


  • 19 or 26 right?

  • edited July 2016

    Guys, in one of the tweets, job said in this episode you'll "kick alot of butts". means that there is more than one villian? Its mean only 1 thing -


  • I was joking

    Oh really? The internet told me that asbergers was a deadly disease. (It isn't)

  • Throw a link to that tweet please!

    guyalf1 posted: »

    Guys, in one of the tweets, job said in this episode you'll "kick alot of butts". means that there is more than one villian? Its mean only 1 thing - THE RETURN OF AIDEN

  • edited July 2016

    According to me, Aiden, White Pumpkin and another evil character from episode 7 will return in episode 8.

    guyalf1 posted: »

    Guys, in one of the tweets, job said in this episode you'll "kick alot of butts". means that there is more than one villian? Its mean only 1 thing - THE RETURN OF AIDEN

  • YEAH! YES! Cool! Wonderful! Great! Perfectly! FINALLY!


    AdamRoberts posted: »

    THIS MONTH DAMMIT! YES! https://mobile.twitter.com/jobjstauffer/status/752394432071077888

  • YEAH! So the options are only two dates: 19 or 26 July. Although it is more likely on July 26, because there is still no certification age.

  • edited July 2016

    SEE! When Job says July he means JULY!


  • how to make font bigger plz :D

    Cuwwa posted: »

    SEE! When Job says July he means JULY! DAHYPEISUNREAL

  • Euro 2016 finished , news comming , release need to come in this month , what can be more good ?

  • edited July 2016

    use da hashtag


    how to make font bigger plz

  • edited July 2016

    You just need to hashtag it, and it turned bigger like this:



    how to make font bigger plz

  • edited July 2016

    When you said RUTERN OF AIDEN he said HE WASN'T GOING TO COMPETE WITH US ANYMORE! P.S when you said hashtag the font it did not work!

  • Yep!

    Fullerjude posted: »

    When you said RUTERN OF AIDEN he said HE WASN'T GOING TO COMPETE WITH US ANYMORE! P.S when you said hashtag the font it did not work!

  • Well all this news is a relief now I just hope the episode gets rated this week.

  • Aiden said he was not going to compete with you anymore if you took him with you if you decided to send him over or leave him behind later he does not talk to you in the end if the episode at all.

    Fullerjude posted: »

    When you said RUTERN OF AIDEN he said HE WASN'T GOING TO COMPETE WITH US ANYMORE! P.S when you said hashtag the font it did not work!

  • edited July 2016



  • HYPE

    Cuwwa posted: »

    SEE! When Job says July he means JULY! DAHYPEISUNREAL

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