It's probably going to be released on August 15th or August 29th; the other weeks in August are occupied by other Telltale episode releases … morefor Batman and Guardians of the Galaxy.
I would personally bet on August 15th since it is the closer of the two dates and the Episode has already been rated (indicating the episode is closer than later).
It's probably going to be released on August 15th or August 29th; the other weeks in August are occupied by other Telltale episode releases … morefor Batman and Guardians of the Galaxy.
I would personally bet on August 15th since it is the closer of the two dates and the Episode has already been rated (indicating the episode is closer than later).
Finally now alls we need is the offical news from telltale and other screenshots of episode 2 and will Vos, Nurm, Petra and some youtuber cameos appear in this episode
Not sure why it isn't up on any official Telltale places yet, but yeah we put out an official press release this morning with the news:
Not sure why it isn't up on any official Telltale places yet, but yeah we put out an official press release this morning with the news:
Im hoping for the 15 since thats the second day of the new school year. I was hoping It would be the 14, tho.
Telltale usually only releases episodes on Tuesdays so the 14th would be impossible.
Darn xD
so im guessing news next week then
you never know with telltale last year episode 4 of mcsm released on ipad before PC!
Same thing with the walking dead ANF episode 3 I was leaked like 2 weeks before release. But I doubt any episodes will get leaked.
Hey! It's ok because they could release it on the 8th
Can’t release on the 8th because they would have had news already if so and the new telltale Batman game releases then.
I have no doubt that he will be released on August 15
Lol all of my hopes for a release before school are not dead.
15th August. 100%.
It's just been confirmed; August 15th everyone.
Who confirmed?
i know that bigb said that it was the 15 but telltale havent posted any news yet
how can you be sure yes bigb did say in his video but telltale havent posted any news about it coming out yet
15th confirmed!
I'm SO glad!
Was this confirmed by Telltale though? I don't see anything on their Twitter. People like to make these things up...
Finally now alls we need is the offical news from telltale and other screenshots of episode 2 and will Vos, Nurm, Petra and some youtuber cameos appear in this episode
I found this on Twitter:
Well the lead writer for season 2 was the one who retweeted it, so its safe to assume that's the official date.
Not sure why it isn't up on any official Telltale places yet, but yeah we put out an official press release this morning with the news:
That key art is pretty cool strange it’s not up on other telltale things like twitter. Nice to see everyone’s predictions were correct
Yes, it's confirmed.
Episode 2 releases August 15!
Telltale didn't, but eric stirpe did
So we are getting 3 telltale episodes for the next 3 weeks. Very cool!
Kind of strange the switch release was officially announced just now. The eshop on the switch already showed the date since 2 weeks ago.
Now we wait.
The countdown begins.
15 August ^^
August is a three-peat! Woohoo!
It seems so. Im guessing either next week or the week after for the trailer? Correct me if I'm wrong. I dont even know today's date
im honestly beyond excited for this episode
That image makes me scared for Petra. Although given what happens if you help Jack, it could be understandable.