Site update discussion. NEW 11/30; Display first post on all pages + classic forum category layout



  • edited October 2017

    oh would you look at that.

  • Is was very unnerving to look at my PMs. Except for the Steam key giveaways I've done, it was all child p... or discussions with mods about said topic. Yeah, that's fun. :/

  • if we remove one post from view, the replies won't automatically be removed

    Okay, then how does that work? Would there be a message in its place saying "this comment has been deleted" while the replies would stay? Would they still have "replied to X" and the yellow sidebar? Sorry if I'm not understanding this simple thing, but to me, replies have always been tied to the previous comment, so I just want to know how it would work. There were a few times where an interesting discussion would pop out of a flagged post, but then deleted because of that one illegal post.

    we can now split out relevant posts to a new thread if they aren't breaking rules, rather than locking the whole topic

    Isn't that the same thing as merging a topic to another?

    Jennifer posted: »

    The Vanilla forum was never designed for threaded posts. The Telltale web team did a lot of custom work to get it to function, and honestly

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2017

    Isn't that the same thing as merging a topic to another?

    No; before, we had to merge only entire threads together. It was all or nothing.

    Now, we can individually move only particular comments out.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2017

    Did you miss the explanation where you guys also got new features, and more likely to come in the future?

    Current forum features were also improved for you guys, such as PMs.

  • edited July 2018

    Did you miss that said new features (apart from like the PM system) is heavily criticised by like 80% of the forum users, whereas several have already left the site?

  • Like counts and reply notifications are back.

    Reply Notifications need to manually be enabled in your Preferences page

  • I got a new private message from somebody on the forum but I can't view it or any other of my private messages. That raccoon just pops up saying 'Shacks, Forbidden You don't have permission to do that'

    I want to kill the raccoon help me.

  • I got a new private message from somebody on the forum but I can't view it or any other of my private messages. That raccoon just pops up saying 'Shacks, Forbidden You don't have permission to do that'

    Same here, seems like this is a very recent error. For me it worked perfectly fine 5 minutes ago, but now I get the same error message.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I got a new private message from somebody on the forum but I can't view it or any other of my private messages. That raccoon just pops up saying 'Shacks, Forbidden You don't have permission to do that' I want to kill the raccoon help me.

  • I'll let the web team know

  • edited October 2017

    We now have "walls" too. In the end, the forums exist for troubleshooting and communication. Our existence is solely based on the need to not have 10 million help tickets for every game that comes out. We have a lot here compared to other game developer forums. Shit, some of them, like Bioware, have completely shut them down. We are one PR disaster from being shut down. Now, I don't like every single change either, but it's good to remain humble. Our ability to be policed has a major impact on our existence.

    The walls thing seems cool. It's not something I'll probably use. I'm not really on a social media level of friendship with anybody here(love you though). Sure, it's not a big deal to me, as I'm on other forums which use this format anyway. It's just good to remember that... at least we're not being shut down.

  • I got a new private message from somebody on the forum but I can't view it

    Can confirm. Rocket says I don't have permission to read my own PM's. Please fix this ASAP.

    I want to kill the raccoon help me.

    Please don't kill the racoon.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I got a new private message from somebody on the forum but I can't view it or any other of my private messages. That raccoon just pops up saying 'Shacks, Forbidden You don't have permission to do that' I want to kill the raccoon help me.

  • Okay look I can't deal.

    If the forum is going to be linear, how about we do like all other linear forums and ditch the reply system? People then just quote the comment they want to reply to and, if they don't quote anything, it is assumed they are referring to the OP.

    Really, this is too confusing right now.

  • I can't see my PM. It doesn't let me go to my inbox. :(

  • In the end, the forums exist for troubleshooting and communication. Our existence is solely based on the need to not have 10 million help tickets for every game that comes out.

    Communication, I agree. But troubleshooting? I don’t agree with that. There’s a archive for help requests and people are told not to post help requests in the game section because it’s for discussion about the game so no, we’re not here for troubleshooting.

    We are one PR disaster from being shut down.

    I’d like to remind you of what JUST happened with Batman: The Enemy Within not even two weeks ago. That was a disaster and we weren’t shut down.

    Johro posted: »

    We now have "walls" too. In the end, the forums exist for troubleshooting and communication. Our existence is solely based on the need to

  • I'm sorry yet again, but I think (again) that that logic is quite flawed. If I go to the store to buy a delicious donut, but there is none, so I end up having an meh blueberry muffin, the thing I should worry or care about is that I won't get shot when I get home, and when I finally get home and eat this meh muffin, I think about how fantastic it is that I didn't die on my way home.

    I agree that we should not take this website for granted, but being humble gets you nowhere. You got to list the errors and do it often and frequently, so that telltale or any other company that does it get that the vast majority disliked most (NOT ALL) so called 'improvements.

    Johro posted: »

    We now have "walls" too. In the end, the forums exist for troubleshooting and communication. Our existence is solely based on the need to

  • I’d like to remind you of what JUST happened with Batman: The Enemy Within

    Didn't hear about it. It wasn't THAT big of an issue. We're talking about something that makes headlines... Like the Jeep.

    people are told not to post help requests in the game section

    There are certain issues that are unique per individual. Do they want people asking for help with an issue with TWD season 2 right now? No. But do they want people posting that a certain door doesn't open in the latest episode on release day? Yes.

    In the end, the forums exist for troubleshooting and communication. Our existence is solely based on the need to not have 10 million help ti

  • If I go to the store to buy a delicious donut...

    ...You're not paying for this service. That's the difference.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    I'm sorry yet again, but I think (again) that that logic is quite flawed. If I go to the store to buy a delicious donut, but there is none,

  • Hey, is anyone else having trouble looking at there pm's? When I click on a convo in my inbox, I get a message saying, I don't have permission to do that. I could check them just fine yesterday. I don't understand why I can't do it today.

  • Glad notifications are back! Good stuff.

  • is anyone else having trouble looking at there pm's

    It has been reported to the web team already. It's not just you.

    Hey, is anyone else having trouble looking at there pm's? When I click on a convo in my inbox, I get a message saying, I don't have permission to do that. I could check them just fine yesterday. I don't understand why I can't do it today.

  • Please don't kill the raccoon

    But he's taunting me Agent. One click away and he ain't giving me nothing but sass. I gotta kill it!

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I got a new private message from somebody on the forum but I can't view it Can confirm. Rocket says I don't have permission to read

  • It wasn't THAT big of an issue.

    You can’t be serious. Using a photo of a murdered Russian ambassador isn’t a big issue? It did make headlines on multiple gaming websites so I have no idea how you didn’t hear about it.

    Do they want people asking for help with an issue with TWD season 2 right now? No. But do they want people posting that a certain door doesn't open in the latest episode on release day? Yes.

    No, they don’t. Both instances of those threads or comments are moved to the archive area and then closed. The only series that can occasionally slip by this is Tales from the Borderlands.

    Johro posted: »

    I’d like to remind you of what JUST happened with Batman: The Enemy Within Didn't hear about it. It wasn't THAT big of an issue. W

  • Or do it how I just did. Is anybody confused which topic I was talking about?

    Yes because I don't know who you're replying to (you also didn't hit the reply button, so I can't even click on a button to go back to the original comment in question), I don't know if the comment in question has other issues discussed or if this is the only one, I don't have a reference point, and I now have to scroll through the whole thread to try and find just who you are referring to, just because of your comment. So yeah, I'm a bit confused, and if the topic was more broad and focused on something else, I would imagine it would be even more confusing.

    Johro posted: »

    People can have multiple discussions on the same page? We've done it before. That's why you quote. You can choose which topic you're weighing in on. Or do it how I just did. Is anybody confused which topic I was talking about?

  • It was so satisfying to read all PMs I hadn't kept on. I am very happy that PMs are now savable and stuff.

    Really, even the porn ones?

    It was so satisfying to read all PMs I hadn't kept on. I am very happy that PMs are now savable and stuff.

  • Again, UNIMPORTANT details of my arguments I choose to use to show the bigger picture. But fine, I'll try again.

    You are out for a stroll, and see a coin on the ground, but just next to it a big ass dogshit. Instead of picking up the coin, you choose to shove your hand down in the dogshit and goes home. When you are home, you don't care that you didn't pick up the coin, and that you shoved your hand in shit, but instead was nothing but greatful that you survived without being shot to death when you walk to your home.

    Johro posted: »

    If I go to the store to buy a delicious donut... ...You're not paying for this service. That's the difference.

  • Oh the Russian thing. I thought you were talking about a forum incident. That's the type I was talking about. I'm talking about something like what happened with Bioware. A certain inclusive group of folks decided to make the whole forum political BS, they made a headline, Bioware shut the forum down in the end.

    As for the help part. That's odd. They never used to do that. Touché I guess. I don't have a response to that.

    It wasn't THAT big of an issue. You can’t be serious. Using a photo of a murdered Russian ambassador isn’t a big issue? It did make

  • Dude, the forum didn't break into your house and murder your family. What did the forum changes do to you? You want an analogy? This is like McDonald's deciding to stop selling pizza. You can still go, but something you want is no longer there.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Again, UNIMPORTANT details of my arguments I choose to use to show the bigger picture. But fine, I'll try again. You are out for a stroll

  • What did the forum changes do to you?

    It made it harder and more complicated to use the site and made it a far less enjoyable experience.

    Johro posted: »

    Dude, the forum didn't break into your house and murder your family. What did the forum changes do to you? You want an analogy? This is like McDonald's deciding to stop selling pizza. You can still go, but something you want is no longer there.

  • I wish McDonald's would bring back that pizza too.

  • Choosing to stop selling a product on McDonalds is not the same as changing the whole look of McDonalds by for example starting to sell nothing but vegetarian ecological healthy food.

    Johro posted: »

    Dude, the forum didn't break into your house and murder your family. What did the forum changes do to you? You want an analogy? This is like McDonald's deciding to stop selling pizza. You can still go, but something you want is no longer there.

  • I thought you were talking about a forum incident.

    No, I was not, but I can provide forum incidents.

    The Jetra Thread in MCSM- People were bashed for their sexuality and opinion countless times before the thread was shut down.

    I discovered a thread last night about killing Hitler, you should know about it considering you were part of it. Anyways, some comments were joking, some were saying they would kill Hitler, but there was one about raping and strangling Adolf Hitler.

    Why are these important? Who really cares? Apparently nobody. Those are two big things that are generally frowned upon by today’s media and so why weren’t they in headlines if it’s so wrong? Because people don’t watch the forums, they watch the game. That’s why Batman got so much heat for what they did immediately after release but no one got into too much trouble for the Jetra Thread or the Hitler thread.

    Johro posted: »

    Oh the Russian thing. I thought you were talking about a forum incident. That's the type I was talking about. I'm talking about something

  • Let us not remember those dark times

    Johro posted: »

    Is was very unnerving to look at my PMs. Except for the Steam key giveaways I've done, it was all child p... or discussions with mods about said topic. Yeah, that's fun.

  • edited October 2017

    But he's taunting me Agent.

    He's just the messenger, Lilac. You think he likes being the bearer of bad news?

  • so that telltale or any other company that does it get that the vast majority disliked most (NOT ALL) so called 'improvements.

    If Telltale immediately reverted changes every-time people didn't like them, we'd never even have Reddit style comments to begin with. When Telltale updated the forums in Fall 2013 to go from linear comments to Reddit comments, people were complaining just as much. Plus, back then, people lost features too. The forums before the Fall 2013 update had a normal PM system, Polling, emoticons (now called emoji), and more - all of which went down the drain so that Telltale could switch to Reddit style comments, which the forum regulars at the time didn't even like.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    I'm sorry yet again, but I think (again) that that logic is quite flawed. If I go to the store to buy a delicious donut, but there is none,

  • Am I an old man for still calling them emoticons?

  • My comment was just deleted? Whatever :(

  • Nope. I'm a young man and I still occasionally call them emoticons... At least when I'm alone and I don't have to explain the word to people.

    Johro posted: »

    Am I an old man for still calling them emoticons?

  • PM's are working again!

  • edited October 2017

    @Blind Sniper

    If Telltale immediately reverted changes every-time people didn't like them, we'd never even have Reddit style comments to begin with. When Telltale updated the forums in Fall 2013 to go from linear comments to Reddit comments, people were complaining just as much. Plus, back then, people lost features too. The forums before the Fall 2013 update had a normal PM system, Polling, emoticons (now called emoji), and more - all of which went down the drain so that Telltale could switch to Reddit style comments, which the forum regulars at the time didn't even like.

    Alright, switching back is not possible, I think I can even understand that, as much as I am terribly disappointed with it. A lot of work went into this new update and well, at least things became better for mods and staff members, even if it went at the cost of comfort for common users. You're fine with that, we are not, at the moment it doesn't seem like much can be done about this aside from one side in this situation, namely us, just sucking it up, which you can surely understand is annoying as heck. But I don't want to debate about this right now, I think you made your point very clear, just like we did ours. However, I'm bringing something up here, so please bear with me, I'll explain what I mean and it might be a good thing.

    Maybe instead of debating between just blindly accepting the current change and reverting back to the old style, we could discuss improving the current style to a point where at least some of the features whose loss we complain are restored in a new form that is compatible with the linear style and general new way the forums work. Last time the forums had these drastic changes, such talk apparently did not happen (or at least amounted to nothing), judging by the mass exodus of users that, according to Johro, happened as a result of this. This time, I think many here would very much prefer to remain in the forums and I can only assume this is in your interest as well. So, maybe some complaints can be solved, just like the missing like counter, if we just talk about it.

    I am fully aware that the linear style does not allow for threaded comments as we used to enjoy them. There might be a better way than the current one to make things easier to overview, but there are other things that are missing, some of which I imagine can be restored with more ease while still keep things manageable for you guys.

    One thing I would like to bring up is the lack of a main post. Sure, it's still there on page 1, but most threads are longer than that. My own thread (and those of fellow fanfiction writers on the forums) heavily relied on a main post to include every important piece of information on their work and there are dozens of other threads who used the main post not just to start a discussion, but also to update everyone, regardless of which page they are on, of developments in the topic that is discussed and of other helpful things. Take the Megathread for example, which includes a list of emoticons to use and several useful links to check out. That is something I believe should be visible to every user in the thread no matter on which page he is.

    So, this reminds me of a feature I think I have seen in many forums that use linear style. It might not be an often used feature, but it is one I have seen before and maybe if you bring it up with the staff, it turns out to be possible here as well. I'm talking about sticky posts. Basically, one post of a thread is stickied to the top of every page, no matter if it is the first, the hundredth or the four-thousandth. Since the posts that used to be the main post of a thread are still displayed in a different way than other posts (by being located above the option to change pages instead of below it like every other post on every other page), I have reason to believe this should be very well possible with the current technical limits. This would not only be something me and undoubtedly many other people here would appreciate (and I actually consider it almost mandatory for what I'm doing here in the forums), but also useful for you mods, as you would be able to share information about certain threads with everyone, no matter which page they are on. If possible, restoring main posts would be amazing, but I know other forums use this sticky post feature to theoretically stick any given comment in a thread to the top of every page, so whatever works, as long as it is somewhat different than the complete absence of a main post we are presented with right now.

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